967 resultados para text-to-grammar
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The Literary adaptation for television miniseries are present in the schedule grids of Brazilian television channels. We can afford that it is about a line of production of the most relevant in the two main television networks that maintain a project of teledramaturgy. The Strong presence of miniseries imposes the need to investigate the process of intersemiotic translation from the literary text to the audiovisual text on the way to reflect the esthetics of these productions in front of the constants process of tecnology mutation. In this sense the goal of this research is to analize the book adaptation O canto da sereia for television, where we identify the discursivas strategies that structure the narrativity, the themes and the figures that enable the identification with the original literary text
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAR
Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC
Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Este artigo propõe que a semiótica peirceana pode oferecer bases tanto lógicas quanto epistemológicas para a busca de uma teoria geral da comunicação. No entanto, o desenvolvimento de uma teoria semiótica da comunicação depende, em primeiro lugar, de uma melhor compreensão dos aspectos formais do signo, tarefa atribuída por Peirce à gramática, o primeiro ramo de sua semiótica. Nós apresentamos uma análise das relações do signo, revelando um aspecto não trabalhado por Peirce, ampliando seu número para onze. Este novo aspecto é a relação triádica entre signo, objeto dinâmico e interpretante dinâmico (S-OD-ID). Nós defendemos que esta relação é essencial para a compreensão da comunicação como semiose, por dar conta da repetição ou redundância do signo comunicativo, quando se cria ou transmite informação. O artigo pretende dar um passo a mais na direção de uma teoria da comunicação verdadeiramente universal, através do vínculo entre a semiótica peirceana e a moderna filosofia da linguagem.
This work is concerned with the increasing relationships between two distinct multidisciplinary research fields, Semantic Web technologies and scholarly publishing, that in this context converge into one precise research topic: Semantic Publishing. In the spirit of the original aim of Semantic Publishing, i.e. the improvement of scientific communication by means of semantic technologies, this thesis proposes theories, formalisms and applications for opening up semantic publishing to an effective interaction between scholarly documents (e.g., journal articles) and their related semantic and formal descriptions. In fact, the main aim of this work is to increase the users' comprehension of documents and to allow document enrichment, discovery and linkage to document-related resources and contexts, such as other articles and raw scientific data. In order to achieve these goals, this thesis investigates and proposes solutions for three of the main issues that semantic publishing promises to address, namely: the need of tools for linking document text to a formal representation of its meaning, the lack of complete metadata schemas for describing documents according to the publishing vocabulary, and absence of effective user interfaces for easily acting on semantic publishing models and theories.
Il presente lavoro è strutturato in quattro parti analizzando e comparando le pubblicazioni del settore scientifico italiano, anglofono e tedesco di riferimento. Nel primo capitolo della tesi viene proposta una riflessione sulle parole che ruotano attorno al tema dei DSA e della disabilità. Nel secondo capitolo vengono presentati, a partire dalla letteratura scientifica di riferimento, gli indicatori di rischio che segnalano possibili disturbi specifici di apprendimento e le caratteristiche di apprendimento dei DSA mettendo in luce potenzialità e talenti spesso intrinseci. Nel terzo capitolo viene vagliata la normativa di riferimento, in particolare la recente Legge 170/2010 e le relative Linee Guida. Nel quarto capitolo, partendo dal tema della diffusione delle tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione (da ora in poi TIC) nel mondo della scuola, sono ampiamente trattati i principali strumenti compensativi (sintesi vocale, libri digitali, mappe concettuali, Lavagna Interattiva Multimediale) e le misure dispensative adottabili. Nel quinto capitolo viene analizzato in tutte le sue parti il Piano Didattico Personalizzato (da ora in poi PDP) e viene proposto un possibile modello di PDP pubblicato sul sito dell'Ufficio per l’Ambito Territoriale di Bologna. Nel sesto capitolo della tesi viene presentato il Progetto Regionale ProDSA. Il Progetto, rivolto a studenti, con diagnosi di DSA, delle scuole secondarie di primo grado e del primo biennio delle secondarie di secondo grado dell’Emilia-Romagna, ha visto, grazie a un finanziamento della Regione, la consegna in comodato d'uso gratuito di tecnologie compensative agli alunni che hanno aderito. La sezione empirica del presente lavoro indaga l’uso reale che è stato fatto degli strumenti proposti in comodato d’uso e le motivazioni legate alla scelta di non utilizzarli in classe. Nel settimo capitolo vengono proposti strumenti progettati per rispondere concretamente alle criticità emerse dall'analisi dei dati e per sensibilizzare il mondo della scuola sulle caratteristiche dei DSA.
Cet extrait (le début du projet) peut être essentiellement considéré comme un travail de synthèse, de traduction et d’argumentation concernant un des textes de référence parmi les plus importants au sujet de la littérature picaresque : “La literatura picaresca desde la historia social” écrit par Jose Antonio Maravall. Mon but en développant ce projet était de me focaliser sur les idées principales contenues dans ce volume et en particulier sur la relation existante entre la littérature picaresque et le concept de ville, en termes urbanistiques. Je tiens à souligner le fait que ce travail a été longuement approfondi dans mes nombreuses activités d’étude et de recherche et en me référant, volontairement, au texte lui-même. La raison fondamentale de mon désir de rester près du texte se justifie par le fait que je venais de commence ce qui seraient mes futures activités de recherche de doctorat. J’ai utilisé ces idées à propos de la littérature picaresque, idées qui sont aujourd’hui universellement acceptées, afin de m’orienter moi-même dans ce genre littéraire. Les autres idées que j’ai étudiées et décrites au cours de mes activités de recherche successives sont plus personnelles, car j’avais eu l’occasion de les analyser auparavant. Ce travail n’inclut pas seulement des activités de recherche , mais il s’est agi aussi d’un projet de traduction puisque j’ai dû traduire de l’espagnol(texte original) en italien, pour ensuite concevoir et puis rédiger ma synthèse et mon argumentation en langue française. En conclusion, je peux affirmer que j’ai été capable de construire de solides bases pour élaborer et planifier ma thèse de Doctorat, avec les typiques thèmes de la littérature picaresque, pour exemple la recherche de la nourriture dans la ville.
The goal of the present research is to define a Semantic Web framework for precedent modelling, by using knowledge extracted from text, metadata, and rules, while maintaining a strong text-to-knowledge morphism between legal text and legal concepts, in order to fill the gap between legal document and its semantics. The framework is composed of four different models that make use of standard languages from the Semantic Web stack of technologies: a document metadata structure, modelling the main parts of a judgement, and creating a bridge between a text and its semantic annotations of legal concepts; a legal core ontology, modelling abstract legal concepts and institutions contained in a rule of law; a legal domain ontology, modelling the main legal concepts in a specific domain concerned by case-law; an argumentation system, modelling the structure of argumentation. The input to the framework includes metadata associated with judicial concepts, and an ontology library representing the structure of case-law. The research relies on the previous efforts of the community in the field of legal knowledge representation and rule interchange for applications in the legal domain, in order to apply the theory to a set of real legal documents, stressing the OWL axioms definitions as much as possible in order to enable them to provide a semantically powerful representation of the legal document and a solid ground for an argumentation system using a defeasible subset of predicate logics. It appears that some new features of OWL2 unlock useful reasoning features for legal knowledge, especially if combined with defeasible rules and argumentation schemes. The main task is thus to formalize legal concepts and argumentation patterns contained in a judgement, with the following requirement: to check, validate and reuse the discourse of a judge - and the argumentation he produces - as expressed by the judicial text.
Street art and graffiti are integral parts of Berlin’s urban space, which has undergone dramatic transformations in the past two decades. Graffiti texts constitute a critical comment on these urban transformations. This talk analyzes the connection between the phenomenon of street art and trajectories in urban planning in post-wall Berlin. My current research explores the meaning of various forms of street art (such as graffiti, posters, sticker art, stencils) as texts in Berlin’s linguistic landscape. Linguistic Landscape research pays critical attention to language, words, and images displayed and exposed in public spaces. The field of Linguistic Landscapes has only recently begun to include graffiti texts in analyses of text and space to fully comprehend the semiotics of the street. In the case of Germany’s capital, graffiti writing enters into a critical dialogue with the environment and provides a readable text to understand the city.
The cardiac action potential (AP) is initiated by the depolarizing inward sodium current (I(Na)). The pore-forming subunit of the cardiac sodium channel, Na(v)1.5, is the main ion channel that conducts I(Na) in cardiac cells. Despite the large number of studies investigating Na(v)1.5, year after year, we are still learning new aspects regarding its roles in normal cardiac function and in diseased states. The clinical relevance of this channel cannot be understated. The cardiac I(Na) is the target of the class 1 anti-arrhythmic drugs(1), which are nowadays less frequently prescribed because of their well-documented pro-arrhythmic properties(2). In addition, since the first description in 1995 by Keating's group(3) of mutations in patients suffering from congenital long QT syndrome (LQTS) type 3, several hundred genetic variants in SCN5A, the gene coding for Na(v)1.5, have been reported and investigated(4). Interestingly, many of these genetic variants have been found in patients with diverse cardiac manifestations(5) such as congenital LQTS type 3, Brugada syndrome, conduction disorders, and more recently, atrial fibrillation and dilated cardiomyopathy. This impressive list underlines the importance of Na(v)1.5 in cardiac pathologies and raises the question about possible unknown roles and regulatory mechanisms of this channel in cardiac cells. Recent studies have provided experimental evidence that the function of Na(v)1.5, among many other described regulatory mechanisms(6), is also modulated by the mechanical stretch of the membrane in which it is embedded(7), thus suggesting that Na(v)1.5, like other ion channels, is "mechanosensitive". What does this mean? (SELECT FULL TEXT TO CONTINUE).
For as far back as human history can be traced, mankind has questioned what it means to be human. One of the most common approaches throughout Western culture's intellectual tradition in attempts to answering this question has been to compare humans with or against other animals. I argue that it was not until Charles Darwin's publication of The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex (1871) that Western culture was forced to seriously consider human identity in relation to the human/ nonhuman primate line. Since no thinker prior to Charles Darwin had caused such an identity crisis in Western thought, this interdisciplinary analysis of the history of how the human/ nonhuman primate line has been understood focuses on the reciprocal relationship of popular culture and scientific representations from 1871 to the Human Genome Consortium in 2000. Focusing on the concept coined as the "Darwin-Müller debate," representations of the human/ nonhuman primate line are traced through themes of language, intelligence, and claims of variation throughout the popular texts: Descent of Man, The Jungle Books (1894), Tarzan of the Apes (1914), and Planet of the Apes (1963). Additional themes such as the nature versus nurture debate and other comparative phenotypic attributes commonly used for comparison between man and apes are also analyzed. Such popular culture representations are compared with related or influential scientific research during the respective time period of each text to shed light on the reciprocal nature of Western intellectual tradition, popular notions of the human/ nonhuman primate line, and the development of the field of primatology. Ultimately this thesis shows that the Darwin-Müller debate is indeterminable, and such a lack of resolution makes man uncomfortable. Man's unsettled response and desire for self-knowledge further facilitates a continued search for answers to human identity. As the Human Genome Project has led to the rise of new debates, and primate research has become less anthropocentric over time, the mysteries of man's future have become more concerning than the questions of our past. The human/ nonhuman primate line is reduced to a 1% difference, and new debates have begun to overshadow the Darwin-Müller debate. In conclusion, I argue that human identity is best represented through the metaphor of evolution: both have an unknown beginning, both have an indeterminable future with no definite end, and like a species under the influence of evolution, what it means to be human is a constant, indeterminable process of change.
Chapter 1. The Action Research in this report was to focus on improving the reading comprehension of students with expository text in relation to identifying the main idea and supporting details. Students were given an expository text to read and identify main idea and 2 -3 supporting details as a pre assessment. Students were provided instruction and support in DRTA (Directed Reading Thinking Activity) and SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review) methodology to identify the Main Idea and supporting details of a selected expository text for both pre & posttest. Results were compiled and analyzed on the effectiveness of the strategies by overall student growth in accurately identifying the Main Idea and being able to state at least 2 supporting details. Analysis of the data will show that the methods were effective in middle school students’ ability to read and extrapolate the necessary information from expository text. Chapter 2 is a reflective essay on the MiTEP Michigan Teacher Excellence Program and its impact on my teaching practices, lesson delivery and leadership development.