996 resultados para tunable magnetic-electric
We report the first observation of protons in the near-lunar (100-200 km from the surface) and deeper (near anti-subsolar point) plasma wake when the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and solar wind velocity (vsw) are parallel (aligned flow; angle between IMF and vsw≤10°). More than 98% of the observations during aligned flow condition showed the presence of protons in the wake. These observations are obtained by the Solar Wind Monitor sensor of the Sub-keV Atom Reflecting Analyser experiment on Chandrayaan-1. The observation cannot be explained by the conventional fluid models for aligned flow. Back tracing of the observed protons suggests that their source is the solar wind. The larger gyroradii of the wake protons compared to that of solar wind suggest that they were part of the tail of the solar wind velocity distribution function. Such protons could enter the wake due to their large gyroradii even when the flow is aligned to IMF. However, the wake boundary electric field may also play a role in the entry of the protons into the wake.
Images from the simulation code DIMAGNO illustrate the roles of pressure, electric, and magnetic forces in the 2-D plasma expansion in a magnetic nozzle and the generation of thrust
In this work, one-dimensional arrays of cylindrical adaptive liquid crystal lenses were manufactured and characterized; and test devices were filled with nematic liquid crystal. Comb interdigitated electrodes were designed as a mask pattern for the control electrode on the top glass substrates. A radial graded refractive index along each microsized lens was achieved by fabricating a layer of high resistance sheet deposited as a control electrode. These tunable lenses were switched by applying amplitude and frequency optimized waveforms on the control electrode. Phase profiles generated by the radial electric field distribution on each lens were measured by a convectional interferometric technique.
An asymptotic analysis of the Langmuir-probe problem in a quiescent, fully ionized plasma in a strong magnetic field is performed, for electron cyclotron radius and Debye length much smaller than probe radius, and this not larger than either ion cyclotron radius or mean free path. It is found that the electric potential, which is not confined to a sheath, controls the diffusion far from the probe; inside the magnetic tube bounded by the probe cross section the potential overshoots to a large value before decaying to its value in the body of the plasma. The electron current is independent of the shape of the body along the field and increases with ion temperature; due to the overshoot in the potential, (1) the current at negative voltages does not vary exponentially, (2) its magnitude is strongly reduced by the field, and (3) the usual sharp knee at space potential, disappears. In the regions of the C-V diagram studied the ion current is negligible or unaffected by the field. Some numerical results are presented.The theory, which fails beyond certain positive voltage, fields useful results for weak fields, too.
Finite Element Analysis Model of a Contactless Transformer for Battery Chargers in Electric Vehicles
A contactless transformer model is proposed in this paper using Finite Element Analysis (FEA). This model can be used to simulate Inductive Coupling Power Transfer (ICPT) systems with good accuracy of the transformer and reduce the fabrication time of these systems. The model not only takes into account the geometry of the windings but also the frequency effects in them. As the transformer does not have a magnetic core, it is complicated to model because the flux is expanded in the area around the windings. In order to obtain a very accurate model, it is necessary to use a 2D/3D field solver.
Esta tesis presenta un análisis teórico del funcionamiento de toberas magnéticas para la propulsión espacial por plasmas. El estudio está basado en un modelo tridimensional y bi-fluido de la expansión supersónica de un plasma caliente en un campo magnético divergente. El modelo básico es ampliado progresivamente con la inclusión de términos convectivos dominantes de electrones, el campo magnético inducido por el plasma, poblaciones electrónicas múltiples a distintas temperaturas, y la capacidad de integrar el flujo en la región de expansión lejana. La respuesta hiperbólica del plasma es integrada con alta precisión y eficiencia haciendo uso del método de las líneas características. Se realiza una caracterización paramétrica de la expansión 2D del plasma en términos del grado de magnetización de iones, la geometría del campo magnético, y el perfil inicial del plasma. Se investigan los mecanismos de aceleración, mostrando que el campo ambipolar convierte la energía interna de electrones en energía dirigida de iones. Las corrientes diamagnéticas de Hall, que pueden hallarse distribuidas en el volumen del plasma o localizadas en una delgada capa de corriente en el borde del chorro, son esenciales para la operación de la tobera, ya que la fuerza magnética repulsiva sobre ellas es la encargada de confinar radialmente y acelerar axialmente el plasma. El empuje magnético es la reacción a esta fuerza sobre el motor. La respuesta del plasma muestra la separación gradual hacia adentro de los tubos de iones respecto de los magnéticos, lo cual produce la formación de corrientes eléctricas longitudinales y pone el plasma en rotación. La ganancia de empuje obtenida y las pérdidas radiales de la pluma de plasma se evalúan en función de los parámetros de diseño. Se analiza en detalle la separación magnética del plasma aguas abajo respecto a las líneas magnéticas (cerradas sobre sí mismas), necesaria para la aplicación de la tobera magnética a fines propulsivos. Se demuestra que tres teorías existentes sobre separación, que se fundamentan en la resistividad del plasma, la inercia de electrones, y el campo magnético que induce el plasma, son inadecuadas para la tobera magnética propulsiva, ya que producen separación hacia afuera en lugar de hacia adentro, aumentando la divergencia de la pluma. En su lugar, se muestra que la separación del plasma tiene lugar gracias a la inercia de iones y la desmagnetización gradual del plasma que tiene lugar aguas abajo, que permiten la separación ilimitada del flujo de iones respecto a las líneas de campo en condiciones muy generales. Se evalúa la cantidad de plasma que permanece unida al campo magnético y retorna hacia el motor a lo largo de las líneas cerradas de campo, mostrando que es marginal. Se muestra cómo el campo magnético inducido por el plasma incrementa la divergencia de la tobera magnética y por ende de la pluma de plasma en el caso propulsivo, contrariamente a las predicciones existentes. Se muestra también cómo el inducido favorece la desmagnetización del núcleo del chorro, acelerando la separación magnética. La hipótesis de ambipolaridad de corriente local, común a varios modelos de tobera magnética existentes, es discutida críticamente, mostrando que es inadecuada para el estudio de la separación de plasma. Una inconsistencia grave en la derivación matemática de uno de los modelos más aceptados es señalada y comentada. Incluyendo una especie adicional de electrones supratérmicos en el modelo, se estudia la formación y geometría de dobles capas eléctricas en el interior del plasma. Cuando dicha capa se forma, su curvatura aumenta cuanto más periféricamente se inyecten los electrones supratérmicos, cuanto menor sea el campo magnético, y cuanto más divergente sea la tobera magnética. El plasma con dos temperaturas electrónicas posee un mayor ratio de empuje magnético frente a total. A pesar de ello, no se encuentra ninguna ventaja propulsiva de las dobles capas, reforzando las críticas existentes frente a las propuestas de estas formaciones como un mecanismo de empuje. Por último, se presenta una formulación general de modelos autosemejantes de la expansión 2D de una pluma no magnetizada en el vacío. El error asociado a la hipótesis de autosemejanza es calculado, mostrando que es pequeño para plumas hipersónicas. Tres modelos de la literatura son particularizados a partir de la formulación general y comparados. Abstract This Thesis presents a theoretical analysis of the operation of magnetic nozzles for plasma space propulsion. The study is based on a two-dimensional, two-fluid model of the supersonic expansion of a hot plasma in a divergent magnetic field. The basic model is extended progressively to include the dominant electron convective terms, the plasma-induced magnetic field, multi-temperature electron populations, and the capability to integrate the plasma flow in the far expansion region. The hyperbolic plasma response is integrated accurately and efficiently with the method of the characteristic lines. The 2D plasma expansion is characterized parametrically in terms of the ion magnetization strength, the magnetic field geometry, and the initial plasma profile. Acceleration mechanisms are investigated, showing that the ambipolar electric field converts the internal electron energy into directed ion energy. The diamagnetic electron Hall current, which can be distributed in the plasma volume or localized in a thin current sheet at the jet edge, is shown to be central for the operation of the magnetic nozzle. The repelling magnetic force on this current is responsible for the radial confinement and axial acceleration of the plasma, and magnetic thrust is the reaction to this force on the magnetic coils of the thruster. The plasma response exhibits a gradual inward separation of the ion streamtubes from the magnetic streamtubes, which focuses the jet about the nozzle axis, gives rise to the formation of longitudinal currents and sets the plasma into rotation. The obtained thrust gain in the magnetic nozzle and radial plasma losses are evaluated as a function of the design parameters. The downstream plasma detachment from the closed magnetic field lines, required for the propulsive application of the magnetic nozzle, is investigated in detail. Three prevailing detachment theories for magnetic nozzles, relying on plasma resistivity, electron inertia, and the plasma-induced magnetic field, are shown to be inadequate for the propulsive magnetic nozzle, as these mechanisms detach the plume outward, increasing its divergence, rather than focusing it as desired. Instead, plasma detachment is shown to occur essentially due to ion inertia and the gradual demagnetization that takes place downstream, which enable the unbounded inward ion separation from the magnetic lines beyond the turning point of the outermost plasma streamline under rather general conditions. The plasma fraction that remains attached to the field and turns around along the magnetic field back to the thruster is evaluated and shown to be marginal. The plasmainduced magnetic field is shown to increase the divergence of the nozzle and the resulting plasma plume in the propulsive case, and to enhance the demagnetization of the central part of the plasma jet, contrary to existing predictions. The increased demagnetization favors the earlier ion inward separation from the magnetic field. The local current ambipolarity assumption, common to many existing magnetic nozzle models, is critically discussed, showing that it is unsuitable for the study of plasma detachment. A grave mathematical inconsistency in a well-accepted model, related to the acceptance of this assumption, is found out and commented on. The formation and 2D shape of electric double layers in the plasma expansion is studied with the inclusion of an additional suprathermal electron population in the model. When a double layer forms, its curvature is shown to increase the more peripherally suprathermal electrons are injected, the lower the magnetic field strength, and the more divergent the magnetic nozzle is. The twoelectron- temperature plasma is seen to have a greater magnetic-to-total thrust ratio. Notwithstanding, no propulsive advantage of the double layer is found, supporting and reinforcing previous critiques to their proposal as a thrust mechanism. Finally, a general framework of self-similar models of a 2D unmagnetized plasma plume expansion into vacuum is presented and discussed. The error associated with the self-similarity assumption is calculated and shown to be small for hypersonic plasma plumes. Three models of the literature are recovered as particularizations from the general framework and compared.
It was recently suggested that the magnetic field created by the current of a bare tether strongly reduces its own electron-collection capability when a magnetic separatrix disconnecting ambient magnetized plasma from tether extends beyond its electric sheath. It is here shown that current reduction by the self-field depends on the ratio meterizing bias and current profiles along the tether (Lt tether length, characteristic length gauging ohmic effects) and on a new dimensionless number Ks involving ambient and tether parameters. Current reduction is weaker the lower Ks and L*/ Lt, which depend critically on the type of cross section: Ks varies as R5/3, h2/3R, and h2/3 1/4 width for wires, round tethers conductive only in a thin layer, and thin tapes, respectively; L* varies as R2/3 for wires and as h2/3 for tapes and round tethers conductive in a layer (R radius, h thickness). Self-field effects are fully negligible for the last two types of cross sections whatever the mode of operation. In practical efficient tether systems having L*/Lt low, maximum current reduction in case of wires is again negligible for power generation; for deorbiting, reduction is <1% for a 10 km tether and 15% for a 20 km tether. In the reboost mode there are no effects for Ks below some threshold; moderate effects may occur in practical but heavy reboost-wire systems that need no dedicated solar power.
A kinetic approach is used to develop a theory of electrostatic probes in a fully ionized plasma in the presence of a magnetic field. A consistent asymptotic expansion is obtained assuming that the electron Larmor radius is small compared to the radius of the probe. The order of magnitude of neglected terms is given. It is found that the electric potential within the tube of force defined by the cross section of the probe decays non-mono tonic ally from the probe; this bump disappears at a certain probe voltage and the theory is valid up to this voltage. The transition region, which extends beyond plasma potential, is not exponential. The possible saturation of the electron current is discussed. Restricted numerical results are given; they seem to be useful for weaker magnetic fields down to the zero-field limit. Extensions of the theory a r e considered.
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a noninvasive technique to induce electric currents in the brain. Although rTMS is being evaluated as a possible alternative to electroconvulsive therapy for the treatment of refractory depression, little is known about the pattern of activation induced in the brain by rTMS. We have compared immediate early gene expression in rat brain after rTMS and electroconvulsive stimulation, a well-established animal model for electroconvulsive therapy. Our result shows that rTMS applied in conditions effective in animal models of depression induces different patterns of immediate-early gene expression than does electroconvulsive stimulation. In particular, rTMS evokes strong neural responses in the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus (PVT) and in other regions involved in the regulation of circadian rhythms. The response in PVT is independent of the orientation of the stimulation probe relative to the head. Part of this response is likely because of direct activation, as repetitive magnetic stimulation also activates PVT neurons in brain slices.
The obtention of spontaneous Raman photons is analyzed in singly charged p-doped quantum dots in the absence of an external magnetic field. The use of a far detuned single driving laser allows to obtain a Raman photon line which exhibits subnatural linewidth, and whose center can be tuned by changing the detuning and/or the Rabi frequency of the driving field. The Raman photons are produced along the undriven transition and they arise from the weak interaction of the trion states with the nuclear spins. The operating point for the gate voltage of the heterostructure can also be used to modify the linewidth and the peak value of the fluorescent signal.
We study a single-electron transistor (SET) based upon a II–VI semiconductor quantum dot doped with a single-Mn ion. We present evidence that this system behaves like a quantum nanomagnet whose total spin and magnetic anisotropy depend dramatically both on the number of carriers and their orbital nature. Thereby, the magnetic properties of the nanomagnet can be controlled electrically. Conversely, the electrical properties of this SET depend on the quantum state of the Mn spin, giving rise to spin-dependent charging energies and hysteresis in the Coulomb blockade oscillations of the linear conductance.
Article is devoted to design of optimum electromagnets for magnetic levitation of transport systems. The method of electromagnets design based on the inverse problem solution of electrical equipment is offered. The method differs from known by introducing a stage of minimization the target functions providing the stated levitation force and magnetic induction in a gap, and also the mass of an electromagnet. Initial values of parameters are received, using approximate formulas of the theory of electric devices and electrical equipment. The example of realization of a method is given. The received results show its high efficiency at design. It is practical to use the offered method and the computer program realizing it as a part of system of the automated design of electric equipment for transport with a magnetic levitation.
"March 1, 1952."