911 resultados para swd: Eye Tracking Movement
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Einflüssen visuell wahrgenommener Bewegungsmerkmale auf die Handlungssteuerung eines Beobachters. Im speziellen geht es darum, wie die Bewegungsrichtung und die Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit als aufgabenirrelevante Reize die Ausführung von motorischen Reaktionen auf Farbreize beeinflussen und dabei schnellere bzw. verzögerte Reaktionszeiten bewirken. Bisherige Studien dazu waren auf lineare Bewegungen (von rechts nach links und umgekehrt) und sehr einfache Reizumgebungen (Bewegungen einfacher geometrischer Symbole, Punktwolken, Lichtpunktläufer etc.) begrenzt (z.B. Ehrenstein, 1994; Bosbach, 2004, Wittfoth, Buck, Fahle & Herrmann, 2006). In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde die Gültigkeit dieser Befunde für Dreh- und Tiefenbewegungen sowie komplexe Bewegungsformen (menschliche Bewegungsabläufe im Sport) erweitert, theoretisch aufgearbeitet sowie in einer Serie von sechs Reaktionszeitexperimenten mittels Simon-Paradigma empirisch überprüft. Allen Experimenten war gemeinsam, dass Versuchspersonen an einem Computermonitor auf einen Farbwechsel innerhalb des dynamischen visuellen Reizes durch einen Tastendruck (links, rechts, proximal oder distal positionierte Taste) reagieren sollten, wobei die Geschwindigkeit und die Richtung der Bewegungen für die Reaktionen irrelevant waren. Zum Einfluss von Drehbewegungen bei geometrischen Symbolen (Exp. 1 und 1a) sowie bei menschlichen Drehbewegungen (Exp. 2) zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass Probanden signifikant schneller reagieren, wenn die Richtungsinformationen einer Drehbewegung kompatibel zu den räumlichen Merkmalen der geforderten Tastenreaktion sind. Der Komplexitätsgrad des visuellen Ereignisses spielt dabei keine Rolle. Für die kognitive Verarbeitung des Bewegungsreizes stellt nicht der Drehsinn, sondern die relative Bewegungsrichtung oberhalb und unterhalb der Drehachse das entscheidende räumliche Kriterium dar. Zum Einfluss räumlicher Tiefenbewegungen einer Kugel (Exp. 3) und einer gehenden Person (Exp. 4) belegen unsere Befunde, dass Probanden signifikant schneller reagieren, wenn sich der Reiz auf den Beobachter zu bewegt und ein proximaler gegenüber einem distalen Tastendruck gefordert ist sowie umgekehrt. Auch hier spielt der Komplexitätsgrad des visuellen Ereignisses keine Rolle. In beiden Experimenten führt die Wahrnehmung der Bewegungsrichtung zu einer Handlungsinduktion, die im kompatiblen Fall eine schnelle und im inkompatiblen Fall eine verzögerte Handlungsausführung bewirkt. In den Experimenten 5 und 6 wurden die Einflüsse von wahrgenommenen menschlichen Laufbewegungen (freies Laufen vs. Laufbandlaufen) untersucht, die mit und ohne eine Positionsveränderung erfolgten. Dabei zeigte sich, dass unabhängig von der Positionsveränderung die Laufgeschwindigkeit zu keiner Modulation des richtungsbasierten Simon Effekts führt. Zusammenfassend lassen sich die Studienergebnisse gut in effektbasierte Konzepte zur Handlungssteuerung (z.B. die Theorie der Ereigniskodierung von Hommel et al., 2001) einordnen. Weitere Untersuchungen sind nötig, um diese Ergebnisse auf großmotorische Reaktionen und Displays, die stärker an visuell wahrnehmbaren Ereignissen des Sports angelehnt sind, zu übertragen.
A medida que pasa el tiempo; la ciencia, el desarrollo tecnológico y la constante búsqueda de encontrar nuevas verdades, más fehacientes y que logren responder más asertivamente los diferentes cuestionamientos de la humanidad, han logrado redefinir las teorías y los axiomas que, en su momento, se tomaron como el dogma a seguir en diferentes disciplinas y cuestionamientos de la sociedad y la industria. La concepción tradicional que se tiene de la mente y el comportamiento del consumidor tenía vacios importantes en términos de aplicabilidad y generalización de sus teorías, pues pensar que la humanidad desarrolla sus decisiones de compra bajo análisis netamente racionales y apegados a estructuras temporales para manejar su dinero es un supuesto que no se emplea de manera general y concienzuda por el común. Antes que agentes 100% racionales, con un completo flujo de información y en un mercado perfecto bajo todos los preceptos económicos, somos personas de sentimientos y sentidos. Reaccionamos ante situaciones, estados de ánimo y estímulos, donde es nuestro cerebro quien recibe todo el contexto cognitivo que nos brinda el entorno y entonces actúa (y compra) de diferentes maneras. Es allí donde el Neuromarketing nace como un claro ejemplo de esa búsqueda por una nueva verdad. Una donde entender al consumidor no deje de lado su faceta más real; sus reacciones, pues son estas las que realmente definen qué le gusta o no y qué despierta en él un impulso lo suficientemente importante como para incidir en su decisión de compra. Es por ello que el Neuromarketing se ha adentrado a estudiar lo más profundo y verídico del consumidor, su cerebro. Alejándose de las técnicas tradicionales de investigación de mercados, donde el consumidor puede desvirtuar la información que percibe de un producto o una campaña publicitaría por diferentes razones sociales y psicológicas. El Neuromarketing se ha adentrado al estudio del consumidor y su cerebro mediante técnicas biométricas, en las cuales expone al consumidor al marketing y analiza sus reacciones cerebrales en términos de interés, adrenalina, memoria activa y sentimientos, apoyado por técnicas como el ¨eye tracking¨, donde las interacciones visuales del consumidor permiten identificar los puntos calientes y de interés en determinada pieza publicitaria. Pero el estudio, entendido por algunos como ¨invasivo¨ frente a las libertades en términos de privacidad y libertad de elección del consumidor deben ser responsablemente dirigidos y puestos bajo un contexto científico, donde el único fin sea el de generar nuevas hipótesis y teorías que permitan tener un mejor conocimiento del comportamiento del consumidor sin traspasar los límites del control del mismo. El Neuromarketing debate su existencia misma entre la creación de nuevas metodologías de acercamiento al pensamiento del consumidor, la efectividad de sus conocimiento dados a la industria y el yugo social que acarrea esta ciencia debido a la potencial coerción a los consumidores debido a sus hallazgos.
Actualmente las empresas se enfrentan a un entorno cambiante donde la competencia es cada vez mayor y el gran desafío es lograr la fidelización de los clientes, debido a esto, es necesario buscar métodos que permitan conocer más a fondo sus necesidades, gustos y percepciones. Este trabajo de investigación le permitirá al lector conocer acerca del surgimiento, desarrollo y aplicación del Neuromarketing, como respuesta a las necesidades competitivas de las empresas en un mercado globalizado. En este mismo sentido, el lector podrá comprender: los factores determinantes al momento de comprar, las técnicas que emplea el Neuromarketing para conocer y entender a los clientes, así como los experimentos y los casos reales en los cuales se han utilizado estas técnicas para fidelizar a los compradores con un determinado producto o marca.
En este documento se describe la forma en la que el neuromarketing hace que la segmentación de género, sea una herramienta funcional para poder conocer al cliente y sus deseos. Se explorará el mercadeo desde sus inicios, mostrando cómo evoluciona hasta enfocarse en el cliente como su principal objetivo. Al llegar a este punto el mercadeo se encuentra con un nuevo aliado, la neurociencia, la cual le muestra que por medio de diversas técnicas tiene la capacidad de medir las reacciones de su consumidor, a los distintos estímulos que le envía para cautivarlo. En este proceso se dan a conocer las tecnologías más usadas por el neuromarketing para este fin; además se expondrá parte de la anatomía del consumidor con la que interactúa el mercadeo: sus sentidos y su cerebro. Posteriormente se explica cómo a través del entendimiento de las percepciones y comportamiento del cliente, puede beneficiarse el mercadeo en sus propósitos y su vez, satisfacer al mercado en lo que realmente quiere.
The reading of printed materials implies the visual processing of information originated in two distinct semiotic systems. The rapid identification of redundancy, complementation or contradiction rhetoric strategies between the two information types may be crucial for an adequate interpretation of bimodal materials. Hybrid texts (verbal and visual) are particular instances of bimodal materials, where the redundant information is often neglected while the complementary and the contradictory ones are essential.Studies using the 504 ASL eye-tracking system while reading either additive or exhibiting captions (Baptista, 2009) revealed fixations on the verbal material and transitions between the written and the pictorial in a much higher number and duration than the initially foreseen as necessary to read the verbal text. We therefore hypothesized that confirmation strategies of the written information are taking place, by using information available in the other semiotic system.Such eye-gaze patterns obtained from denotative texts and pictures seem to contradict some of the scarce existing data on visual processing of texts and images, namely cartoons (Carroll, Young and Guertain, 1992), descriptive captions (Hegarty, 1992 a and b), and advertising images with descriptive and explanatory texts (cf. Rayner and Rotello, 2001, who refer to a previous reading of the whole text before looking at the image, or even Rayner, Miller and Rotello, 2008 who refer to an earlier and longer look at the picture) and seem to consolidate findings of Radach et al. (2003) on systematic transitions between text and image.By framing interest areas in the printed pictorial material of non redundant hybrid texts, we have identified the specific areas where transitions take place after fixations in the verbal text. The way those transitions are processed brings a new interest to further research.
The objectives of the study were (a) to examine which information and design elements on dairy product packages operate as cues in consumer evaluations of product healthfulness, and (b) to measure the degree to which consumers voluntarily attend to these elements during product choice. Visual attention was measured by means of eye-tracking. Task (free viewing, product healthfulness evaluation, and purchase likelihood evaluation) and product (five different yoghurt products) were varied in a mixed within-between subjects design. The free viewing condition served as a baseline against which increases or decreases in attention during product healthfulness evaluation and purchase likelihood evaluation were assessed. The analysis revealed that the only element operating as a health cue during product healthfulness evaluation was the nutrition label. The information cues used during purchase likelihood evaluation were the name of the product category and the nutrition label. Taken together, the results suggest that the only information element that consumers consistently utilize as a health cue is the nutrition label and that only a limited amount of attention is devoted to read nutrition labels during purchase likelihood evaluations. The study also revealed that the probability that a consumer will read the nutrition label during the purchase decision process is associated with gender, body mass index and health motivation.
The ISO norm line 9241 states some criteria for ergonomics of human system interaction. In markets with a huge variety of offers and little possibility of differentiation, providers can gain a decisive competitive advantage by user oriented interfaces. A precondition for this is that relevant information can be obtained for entrepreneurial decisions in this regard. To test how users of universal search result pages use those pages and pay attention to different elements, an eye tracking experiment with a mixed design has been developed. Twenty subjects were confronted with search engine result pages (SERPs) and were instructed to make a decision while conditions “national vs. international city” and “with vs. without miniaturized Google map” were used. Different parameters like fixation count, duration and time to first fixation were computed from the eye tracking raw data and supplemented by click rate data as well as data from questionnaires. Results of this pilot study revealed some remarkable facts like a vampire effect on miniaturized Google maps. Furthermore, Google maps did not shorten the process of decision making, Google ads were not fixated, visual attention on SERPs was influenced by position of the elements on the SERP and by the users’ familiarity with the search target. These results support the theory of Amount of Invested Mental Effort (AIME) and give providers empirical evidence to take users’ expectations into account. Furthermore, the results indicated that the task oriented goal mode of participants was a moderator for the attention spent on ads. Most important, SERPs with images attracted the viewers’ attention much longer than those without images. This unique selling proposition may lead to a distortion of competition on markets.
Visual search is an important component of our interaction with our surroundings, allowing us to successfully identify external cues that impact our spatial navigation. Previous research has established fixation duration, fixation count, saccade velocity, and saccade amplitude as important indices of visual search. We examined the Visual Efficiency Detection Index (VEDI) comprising multiple aspects of visual search performance into a single measure of global visual performance. Forty participants, 10 adults ages 22-48, and children ages 6, 8, and 10, completed tests of working memory and visual search in response to stimuli relevant to pedestrian decision making. Results indicated VEDI statistically relates to established indices of visual search in relation to their interpretability for human performance. The VEDI was also sensitive to developmental differences in visual search performance, suggesting insight to its utility in the developmental psychological literature.
Autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterised by qualitative alterations in reciprocal social interactions. Some recent studies show alterations in gaze patterns during social perception and rest-functional abnormalities in the ‘social brain network’. This study investigated: i) social perception gaze patterns in children with ASD and controls, ii) the relationship between autism clinical severity and social perception gaze patterns, iii) the relationship between resting cerebral blood flow (rCBF) and social perception gaze patterns. Methods: Nine children with ASD and 9 children with typical development were studied. Eye-tracking was used to detect gaze patterns during presentation of stimuli depicting social scenes. Autism clinical severity was established using the Autism Diagnostic Interview Revised (ADI-R). Arterial spin labelling MRI was used to quantify rCBF. Results: The ASD group looked less at social regions and more at non-social regions than controls. No significant correlation was found between ASD clinical severity and social perception gaze patterns. In the ASD group, gaze behaviour was related to rCBF in the temporal lobe regions at trend level. Positive correlations were found between temporal rCBF and gaze to the face region, while negative correlations were found between temporal rCBF and gaze to non-social regions. Conclusions: These preliminary results suggest that social perception gaze patterns are altered in children with ASD, and could be related to temporal rCBF.
Distributed multimedia supports a symbiotic infotainment duality, i.e. the ability to transfer information to the user, yet also provide the user with a level of satisfaction. As multimedia is ultimately produced for the education and / or enjoyment of viewers, the user’s-perspective concerning the presentation quality is surely of equal importance as objective Quality of Service (QoS) technical parameters, to defining distributed multimedia quality. In order to extensively measure the user-perspective of multimedia video quality, we introduce an extended model of distributed multimedia quality that segregates quality into three discrete levels: the network-level, the media-level and content-level, using two distinct quality perspectives: the user-perspective and the technical-perspective. Since experimental questionnaires do not provide continuous monitoring of user attention, eye tracking was used in our study in order to provide a better understanding of the role that the human element plays in the reception, analysis and synthesis of multimedia data. Results showed that video content adaptation, results in disparity in user video eye-paths when: i) no single / obvious point of focus exists; or ii) when the point of attention changes dramatically. Accordingly, appropriate technical- and user-perspective parameter adaptation is implemented, for all quality abstractions of our model, i.e. network-level (via simulated delay and jitter), media-level (via a technical- and user-perspective manipulated region-of-interest attentive display) and content-level (via display-type and video clip-type). Our work has shown that user perception of distributed multimedia quality cannot be achieved by means of purely technical-perspective QoS parameter adaptation.
Introduction: Observations of behaviour and research using eye-tracking technology have shown that individuals with Williams syndrome (WS) pay an unusual amount of attention to other people’s faces. The present research examines whether this attention to faces is moderated by the valence of emotional expression. Method: Sixteen participants with WS aged between 13 and 29 years (Mean=19 years 9 months) completed a dot-probe task in which pairs of faces displaying happy, angry and neutral expressions were presented. The performance of the WS group was compared to two groups of typically developing control participants, individually matched to the participants in the WS group on either chronological age or mental age. General mental age was assessed in the WS group using the Woodcock Johnson Test of Cognitive Ability Revised (WJ-COG-R; Woodcock & Johnson, 1989; 1990). Results: Compared to both control groups, the WS group exhibited a greater attention bias for happy faces. In contrast, no between-group differences in bias for angry faces were obtained. Conclusions: The results are discussed in relation to recent neuroimaging findings and the hypersocial behaviour that is characteristic of the WS population.
Decision strategies in multi-attribute Choice Experiments are investigated using eye-tracking. The visual attention towards, and attendance of, attributes is examined. Stated attendance is found to diverge substantively from visual attendance of attributes. However, stated and visual attendance are shown to be informative, non-overlapping sources of information about respondent utility functions when incorporated into model estimation. Eye-tracking also reveals systematic nonattendance of attributes only by a minority of respondents. Most respondents visually attend most attributes most of the time. We find no compelling evidence that the level of attention is related to respondent certainty, or that higher or lower value attributes receive more or less attention
Joint attention (JA) and spontaneous facial mimicry (SFM) are fundamental processes in social interactions, and they are closely related to empathic abilities. When tested independently, both of these processes have been usually observed to be atypical in individuals with autism spectrum conditions (ASC). However, it is not known how these processes interact with each other in relation to autistic traits. This study addresses this question by testing the impact of JA on SFM of happy faces using a truly interactive paradigm. Sixty-two neurotypical participants engaged in gaze-based social interaction with an anthropomorphic, gaze-contingent virtual agent. The agent either established JA by initiating eye contact or looked away, before looking at an object and expressing happiness or disgust. Eye tracking was used to make the agent's gaze behavior and facial actions contingent to the participants' gaze. SFM of happy expressions was measured by Electromyography (EMG) recording over the Zygomaticus Major muscle. Results showed that JA augments SFM in individuals with low compared with high autistic traits. These findings are in line with reports of reduced impact of JA on action imitation in individuals with ASC. Moreover, they suggest that investigating atypical interactions between empathic processes, instead of testing these processes individually, might be crucial to understanding the nature of social deficits in autism
The challenge of moving past the classic Window Icons Menus Pointer (WIMP) interface, i.e. by turning it ‘3D’, has resulted in much research and development. To evaluate the impact of 3D on the ‘finding a target picture in a folder’ task, we built a 3D WIMP interface that allowed the systematic manipulation of visual depth, visual aides, semantic category distribution of targets versus non-targets; and the detailed measurement of lower-level stimuli features. Across two separate experiments, one large sample web-based experiment, to understand associations, and one controlled lab environment, using eye tracking to understand user focus, we investigated how visual depth, use of visual aides, use of semantic categories, and lower-level stimuli features (i.e. contrast, colour and luminance) impact how successfully participants are able to search for, and detect, the target image. Moreover in the lab-based experiment, we captured pupillometry measurements to allow consideration of the influence of increasing cognitive load as a result of either an increasing number of items on the screen, or due to the inclusion of visual depth. Our findings showed that increasing the visible layers of depth, and inclusion of converging lines, did not impact target detection times, errors, or failure rates. Low-level features, including colour, luminance, and number of edges, did correlate with differences in target detection times, errors, and failure rates. Our results also revealed that semantic sorting algorithms significantly decreased target detection times. Increased semantic contrasts between a target and its neighbours correlated with an increase in detection errors. Finally, pupillometric data did not provide evidence of any correlation between the number of visible layers of depth and pupil size, however, using structural equation modelling, we demonstrated that cognitive load does influence detection failure rates when there is luminance contrasts between the target and its surrounding neighbours. Results suggest that WIMP interaction designers should consider stimulus-driven factors, which were shown to influence the efficiency with which a target icon can be found in a 3D WIMP interface.
This study aims at the design, development and performance evaluation of a flat platform to capture incident solar radiation. The design and implementation of a fuzzy system for the efficient control of the solar tracking movement of the platform are also presented