841 resultados para television scheduling
Over the last several years, Australian media magnate Kerry Packer has sought to maximise the value of the intellectual property assets of the television station Channel Nine. He has made a concerted effort to expand the scope of copyright protection over television broadcasts screened. The television station Channel Nine has taken a number of legal actions against its rivals and competitors - including the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and Network Ten. It has alleged that the broadcasters have used substantial parts of copyrighted television broadcasts without their permission.
In this paper, we present a decentralized dynamic load scheduling/balancing algorithm called ELISA (Estimated Load Information Scheduling Algorithm) for general purpose distributed computing systems. ELISA uses estimated state information based upon periodic exchange of exact state information between neighbouring nodes to perform load scheduling. The primary objective of the algorithm is to cut down on the communication and load transfer overheads by minimizing the frequency of status exchange and by restricting the load transfer and status exchange within the buddy set of a processor. It is shown that the resulting algorithm performs almost as well as a perfect information algorithm and is superior to other load balancing schemes based on the random sharing and Ni-Hwang algorithms. A sensitivity analysis to study the effect of various design parameters on the effectiveness of load balancing is also carried out. Finally, the algorithm's performance is tested on large dimensional hypercubes in the presence of time-varying load arrival process and is shown to perform well in comparison to other algorithms. This makes ELISA a viable and implementable load balancing algorithm for use in general purpose distributed computing systems.
Recently, efficient scheduling algorithms based on Lagrangian relaxation have been proposed for scheduling parallel machine systems and job shops. In this article, we develop real-world extensions to these scheduling methods. In the first part of the paper, we consider the problem of scheduling single operation jobs on parallel identical machines and extend the methodology to handle multiple classes of jobs, taking into account setup times and setup costs, The proposed methodology uses Lagrangian relaxation and simulated annealing in a hybrid framework, In the second part of the paper, we consider a Lagrangian relaxation based method for scheduling job shops and extend it to obtain a scheduling methodology for a real-world flexible manufacturing system with centralized material handling.
The problem of optimal scheduling of the generation of a hydro-thermal power system that is faced with a shortage of energy is studied. The deterministic version of the problem is first analyzed, and the results are then extended to cases where the loads and the hydro inflows are random variables.
Film, costume and fashion have attracted many scholarly works thanks to the interdisciplinary field generated by feminist film studies, gender studies and fashion studies. In particular, the extent of scholarship on the Hollywood studio system has enabled explorations of feminist interpretation of women’s films through the construction of gender identity; the association between fashion and the body; and histories of the relationship between classic Hollywood, costume design and women’s narratives (see Doane 1987; Gaines and Herzog 1990; Stacey 1994; Street 2001)...
Tutkielma käsittelee suomalaisten televisiotekstittäjien ammatillisuutta, käännösprosessia ja digitaalisten tekstitysohjelmien vaikutuksia tekstitysprosessiin ammattitekstittäjien näkökulmasta. Suomen television digitalisoituminen on aiheuttanut mullistuksia myös tekstitysalalla kun tekstitettävä kuvamateriaali on ryhdytty toimittamaan käännöstoimistoille ja tekstittäjille digitaalisena. Teoriaosuudessa käsitellään käännös- ja tekstitystutkimusta sekä koulutusta Suomessa, ammattitaitoa ja ammatillisuutta sekä kääntämisen apukeinoja. Tekstittäminen esitellään erikoistuneena kääntämisen muotona. On kuitenkin myös huomioitava, että kääntäminen on yksi vaihe tekstitysprosessissa. Teoriaosuus päättyy suomalaisten televisiotekstittäjien arjen ja työkentän nykytilanteen käsittelyyn – tekstittäjät työskentelevät monenlaisilla työehdoilla ja laadun kriteerit saatetaan joutua arvioimaan uudelleen. Empiirisen osan alussa esitetään, että suomalaisia televisiotekstittäjiä on haastateltu yllättävän vähän, ja Jääskeläisen ajatuksiin nojaten mainitaan, että tekstittämisen alalla on vielä paljon tutkimatta – etenkin suomalaisesta tekstitysprosessista löytyy tutkittavaa. Tutkimuskohde on ammatikseen televisioon tekstityksiä tekevät kääntäjät. Suomalaiselle tekstitykseen erikoistuneelle käännöstoimistolle työskenteleville tekstittäjille lähetettiin alkutalvesta 2008 kyselylomake, jolla kartoitettiin sekä monivalintakysymyksillä että avoimilla kysymyksillä heidän ammatillisuuttaan, työmenetelmiään, käännös- ja tekstitysprosessiaan, ammattiylpeyttään ja -identiteettiään, ajanhallintaansa, sekä heidän käyttämäänsä digitaalista tekstitysohjelmaa. Tutkimuksessa kävi ilmi, että lähes kolmanneksella vastaajista on ammatistaan neutraali tai jopa negatiivinen käsitys. Näitä tekstittäjiä yhdistää se seikka, että kaikilla on alle 5 vuotta kokemusta alalta. Valtaosa vastanneista on kuitenkin ylpeitä siitä, että toimivat suomen kielen ammattilaisina. Tekstitysprosessi oli lomakkeessa jaettu esikatseluvaiheeseen, käännösvaiheeseen, ajastamisvaiheeseen ja korjauskatseluvaiheeseen. Tekstittäjät pyydettiin mm. arvioimaan tekstitysprosessinsa kokonaiskestoa. Kestoissa ilmeni suuria eroavaisuuksia, joista ainakin osa korreloi kokemuksen kanssa. Runsas puolet vastaajista on hankkinut digitaalisen tekstitysohjelmiston käyttöönsä ja osa ajastaa edelleen käännöstoimistossa muun muassa ohjelmiston kalleuden vuoksi. Digitaalisen ohjelmiston myötä tekstitysprosessiin ja työkäytänteisiin on tullut muutoksia, kun videonauhureista ja televisioista on siirrytty pelkän tietokoneen käyttöön. On mahdollista tehdä etätyötä kaukomailta käsin, kääntää ja ajastaa lomittain tai tehdä esiajastus ja kääntää sitten. Digitaalinen tekniikka on siis mahdollistanut tekstitysprosessin muuttumisen ja vaihtoehtoiset työmenetelmät, mutta kaikista menetelmistä ei välttämättä ole tekstittäjälle hyötyä. Perinteinen tekstitysprosessi (esikatselu, repliikkijakojen merkitseminen käsikirjoitukseen, kääntäminen ja repliikkien laadinta, korjaukset ja tarkastuskatselu) vaikuttaa edelleen tehokkaimmalta. Vaikka työkäytänteet eroavat toisistaan, kokonaiskäsitys on se, että digitalisoitumisen alkukangertelujen jälkeen tekstittäjien työskentely on tehostunut.
Color displays used in image processing systems consist of a refresh memory buffer storing digital image data which are converted into analog signals to display an image by driving the primary color channels (red, green, and blue) of a color television monitor. The color cathode ray tube (CRT) of the monitor is unable to reproduce colors exactly due to phosphor limitations, exponential luminance response of the tube to the applied signal, and limitations imposed by the digital-to-analog conversion. In this paper we describe some computer simulation studies (using the U*V*W* color space) carried out to measure these reproduction errors. Further, a procedure to correct for color reproduction error due to the exponential luminance response (gamma) of the picture tube is proposed, using a video-lookup-table and a higher resolution digital-to-analog converter. It is found, on the basis of computer simulation studies, that the proposed gamma correction scheme is effective and robust with respect to variations in the assumed value of the gamma.
Intersex onscreen: An overview of recent fictional characters with intersex variations on television
Throughout history, people with intersex variations have been positioned somewhere between ‘prodigy literature and pornography, mythology and medical discourse’ (Gilbert 2000, 145). Indubitably, contemporary representations have changed in step with societal values, yet it could be argued there is still slippage, and, moreover, very little is seen or heard about intersex at all. Where once there was the awe and horror of the highly visible carnival sideshow or medical treatise, the intersex body is now rendered absent by medical intervention, which is invoked to fix the intersexed in both mind and body. This paper explores the fictional representation of people with intersex variations on screen – television and film in predominantly the genres of drama and comedy – arriving finally at characters originating from program-makers willing to work closely with the intersex community. Such texts disrupt unwarranted categorization and erasure by “owning” discursive practices, defying current medical interference and promoting ethical debates around the will-to-normalise what is considered to be aberrant, deviant and abject.
Replacement of deteriorated water pipes is a capital-intensive activity for utility companies. Replacement planning aims to minimize total costs while maintaining a satisfactory level of service and is usually conducted for individual pipes. Scheduling replacement in groups is seen to be a better method and has the potential to provide benefits such as the reduction of maintenance costs and service interruptions. However, developing group replacement schedules is a complex task and often beyond the ability of a human expert, especially when multiple or conflicting objectives need to be catered for, such as minimization of total costs and service interruptions. This paper describes the development of a novel replacement decision optimization model for group scheduling (RDOM-GS), which enables multiple group-scheduling criteria by integrating new cost functions, a service interruption model, and optimization algorithms into a unified procedure. An industry case study demonstrates that RDOM-GS can improve replacement planning significantly and reduce costs and service interruptions.
In this paper, we consider the bi-criteria single machine scheduling problem of n jobs with a learning effect. The two objectives considered are the total completion time (TC) and total absolute differences in completion times (TADC). The objective is to find a sequence that performs well with respect to both the objectives: the total completion time and the total absolute differences in completion times. In an earlier study, a method of solving bi-criteria transportation problem is presented. In this paper, we use the methodology of solvin bi-criteria transportation problem, to our bi-criteria single machine scheduling problem with a learning effect, and obtain the set of optimal sequences,. Numerical examples are presented for illustrating the applicability and ease of understanding.
In the modern business environment, meeting due dates and avoiding delay penalties are very important goals that can be accomplished by minimizing total weighted tardiness. We consider a scheduling problem in a system of parallel processors with the objective of minimizing total weighted tardiness. Our aim in the present work is to develop an efficient algorithm for solving the parallel processor problem as compared to the available heuristics in the literature and we propose the ant colony optimization approach for this problem. An extensive experimentation is conducted to evaluate the performance of the ACO approach on different problem sizes with the varied tardiness factors. Our experimentation shows that the proposed ant colony optimization algorithm is giving promising results compared to the best of the available heuristics.
We study the performance of greedy scheduling in multihop wireless networks where the objective is aggregate utility maximization. Following standard approaches, we consider the dual of the original optimization problem. Optimal scheduling requires selecting independent sets of maximum aggregate price, but this problem is known to be NP-hard. We propose and evaluate a simple greedy heuristic. We suggest how the greedy heuristic can be implemented in a distributed manner. We evaluate an analytical bound in detail, for the special case of a line graph and also provide a loose bound on the greedy heuristic for the case of an arbitrary graph.
In our earlier work ([1]) we proposed WLAN Manager (or WM) a centralised controller for QoS management of infrastructure WLANs based on the IEEE 802.11 DCF standards. The WM approach is based on queueing and scheduling packets in a device that sits between all traffic flowing between the APs and the wireline LAN, requires no changes to the AP or the STAs, and can be viewed as implementing a "Split-MAC" architecture. The objectives of WM were to manage various TCP performance related issues (such as the throughput "anomaly" when STAs associate with an AP with mixed PHY rates, and upload-download unfairness induced by finite AP buffers), and also to serve as the controller for VoIP admission control and handovers, and for other QoS management measures. In this paper we report our experiences in implementing the proposals in [1]: the insights gained, new control techniques developed, and the effectiveness of the WM approach in managing TCP performance in an infrastructure WLAN. We report results from a hybrid experiment where a physical WM manages actual TCP controlled packet flows between a server and clients, with the WLAN being simulated, and also from a small physical testbed with an actual AP.
Determining Optimum Irrigation Scheduling Techniques for Key Wildflower Crops.
Direct measurement of plant water status for irrigation scheduling may be more sensitive, and promote better horticultural crop quality, than indirect methods such as soil moisture monitoring. In our research project, we sought to identify instances where direct methods of plant-water status previously used in horticultural crops in Australia. We present the outcomes, suitability or obstacles for adoption by horticultural producers.