983 resultados para tissue structure


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The BAR (Bin/amphiphysin/Rvs) domain is the most conserved feature in amphiphysins from yeast to human and is also found in endophilins and nadrins. We solved the structure of the Drosophila amphiphysin BAR domain. It is a crescent-shaped dimer that binds preferentially to highly curved negatively charged membranes. With its N-terminal amphipathic helix and BAR domain (N-BAR), amphiphysin can drive membrane curvature in vitro and in vivo. The structure is similar to that of arfaptin2, which we find also binds and tubulates membranes. From this, we predict that BAR domains are in many protein families, including sorting nexins, centaurins, and oligophrenins. The universal and minimal BAR domain is a dimerization, membrane-binding, and curvature-sensing module.


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The development of decellularised scaffolds for small diameter vascular grafts is hampered by their limited patency, due to the lack of luminal cell coverage by endothelial cells (EC) and to the low tone of the vessel due to absence of a contractile smooth muscle cells (SMC). In this study, we identify a population of vascular progenitor c-Kit+/Sca-1- cells available in large numbers and derived from immuno-privileged embryonic stem cells (ESCs). We also define an efficient and controlled differentiation protocol yielding fully to differentiated ECs and SMCs in sufficient numbers to allow the repopulation of a tissue engineered vascular graft. When seeded ex vivo on a decellularised vessel, c-Kit+/Sca-1-derived cells recapitulated the native vessel structure and upon in vivo implantation in the mouse, markedly reduced neointima formation and mortality, restoring functional vascularisation. We showed that Krüppel-like transcription factor 4 (Klf4) regulates the choice of differentiation pathway of these cells through β-catenin activation and was itself regulated by the canonical Wnt pathway activator lithium chloride. Our data show that ESC-derived c-Kit+/Sca-1-cells can be differentiated through a Klf4/β-catenin dependent pathway and are a suitable source of vascular progenitors for the creation of superior tissue-engineered vessels from decellularised scaffolds.


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A engenharia de tecidos é um domínio tecnológico emergente em rápido desenvolvimento que se destina a produzir substitutos viáveis para a restauração, manutenção ou melhoria da função dos tecidos ou órgãos humanos. Uma das estratégias mais predominantes em engenharia de tecidos envolve crescimento celular sobre matrizes de suporte (scaffolds), biocompatíveis e biodegradáveis. Estas matrizes devem possuir não só elevadas propriedades mecânicas e vasculares, mas também uma elevada porosidade. Devido à incompatibilidade destes dois parâmetros, é necessário desenvolver estratégias de simulação de forma a obter estruturas optimizadas. A previsão real das propriedades mecânicas, vasculares e topológicas das matrizes de suporte, produzidas por técnicas de biofabricação, é muito importante para as diversas aplicações em engenharia de tecidos. A presente dissertação apresenta o estado da arte da engenharia de tecidos, bem como as técnicas de biofabricação envolvidas na produção de matrizes de suporte. Para o design optimizado de matrizes de suporte foi adoptada uma metodologia de design baseada tanto em métodos de elementos finitos para o cálculo do comportamento mecânico, vascular e as optimizações topológicas, como em métodos analíticos para a validação das simulações estruturais utilizando dados experimentais. Considerando que as matrizes de suporte são estruturas elementares do tipo LEGO, dois tipos de famílias foram consideradas, superfícies não periódicas e as superfícies triplas periódicas que descrevem superfícies naturais. Os objectivos principais desta dissertação são: i) avaliar as técnicas existentes de engenharia de tecidos; ii) avaliar as técnicas existentes de biofabricação para a produção de matrizes de suporte; iii) avaliar o desempenho e comportamento das matrizes de suporte; iv) implementar uma metodologia de design de matrizes de suporte em variáveis tais como a porosidade, geometria e comportamento mecânico e vascular por forma a auxiliar o processo de design; e por fim, v) validar experimentalmente a metodologia adoptada.


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Tese dout., Engenharia electrónica e computação - Processamento de sinal, Universidade do Algarve, 2008


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Membranes are dynamic structures that affect cell structure and function. Compositional changes ofmembranes have been shown with the application of a perturbation; however these are limited to whole tissue analysis. The purpose of this thesis was to compare the phospholipid (PL) fatty acid (FA) composition of rat whole muscle (Wm) to 1) purified and non-purified subsarcolemmal (SS) mitochondria in soleus, plantaris, and red gastrocnemius, and 2) sarcolemma, transverse-tubules, SS and intermyofibrillar (IMF) mitochondria fix)m whole hindlimb. The major findings were that 1) contamination significantly altered the PL FA composition of the SS mitochondrial membrane fraction, 2) Wm and SS mitochondria compositions differed between muscle types, and 3) Wm did not accurately reflect the PL FA composition of any isolated subcellular membranes, with each being unique from each other. As such, the relevancy of the trends reported in the literature of the effects of perturbations on Wm may be limited.


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The Interlake Tissue Mills storage location was at the intersection of Glendale and Merritt Street in Merritton. In the 1850s, the Beaver Cotton Mills (later Merritton Cotton Mills) was built. It was a frame building that burned down in 1881. A sandstone structure replaced the previous building. In 1906, the cotton mill closed and in 1912, the Independent Rubber Company took over the building. The mill was doubled in size. The rubber company remained there for ten years and then the building remained vacant until 1935. Interlake Tissue Mills acquired the building for storage purposes. A fire razed the larger of the plant’s buildings on Memorial Day weekend in 1961. After the fire, Domtar used the smaller building for storage for a short time. This is currently the site of the Keg Restaurant.


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Le centromère est le site chromosomal où le kinetochore se forme, afin d’assurer une ségrégation fidèles des chromosomes et ainsi maintenir la ploïdie appropriée lors de la mitose. L’identité du centromere est héritée par un mécanisme épigénétique impliquant une variante de l’histone H3 nommée centromere protein-A (CENP-A), qui remplace l’histone H3 au niveau de la chromatine du centromère. Des erreurs de propagation de la chromatine du centromère peuvent mener à des problèmes de ségrégation des chromosomes, pouvant entraîner l’aneuploïdie, un phénomène fréquemment observé dans le cancer. De plus, une expression non-régulée de CENP-A a aussi été rapportée dans différentes tumeurs humaines. Ainsi, plusieurs études ont cherchées à élucider la structure et le rôle de la chromatine contenant CENP-A dans des cellules en prolifération. Toutefois, la nature moléculaire de CENP-A en tant que marqueur épigénétique ainsi que ces dynamiques à l'extérieur du cycle cellulaire demeurent des sujets débat. Dans cette thèse, une nouvelle méthode de comptage de molécules uniques à l'aide de la microscopie à réflexion totale interne de la fluorescence (TIRF) sera décrite, puis exploitée afin d'élucider la composition moléculaire des nucléosomes contenant CENP-A, extraits de cellules en prolifération. Nous démontrons que les nucléosomes contenant CENP-A marquent les centromères humains de façon épigénétique à travers le cycle cellulaire. De plus, nos données démontrent que la forme prénucléosomale de CENP-A, en association avec la protéine chaperon HJURP existe sous forme de monomère et de dimère, ce qui reflète une étape intermédiaire de l'assemblage de nucléosomes contenant CENP-A. Ensuite, des analyses quantitatives de centromères lors de différenciation myogénique, et dans différents tissus adultes révèlent des changements globaux qui maintiennent la marque épigénétique dans une forme inactive suite à la différentiation terminale. Ces changements incluent une réduction du nombre de points focaux de CENP-A, un réarrangement des points dans le noyau, ainsi qu'une réduction importante de la quantité de CENP-A. De plus, nous démontrons que lorsqu'une dédifférenciation cellulaire est induite puis le cycle cellulaire ré-entamé, le phénotype "différencié" décrit ci-haut est récupéré, et les centromères reprennent leur phénotype "prolifératif". En somme, cet oeuvre décrit la composition structurale sous-jacente à l'identité épigénétique des centromères de cellules humaines lors du cycle cellulaire, et met en lumière le rôle de CENP-A à l'extérieur du cycle cellulaire.


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P rosea syn. Indica belong to the family of plumbaginaceae, is an important medicinal plant, cultivated widely in India. The roots of these plant are generally used for medicinal purposes mainly as diuretic, germicidal, vessicant, and abortifacient. It is also used for anaemia, diarrhea, leprosy and common wart. The bark of the root contains orange yellow pigment named plumbagin, a crystalline substance, belongs to the class of naphthoquinone. Its chemical structure is 5-hydroxy 2-methyl 1,4naphthoquinone. Apart from P rosea, P zeylanica, P europea, Drosera and Drosophyllum also contains plumbagin. The most exploited source of plumbagin is, of course, P. rosea roots. The roots contain O.9mg/ g D.Wt. of plumbagin in the roots. These plants grow very slowly and the roots suitable for plumbagin extraction can be obtained only after several years of growth. The productivity of the plant is also rather poor. The focus of the present study was to develop alternative strategies to obtain plumbagin. The tissue culture of P rosea for micropropagation has been studied


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Segmentation of medical imagery is a challenging problem due to the complexity of the images, as well as to the absence of models of the anatomy that fully capture the possible deformations in each structure. Brain tissue is a particularly complex structure, and its segmentation is an important step for studies in temporal change detection of morphology, as well as for 3D visualization in surgical planning. In this paper, we present a method for segmentation of brain tissue from magnetic resonance images that is a combination of three existing techniques from the Computer Vision literature: EM segmentation, binary morphology, and active contour models. Each of these techniques has been customized for the problem of brain tissue segmentation in a way that the resultant method is more robust than its components. Finally, we present the results of a parallel implementation of this method on IBM's supercomputer Power Visualization System for a database of 20 brain scans each with 256x256x124 voxels and validate those against segmentations generated by neuroanatomy experts.


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We have compared properties of roots from different lines (genotypes) of tobacco raised either in tissue culture or grown from seed. The different lines included unmodified plants and plants modified to express reduced activity of the enzyme cinnamoyl-CoA reductase, which has a pivotal role in lignin biosynthesis. The size and structure of the rhizosphere microbial community, characterized by adenosine triphosphate and phospholipid fatty acid analyses, were related to root chemistry (specifically the soluble carbohydrate concentration) and decomposition rate of the roots. The root material from unmodified plants decomposed faster following tissue culture compared with seed culture, and the faster decomposing material had significantly higher soluble carbohydrate concentrations. These observations are linked to the larger microbial biomass and greater diversity of the rhizosphere communities of tissue culture propagated plants.


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We have compared properties of roots from different lines (genotypes) of tobacco raised either in tissue culture or grown from seed. The different lines included unmodified plants and plants modified to express reduced activity of the enzyme cinnamoyl-CoA reductase, which has a pivotal role in lignin biosynthesis. The size and structure of the rhizosphere microbial community, characterized by adenosine triphosphate and phospholipid fatty acid analyses, were related to root chemistry (specifically the soluble carbohydrate concentration) and decomposition rate of the roots. The root material from unmodified plants decomposed faster following tissue culture compared with seed culture, and the faster decomposing material had significantly higher soluble carbohydrate concentrations. These observations are linked to the larger microbial biomass and greater diversity of the rhizosphere communities of tissue culture propagated plants.


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The aim of this study was to construct an artificial fetal membrane (FM) by combination of human amniotic epithelial stem cells (hAESCs) and a mechanically enhanced collagen scaffold containing encapsulated human amniotic stromal fibroblasts (hASFs). Such a tissue-engineered FM may have the potential to plug structural defects in the amniotic sac after antenatal interventions, or to prevent preterm premature rupture of the FM. The hAESCs and hASFs were isolated from human fetal amniotic membrane (AM). Magnetic cell sorting was used to enrich the hAESCs by positive ATP-binding cassette G2 selection. We investigated the use of a laminin/fibronectin (1:1)-coated compressed collagen gel as a novel scaffold to support the growth of hAESCs. A type I collagen gel was dehydrated to form a material mimicking the mechanical properties and ultra-structure of human AM. hAESCs successfully adhered to and formed a monolayer upon the biomimetic collagen scaffold. The resulting artificial membrane shared a high degree of similarity in cell morphology, protein expression profiles, and structure to normal fetal AM. This study provides the first line of evidence that a compacted collagen gel containing hASFs could adequately support hAESCs adhesion and differentiation to a degree that is comparable to the normal human fetal AM in terms of structure and maintenance of cell phenotype.


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The development of versatile bioactive surfaces able to emulate in vivo conditions is of enormous importance to the future of cell and tissue therapy. Tuning cell behaviour on two-dimensional surfaces so that the cells perform as if they were in a natural three-dimensional tissue represents a significant challenge, but one that must be met if the early promise of cell and tissue therapy is to be fully realised. Due to the inherent complexities involved in the manufacture of biomimetic three-dimensional substrates, the scaling up of engineered tissue-based therapies may be simpler if based upon proven two-dimensional culture systems. In this work, we developed new coating materials composed of the self-assembling peptide amphiphiles (PAs) C16G3RGD (RGD) and C16G3RGDS (RGDS) shown to control cell adhesion and tissue architecture while avoiding the use of serum. When mixed with the C16ETTES diluent PA at 13 : 87 (mol mol-1) ratio at 1.25 times 10-3 M, the bioactive {PAs} were shown to support optimal adhesion, maximal proliferation, and prolonged viability of human corneal stromal fibroblasts ({hCSFs)}, while improving the cell phenotype. These {PAs} also provided stable adhesive coatings on highly-hydrophobic surfaces composed of striated polytetrafluoroethylene ({PTFE)}, significantly enhancing proliferation of aligned cells and increasing the complexity of the produced tissue. The thickness and structure of this highly-organised tissue were similar to those observed in vivo, comprising aligned newly-deposited extracellular matrix. As such, the developed coatings can constitute a versatile biomaterial for applications in cell biology, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine requiring serum-free conditions.


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The need to source live human tissues for research and clinical applications has been a major driving force for the development of new biomaterials. Ideally, these should elicit the formation of scaffold-free tissues with native-like structure and composition. In this study, we describe a biologically interactive coating that combines the fabrication and subsequent self-release of live purposeful tissues using template–cell–environment feedback. This smart coating was formed from a self-assembling peptide amphiphile comprising a proteasecleavable sequence contiguous with a cell attachment and signaling motif. This multifunctional material was subsequently used not only to instruct human corneal or skin fibroblasts to adhere and deposit discreet multiple layers of native extracellular matrix but also to govern their own self-directed release from the template solely through the action of endogenous metalloproteases. Tissues recovered through this physiologically relevant process were carrier-free and structurally and phenotypically equivalent to their natural counterparts. This technology contributes to a new paradigm in regenerative medicine, whereby materials are able to actively direct and respond to cell behavior. The novel application of such materials as a coating capable of directing the formation and detachment of complex tissues solely under physiological conditions can have broad use for fundamental research and in future cell and tissue therapies.


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Estrogens exert important physiological effects through the modulation of two human estrogen receptor (hER) subtypes, alpa (hER alpha) and beta (hER beta). Because the levels and relative proportion of hER alpha and hER beta differ significantly in different target cells, selective hER ligands could target specific tissues or pathways regulated by one receptor subtype without affecting the other. To understand the structural and chemical basis by which small molecule modulators are able to discriminate between the two subtypes, we have applied three-dimensional target-based approaches employing a series of potent hER-ligands. Comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA) studies were applied to a data set of 81 hER modulators, for which binding affinity values were collected for both hER alpha and hER beta. Significant statistical coefficients were obtained (hER alpha, q(2) = 0.76; hER beta, q(2) = 0.70), indicating the internal consistency of the models. The generated models were validated using external test sets, and the predicted values were in good agreement with the experimental results. Five hER crystal structures were used in GRID/PCA investigations to generate molecular interaction fields (MIF) maps. hER alpha and hER beta were separated using one factor. The resulting 3D information was integrated with the aim of revealing the most relevant structural features involved in hER subtype selectivity. The final QSAR and GRID/PCA models and the information gathered from 3D contour maps should be useful for the design or novel hER modulators with improved selectivity.