955 resultados para structure from motion


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In questo elaborato viene sperimentato un iter processuale che consenta di utilizzare i sensori termici affiancati a fotocamere digitale in ambito fotogrammetrico al fine di ottenere prodotto dal quale sono estrapolabili informazioni geometriche e termiche dell’oggetto di studio. Il rilievo fotogrammetrico è stato svolto mediante l’utilizzo di un drone con equipaggiamento multisensoriale, termico e digitale, su una porzione di territorio soggetto ad anomalie termiche nei pressi di Medolla (MO). Per l’analisi termica e geometrica sono stati posizionati sul campo 5 target termici di cui ne sono state misurate le coordinate per la georeferenziazione delle nuvole dense di punti e la temperatura. In particolare sono state eseguite due riprese aeree dalle quali sono stati estratti i frame necessari per i processi di restituzione fotogrammetrica. Le immagini sono state sottoposte ad una fase di trattamento che ha prodotto immagini rettificate prive di delle distorsioni impresse dall’obbiettivo. Per la creazione degli elaborati vettoriali e raster a colori e termici sono stati impiegati inizialmente software di fotogrammetria digitale in grado di fornire scene tridimensionali georeferenziate dell’oggetto. Sono state sviluppate sia in un ambiente open-source, sia sfruttando programmi commerciali. Le nuvole dense sono state successivamente trattate su una piattaforma gratuita ad interfaccia grafica. In questo modo è stato possibile effettuare dei confronti tra i diversi prodotti e valutare le potenzialità dei software stessi. Viene mostrato come creare un modello tridimensionale, contenente sia informazioni geometriche che informazioni termiche, partendo dalla nuvola termica e da quella a colori. Entrambe georeferenziate utilizzando gli stessi punti fotogrammetrici d’appoggio. Infine i prodotti ottenuti sono stati analizzati in un ambiente GIS realizzando sovrapposizioni grafiche, confronti numerici, interpolazioni, sezioni e profili.


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On August 6, 2010, a large (~50 Mm**3) debris avalanche occurred on the flank of Mount Meager in the southern Coast Mountains of British Columbia, Canada. We studied the deposits to infer the morphodynamics of the landslide from initiation to emplacement. Structure from motion (SfM) photogrammetry, based on oblique photos taken with a standard SLR camera during a low helicopter traverse, was used to create high-resolution orthophotos and base maps. Interpretation of the images and maps allowed us to recognize two main rheological phases in the debris avalanche. Just below the source area, in the valley of Capricorn Creek, the landslide separated into two phases, one water-rich and more mobile, and the other water-poor and less mobile. The water-rich phase spread quickly, achieved high superelevation on the valley sides, and left distal scattered deposits. The main water-poor phase moved more slowly, did not superelevate, and formed a thick continuous deposit (up to ~30 m) on the valley floor. The water-poor flow deposit has structural features such as hummocks, brittle-ductile faults, and shear zones. Our study, based on a freshly emplaced deposit, advances understanding of large mass movements by showing that a single landslide can develop multiple rheology phases with different behaviours. Rheological evolution and separation of phases should always be taken into account to provide better risk assessment scenarios.


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The Italian territory offers a wide range of treasures in the field of Cultural Assets. This is a highly relevant property, which needs an accurate management and preservation performed by appropriate tools, also giving attention to the maintenance and safeguard from risk factors. Nowadays the increasing development of new digital technologies, added by remarkable steps forward got by the subject of Geomatic makes possible an efficient integration among different techniques, helped also by spread of solutions to improve the data import-export and transmission between different devices. The main objective of this thesis is to experience the photogrammetric restitution implemented in a commercial software of digital photogrammetry, in order to generate a dense 3D model of the facade of the Basilica Sant'Apollinare Nuovo in Ravenna. The 1st Chapter, after a general introduction regarding the 3D survey of Cultural Heritage and some considerations linked to the use of digital photogrammetry in this field, is focused to analyze the case of stereoscopic and the monoscopic approach. In particular, it develops the theme of close-range photogrammetry. The 2nd Chapter, exposes the theme of digital images, from color theory until their appearing on the monitor. The 3rd Chapter, develops the case study of the Basilica di Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, the historical, architectural and religious of the same. Also, it is examined the issue of photogrammetry and laser scanning of the case study. The final part of the same chapter, treats the processing of data processing the software Agisoft PhotoScan, in order to generate, by means of Structure from Motion technique, a digital geometric 3D model of the Basilica Facade. The digital model has been scaled on the basis of measurements made on the field. With the software it was possible to accomplish the three phases of the photogrammetric data processing: internal orientation, exterior orientation and restitution.


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Il caso studio del vestibolo ottagonale di Villa Adriana ha dato la possibilità di applicare ad un edificio di notevole valore storico e artistico tecniche di restituzione digitale e di modellazione tridimensionale basate su applicativi di modellazione geometrica, con lo scopo di generarne il modello 3D digitale fotorealistico e polifunzionale. Nel caso specifico del vestibolo, un modello tridimensionale di questo tipo risulta utile a fini documentativi, a sostegno di ipotesi costruttive e come strumento per la valutazione di interventi di restauro. Il percorso intrapreso ha permesso di valutare le criticità nelle tecniche di acquisizione, modellazione e foto-modellazione tridimensionale applicate in ambito archeologico, tecniche usate abitualmente anche in settori quali l’architettura, il design industriale ma anche nel cinema (effetti speciali e film d’animazione) e in ambito videoludico, con obiettivi differenti: nel settore del design e della progettazione industriale il Reverse Modeling viene impiegato per eseguire controlli di qualità e rispetto delle tolleranze sul prodotto finale, mentre in ambito cinematografico e videoludico (in combinazione con altri software) permette la creazione di modelli realistici da inserire all’interno di film o videogiochi, (modelli non solo di oggetti ma anche di persone). La generazione di un modello tridimensionale ottenuto tramite Reverse Modeling è frutto di un processo opposto alla progettazione e può avvenire secondo diverse strategie, ognuna delle quali presenta vantaggi e svantaggi specifici che la rendono più indicata in alcuni casi piuttosto che in altri. In questo studio sono state analizzate acquisizioni tridimensionali effettuate tramite Laser Scan e tramite applicazioni Structure from Motion/Dense Stereo View.


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Surface flow types (SFT) are advocated as ecologically relevant hydraulic units, often mapped visually from the bankside to characterise rapidly the physical habitat of rivers. SFT mapping is simple, non-invasive and cost-efficient. However, it is also qualitative, subjective and plagued by difficulties in recording accurately the spatial extent of SFT units. Quantitative validation of the underlying physical habitat parameters is often lacking, and does not consistently differentiate between SFTs. Here, we investigate explicitly the accuracy, reliability and statistical separability of traditionally mapped SFTs as indicators of physical habitat, using independent, hydraulic and topographic data collected during three surveys of a c. 50m reach of the River Arrow, Warwickshire, England. We also explore the potential of a novel remote sensing approach, comprising a small unmanned aerial system (sUAS) and Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry (SfM), as an alternative method of physical habitat characterisation. Our key findings indicate that SFT mapping accuracy is highly variable, with overall mapping accuracy not exceeding 74%. Results from analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) tests found that strong differences did not exist between all SFT pairs. This leads us to question the suitability of SFTs for characterising physical habitat for river science and management applications. In contrast, the sUAS-SfM approach provided high resolution, spatially continuous, spatially explicit, quantitative measurements of water depth and point cloud roughness at the microscale (spatial scales ≤1m). Such data are acquired rapidly, inexpensively, and provide new opportunities for examining the heterogeneity of physical habitat over a range of spatial and temporal scales. Whilst continued refinement of the sUAS-SfM approach is required, we propose that this method offers an opportunity to move away from broad, mesoscale classifications of physical habitat (spatial scales 10-100m), and towards continuous, quantitative measurements of the continuum of hydraulic and geomorphic conditions which actually exists at the microscale.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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A camera maps 3-dimensional (3D) world space to a 2-dimensional (2D) image space. In the process it loses the depth information, i.e., the distance from the camera focal point to the imaged objects. It is impossible to recover this information from a single image. However, by using two or more images from different viewing angles this information can be recovered, which in turn can be used to obtain the pose (position and orientation) of the camera. Using this pose, a 3D reconstruction of imaged objects in the world can be computed. Numerous algorithms have been proposed and implemented to solve the above problem; these algorithms are commonly called Structure from Motion (SfM). State-of-the-art SfM techniques have been shown to give promising results. However, unlike a Global Positioning System (GPS) or an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) which directly give the position and orientation respectively, the camera system estimates it after implementing SfM as mentioned above. This makes the pose obtained from a camera highly sensitive to the images captured and other effects, such as low lighting conditions, poor focus or improper viewing angles. In some applications, for example, an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) inspecting a bridge or a robot mapping an environment using Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), it is often difficult to capture images with ideal conditions. This report examines the use of SfM methods in such applications and the role of combining multiple sensors, viz., sensor fusion, to achieve more accurate and usable position and reconstruction information. This project investigates the role of sensor fusion in accurately estimating the pose of a camera for the application of 3D reconstruction of a scene. The first set of experiments is conducted in a motion capture room. These results are assumed as ground truth in order to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each sensor and to map their coordinate systems. Then a number of scenarios are targeted where SfM fails. The pose estimates obtained from SfM are replaced by those obtained from other sensors and the 3D reconstruction is completed. Quantitative and qualitative comparisons are made between the 3D reconstruction obtained by using only a camera versus that obtained by using the camera along with a LIDAR and/or an IMU. Additionally, the project also works towards the performance issue faced while handling large data sets of high-resolution images by implementing the system on the Superior high performance computing cluster at Michigan Technological University.


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La salvaguardia e conservazione del Patrimonio Artistico ed Architettonico rappresentano un aspetto imprescindibile di ogni cultura, e trovano le loro fondamenta nella coscienza e conoscenza dei Beni. Il rilievo è l’operazione basilare per acquisire una conoscenza rigorosa di un oggetto nella sua geometria e in altre sue caratteristiche. Le finalità delle operazioni di rilevamento sono molteplici, dall’archiviazione a scopo di documentazione fino all’indagine conservativa volta alla diagnostica e alla progettazione di interventi. I modelli digitali, introdotti dallo sviluppo tecnologico degli ultimi decenni, permettono una perfetta conoscenza del bene, non necessitano di contatto diretto durante la fase di rilevamento e possono essere elaborati secondo le esigenze del caso. Le tecniche adottate nel Reverse Engineering si differenziano per il tipo di sensore utilizzato: quelle fotogrammetriche utilizzano sensori di tipo “passivo” e trovano oggi largo impiego nel settore dei Beni Culturali grazie agli strumenti di Structure from Motion, mentre strumenti basati su sensori di tipo “attivo” utilizzano Laser o proiezione di luce strutturata e sono in grado di rilevare con grande precisione geometrie anche molto complesse. La costruzione del modello della fontana del Nettuno e della torre Garisenda di Bologna costituiscono un valido esempio di applicazione delle tecniche di rilievo digitale, e dimostrano la validità delle stesse su oggetti di diversa dimensione in due diversi ambiti applicativi: il restauro e il monitoraggio. Gli sviluppi futuri del Reverse Engineering in questo ambito sono molteplici, e la Geomatica rappresenta senza dubbio una disciplina fondamentale per poterli realizzare.


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Construction professional service (CPS) in the international arena has been very competitive despite that the industry is proliferating at a high rate. To excel in international business, CPS firms have the importance of building overseas competition strategies on a proper understanding of the international CPS (I-CPS) market. However, subject to borderless trade, information technology–based networking, global outsourcing, and changing forms of procurement, the I-CPS market structure has become more covert, intricate, and unstraightforward than before. Through examining business competition among top international design firms, this study aims to identify the attributes of the I-CPS market structure from two perspectives—concentration and turnover. Data from Engineering News-Record over the period 2001–2011 were collected to calculate market concentration ratios and turnover indices. The results show that I-CPS competition is characterized by atomism, much turbulence with a steady increase in competition intensity, and the predominant role of new entrants and exiting firms in market turnovers. The combination of concentration and turnover is found useful to address the attributes of the I-CPS market structure, which favors I-CPS firms to formulate international competition strategies in due ways.


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We present a framework for estimating 3D relative structure (shape) and motion given objects undergoing nonrigid deformation as observed from a fixed camera, under perspective projection. Deforming surfaces are approximated as piece-wise planar, and piece-wise rigid. Robust registration methods allow tracking of corresponding image patches from view to view and recovery of 3D shape despite occlusions, discontinuities, and varying illumination conditions. Many relatively small planar/rigid image patch trackers are scattered throughout the image; resulting estimates of structure and motion at each patch are combined over local neighborhoods via an oriented particle systems formulation. Preliminary experiments have been conducted on real image sequences of deforming objects and on synthetic sequences where ground truth is known.


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The secondary structure of the trimeric protein 4-chlorobenzoyl coenzyme A dehalogenase from Arthrobacter sp. strain TM-1, the second of three enzymes involved in the dechlorination of 4-chlorobenzoate to form 4-hydroxybenzoate, has been examined. E(mM) for the enzyme was 12.59. Analysis by circular dichroism spectrometry in the far uv indicated that 4-chlorobenzoyl coenzyme A dehalogenase was composed mostly of alpha-helix (56%) with lesser amounts of random coil (21%), beta-turn (13%) and beta-sheet (9%). These data are in close agreement with a computational prediction of secondary structure from the primary amino acid sequence, which indicated 55.8% alpha-helix, 33.7% random coil and 10.5% beta-sheet; the enzyme is, therefore, similar to the 4-chlorobenzoyl coenzyme A dehalogenase from Pseudomonas sp. CBS-3. The three-dimensional structure, including that of the presumed active site, predicted by computational analysis, is also closely similar to that of the Pseudomonas dehalogenase. Study of the stability and physicochemical properties revealed that at room temperature, the enzyme was stable for 24 h but was completely inactivated by heating to 60 degrees C for 5 min; thereafter by cooling at 1 degrees C min(-1) to 45 degrees C, 20.6% of the activity could be recovered. Mildly acidic (pH 5.2) or alkaline (pH 10.1) conditions caused complete inactivation, but activity was fully recovered on returning the enzyme to pH 7.4. Circular dichroism studies also indicated that secondary structure was little altered by heating to 60 degrees C, or by changing the pH from 7.4 to 6.0 or 9.2. Complete, irreversible destruction of, and maximal decrease in the fluorescence yield of the protein at 330-350 nm were brought about by 4.5 M urea or 1.1 M guanidinium chloride. Evidence was obtained to support the hypothetical three-dimensional model, that residues W140 and W167 are buried in a non-polar environment, whereas W182 appears at or close to the surface of the protein. At least one of the enzymes of the dehalogenase system (the combined 4-chlorobenzoate:CoA ligase, the dehalogenase and 4-hydroxybenzoyl coenzyme A thioesterase) appears to be capable of association with the cell membrane.


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Here we report the primary structure of a novel peptide, named helokinestatin-5 (VPPPLQMPLIPR), from the venom of the Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum). Helokinestatin-5 differs in structure from helokinestatin-3 by deletion of a single prolyl residue in the N-terminally located polyproline region. Two different biosynthetic precursors were consistently cloned from a venom-derived cDNA library. The first encoded helokinestatins 1–4 and a single copy of C-type natriuretic peptide, as previously described, whereas the second was virtually identical, lacking only a single prolyl codon as found in the mature attenuated helokinestatin-5 peptide. Helokinestatins 1–3 and 5 were synthesized by solid-phase fmoc chemistry and each synthetic replicate was found to antagonize the relaxation effect induced by bradykinin on rat tail artery smooth muscle. Helokinestatins thus represent a novel family of vasoactive peptides from the venom of helodermatid lizards


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A new formulation for recovering the structure and motion parameters of a moving patch using both motion and shading information is presented. It is based on a new differential constraint equation (FICE) that links the spatiotemporal gradients of irradiance to the motion and structure parameters and the temporal variations of the surface shading. The FICE separates the contribution to the irradiance spatiotemporal gradients of the gradients due to texture from those due to shading and allows the FICE to be used for textured and textureless surface. The new approach, combining motion and shading information, leads directly to two different contributions: it can compensate for the effects of shading variations in recovering the shape and motion; and it can exploit the shading/illumination effects to recover motion and shape when they cannot be recovered without it. The FICE formulation is also extended to multiple frames.


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We investigate the differences --- conceptually and algorithmically --- between affine and projective frameworks for the tasks of visual recognition and reconstruction from perspective views. It is shown that an affine invariant exists between any view and a fixed view chosen as a reference view. This implies that for tasks for which a reference view can be chosen, such as in alignment schemes for visual recognition, projective invariants are not really necessary. We then use the affine invariant to derive new algebraic connections between perspective views. It is shown that three perspective views of an object are connected by certain algebraic functions of image coordinates alone (no structure or camera geometry needs to be involved).