271 resultados para trawling
Three experimental trawl paths subjected to a single pass with the trawl in 1996 in about 200 m of water on the eastern Gulf of Alaska continental shelf were revisited in July 1997, 1 year post-trawl. Many large, erect sponges, the taxa impacted most significantly, had been removed or damaged by the trawl. Sponges in the cold, deep water of the Gulf of Alaska were slow to recover from trawling effects. These findings contrast with recovery times for shallow, warmwater sponges and may have fishery management implications for cold-water regions.
Prawn trawling occurs in most states of Australia in tropical, subtropical, and temperate waters. Bycatch occurs to some degree in all Australian trawl fisheries, and there is pressure to reduce the levels of trawl fishery bycatch. This paper gives a brief overview of the bycatch issues and technological solutions that have been evaluated or adopted in Australian prawn-trawl fi sheries. Turtle excluder devices (TED’s) and bycatch reduction devices (BRD’s) are the principal solutions to bycatch in Australian prawn-trawl fisheries. This paper focuses on a major prawn-trawl fishery of northeastern Australia, and the results of commercial use of TED’s and BRD’s in the Queensland east coast trawl fishery are presented. New industry designs are described, and the status of TED and BRD adoption and regulation is summarized. The implementation of technological solutions to reduce fishery bycatch is assumed generally to assist prawn-trawl fisheries within Australia in achieving legislative requirements for minimal environmental impact and ecological sustainable development.
During a fishing trip to record video footage of fish escaping from a by-catch reducing device located in a commercial prawn trawl, two bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, were observed to actively manipulate the codend at the seabed, removing and consuming components of catch (mostly juvenile whiting, Sillago spp.). The observed feeding pattern suggests a well established behavioral response to trawling activities and is discussed with respect to (1) the potential nutritional benefit that dolphins may derive from such activities and (2) the effects that scavenging may have on selectivity of the gear.
The Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council tasked the National Marine Fisheries Service with determining the extent, if any, of loss oft rawlable bottom in the Gulf of Mexico based upon fishing industry concerns. There are approximately 31 million hectares in the 21 shrimp statistical zones in the Gulf, approximately 23 million hectares of waters that are <35 fathoms (where most shrimp trawling effort occurs), and approximately 11 million hectares in zones 10-21, <35f athoms, which were examined. There are 31,338 known hangs, snags, artificial reefs, hazards to navigation, oil rigs, and similar obstructions which cause trawling to be unfeasible in these zones. There are several refuge (i.e. untrawlable) areas associated with the Alabama Artificial Reefs. Conservatively assuming 1 hectare for each known obstruction, coupled with the known area of each refuge, the estimate of total untrawlable bottom in zones 10-21 less than 35 fathoms in the Gulf is 185,953 hectares, or roughly 1.7% of this total trawlable area. Sensitivity analysis demonstrated the robustness of this assumption, with a range of 0.3-4.3% possible. In specific shrimp zones, untrawlable area is much less than 1% except in zones 10 (26%) and 11(2.5%), both of which possess a refuge. Other than the implementation periods of these refugia, no temporal trends were detectable with respect to the amount of untrawlable bottom.
Pelagic pair trawling for tuna, Thunnus spp., and swordfish, Xiphias gladius, was introduced in U.S. Northwest Atlantic waters in 1991. During autumn (October-November) of 1992 under the authority oft he Federal Atlantic Swordfish Regulations, the National Marine Fisheries Service placed observers aboard pelagic pair trawl vessels to document the catch, bycatch, discard, and gear used in this new fishery. The fishery is conducted primarily at night along shelf-edge waters from June to November. In late 1991, revised regulations restricted swordfish to bycatch in this fishery resulting in pelagic pair trawl vessels targeting tuna throughout 1992. Analyses of 1992 data indicate that albacore, T. alalunga, was the predominant species caught, although yellowfin tuna, T. albaeares, and bigeye tuna, T. obesus, were the preferred target species. Bycatch also included swordfish, large sharks, pelagic rays and other pelagic fishes, other tunas, and marine mammals.
Red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, is subject to significant overfishing in U.S. Gulf of Mexico waters, and regulations are being implemented to reduce fishing mortality and restore them to a 20% spawning potential ratio by the year 2009. One source of mortality that must be reduced to achieve this goal is the incidental capture ofjuvenile red snappers in shrimp, Penaeus spp., trawls. NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service is conducting research to develop shrimp trawl modifications to reduce the snapper bycatch. An important part of this research is the study of juvenile red snapper behavior on commercial shrimp grounds and in relation to trawling gear. An area of high juvenile red snapper abundance was identified off the coast of Mississippi. Most snappers were observed around structures or objects on the bottom which they appeared to use for refuge or orientation. Those ranging over barren bottom had no apparent point of orientation. When encountered by shrimp trawls, most juvenile snappers rose above the trawl footrope and fell back into the trawl. These observations have directed research toward modifying shrimp trawls to release juvenile red snappers after entry, rather than preventing them from entering a shrimp trawl.
Shrimp fishermen trawling in the Gulf of Mexico and south Atlantic inadvertently capture and kill sea turtles which are classified as endangered species. Recent legislation requires the use of a Turtle Excluder Device(TED) which, when in place in the shrimp trawl, reduces sea turtle mortality. The impact of the TED on shrimp production is not known. This intermediate analysis of the TED regulations using an annual firm level simulation model indicated that the average Texas shrimp vessel had a low probability of being an economic success before regulations were enacted. An assumption that the TED regulations resulted in decreased production aggravated this condition and the change in Ending Net Worth and Net Present Value of Ending Net Worth before and after a TED was placed in the net was significant at the 5 percent level. However, the difference in the Internal Rate of Return for the TED and non-TED simulations was not significant unless the TED caused a substantial change in catch. This analysis did not allow for interactions between the fishermen in the shrimp industry, an assumption which could significantly alter the impact of TED use on the catch and earnings of the individual shrimp vessel.
Seasonal trawling was conducted randomly in coastal (depths of 4.6–17 m) waters from St. Augustine, Florida, (29.9°N) to Winyah Bay, South Carolina (33.1°N), during 2000–03, 2008–09, and 2011 to assess annual trends in the relative abundance of sea turtles. A total of 1262 loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) were captured in 23% (951) of 4207 sampling events. Capture rates (overall and among prevalent 5-cm size classes) were analyzed through the use of a generalized linear model with log link function for the 4097 events that had complete observations for all 25 model parameters. Final models explained 6.6% (70.1–75.0 cm minimum straight-line carapace length [SCLmin]) to 14.9% (75.1–80.0 cm SCLmin) of deviance in the data set. Sampling year, geographic subregion, and distance from shore were retained as significant terms in all final models, and these terms collectively accounted for 6.2% of overall model deviance (range: 4.5–11.7% of variance among 5-cm size classes). We retained 18 parameters only in a subset of final models: 4 as exclusively significant terms, 5 as a mixture of significant or nonsignificant terms, and 9 as exclusively nonsignificant terms. Four parameters also were dropped completely from all final models. The generalized linear model proved appropriate for monitoring trends for this data set that was laden with zero values for catches and was compiled for a globally protected species. Because we could not account for much model deviance, metrics other than those examined in our study may better explain catch variability and, once elucidated, their inclusion in the generalized linear model should improve model fits.
Unobserved mortalities of nontarget species are among the most troubling and difficult issues associated with fishing, especially when those species are targeted by other fisheries. Of such concern are mortalities of crab species of the Bering Sea, which are exposed to bottom trawling from groundfish fisheries. Uncertainty in the management of these fisheries has been exacerbated by unknown mortality rates for crabs struck by trawls. In this study, the mortality rates for 3 species of commercially important crabs—red king crab, (Paralithodes camtschaticus), snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) and southern Tanner crab (C. bairdi)—that encounter different components of bottom trawls were estimated through capture of crabs behind the bottom trawl and by evaluation of immediate and delayed mortalities. We used a reflex action mortality predictor to predict delayed mortalities. Estimated mortality rates varied by species and by the part of the trawl gear encountered. Red king crab were more vulnerable than snow or southern Tanner crabs. Crabs were more likely to die after encountering the footrope than the sweeps of the trawl, and higher death rates were noted for the side sections of the footrope than for the center footrope section. Mortality rates were ≤16%, except for red king crab that passed under the trawl wings (32%). Herding devices (sweeps) can expand greatly the area of seafloor from which flatfishes are captured, and they subject crabs in that additional area to lower (4–9%) mortality rates. Raising sweep cables off of the seafloor reduced red king crab mortality rates from 10% to 4%.
Rockfishes (Sebastes spp.) tend to aggregate near rocky, cobble, or generally rugged areas that are difficult to survey with bottom trawls, and evidence indicates that assemblages of rockfish species may differ between areas accessible to trawling and those areas that are not. Consequently, it is important to determine grounds that are trawlable or untrawlable so that the areas where trawl survey results should be applied are accurately identified. To this end, we used multibeam echosounder data to generate metrics that describe the seafloor: backscatter strength at normal and oblique incidence angles, the variation of the angle-dependent backscatter strength within 10° of normal incidence, the scintillation of the acoustic intensity scattered from the seafloor, and the seafloor rugosity. We used these metrics to develop a binary classification scheme to estimate where the seafloor is expected to be trawlable. The multibeam echosounder data were verified through analyses of video and still images collected with a stereo drop camera and a remotely operated vehicle in a study at Snakehead Bank, ~100 km south of Kodiak Island in the Gulf of Alaska. Comparisons of different combinations of metrics derived from the multibeam data indicated that the oblique-incidence backscatter strength was the most accurate estimator of trawlability at Snakehead Bank and that the addition of other metrics provided only marginal improvements. If successful on a wider scale in the Gulf of Alaska, this acoustic remote-sensing technique, or a similar one, could help improve the accuracy of rockfish stock assessments.
Long-term living resource monitoring programs are commonly conducted globally to evaluate trends and impacts of environmental change and management actions. For example, the Woods Hole bottom trawl survey has been conducted since 1963 providing critical information on the biology and distribution of finfish and shellfish in the North Atlantic (Despres-Patango et al. 1988). Similarly in the Chesapeake Bay, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) Summer Blue Crab Trawl survey has been conducted continuously since 1977 providing management-relevant information on the abundance of this important commercial and recreational species. A key component of monitoring program design is standardization of methods over time to allow for a continuous, unbiased data set. However, complete standardization is not always possible where multiple vessels, captains, and crews are required to cover large geographic areas (Tyson et al. 2006). Of equal issue is technological advancement of gear which serves to increase capture efficiency or ease of use. Thus, to maintain consistency and facilitate interpretation of reported data in long-term datasets, it is imperative to understand and quantify the impacts of changes in gear and vessels on catch per unit of effort (CPUE). While vessel changes are inevitable due to ageing fleets and other factors, gear changes often reflect a decision to exploit technological advances. A prime example of this is the otter trawl, a common tool for fisheries monitoring and research worldwide. Historically, trawl nets were constructed of natural materials such as cotton and linen. However modern net construction consists of synthetic materials such as polyamide, polyester, polyethylene, and polypropylene (Nielson et. al. 1983). Over the past several decades, polyamide materials which will be referred to as nylon, has been a standard material used in otter trawl construction. These trawls are typically dipped into a latex coating for increased abrasion resistance, a process that is referred to as “green dipped.” More recently, polyethylene netting has become popular among living resource monitoring agencies. Polyethylene netting, commonly known as sapphire netting, consists of braided filaments that form a very durable material more resistant to abrasion than nylon. Additionally, sapphire netting allows for stronger knot strength during construction of the net further increasing the net’s durability and longevity. Also, sapphire absorbs less water with a specific gravity near 0.91 allowing the material to float as compared to nylon with specific gravity of 1.14 (Nielson et. al. 1983). This same property results in a light weight net which is more efficient in deployment, retrieval and fishing of the net, particularly when towing from small vessels. While there are many advantages to the sapphire netting, no comparative efficiency data is available for these two trawl net types. Traditional nylon netting has been used consistently for decades by the MDDNR to generate long term living resource data sets of great value. However, there is much interest in switching to the advanced materials. In addition, recent collaborative efforts between MDNR and NOAA’s Cooperative Oxford Laboratory (NOAA-COL) require using different vessels for trawling in support of joint projects. In order to continue collaborative programs, or change to more innovative netting materials, the influence of these changes must be demonstrated to be negligible or correction factors determined. Thus, the objective of this study was to examine the influence of trawl net type, vessel type, and their interaction on capture efficiency.
Bycatch studies have largely ignored population level effects on fish species of little commercial interest. Here we analyze bycatch of the lined seahorse (Hippocampus erectus) in the bait-shrimp trawl fishery in Hernando Beach, Florida, providing the first fisheries data for this species. Based on catch per unit of effort (CPUE), size, sex, and reproductive status of trawled H. erectus, 1) approximately 72,000 seahorses were caught annually by this fleet, from a population of unknown size, 2) trawling affected population cohorts differentially because of temporal and spatial variation in CPUE and population size, and 3) a greater proportion of females than males was removed in trawling. Our findings suggest that trawling may affect seahorse populations through direct mortality, social disruption, and habitat damage. However, the lack of specific abundance or catchability estimates for H. erectus means that the precise impact of trawling on this fish remains uncertain. This paper focuses attention on the need for research and monitoring of small fishes that are caught incidentally in nonselective gear.
All five species of sea turtles in continental U.S. waters are protected under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 and the population sizes of all species remain well below historic levels. Shrimp trawling was determined to be the largest source of anthropogenic mortality of many of the species. As a mechanism to reduce the incidental catch of turtles in trawl nets, turtle excluder devices have been required intermittently in the shrimp fishery since 1987, and at all times since 1994. The expanded turtle excluder device (TED) regulations, implemented in 1994, were expected to reduce shrimp trawl capture of sea turtles by 97%. Recent evidence has indicated that the sizes of turtles stranding were not representative of the animals subjected to being captured by the shrimp trawlers. The purpose of our study was to compare the sizes of stranded sea turtles with the size of the TED openings. We compared the sizes of stranded loggerhead (Caretta caretta), green (Chelonia mydas), and Kemp’s ridley (Lepidochelys kempii) sea turtles, the three species most commonly found stranded, to the minimum widths and heights of TED openings. We found that annually a large proportion of stranded loggerhead turtles (33–47%) and a small proportion of stranded green turtles (1–7%) are too large to fit through the required minimum-size TED openings. The continued high mortality of sea turtles caused by bottom trawling is reason for concern, especially for the northern subpopulation of loggerhead turtles, which currently is not projected to achieve the federal recovery goal of reaching and maintaining prelisting levels of nesting.
We have formulated a model for analyzing the measurement error in marine survey abundance estimates by using data from parallel surveys (trawl haul or acoustic measurement). The measurement error is defined as the component of the variability that cannot be explained by covariates such as temperature, depth, bottom type, etc. The method presented is general, but we concentrate on bottom trawl catches of cod (Gadus morhua). Catches of cod from 10 parallel trawling experiments in the Barents Sea with a total of 130 paired hauls were used to estimate the measurement error in trawl hauls. Based on the experimental data, the measurement error is fairly constant in size on the logarithmic scale and is independent of location, time, and fish density. Compared with the total variability of the winter and autumn surveys in the Barents Sea, the measurement error is small (approximately 2–5%, on the log scale, in terms of variance of catch per towed distance). Thus, the cod catch rate is a fairly precise measure of fish density at a given site at a given time.
The bycatch of Australia’s northern prawn fishery (NPF) comprises 56 elasmobranch species (16 families). The impact of this fishery on the sustainability of these species has not been addressed. We obtained estimates of catch rates and the within-net survival of elasmobranchs. Carcharhinus tilstoni, C. dussumieri, Rhynchobatus djiddensis, and Himantura toshi represented 65% of the bycatch. For most species, >50% of individuals in the bycatch were immature, and some species recruited to the fishery at birth. For all species combined, 66% of individuals in the bycatch died in the trawl net. The relative sustainability of elasmobranchs caught as bycatch was examined by ranking species with respect to their susceptibility to capture and mortality due to prawn trawling and with respect to their capacity to recover once the population was depleted. The species that were least likely to be sustainable were four species of pristids, Dasyatis brevicaudata, and Himantura jenkinsii. These are bottom-associated batoids that feed on benthic organisms and are highly susceptible to capture in prawn trawls. The recovery capacity of these species was also low according to our criteria. Our results provide a valuable first step towards ensuring the sustainability of elasmobranchs that are caught as bycatch by highlighting species for management and research. The effectiveness of turtle excluder devices (TEDs) in reducing elasmobranch bycatch varied greatly among species but was generally not very effective because most of the captured species were small.