951 resultados para three-dimensional echocardiography


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Stem cell transplantation therapy using mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) is considered a useful strategy. Although MSCs are commonly isolated by exploiting their plastic adherence, several studies have suggested that there are other populations of stem and/or osteoprogenitor cells which are removed from primary culture during media replacement. Therefore, we developed a three-dimensional (3D) culture system in which adherent and non-adherent stem cells are selected and expanded. Here, we described the characterization of 3D culture-derived cell populations in vitro and the capacity of these cells to differentiate into bone and/or cartilage tissue when placed inside of demineralized bone matrix (DBM) cylinders, implanted subcutaneously into the backs of rat for 2, 4 and 8 weeks. Our results demonstrates that 3D culture cells were a heterogeneous population of uncommitted cells that express pluripotent, hematopoietic, mesenchymal and endothelial specific markers in vitro and can undergo osteogenic differentiation in vivo.


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Due to SNR constraints, current "bright-blood" 3D coronary MRA approaches still suffer from limited spatial resolution when compared to conventional x-ray coronary angiography. Recent 2D fast spin-echo black-blood techniques maximize signal for coronary MRA at no loss in image spatial resolution. This suggests that the extension of black-blood coronary MRA with a 3D imaging technique would allow for a further signal increase, which may be traded for an improved spatial resolution. Therefore, a dual-inversion 3D fast spin-echo imaging sequence and real-time navigator technology were combined for high-resolution free-breathing black-blood coronary MRA. In-plane image resolution below 400 microm was obtained. Magn Reson Med 45:206-211, 2001.


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In order to study peptide growth factor action in a three-dimensional cellular environment, aggregating cell cultures prepared from 15-day fetal rat telencephalon were grown in a chemically defined medium and treated during an early developmental stage with either bovine fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) or platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF homodimers AA and BB). A single dose (5-50 ng/ml) of either growth factor given to the cultures on day 3 greatly enhanced the developmental increase of the two glia-specific enzyme activities, 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphohydrolase (CNP) and glutamine synthetase (GS), whereas it had relatively little effect on total protein and DNA content. Distinct patterns of dose-dependency were found for CNP and GS stimulation. At low concentrations of bFGF (0.5-5 ng/ml) and at all PDGF concentrations applied, the oligodendroglial marker enzyme CNP was the most affected. A relatively small but significant mitogenic effect was observed after treatment with PDGF, particularly at higher concentrations or after repetitive stimulation. The two PDGF homodimers AA and BB were similar in their biological effects and potency. The present results show that under histotypic conditions both growth factors, bFGF and PDGF, promote the maturation rather than the proliferation of immature oligodendrocytes and astrocytes.


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Three-dimensional sequence stratigraphy is a potent exploration and development tool for the discovery of subtle stratigraphic traps. Reservoir morphology, heterogeneity and subtle stratigraphic trapping mechanisms can be better understood through systematic horizontal identification of sedimentary facies of systems tracts provided by three-dimensional attribute maps used as an important complement to the sequential analysis on the two-dimensional seismic lines and the well log data. On new prospects as well as on already-producing fields, the additional input of sequential analysis on three-dimensional data enables the identification, location and precise delimitation of new potentially productive zones. The first part of this paper presents four typical horizontal seismic facies assigned to the successive systems tracts of a third- or fourth-order sequence deposited in inner to outer neritic conditions on a elastic shelf. The construction of this synthetic representative sequence is based on the observed reproducibility of the horizontal seismic facies response to cyclic eustatic events on more than 35 sequences registered in the Gulf coast Plio-Pleistocene and Late Miocene, offshore Louisiana in the West Cameron region of the Gulf of Mexico. The second part shows how three-dimensional sequence stratigraphy can contribute in localizing and understanding sedimentary facies associated with productive zones. A case study in the early Middle Miocene Cibicides opima sands shows multiple stacked gas accumulations in the top slope fan, prograding wedge and basal transgressive systems tract of the third-order sequence between SB15.5 and SB 13.8 Ma.


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Bordetella pertussis is the bacterial agent of whooping cough in humans. Under iron-limiting conditions, it produces the siderophore alcaligin. Released to the extracellular environment, alcaligin chelates iron, which is then taken up as a ferric alcaligin complex via the FauA outer membrane transporter. FauA belongs to a family of TonB-dependent outer membrane transporters that function using energy derived from the proton motive force. Using an in-house protocol for membrane-protein expression, purification and crystallization, FauA was crystallized in its apo form together with three other TonB-dependent transporters from different organisms. Here, the protocol used to study FauA is described and its three-dimensional structure determined at 2.3 A resolution is discussed.


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Reconstruction of important parameters such as femoral offset and torsion is inaccurate, when templating is based on plain x-rays. We evaluate intraoperative reproducibility of pre-operative CT-based 3D-templating in a consecutive series of 50 patients undergoing primary cementless THA through an anterior approach. Pre-operative planning was compared to a postoperative CT scan by image fusion. The implant size was correctly predicted in 100% of the stems, 94% of the cups and 88% of the heads (length). The difference between the planned and the postoperative leg length was 0.3 + 2.3 mm. Values for overall offset, femoral anteversion, cup inclination and anteversion were 1.4 mm ± 3.1, 0.6° ± 3.3°, -0.4° ± 5° and 6.9° ± 11.4°, respectively. This planning allows accurate implant size prediction. Stem position and cup inclination are accurately reproducible.


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Purpose: The objective of this study is to investigate the feasibility of detecting and quantifying 3D cerebrovascular wall motion from a single 3D rotational x-ray angiography (3DRA) acquisition within a clinically acceptable time and computing from the estimated motion field for the further biomechanical modeling of the cerebrovascular wall. Methods: The whole motion cycle of the cerebral vasculature is modeled using a 4D B-spline transformation, which is estimated from a 4D to 2D + t image registration framework. The registration is performed by optimizing a single similarity metric between the entire 2D + t measured projection sequence and the corresponding forward projections of the deformed volume at their exact time instants. The joint use of two acceleration strategies, together with their implementation on graphics processing units, is also proposed so as to reach computation times close to clinical requirements. For further characterizing vessel wall properties, an approximation of the wall thickness changes is obtained through a strain calculation. Results: Evaluation on in silico and in vitro pulsating phantom aneurysms demonstrated an accurate estimation of wall motion curves. In general, the error was below 10% of the maximum pulsation, even in the situation when substantial inhomogeneous intensity pattern was present. Experiments on in vivo data provided realistic aneurysm and vessel wall motion estimates, whereas in regions where motion was neither visible nor anatomically possible, no motion was detected. The use of the acceleration strategies enabled completing the estimation process for one entire cycle in 5-10 min without degrading the overall performance. The strain map extracted from our motion estimation provided a realistic deformation measure of the vessel wall. Conclusions: The authors' technique has demonstrated that it can provide accurate and robust 4D estimates of cerebrovascular wall motion within a clinically acceptable time, although it has to be applied to a larger patient population prior to possible wide application to routine endovascular procedures. In particular, for the first time, this feasibility study has shown that in vivo cerebrovascular motion can be obtained intraprocedurally from a 3DRA acquisition. Results have also shown the potential of performing strain analysis using this imaging modality, thus making possible for the future modeling of biomechanical properties of the vascular wall.


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Morphological descriptors are practical and essential biomarkers for diagnosis andtreatment selection for intracranial aneurysm management according to the current guidelinesin use. Nevertheless, relatively little work has been dedicated to improve the three-dimensionalquanti cation of aneurysmal morphology, automate the analysis, and hence reduce the inherentintra- and inter-observer variability of manual analysis. In this paper we propose a methodologyfor the automated isolation and morphological quanti cation of saccular intracranial aneurysmsbased on a 3D representation of the vascular anatomy.


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For free-breathing, high-resolution, three-dimensional coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), the use of intravascular contrast agents may be helpful for contrast enhancement between coronary blood and myocardium. In six patients, 0.1 mmol/kg of the intravascular contrast agent MS-325/AngioMARK was given intravenously followed by double-oblique, free-breathing, three-dimensional inversion-recovery coronary MRA with real-time navigator gating and motion correction. Contrast-enhanced, three-dimensional coronary MRA images were compared with images obtained with a T2 prepulse (T2Prep) without exogenous contrast. The contrast-enhanced images demonstrated a 69% improvement in the contrast-to-noise ratio (6.6 +/- 1.1 vs. 11.1 +/- 2.5; P < 0.01) compared with the T2Prep approach. By using the intravascular agent, extensive portions (> 80 mm) of the native left and right coronary system could be displayed consistently with sub-millimeter in-plane resolution. The intravascular contrast agent, MS-325/AngioMARK, leads to a considerable enhancement of the blood/muscle contrast for coronary MRA compared with T2Prep techniques. The clinical value of the agent remains to be defined in a larger patient series. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 1999;10:790-799.


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The acquisition duration of most three-dimensional (3D) coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) techniques is considerably prolonged, thereby precluding breathholding as a mechanism to suppress respiratory motion artifacts. Splitting the acquired 3D volume into multiple subvolumes or slabs serves to shorten individual breathhold duration. Still, problems associated with misregistration due to inconsistent depths of expiration and diaphragmatic drift during sustained respiration remain to be resolved. We propose the combination of an ultrafast 3D coronary MRA imaging sequence with prospective real-time navigator technology, which allows correction of the measured volume position. 3D volume splitting using prospective real-time navigator technology, was successfully applied for 3D coronary MRA in five healthy individuals. An ultrafast 3D interleaved hybrid gradient-echoplanar imaging sequence, including T2Prep for contrast enhancement, was used with the navigator localized at the basal anterior wall of the left ventricle. A 9-cm-thick volume, with in-plane spatial resolution of 1.1 x 2.2 mm, was acquired during five breathholds of 15-sec duration each. Consistently, no evidence of misregistration was observed in the images. Extensive contiguous segments of the left anterior descending coronary artery (48 +/- 18 mm) and the right coronary artery (75 +/- 5 mm) could be visualized. This technique has the potential for screening for anomalous coronary arteries, making it well suited as part of a larger clinical MR examination. In addition, this technique may also be applied as a scout scan, which allows an accurate definition of imaging planes for subsequent high-resolution coronary MRA.


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The three-dimensional (3D) correction of glenoid erosion is critical to the long-term success of total shoulder replacement (TSR). In order to characterise the 3D morphology of eroded glenoid surfaces, we looked for a set of morphological parameters useful for TSR planning. We defined a scapular coordinates system based on non-eroded bony landmarks. The maximum glenoid version was measured and specified in 3D by its orientation angle. Medialisation was considered relative to the spino-glenoid notch. We analysed regular CT scans of 19 normal (N) and 86 osteoarthritic (OA) scapulae. When the maximum version of OA shoulders was higher than 10°, the orientation was not only posterior, but extended in postero-superior (35%), postero-inferior (6%) and anterior sectors (4%). The medialisation of the glenoid was higher in OA than normal shoulders. The orientation angle of maximum version appeared as a critical parameter to specify the glenoid shape in 3D. It will be very useful in planning the best position for the glenoid in TSR.


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Brain inflammatory response is triggered by the activation of microglial cells and astrocytes in response to various types of CNS injury, including neurotoxic insults. Its outcome is determined by cellular interactions, inflammatory mediators, as well as trophic and/or cytotoxic signals, and depends on many additional factors such as the intensity and duration of the insult, the extent of both the primary neuronal damage and glial reactivity and the developmental stage of the brain. Depending on particular circumstances, the brain inflammatory response can promote neuroprotection, regeneration or neurodegeneration. Glial reactivity, regarded as the central phenomenon of brain inflammation, has also been used as an early marker of neurotoxicity. To study the mechanisms underlying the glial reactivity, serum-free aggregating brain cell cultures were used as an in vitro model to test the effects of conventional neurotoxicants such as organophosphate pesticides, heavy metals, excitotoxins and mycotoxins. This approach was found to be relevant and justified by the complex cell-cell interactions involved in the brain inflammatory response, the variability of the glial reactions and the multitude of mediators involved. All these variables need to be considered for the elucidation of the specific cellular and molecular reactions and their consequences caused by a given chemical insult.


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Aim of the present article was to perform three-dimensional (3D) single photon emission tomography-based dosimetry in radioimmunotherapy (RIT) with (90)Y-ibritumomab-tiuxetan. A custom MATLAB-based code was used to elaborate 3D images and to compare average 3D doses to lesions and to organs at risk (OARs) with those obtained with planar (2D) dosimetry. Our 3D dosimetry procedure was validated through preliminary phantom studies using a body phantom consisting of a lung insert and six spheres with various sizes. In phantom study, the accuracy of dose determination of our imaging protocol decreased when the object volume decreased below 5 mL, approximately. The poorest results were obtained for the 2.58 mL and 1.30 mL spheres where the dose error evaluated on corrected images with regard to the theoretical dose value was -12.97% and -18.69%, respectively. Our 3D dosimetry protocol was subsequently applied on four patients before RIT with (90)Y-ibritumomab-tiuxetan for a total of 5 lesions and 4 OARs (2 livers, 2 spleens). In patient study, without the implementation of volume recovery technique, tumor absorbed doses calculated with the voxel-based approach were systematically lower than those calculated with the planar protocol, with average underestimation of -39% (range from -13.1% to -62.7%). After volume recovery, dose differences reduce significantly, with average deviation of -14.2% (range from -38.7.4% to +3.4%, 1 overestimation, 4 underestimations). Organ dosimetry in one case overestimated, in the other underestimated the dose delivered to liver and spleen. However, both for 2D and 3D approach, absorbed doses to organs per unit administered activity are comparable with most recent literature findings.


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Previous work has shown that aggregating fetal brain cell cultures are able to attain a highly differentiated state, and that their development is greatly enhanced by growth and/or differentiation factors such as epidermal growth factor (EGF), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), and the protein kinase C-activating tumor promoter mezerein. The present study shows that in these 3-dimensional cultures the peptide growth factors EGF and bFGF as well as mezerein are able to induce the expression of the proto-oncogene c-fos. This induction was rapid and transient, in good agreement with observations reported from a wide variety of cell types in vitro. The maximal levels of c-fos mRNA found after stimulation were low in immature cultures and increased greatly as maturation progressed. Of the three factors tested, mezerein was the most potent inducer of c-fos. In contrast to the peptide growth factors EGF and bFGF which were found to induce c-fos only in glial cells, mezerein was stimulatory in glial cells as well as in neurons. A similar cell type specificity has been observed previously for the maturation-enhancing response in immature aggregate cultures. However, in the present study no correlation was found between the degree of c-fos induction and the extent of the maturation-enhancing stimulation. Immature cultures known to be most sensitive and responsive to these maturation-enhancing agents required relatively high doses of peptide growth factors for the induction of c-fos, and the maximal levels of c-fos mRNA elicited were much lower than those in differentiated cultures which did not show any long-term response to these stimuli.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)