995 resultados para taxonomic revision.


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The new ctenid genus Ohvida is proposed to include eight species: Ohvida fulvorufa (Franganillo, 1931) comb. nov. (type species) (=Celaetycheus cabriolatus Franganillo, 1930 syn. nov.; = C. cabriolatus pardosiformis Franganillo, 1930 syn. nov.; = C. fulvorufus afoliatus Franganillo, 1931 syn. nov.), O. isolata (Bryant, 1940) comb. nov., O. vernalis (Bryant, 1940) comb. nov., O. brevitarsus (Bryant, 1940) comb. nov., O. coxanus (Bryant, 1940), comb. nov., and three new species, O. turquino sp. nov. (all species from Cuba), and O. andros sp. nov. and O. bimini sp. nov. (both species from The Bahamas). Species of Ohvida differ from all other ctenid spiders by the presence of a retrodorsal projection on the cymbium of the male pedipalp and by a basal position of the lateral spurs on the female epigyne. The genus Celaetycheus Simon, 1897 is reviewed to only include its type species, C. flavostriatus Simon, 1897 from Brazil. We propose the following synonyms and new combinations: Ctenus ottleyi (Petrunkevitch, 1930) (= Celaetycheus strenuus Bryant, 1942 syn. nov. and C. modestus Bryant, 1942 syn. nov.); Ctenus delesserti (Caporiacco, 1947) comb. nov., and Leptoctenus paradoxus (F.O. P.-Cambridge, 1900) comb. nov. Celaetycheus modestus Bryant, 1942 is considered incertae sedis.


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Coptotermes Wasmann (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) is one of the most economically important subterranean termite genera and some species are successful invaders. However, despite its important pest status, the taxonomic validity of many named Coptotermes species remains unclear. In this study, we reviewed all named species within the genus and investigated evidence supporting the validity of each named species. Species were systematically scrutinized according to the region of their original description: Southeast Asia, India, China, Africa, the Neotropics, and Australia. We estimate that of the currently 69 named species described by accepted nomenclatural rules, only 21 taxa have solid evidence for validity, 44 names have uncertain status, and the remaining species names should be synonymized or were made unavailable. Species with high degrees of invasiveness may be known under additional junior synonyms due to independent parochial descriptions. Molecular data for a vast majority of species are scarce and significant effort is needed to complete the taxonomic and phylogenetic revision of the genus. Because of the wide distribution of Coptotermes, we advocate for an integrative taxonomic effort to establish the distribution of each putative species, provide specimens and corresponding molecular data, check original descriptions and type specimens (if available), and provide evidence for a more robust phylogenetic position of each species. This study embodies both consensus and contention of those studying Coptotermes and thus pinpoints the current uncertainty of many species. This project is intended to be a roadmap for identifying those Coptotermes species names that need to be more thoroughly investigated, as an incentive to complete a necessary revision process.


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Recent work on molecular phylogenetics of Scolopendridae from the Western Ghats, Peninsular India, has suggested the presence of six cryptic species of the otostigmine Digitipes Attems, 1930, together with three species described in previous taxonomic work by Jangi and Dass (1984). Digitipes is the correct generic attribution for a monophyletic group of Indian species, these being united with three species from tropical Africa (including the type) that share a distomedial process on the ultimate leg femur of males that is otherwise unknown in Otostigminae. Second maxillary characters previously used in the diagnosis of Digitipes are dismissed because Indian species do not possess the putatively diagnostic character states. Two new species from the Western Ghats that correspond to groupings identified based on monophyly, sequence divergence and coalescent analysis using molecular data are diagnosed based on distinct morphological characters. They are D. jangii and D. periyarensis n. spp. Three species named by Jangi and Dass (Digitipes barnabasi, D. coonoorensis and D. indicus) are revised based on new collections; D. indicus is a junior subjective synonym of Arthrorhabdus jonesii Verhoeff, 1938, the combination becoming Digitipes jonesii (Verhoeff, 1938) n. comb. The presence of Arthrorhabdus in India is accordingly refuted. Three putative species delimited by molecular and ecological data remain cryptic from the perspective of diagnostic morphological characters and are presently retained in D. barnabasi, D. jangii and D. jonesii. A molecularly-delimited species that resolved as sister group to a well-supported clade of Indian Digitipes is identified as Otostigmus ruficeps Pocock, 1890, originally described from a single specimen and revised herein. One Indian species originally assigned to Digitipes, D. gravelyi, deviates from confidently-assigned Digitipes with respect to several characters and is reassigned to Otostigmus, as O. gravelyi (Jangi and Dass, 1984) n. comb.


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The genus Bursaphelenchus includes B. xylophilus (Steiner et Buhrer, 1934) Nickle, 1981, which is of world economic and quarantine importance. Distinction among several species of the pinewood nematodes species complex (PWNSC) is often difficult. Besides standard morphology, morphometrics and molecular biology, new tools are welcome to better understand this group. The computerized (or e-) key of this genus, presented in this communication, includes 74 species (complete list of valid species of the world fauna) and 35 characters, that were used by the taxonomic experts of this group, in the original descriptions. Morphology of sex organs (male spicules and female vulval region) was digitized and classified to distinguish alternative types. Several qualitative characters with overlapping character states (expressions) were transformed into the morphometric indices with the discontinuous ranges (characters of ratios of the spicule dimensions). Characters and their states (expressions) were illustrated in detail and supplied by brief user-friendly comments. E-key was created in the BIKEY identification system (Dianov & Lobanov, 1996-2004). The system has built-algorithm ranging characters depending on their diagnostic values at each step of identification. Matrix of species and the character states (structural part of the e-key database) may be easily transformed using statistical packages into the dendrograms of general phenetic similarities (UPGMA, standard distance: mean character difference). It may be useful in the detailed analysis of taxonomy and evolution of the genus and in its splitting to the species groups based on morphology. The verification of the dendrogram using the information on the species links with insect vectors and their associated plants, provided an opportunity to recognize the five clusters (xylophilus, hunti, eremus sensu stricto, tusciae and piniperdae sensu stricto), which seem to be the natural species groups. The hypothesis about the origin and the first stages of the genus evolution is proposed. A general review of the genus Bursaphelenchus is presented.


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A família Nephtyidae é uma das mais frequentes em habitats costeiros e marinhos de todo o mundo. São organismos errantes típicos de sedimentos arenosos e lodosos, ocorrendo frequentemente no domínio costeiro até 100 m de profundidade, e mais raramente em profundidades batiais e abissais. As primeiras espécies descritas foram o Nephtys caeca (Fabricius, 1780) e o N. ciliata (O. F. Müller, 1789), ambas atribuídas inicialmente ao género Nereis e posteriormente transferidas para o género Nephtys por Savigny, em 1818. A família Nephtyidae foi criada em 1851 por Grube para o género Nephtys Cuvier, 1817. No âmbito desta tese é feito um estudo taxonómico e filogenético da família Nephtyidae. O estudo filogenético inclui dados morfológicos e moleculares de 24 taxa representantes dos cinco géneros da família, Nephtys Cuvier, 1817, Aglaophamus Kinberg, 1866, Micronephthys (Friedrich, 1939), Inermonephtys Fauchald, 1967 e Dentinephtys Imajima e Takeda, 1987. A análise evidenciou dois grandes grupos correspondentes aos dois principais géneros, Aglaophamus e Nephtys. Duas espécies do género Nephtys (N. pulchra e N. australiensis) são transferidas para o género Aglaophamus, e consequentemente são propostas novas diagnoses para os géneros. O género Dentinephtys é sinonimizado com Nephtys e um novo género, Bipalponephtys, é descrito para acomodar as espécies Nephtys cornuta, N. danida e Micronephthys neotena. As relações filogenéticas entre os géneros são discutidas. Do estudo taxonómico resultou a revisão da família Nephtyidae para o Sul da Europa (entre o Canal da Mancha e o Mediterrâneo), com a descrição de uma nova espécie, Inermonephtys foretmontardoi. A espécie Micronephthys maryae é sinonimizada com M. stammeri. Para cada espécie são incluídas notas sobre a sua ecologia bem como a distribuição geográfica e batimétrica. São propostas novas diagnoses para os géneros do Sul da Europa bem como uma chave de identificação taxonómica para as espécies desta região. Após uma exaustiva revisão bibliográfica da família, e da observação de material museológico relativo a 44 espécies, foi compilada uma lista completa para a família de 128 espécies, distribuídas por cinco géneros (57 Nephtys, 53 Aglaophamus, sete Micronephthys, oito Inermonephtys e três Bipalponephtys), na qual são incluídas sinonímias e considerações taxonómicas para cada espécie. A espécie Nephtys serrata é sinonimizada com N. serratifolia. São apresentados as distribuições geográficas e batimétricas das diferentes espécies e notas sobre o seu habitat. São também incluídas tabelas de identificação com as principais características taxonómicas das espécies. O valor diagnóstico dos caracteres morfológicos é discutido. Vários problemas taxonómicos são realçados, indicando a necessidade de revisões adicionais para 23 espécies. Este trabalho realça a existência de vários problemas taxonómicos e filogenéticos dentro da família Nephtyidae, podendo ser considerado como a base para estudos futuros. Análises filogenéticas adicionais incluindo dados morfológicos e moleculares de um maior número de espécies vão certamente conduzir a uma melhor avaliação do estatuto e relações entre os géneros dentro da família.


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The diagnosis and composition of the brachiopod Tribe Levipustulini Lazarev, 1985 is reviewed, leading to a detailed revision of the genera Levipustula Maxwell, 1951 and Lanipustula Klets, 1983, as well as a review of previous records of the species Levipustula levis Maxwell from Australia and Argentina. The presence of Lanipustula patagoniensis Simanauskas in Patagonia is confirmed with additional topotypic material described and illustrated. Based on this review, we reassign Levipustula levis from New South Wales, Australia to Lanipustula. Two new species, Lanipustula kletsi from the middle Pennsylvanian of Patagonia and the Absenticostinin Absenticosta bruntoneileenae from the latest Viséan of western Argentina, are proposed. Abstenticosta bruntoneileenae is suggested as a possible ancestral stock of the Patagonian Levipustulini through the lineage Lanipustula-Verchojania-Jakutoproductus-Piatnitzkya (Serpukhovian-middle Artinskian). The development of similar phylogenetic lineages of Levipustulini in high latitude regions of both northern and southern hemispheres (such as Siberia in Northeast Asia and Patagonia in southwestern Gondwana) is here interpreted as a consequence of parallel evolution. The progressive palaeobiogeographic isolation of Patagonia from mainland South America, coupled with its southward drift under cold palaeoclimatic conditions during middle Carboniferous-earliest Permian times, is proposed to have triggered the Levipustulini vicariance.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Diurnal Lepidoptera tend to have colorful and conspicuous wing patterns, which is the reason the first classifications of day-flying moths and butterflies were based mainly on wing color and pattern characters. This is the case with the Neotropical Castniidae, which are usually large and colorful day-flying moths. One classification listed 134 species in 32 genera while an alternate classification recognized 81 species. In this paper we examine the taxonomic structure of the genus Hista Oiticica. It is the purpose of this paper to evaluate taxonomically useful characters besides wing pattern with the goal of classifying the taxa of Hista rather than classifying the variation of its wing pattern. In so doing, the results resolve the differences between the two proposed classifications of Hista. In addition, a lectotype is designated for Castnia boisduvalii Walker, 1854 (new synonym of Castnia fabricii Swainson, 1823) to ensure the stability of the name. Other new synonyms are proposed for C. fabricii (C. papagaya Westwood, 1877) and Castnia hegemon Kollar, 1839 (C. menetriesi Boisduval, [1875] and C. hegemon variegata Rothschild, 1919).


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We describe 2 new species of Affecauda from the intestine of acanthuroid fishes of the Indo-West Pacific. Affecauda rugosa n. sp. is described from 1 mature specimen in excellent condition and 1 immature fractured specimen from the intestine of the sailfin tang, Zebrasoma veliferum (Acanthuridae), from Noumea, New Caledonia. Affecauda salacia n. sp. is described from the intestine of the ocellated spinefoot, Siganus corallinus (Siganidae), from Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia. Each of these species is made distinct from the type-species, Affecauda annulata Hall & Chambers, 1999, by combinations of the extent of tegumental annulations, conformation of the oesophagus and position of the ovary. The description of 2 new species of Affecauda necessitates a revision of the generic diagnosis, which is here amended to incorporate the additional species. A key to species is provided. The description of further species of Affecauda from waters external to the Great Barrier Reef and from siganid fishes expands the biogeographical range for species of Affecauda, from species of Naso on the Great Barrier Reef, to acanthuroid fishes of the western Pacific.


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We describe one new species of Telotrema Ozaki, 1933 from the intestine of an acanthurid fish of the Great Barrier Reef. Telotrema brevicaudatum n. sp. is described from 2 mature specimens from the yellowfin surgeonfish, Acanthurus xanthopterus Valenciennes, 1835 ( Acanthuridae), from waters off Lizard Island, Queensland, Australia. This species is distinguished from the type-species, Telotrema caudatum Ozaki, 1933, by the smaller excretory papilla, the massive pars prostatica, the unipartite, globular seminal vesicle, and the intertesticular position of the ovary. The proposal of a new species of Telotrema necessitates re-examination of the generic diagnosis, and the genus is here redefined in light of the morphology of T. brevicaudatum. Telotrema is distinguished from Gyliauchen Nicoll, 1915 by the possession of a ventral sucker which is larger than the pharynx, a straight or sigmoid oesophagus, an extensive and dense vitellarium, and a distinct excretory papilla. We here recognise 3 species and distinguish them in a key. The biogeographical range for species of Telotrema now includes acanthurid and pomacentrid fishes of the western Pacific Ocean.