922 resultados para thiol-based redox regulation


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Regulatory T cells (Treg) actively regulate alloimmune responses and promote transplantation tolerance. Polyclonal anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG), a widely used induction therapy in clinical organ transplantation, depletes peripheral T cells. However, resistance to tolerance induction is seen with certain T cell depleting strategies and is attributed to alterations in the balance of naïve, memory and regulatory T cells. Here we report a novel reagent, murine ATG (mATG), depletes T cells but preferentially spares CD25+ natural Tregs which limit skewing of T cell repertoire toward T-effector-memory (Tem) phenotype among the recovering T cells. T-cell depletion with mATG combined with CTLA4Ig and Sirolimus synergize to prolong graft survival by tipping the Treg/Tem balance further in favor of Tregs by preserving Tregs, facilitating generation of new Tregs by a conversion mechanism and limiting Tem expansion in response to alloantigen and homeostatic proliferation. These results provide the rationale for translating such novel combination therapies to promote tolerance in primate and human organ transplantation.


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A novel adaptive approach for glucose control in individuals with type 1 diabetes under sensor-augmented pump therapy is proposed. The controller, is based on Actor-Critic (AC) learning and is inspired by the principles of reinforcement learning and optimal control theory. The main characteristics of the proposed controller are (i) simultaneous adjustment of both the insulin basal rate and the bolus dose, (ii) initialization based on clinical procedures, and (iii) real-time personalization. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in terms of glycemic control has been investigated in silico in adults, adolescents and children under open-loop and closed-loop approaches, using announced meals with uncertainties in the order of ±25% in the estimation of carbohydrates. The results show that glucose regulation is efficient in all three groups of patients, even with uncertainties in the level of carbohydrates in the meal. The percentages in the A+B zones of the Control Variability Grid Analysis (CVGA) were 100% for adults, and 93% for both adolescents and children. The AC based controller seems to be a promising approach for the automatic adjustment of insulin infusion in order to improve glycemic control. After optimization of the algorithm, the controller will be tested in a clinical trial.


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We report a novel strategy for the regulation of charge transport through single molecule junctions via the combination of external stimuli of electrode potential, internal modulation of molecular structures, and optimization of anchoring groups. We have designed redox-active benzodifuran (BDF) compounds as functional electronic units to fabricate metal–molecule–metal (m–M–m) junction devices by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and mechanically controllable break junctions (MCBJ). The conductance of thiol-terminated BDF can be tuned by changing the electrode potentials showing clearly an off/on/off single molecule redox switching effect. To optimize the response, a BDF molecule tailored with carbodithioate (−CS2–) anchoring groups was synthesized. Our studies show that replacement of thiol by carbodithioate not only enhances the junction conductance but also substantially improves the switching effect by enhancing the on/off ratio from 2.5 to 8.


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Dealing with one's emotions is a core skill in everyday life. Effective cognitive control strategies have been shown to be neurobiologically represented in prefrontal structures regulating limbic regions. In addition to cognitive strategies, mindfulness-associated methods are increasingly applied in psychotherapy. We compared the neurobiological mechanisms of these two strategies, i.e. cognitive reappraisal and mindfulness, during both the cued expectation and perception of negative and potentially negative emotional pictures. Fifty-three healthy participants were examined with functional magnetic resonance imaging (47 participants included in analysis). Twenty-four subjects applied mindfulness, 23 used cognitive reappraisal. On the neurofunctional level, both strategies were associated with comparable activity of the medial prefrontal cortex and the amygdala. When expecting negative versus neutral stimuli, the mindfulness group showed stronger activations in ventro- and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, supramarginal gyrus as well as in the left insula. During the perception of negative versus neutral stimuli, the two groups only differed in an increased activity in the caudate in the cognitive group. Altogether, both strategies recruited overlapping brain regions known to be involved in emotion regulation. This result suggests that common neural circuits are involved in the emotion regulation by mindfulness-based and cognitive reappraisal strategies. Identifying differential activations being associated with the two strategies in this study might be one step towards a better understanding of differential mechanisms of change underlying frequently used psychotherapeutic interventions.


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Here we report the first study on the electrochemical energy storage application of a surface-immobilized ruthenium complex multilayer thin film with anion storage capability. We employed a novel dinuclear ruthenium complex with tetrapodal anchoring groups to build well-ordered redox-active multilayer coatings on an indium tin oxide (ITO) surface using a layer-by-layer self-assembly process. Cyclic voltammetry (CV), UV-Visible (UV-Vis) and Raman spectroscopy showed a linear increase of peak current, absorbance and Raman intensities, respectively with the number of layers. These results indicate the formation of well-ordered multilayers of the ruthenium complex on ITO, which is further supported by the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis. The thickness of the layers can be controlled with nanometer precision. In particular, the thickest layer studied (65 molecular layers and approx. 120 nm thick) demonstrated fast electrochemical oxidation/reduction, indicating a very low attenuation of the charge transfer within the multilayer. In situ-UV-Vis and resonance Raman spectroscopy results demonstrated the reversible electrochromic/redox behavior of the ruthenium complex multilayered films on ITO with respect to the electrode potential, which is an ideal prerequisite for e.g. smart electrochemical energy storage applications. Galvanostatic charge–discharge experiments demonstrated a pseudocapacitor behavior of the multilayer film with a good specific capacitance of 92.2 F g−1 at a current density of 10 μA cm−2 and an excellent cycling stability. As demonstrated in our prototypical experiments, the fine control of physicochemical properties at nanometer scale, relatively good stability of layers under ambient conditions makes the multilayer coatings of this type an excellent material for e.g. electrochemical energy storage, as interlayers in inverted bulk heterojunction solar cell applications and as functional components in molecular electronics applications.


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The Ser/Thr protein kinase C (PKC) isozyme family plays an important role in cell growth and differentiation and also contributes to key events in the development and progression of cancer. PKC isozymes are activated by phospholipid-dependent mechanisms, and they are also subject to oxidative activation and inactivation. Oxidative regulatory mechanisms are important in the governance of PKC isozyme action. While oxidative PKC activation involves phospho-tyrosine (P-Y) stabilization, the molecular mechanism(s) for oxidative PKC inactivation have not been defined. We previously reported that Thr → Cys peptide-substrate analogs inactivate several PKC isozymes including PKC-α via S-thiolation, i.e., by forming disulfides with PKC thiols. This inactivation mechanism is chemically analogous to protein S-glutathiolation, a post-translational modification that has been shown to oxidatively regulate several enzymes. To determine if PKC-α could be inactivated by S-glutathiolation, we employed the thiol-specific oxidant diamide (0.01–10mM) and 100μM glutathione (GSH). Diamide alone (0.1–5.0 mM) weakly inactivated PKC-α (<20%), and GSH alone had no effect on the isozyme activity. Marked potentiation of diamide-induced PKC-α inactivation (>90%) was achieved by 100μM GSH, resulting in full inactivation of the isozyme. Inactivation was reversed by DTT, consistent with a mechanism involving PKC-α S-glutathiolation. S-glutathiolation was demonstrated as DTT-reversible incorporation of [35S] GSH into PKC-α isozyme structure. These results indicate that a mild oxidative stimulus can inactivate purified PKC-α via S-glutathiolation. In addition, diamide treatment of metabolically labeled NIH3T3 cells induced potent PKC-α inactivation via isozyme [35S] S-thiolation. These results indicate that cellular PKC-α can be regulated via S-glutathiolation. ^


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Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) are anti-cancer drugs that primarily act upon acetylation of histones, however they also increase levels of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS). We hypothesized that agents that cause oxidative stress might enhance the efficacy of HDACi. To test this hypothesis, we treated acute lymphocytic leukemia cells (ALL) with HDACi and adaphostin (ROS generating agent). The combination of two different HDACi (vorinostat or entinostat) with adaphostin synergistically induced apoptosis in ALL. This synergistic effect was blocked when cells were pre-treated with the caspase-9 inhibitor, LEHD. In addition, we showed that loss of the mitochondrial membrane potential is the earliest event observed starting at 12 h. Following this event, we observed increased levels of superoxide at 16 h, and ultimately caspase-3 activation. Pre-treatment with the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC) blocked ROS generation and reversed the loss of mitochondrial membrane potential for both combinations. Interestingly, DNA fragmentation and caspase-3 activity was only blocked by NAC in cells treated with vorinostat-adaphostin; but not with entinostat-adaphostin. These results suggest that different redox mechanisms are involved in the induction of ROS-mediated apoptosis. To further understand these events, we studied the role of the antioxidants glutathione (GSH) and thioredoxin (Trx). We found that the combination of entinostat-adaphostin induced acetylation of the antioxidant thioredoxin (Trx) and decreased intracellular levels of GSH. However, no effect on Trx activity was observed in either combination. In addition, pre-treatment with GSH ethyl ester, a soluble form of GSH, did not block DNA fragmentation. Together these results suggested that GSH and Trx are not major players in the induction of oxidative stress. Array data examining the expression of genes involved in oxidative stress demonstrated a differential regulation between cells treated with vorinostat-adaphostin and entinostat-adaphostin. Some of the genes differentially expressed between the combinations include aldehyde oxidase 1, glutathione peroxidase-5, -6, peroxiredoxin 6 and myeloperoxidase. Taken together, these experimental results indicate that the synergistic activity of two different HDACi with adaphostin is mediated by distinct redox mechanisms in ALL cells. Understanding the mechanism involved in these combinations will advance scientific knowledge of how the action of HDACi could be augmented in leukemia models. Moreover, this information could be used for the development of effective clinical trials combining HDACi with other anticancer agents.


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Ocean Acidification (OA) has been shown to affect photosynthesis and calcification in the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi, a cosmopolitan calcifier that significantly contributes to the regulation of the biological carbon pumps. Its non-calcifying, haploid life-cycle stage was found to be relatively unaffected by OA with respect to biomass production. Deeper insights into physiological key processes and their dependence on environmental factors are lacking, but are required to understand and possibly estimate the dynamics of carbon cycling in present and future oceans. Therefore, calcifying diploid and non-calcifying haploid cells were acclimated to present and future CO2 partial pressures (pCO2; 38.5 Pa vs. 101.3 Pa CO2) under low and high light (50 vs. 300 µmol photons/m**2 /s). Comparative microarray-based transcriptome profiling was used to screen for the underlying cellular processes and allowed to follow up interpretations derived from physiological data. In the diplont, the observed increases in biomass production under OA are likely caused by stimulated production of glycoconjugates and lipids. The observed lowered calcification under OA can be attributed to impaired signal-transduction and ion-transport. The haplont utilizes distinct genes and metabolic pathways, reflecting the stage-specific usage of certain portions of the genome. With respect to functionality and energy-dependence, however, the transcriptomic OA-responses resemble those of the diplont. In both life-cycle stages, OA affects the cellular redox-state as a master regulator and thereby causes a metabolic shift from oxidative towards reductive pathways, which involves a reconstellation of carbon flux networks within and across compartments. Whereas signal transduction and ion-homeostasis appear equally OA-sensitive under both light intensities, the effects on carbon metabolism and light physiology are clearly modulated by light availability. These interactive effects can be attributed to the influence of OA and light on the redox equilibria of NAD and NADP, which function as major sensors for energization and stress. This generic mode of action of OA may therefore provoke similar cell-physiological responses in other protists.


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Previous studies have shown that the chloride channel gene Clc4 is X-linked and subject to X inactivation in Mus spretus, but that the same gene is autosomal in laboratory strains of mice. This exception to the conservation of linkage of the X chromosome in one of two interfertile mouse species was exploited to compare expression of Clc4 from the X chromosome to that from the autosome. Clc4 was found to be highly expressed in brain tissues of both mouse species. Quantitative analyses of species-specific expression of Clc4 in brain tissues from mice resulting from M. spretus × laboratory strain crosses, demonstrate that each autosomal locus has half the level of Clc4 expression as compared with the single active X-linked locus. In contrast expression of another chloride channel gene, Clc3, which is autosomal in both mouse species is equal between alleles in F1 animals. There is no evidence of imprinting of the Clc4 autosomal locus. These results are consistent with Ohno’s hypothesis of an evolutionary requirement for a higher expression of genes on the single active X chromosome to maintain balance with autosomal gene expression [Ohno, S. (1967) Sex Chromosomes and Sex-Linked Genes (Springer, Berlin)].


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The eukaryotic green alga Dunaliella tertiolecta acclimates to decreased growth irradiance by increasing cellular levels of light-harvesting chlorophyll protein complex apoproteins associated with photosystem II (LHCIIs), whereas increased growth irradiance elicits the opposite response. Nuclear run-on transcription assays and measurements of cab mRNA stability established that light intensity-dependent changes in LHCII are controlled at the level of transcription. cab gene transcription in high-intensity light was partially enhanced by reducing plastoquinone with 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethyl urea (DCMU), whereas it was repressed in low-intensity light by partially inhibiting the oxidation of plastoquinol with 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone (DBMIB). Uncouplers of photosynthetic electron transport and inhibition of water splitting had no effect on LHCII levels. These results strongly implicate the redox state of the plastoquinone pool in the chloroplast as a photon-sensing system that is coupled to the light-intensity regulation of nuclear-encoded cab gene transcription. The accumulation of cellular chlorophyll at low-intensity light can be blocked with cytoplasmically directed phosphatase inhibitors, such as okadaic acid, microcystin L-R, and tautomycin. Gel mobility-shift assays revealed that cells grown in high-intensity light contained proteins that bind to the promoter region of a cab gene carrying sequences homologous to higher plant light-responsive elements. On the basis of these experimental results, we propose a model for a light intensity signaling system where cab gene expression is reversibly repressed by a phosphorylated factor coupled to the redox status of plastoquinone through a chloroplast protein kinase.


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We present a disposable optical sensor for Ascorbic Acid (AA). It uses a polyaniline based electrochromic sensing film that undergoes a color change when exposed to solutions of ascorbic acid at pH 3.0. The color is monitored by a conventional digital camera working with the hue (H) color coordinate. The electrochromic film was deposited on an Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) electrode by cyclic voltammetry and then characterized by atomic force microscopy, electrochemical and spectroscopic techniques. An estimation of the initial rate of H, as ΔH/Δt, is used as the analytical parameter and resulted in the following logarithmic relationship: ΔH/Δt = 0.029 log[AA] + 0.14, with a limit of detection of 17 μM. The relative standard deviation when using the same membrane 5 times was 7.4% for the blank, and 2.6% (for n = 3) on exposure to ascorbic acid in 160 μM concentration. The sensor is disposable and its applicability to pharmaceutical analysis was demonstrated. This configuration can be extended for future handheld configurations.