776 resultados para stellate ganglion


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Spindle cell oncocytoma (SCO) is a rare, non-adenomatous tumor originating from the anterior pituitary gland. Composed of fusiform, mitochondrion-rich cells sharing several immunophenotypic and ultrastructural properties with folliculo-stellate cells (FSC), SCO has been proposed to represent a neoplastic counterpart of the latter. To date, however, SCO has failed to meet one criterion commonly used in histological-based taxonomy and diagnostics; that of recapitulating any of FSCs' morphologically defined developmental or physiological states. We describe a unique example of SCO wherein a conventional fascicular texture was seen coexisting with and organically merging into follicle-like arrangements. The sellar tumor of 2.7 × 2.6 × 2.5 cm was transphenoidally resected from a 55-year old female. Preoperative magnetic resonance imaging indicated an isointense, contrast enhancing mass with suprasellar extension. Histology showed multiple rudimentary to well-formed, follicle-like cavities on a classical spindle cell background; while all the participating cells exhibited an SCO immunophenotype, including positivity for S100 protein, vimentin, EMA, Bcl-2, and TTF-1, as well as staining with the antimitochondrial antibody 113-1. Conversely no expression of GFAP, follicular-epithelial cytokeratin, carcinoembryonic antigen, or anterior pituitary hormones was detected. Ultrastructurally, tumor cells facing follicular lumina displayed organelles of epithelial specialization, in particular surface microvilli and apical tight junctions. This constellation is felt to be reminiscent of FSCs' metaplastic transition to follicular epithelium, as observed during embryonic development and physiological renewal of the hormone-secreting parenchyma. Such finding is apt to being read as a supporting argument for SCO's descent from the FSC lineage.


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Anatomical variability within the autonomic nervous system has long been accepted. This study evaluated the anatomical variability of the cervicothoracic ganglion (CTG) according to its form and, in addition, provided precise measurements between the CTG and the anterior tubercle of the transverse process of the sixth cervical vertebra (C6TP), the first costovertebral articulation, and the vertebral artery. Forty-two adult cadavers were dissected, 22 male and 20 females. Five main forms of CTG were documented; spindle (31.9%), dumbbell (23.2%), truncated (21.7%), perforated (14.5%), and inverted-L (8.7%). The means for length, width, and thickness of the CTG were 18.5 mm, 8.2 mm, and 4.5 mm, respectively. The dimensions were found to be slightly larger in the males than females and on the left sides as compared to the right. The mean shortest distance between the CTGs and the vertebral artery was found to be 2.8 mm, whilst the mean shortest distances to C6TP was 25.7 mm and to the first costovertebral articulation was 1.7 mm. There is great variability in the morphology of the CTG with five common forms consistently seen. The relation to the vertebral artery may influence the form of the ganglion. Two previously undocumented forms are recorded; the truncated which describes the important juxtaposition of the CTG and the vertebral artery and the perforated which describes the piercing of the ganglion itself by the artery. The findings are considered to be of clinical importance to anesthetists, surgeons, neurosurgeons, and anatomists.


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It is increasingly recognised that chronically activated glia contribute to the pathology of various neurodegenerative diseases, including glaucoma. One means by which this can occur is through the release of neurotoxic, proinflammatory factors. In the current study, we therefore investigated the spatio-temporal patterns of expression of three such cytokines, IL-1β, TNFα and IL-6, in a validated rat model of experimental glaucoma. First, only weak evidence was found for increased expression of IL-1β and TNFα following induction of ocular hypertension. Second, and much more striking, was that robust evidence was uncovered showing IL-6 to be synthesised by injured retinal ganglion cells following elevation of intraocular pressure and transported in an orthograde fashion along the nerve, accumulating at sites of axonal disruption in the optic nerve head. Verification that IL-6 represents a novel marker of disrupted axonal transport in this model was obtained by performing double labelling immunofluorescence with recognised markers of fast axonal transport. The stimulus for IL-6 synthesis and axonal transport during experimental glaucoma arose from axonal injury rather than ocular hypertension, as the response was identical after optic nerve crush and bilateral occlusion of the carotid arteries, each of which is independent of elevated intraocular pressure. Moreover, the response of IL-6 was not a generalised feature of the gp130 family of cytokines, as it was not mimicked by another family member, ciliary neurotrophic factor. Finally, further study suggested that IL-6 may be an early part of the endogenous regenerative response as the cytokine colocalised with growth-associated membrane phosphoprotein-43 in some putative regenerating axons, and potently stimulated neuritogenesis in retinal ganglion cells in culture, an effect that was additive to that of ciliary neurotrophic factor. These data comprise clear evidence that IL-6 is actively involved in the attempt of injured retinal ganglion cells to regenerate their axons.


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Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) increases survival and neurite extension of spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs), the primary neurons of the auditory system, via yet unknown signaling mechanisms. In other cell types, signaling is achieved by the GPI-linked GDNF family receptor α1 (GFRα1) via recruitment of transmembrane receptors: Ret (re-arranged during transformation) and/or NCAM (neural cell adhesion molecule). Here we show that GDNF enhances neuritogenesis in organotypic cultures of spiral ganglia from 5-day-old rats and mice. Addition of GFRα1-Fc increases this effect. GDNF/GFRα1-Fc stimulation activates intracellular PI3K/Akt and MEK/Erk signaling cascades as detected by Western blot analysis of cultures prepared from rats at postnatal days 5 (P5, before the onset of hearing) and 20 (P20, after the onset of hearing). Both cascades mediate GDNF stimulation of neuritogenesis, since application of the Akt inhibitor Wortmannin or the Erk inhibitor U0126 abolished GDNF/GFRα1-Fc stimulated neuritogenesis in P5 rats. Since cultures of P5 NCAM-deficient mice failed to respond by neuritogenesis to GDNF/GFRα1-Fc, we conclude that NCAM serves as a receptor for GDNF signaling responsible for neuritogenesis in early postnatal spiral ganglion.


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Interleukin (IL)-17 signaling has been implicated in lung and skin fibrosis. We examined the role of IL-17 signaling in the pathogenesis of liver fibrosis in mice.


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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of our study was to determine if preoperative MRI can differentiate between occult ganglion and synovitis in the chronic painful wrist. CONCLUSION: MRI is accurate in preoperatively distinguishing between ganglion and synovitis in the setting of chronic dorsal wrist pain. Four main criteria were useful: margin, shape, internal structure, and enhancement after administration of contrast material, with shape and internal structure being most helpful.


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Excitatory neurons at the level of cortical layer 4 in the rodent somatosensory barrel field often display a strong eccentricity in comparison with layer 4 neurons in other cortical regions. In rat, dendritic symmetry of the 2 main excitatory neuronal classes, spiny stellate and star pyramid neurons (SSNs and SPNs), was quantified by an asymmetry index, the dendrite-free angle. We carefully measured shrinkage and analyzed its influence on morphological parameters. SSNs had mostly eccentric morphology, whereas SPNs were nearly radially symmetric. Most asymmetric neurons were located near the barrel border. The axonal projections, analyzed at the level of layer 4, were mostly restricted to a single barrel except for those of 3 interbarrel projection neurons. Comparing voxel representations of dendrites and axon collaterals of the same neuron revealed a close overlap of dendritic and axonal fields, more pronounced in SSNs versus SPNs and considerably stronger in spiny L4 neurons versus extragranular pyramidal cells. These observations suggest that within a barrel dendrites and axons of individual excitatory cells are organized in subcolumns that may confer receptive field properties such as directional selectivity to higher layers, whereas the interbarrel projections challenge our view of barrels as completely independent processors of thalamic input.


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Folliculo-stellate cells are a nonendocrine, sustentacular-like complementary population of the anterior pituitary. They currently are considered as functionally and phenotypically heterogeneous, with one subpopulation of folliculo-stellate cells possibly representing resident adenohypophyseal macrophages. We took advantage of a limited T-cell mediated inflammatory reaction selectively involving tumor tissue in three cases of pituitary adenoma (2 prolactin cell adenomas, and 1 null cell adenoma) to test the hypothesis whether some folliculo-stellate cells within inflammatory foci would also assume monocytic/dendritic properties. Immunohistochemical double labeling for S-100 protein and the class II major histocompatibility antigen HLA-DR indeed showed several arborized cells to coexpress both epitopes. These were distributed both amidst adenomatous acini and along intratumoral vessels, and were morphologically undistinguishable from conventional folliculo-stellate cells. On the other hand, markers of follicular dendritic cells (CD21) and Langerhans' cells (CD1a) tested negative. Furthermore, no S-100/HLA-DR coexpressing folliculo-stellate cells were seen in either peritumoral parenchyma of the cases in point nor in control pituitary adenomas lacking inflammatory reaction. These findings suggest that a subset of folliculo-stellate cells may be induced by an appropriate local inflammatory microenvironment to assume a dendritic cell-like immunophenotype recognizable by their coexpression of S-100 protein and HLA-DR. By analogy with HLA-DR expressing cells in well-established extrapituitary inflammatory constellations, we speculate that folliculo-stellate cells with such immunophenotype may actually perform professional antigen presentation. A distinctly uncommon finding in pituitary adenomas, lymphocytic infiltrates may therefore be read as a manifestation of tumoral immunosurveillance.


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BACKGROUND: Stem cells with the ability to form clonal floating colonies (spheres) were recently isolated from the neonatal murine spiral ganglion. To further examine the features of inner ear-derived neural stem cells and their derivatives, we investigated the effects of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), a neurokine that has been shown to promote self-renewal of other neural stem cells and to affect neural and glial cell differentiation. RESULTS: LIF-treatment led to a dose-dependent increase of the number of neurons and glial cells in cultures of sphere-derived cells. Based on the detection of developmental and progenitor cell markers that are maintained in LIF-treated cultures and the increase of cycling nestin-positive progenitors, we propose that LIF maintains a pool of neural progenitor cells. We further provide evidence that LIF increases the number of nestin-positive progenitor cells directly in a cell cycle-independent fashion, which we interpret as an acceleration of neurogenesis in sphere-derived progenitors. This effect is further enhanced by an anti-apoptotic action of LIF. Finally, LIF and the neurotrophins BDNF and NT3 additively promote survival of stem cell-derived neurons. CONCLUSION: Our results implicate LIF as a powerful tool to control neural differentiation and maintenance of stem cell-derived murine spiral ganglion neuron precursors. This finding could be relevant in cell replacement studies with animal models featuring spiral ganglion neuron degeneration. The additive effect of the combination of LIF and BDNF/NT3 on stem cell-derived neuronal survival is similar to their effect on primary spiral ganglion neurons, which puts forward spiral ganglion-derived neurospheres as an in vitro model system to study aspects of auditory neuron development.


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Intraneural Ganglion Cysts expand within in a nerve, causing neurological deficits in afflicted patients. Modeling the propagation of these cysts, originating in the articular branch and then expanding radially outward, will help prove articular theory, and ultimately allow for more purposeful treatment of this condition. In Finite Element Analysis, traditional Lagrangian meshing methods fail to model the excessive deformation that occurs in the propagation of these cysts. This report explores the method of manual adaptive remeshing as a method to allow for the use of Lagrangian meshing, while circumventing the severe mesh distortions typical of using a Lagrangian mesh with a large deformation. Manual adaptive remeshing is the process of remeshing a deformed meshed part and then reapplying loads in order to achieve a larger deformation than a single mesh can achieve without excessive distortion. The methods of manual adaptive remeshing described in this Master’s Report are sufficient in modeling large deformations.


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Intraneural Ganglion Cyst is a 200 year old mystery related to nerve injury which is yet to be solved. Current treatments for the above problem are relatively simple procedures related to removal of cystic contents from the nerve. However, these treatments may result into neuropathic pain and recurrence of the cyst. The articular theory proposed by Spinner et al., (Spinner et al. 2003) takes into consideration the neurological deficit in Common Peroneal Nerve (CPN) branch of the sciatic nerve and affirms that in addition to the above treatments, ligation of articular branch results into foolproof eradication of the deficit. Mechanical Modeling of the Affected Nerve Cross Section will reinforce the articular theory (Spinner et al. 2003). As the cyst propagates, it compresses the neighboring fascicles and the nerve cross section appears like a signet ring. Hence, in order to mechanically model the affected nerve cross section; computational methods capable of modeling excessively large deformations are required. Traditional FEM produces distorted elements while modeling such deformations, resulting into inaccuracies and premature termination of the analysis. The methods described in this Master’s Thesis are effective enough to be able to simulate such deformations. The results obtained from the model adequately resemble the MRI image obtained at the same location and shows an appearance of a signet ring. This Master’s Thesis describes the neurological deficit in brief followed by detail explanation of the advanced computational methods used to simulate this problem. Finally, qualitative results show the resemblance of mechanical model to MRI images of the Nerve Cross Section at the same location validating the capability of these methods to study this neurological deficit.