935 resultados para thermo-dynamical


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We propose here a local exponential divergence plot which is capable of providing an alternative means of characterizing a complex time series. The suggested plot defines a time-dependent exponent and a ''plus'' exponent. Based on their changes with the embedding dimension and delay time, a criterion for estimating simultaneously the minimal acceptable embedding dimension, the proper delay time, and the largest Lyapunov exponent has been obtained. When redefining the time-dependent exponent LAMBDA(k) curves on a series of shells, we have found that whether a linear envelope to the LAMBDA(k) curves exists can serve as a direct dynamical method of distinguishing chaos from noise.


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We present a direct and dynamical method to distinguish low-dimensional deterministic chaos from noise. We define a series of time-dependent curves which are closely related to the largest Lyapunov exponent. For a chaotic time series, there exists an envelope to the time-dependent curves, while for a white noise or a noise with the same power spectrum as that of a chaotic time series, the envelope cannot be defined. When a noise is added to a chaotic time series, the envelope is eventually destroyed with the increasing of the amplitude of the noise.


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On the basis of previous works, the strange attractor in real physical systems is discussed. Louwerier attractor is used as an example to illustrate the geometric structure and dynamical properties of strange attractor. Then the strange attractor of a kind of two-dimensional map is analysed. Based on some conditions, it is proved that the closure of the unstable manifolds of hyberbolic fixed point of map is a strange attractor in real physical systems.


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The paper outlines the study of the evoluation of the thermally assisted visco-plastic shearing. Analytically, numerically and experimentally, it is demonstrated that the whole process of the shear consists of multi-stages. Owing to instability, early uniform unsteady shear deformation would transform into localization and finally a band-like shearing zone forms, which appears to be a quasi-steady dissipative structure. The mechanisms governing the processes are analyzed. Accompanying the shear banding, micro-damage also develops. The microscopic observations reveal the details of the cumulative damage.


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The statistical correlation between an eruptive prominence and the coronal transient associated with this prominence implies that there should be a relationship between these two kinds of dynamical processes. This paper analyzes the dynamical effect of a plasma


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A theoretical description of thermo-plastic instability in simple shear is presented in a system of equations describing plastic deformation, the first law of thermodynamics and Fourier's heat transfer rule. Both mechanical and thermodynamical parameters influence instability and it is shown that two different modes of instability may exist. One of them is dominated by thermal softening and has a characteristic time and length, connected to each other by thermal diffusion.A criterion combining thermal softening, current stress, density, specific heat, work-hardening, thermal conductivity and current strain rate is obtained and practical implications are discussed.


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The effects of the free-stream thermo-chemical state on the test model flow field in the high-enthalpy tunnel are studied numerically. The properties of the free-stream, which is in thermo-chemical non-equilibrium, are determined by calculating the nozzle flow field. A free-stream with total enthalpy equal to the real one in the tunnel while in thermo-chemical equilibrium is constructed artificially to simulate the natural atmosphere condition. The flow fields over the test models (blunt cone and Apollo command capsule model) under both the non-equilibrium and the virtual equilibrium free-stream conditions are calculated. By comparing the properties including pressure, temperature, species concentration and radiation distributions of these two types of flow fields, the effects of the non-equilibrium state of the free-stream in the high-enthalpy shock tunnel are analyzed.


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En la presente tesis se ha realizado el estudio de primeros principios (esto es, sinhacer uso de parámetros ajustables) de la estructura electrónica y la dinámica deexcitaciones electrónicas en plomo, tanto en volumen como en superficie y en formade películas de espesor nanométrico. Al presentar el plomo un número atómico alto(82), deben tenerse en cuenta los efectos relativistas. Con este fin, el doctorando haimplementado el acoplo espín-órbita en los códigos computacionales que hanrepresentado la principal herramienta de trabajo.En volumen, se han encontrado fuertes efectos relativistas asi como de lalocalización de los electrones, tanto en la respuesta dieléctrica (excitacioneselectrónicas colectivas) como en el tiempo de vida de electrones excitados. Lacomparación de nuestros resultados con medidas experimentales ha ayudado aprofundizar en dichos efectos.En el estudio de las películas a escala nanométrica se han hallado fuertes efectoscuánticos debido al confinamiento de los estados electrónicos. Dichos efectos semanifiestan tanto en el estado fundamental (en acuerdo con estudiosexperimentales), como en la respuesta dieléctrica a través de la aparición y dinámicade plasmones de diversas características. Los efectos relativistas, a pesar de no serimportantes en la estructura electrónica de las películas, son los responsables de ladesaparación del plasmón de baja energía en nuestros resultados.