130 resultados para subband


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Photoluminescence measurements at different temperatures have been performed to investigate the optical response of a two-dimensional electron gas in n-type wide parabolic quantum wells. A series of samples with different well widths in the range of 1000-3000 A was analyzed. Many-body effects, usually observed in the recombination process of a two-dimensional electron gas, appear as a strong enhancement in the photoluminescence spectra at the Fermi level at low temperature only in the thinnest parabolic quantum wells. The suppression of the many-body effect in the thicker quantum wells was attributed to the decrease of the overlap between the wavefunctions of the photocreated holes and the two-dimensional electrons belonging to the highest occupied electron subband. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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This paper presents a method to enhance microcalcifications and classify their borders by applying the wavelet transform. Decomposing an image and removing its low frequency sub-band the microcalcifications are enhanced. Analyzing the effects of perturbations on high frequency subband it's possible to classify its borders as smooth, rugged or undefined. Results show a false positive reduction of 69.27% using a region growing algorithm. © 2008 IEEE.


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Recent experimental evidence has suggested a neuromodulatory deficit in Alzheimer's disease (AD). In this paper, we present a new electroencephalogram (EEG) based metric to quantitatively characterize neuromodulatory activity. More specifically, the short-term EEG amplitude modulation rate-of-change (i.e., modulation frequency) is computed for five EEG subband signals. To test the performance of the proposed metric, a classification task was performed on a database of 32 participants partitioned into three groups of approximately equal size: healthy controls, patients diagnosed with mild AD, and those with moderate-to-severe AD. To gauge the benefits of the proposed metric, performance results were compared with those obtained using EEG spectral peak parameters which were recently shown to outperform other conventional EEG measures. Using a simple feature selection algorithm based on area-under-the-curve maximization and a support vector machine classifier, the proposed parameters resulted in accuracy gains, relative to spectral peak parameters, of 21.3% when discriminating between the three groups and by 50% when mild and moderate-to-severe groups were merged into one. The preliminary findings reported herein provide promising insights that automated tools may be developed to assist physicians in very early diagnosis of AD as well as provide researchers with a tool to automatically characterize cross-frequency interactions and their changes with disease.


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Defect interaction can take place in CdTe under Te and Bi rich conditions. We demonstrate in this work through first principles calculations, that this phenomenon allows a Jahn Teller distortion to form an isolated half-filled intermediate band in the host semiconductor band-gap. This delocalized energy band supports the experimental deep level reported in the host band-gap of CdTe at a low bismuth concentration. Furthermore, the calculated optical absorption of CdTe:Bi in this work shows a significant subband-gap absorption that also supports the enhancement of the optical absorption found in the previous experimental results.


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Different approaches have recently arisen aiming to exceed the Shockley-Queisser efficiency limit. Particularly, the use of self-organized quantum dots (QD) has been recently proposed in order to introduce new states within the barrier material, which enhances the subband gap absorption yielding a photocurrent increase. Stacking QD layers allows exploiting their unique properties for intermediate-band solar cells (SC) or tandem cells.In all these cases, tuning the QD properties by modifying the capping layer (CL) can be very useful.


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Intermediate-band materials can improve the photovoltaic efficiency of solar cells through the absorption of two subband-gap photons that allow extra electron-hole pair formations. Previous theoretical and experimental findings support the proposal that the layered SnS2 compound, with a band-gap of around 2 eV, is a candidate for an intermediate-band material when it is doped with a specific transition-metal. In this work we characterize vanadium doped SnS2 using density functional theory at the dilution level experimentally found and including a dispersion correction combined with the site-occupancy-disorder method. In order to analyze the electronic characteristics that depend on geometry, two SnS2 polytypes partially substituted with vanadium in symmetry-adapted non-equivalent configurations were studied. In addition the magnetic configurations of vanadium in a SnS2 2H-polytype and its comparison with a 4H-polytype were also characterized. We demonstrate that a narrow intermediate-band is formed, when these dopant atoms are located in different layers. Our theoretical predictions confirm the recent experimental findings in which a paramagnetic intermediate-band material in a SnS2 2H-polytype with 10% vanadium concentration is obtained.


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The target of no-reference (NR) image quality assessment (IQA) is to establish a computational model to predict the visual quality of an image. The existing prominent method is based on natural scene statistics (NSS). It uses the joint and marginal distributions of wavelet coefficients for IQA. However, this method is only applicable to JPEG2000 compressed images. Since the wavelet transform fails to capture the directional information of images, an improved NSS model is established by contourlets. In this paper, the contourlet transform is utilized to NSS of images, and then the relationship of contourlet coefficients is represented by the joint distribution. The statistics of contourlet coefficients are applicable to indicate variation of image quality. In addition, an image-dependent threshold is adopted to reduce the effect of content to the statistical model. Finally, image quality can be evaluated by combining the extracted features in each subband nonlinearly. Our algorithm is trained and tested on the LIVE database II. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is superior to the conventional NSS model and can be applied to different distortions. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The contributions of this dissertation are in the development of two new interrelated approaches to video data compression: (1) A level-refined motion estimation and subband compensation method for the effective motion estimation and motion compensation. (2) A shift-invariant sub-decimation decomposition method in order to overcome the deficiency of the decimation process in estimating motion due to its shift-invariant property of wavelet transform. ^ The enormous data generated by digital videos call for an intense need of efficient video compression techniques to conserve storage space and minimize bandwidth utilization. The main idea of video compression is to reduce the interpixel redundancies inside and between the video frames by applying motion estimation and motion compensation (MEMO) in combination with spatial transform coding. To locate the global minimum of the matching criterion function reasonably, hierarchical motion estimation by coarse to fine resolution refinements using discrete wavelet transform is applied due to its intrinsic multiresolution and scalability natures. ^ Due to the fact that most of the energies are concentrated in the low resolution subbands while decreased in the high resolution subbands, a new approach called level-refined motion estimation and subband compensation (LRSC) method is proposed. It realizes the possible intrablocks in the subbands for lower entropy coding while keeping the low computational loads of motion estimation as the level-refined method, thus to achieve both temporal compression quality and computational simplicity. ^ Since circular convolution is applied in wavelet transform to obtain the decomposed subframes without coefficient expansion, symmetric-extended wavelet transform is designed on the finite length frame signals for more accurate motion estimation without discontinuous boundary distortions. ^ Although wavelet transformed coefficients still contain spatial domain information, motion estimation in wavelet domain is not as straightforward as in spatial domain due to the shift variance property of the decimation process of the wavelet transform. A new approach called sub-decimation decomposition method is proposed, which maintains the motion consistency between the original frame and the decomposed subframes, improving as a consequence the wavelet domain video compressions by shift invariant motion estimation and compensation. ^


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This thesis presents theoretical investigations of the sub band structure and optical properties of semiconductor quantum wires. For the subband structure, we employ multiband effective-mass theory and the effective bond-orbital model both of which fully account for the band mixing and material anisotropy. We also treat the structure geometry in detail taking account of such effects as the compositional grading across material interfaces. Based on the subband structure, we calculate optical properties of quantum-wire structures. A recuring theme is the cross-over from one- to ~wo-dimensional behavior in these structures. This complicated behavior procludes the application of simple theoretical models to obtain the electronic structure. In particular, we calculate laser properties of quantum wires grown in V-grooves and find enhanced performance compared with quantum-well lasers. We also investigate optical anisotropy in quantum-wire arrays and propose an electro-optic device based on such structures.