954 resultados para species abundance


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通过群落生态学和景观生态学方法,结合GIS、RS技术对锡林河流域湿地植被进行了研究。结果表明:流域湿地面积为301.62km2,占流域面积的3%左右。尽管面积相对较小,但是物种丰富,群落结构多样。植被调查数据显示基本确定的植被型4个,植被亚型6个,群系组16个,群系68个,区系成分以泛北极种为主,占69%,相对简单;按照水分生态型划分,中生物种占最多,为44.32%;按生活型分以多年生草本为主占50%以上;科属分布相对复杂,隶属39个科,其中禾本科和菊科是最大的两个科,所占比例仅有17.30%和12.43%,其他科没有明显的优势性,充分说明湿地优越的生境可以满足多种植物共同生长。 多度分布是研究物种多样性分布的重要组分,同时反映了群落结构的特性。以常用的Lognormal、Logseries和Weibull、Exp、Power模型来拟和6个典型草甸群落和踏头草甸群落的物种多度分布,分log-相对多度-物种级数和物种-游程两种形式进行比较;同时,对于典型草甸群落和踏头群落区分常见种、偶然种等进行细化,深入分析群落多度的变化。结果表明,5个模型对于log-相对多度-物种级数在整个群落水平上均不能很好的拟和,50%以上的点都落在95%置信区间以外;但是对常见种和偶然种的拟和情况要好,Weibull、Power和Logseris模型分别对典型草甸群落常见种、偶然种和中间种能很好的拟和,而Logseries和Power模型对于踏头群落的常见种和偶然种拟和较好。5个模型都能较好的拟和物种-游程分布,其中K—S检验结果表明:Lognormal模型对于无脉苔草、针苔草和荸荠这类相对湿润环境下的典型草甸群落拟和较好,对于长叶火绒草和密花风毛菊群落Weibull拟和最好,Power 模型拟和箭叶橐吾最好,踏头草甸拟和最好的是Logseries模型,踏头间拟合最好的是Exp模型。不同的拟和模型应用于不同的群落类型,可以看出湿地群落的复杂性和生境的多样性。区分常见种和偶然种的拟合结果表明典型群落和踏头群落表现一致,即Lognormal模型对所有种拟和是最好的,而Power模型对偶然种的拟和是最好的,同时,Lognormal对典型草甸群落的中间种拟和也是最好。从中可以看出典型草甸群落和踏头群落尽管在表现形式上不同,但是群落的内部仍存在相似的联系,可能跟相似物种的作用有关。 根据湿地表观类型、植被水分状态和航片判别能力,结合实地调查,采用监督分类的方法将锡林河流域的湿地划分为低湿地草甸、盐化草甸和沼泽三种类型。自1984年以来20多年的时间中,锡林河流域的湿地发生了巨大的变化。尽管总的面积没有太大变化,但是湿地类型发生转化。中上游的低湿地草甸面积减少8.94%,沼泽面积减少30.82%,同时,盐化草甸的面积增加了15.98%。增加的盐化草甸主要是另外两种湿地类型转化而成的,中游水库截流,加速中下游草甸的盐化是锡林河流域湿地变化的主要原因。利用GIS技术依据探讨不同湿地的空间变化,分析沙化对湿地变化的影响,结果表明:沙化只对少数湿地有影响,发育良好的湿地即使处在相对强烈的沙化环境下,仍能保持不变。接着,分析了人类直接干扰对湿地变化的影响,缓冲区居民点分析结果表明:近20年来,位于湿地周边的居民点分布格局发生显著的变化。1980年代,居民点分布在盐化草甸周边的最多,到2004年,居民点在沼泽草甸分布数量为最多,该类湿地水、草和资源最为丰富,人类直接的干扰最大,进而转化成另外两类,减少面积最大。低湿地草甸是物种丰富,结构复杂的一种湿地,抗干扰能力强,恢复能力也强,因此相对的变化面积较小。以锡林浩特市水库上下游的湿地植被物种和群落结构的变化,证明了水量减少是湿地数量、结构改变的直接影响因子。


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One of the most important marine ecological phenomena is red tide which is created by increasing of phytoplankton population, influenced by different factors such as climate condition changes, utrification hydrological factors and can leave sever and undesired ecological and economical effects behind itself in the case of durability. Coast line of Hormozgan is about 900km from east to west, within the range of geographical coordinates of 56 16 23.8, 26 58 8.8 to 54 34 5.33 and 26 34 32 eastern longitude and northern latitude, seven sampling stations were considered and sampled for a period of one year from October 2008 to October 2009. after the analysis of Satellite images, monthly, during the best time. In several stages, samplings were performed. In each station, three samples were collected for identification and determination of Bloom- creating species abundance. Cochlodinium polykrikoides was the species responsible for the discoloration which occurred at October 2008 in Hormozgan marine water. Environmental parameters such as sea surface temperature, pH, salinity, Dissolved Oxygen concentration, Total Dissolved Solids (T.D.S.), conductivity, nitrate, nitrite and phosphate and also chlorophyll a were measured and calculated. Kruscal Wallis test was used to compare the densities between different months, seasons and the studied stations. Mann-whitney test from Nonparametric Tests was used for couple comparison. Pearson correlation coefficient was used to determine the relationship between physical and chemical data set and the abundance of Cochlodinium polykrikoides. Multivariate Regression and analysis of variance (ANOVA) also were used to obtain the models and equations of red tide occurrence relationship, environmental parameters and nutrient data. The highest density was 26 million cells per liter in Qeshm station. A meaningful difference was observed between sampling months and seasons but there was no between sampling stations which indicates that in favorable conditions, the occurrence of this phenomenon by the studied species is probable. Regarding to β coefficients of nitrate, temperature, phosphate, Total Dissolvable Solutions (T.D.S) and pH these parameters are effective on the abundance of this species and red tide occurrence. Increase in these factors can represent the effects and outcomes of human activities and increase in marine pollution.


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An enclosure experiment was carried out to test trophic cascade effect of filter-feeding fish on the ecosystem: growth of crustacean zooplankton, and possible mechanism of changes of crustacean community structure. Four fish biomass levels were set as follows: 0, 116, 176 and 316 g m(-2), and lake water ( containing ca. 190 g m(-2) of filter-feeding fishes) was comparatively monitored. Nutrient levels were high in all treatments during the experiment. Lowest algal biomass were measured in fishless treatment. Algal biomass decreased during days 21-56 as a function of fish biomass in treatments of low (LF), medium (MF) and high (HF) fish biomass. Crustaceans biomass decreased with increasing fish biomass. Small-bodied cladocerans, Moina micrura, Diaphanosoma brachyurum and Scapholeberis kingii survived when fish biomass was high whilst, large-bodied cladocerans Daphnia spp. and the cyclopoids Theromcyclops taihokuensis, T. brevifuratus, Mescyclops notius and Cyclops vicinus were abundant only in NF enclosures. Evasive calanoid Sinodiaptomus sarsi was significantly enhanced in LF, but decreased significantly with further increase of fish biomass. Demographic data indicated that M. micrura was well developed in all treatments. Our study indicates that algal biomass might be controlled by silver carp biomass in eutrophic environment. Changes of crustacean community are probably affected by the age of the first generation of species. Species with short generation time were dominant and species with long generation time survived less with high fish biomass. Evasive calanoids hardly developed in treatments with high fish biomass because of the ( bottle neck) effect of nauplii. Species abundance were positively related to fish predation avoidance. Other than direct predation, zooplankton might also be suppressed by filter-feeding fish via competition.


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According to two times investigation on Scarabaeoidea of Huitong secondary Cunninghamia lanceolata forest in early spring,summer, the number of species Scarabaeoidea in early spring,and summer is 23 and 24,respectively; the Shannon diversity index is 2.067 and 2.417, respectivety; the Shannon evenness is 0.659 and 0.761.In early spring, the dominant species are Malatera horosericea,Melolontha frater and Granida albosparsa.In summer, The dominant species are Anomala vividana, Anomala alabopilosa and Anomala lucens.The species abundance distribution of Scarabaeoidea in two different seasons is fitted in to logarithmic series distribution. A small number of species often become dominant in different seasons.


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Aim Recent studies have suggested that global diatom distributions are not limited by dispersal, in the case of both extant species and fossil species, but rather that environmental filtering explains their spatial patterns. Hubbell's neutral theory of biodiversity provides a framework in which to test these alternatives. Our aim is to test whether the structure of marine phytoplankton (diatoms, dinoflagellates and coccolithophores) assemblages across the Atlantic agrees with neutral theory predictions. We asked: (1) whether intersite variance in phytoplankton diversity is explained predominantly by dispersal limitation or by environmental conditions; and (2) whether species abundance distributions are consistent with those expected by the neutral model. Location Meridional transect of the Atlantic (50 degrees N50 degrees S). Methods We estimated the relative contributions of environmental factors and geographic distance to phytoplankton composition using similarity matrices, Mantel tests and variation partitioning of the species composition based upon canonical ordination methods. We compared the species abundance distribution of phytoplankton with the neutral model using Etienne's maximum-likelihood inference method. Results Phytoplankton communities are slightly more determined by niche segregation (24%), than by dispersal limitation and ecological drift (17%). In 60% of communities, the assumption of neutrality in species' abundance distributions could not be rejected. In tropical zones, where oceanic gyres enclose large stable water masses, most communities showed low species immigration rates; in contrast, we infer that communities in temperate areas, out of oligotrophic gyres, have higher rates of species immigration. Conclusions Phytoplankton community structure is consistent with partial niche assembly and partial dispersal and drift assembly (neutral processes). The role of dispersal limitation is almost as important as habitat filtering, a fact that has been largely overlooked in previous studies. Furthermore, the polewards increase in immigration rates of species that we have discovered is probably caused by water mixing conditions and productivity.


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The Continuous Plankton Recorder has been deployed in the NE Pacific on two intersecting transects since 2000. Many deployments included a temperature sensor providing in situ temperature data to supplement the species abundance data for 1300 samples. Twenty-nine copepod taxa were sufficiently abundant to examine their temperature-related distributions. Groups of warm- and cold-water species were identified, with overlapping distributions between 48 and 588N. Recent fluctuations in ocean climate, from the warmest year on record in 2005 to one of the coldest in decades in 2008, provided ideal conditions to observe temperature-related interannual variability. The abundance and northwards extension of warm water species were significantly positively correlated with mean annual temperature and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. The cold water species showed no correlations with temperature/Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) within the study region; however, if the 4 years of sampling that extended south to 398N were examined separately, there was a strong relationship between temperature/PDO and the southern extent of subarctic copepods. Under warm ocean conditions, the range overlap of the two groups will increase as warm water species extend northwards, causing an increase in copepod diversity. Since warm water species are generally smaller and nutritionally poorer, this has implications for higher trophic levels


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Evidence of global warming is now unequivocal, and studies suggest that it has started to influence natural systems of the planet, including the oceans. However, in the marine environment, it is well-known that species and ecosystems can also be influenced by natural sources of large-scale hydro-climatological variability. The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) was negatively correlated with the mean abundance of one of the subarctic key species Calanus finmarchicus in the North Sea. This correlation was thought to have broken down in 1996, however, the timing has never been tested statistically. The present study revisits this unanticipated change and reveals that the correlation did not break down in 1996 as originally proposed but earlier, at the time of an abrupt ecosystem shift in the North Sea in the 1980s. Furthermore, the analyses demonstrate that the correlation between the NAO and C. finmarchicus abundance is modulated by the thermal regime of the North Sea, which in turn covaries positively with global temperature anomalies. This study thereby provides evidence that global climate change is likely to alter some empirical relationships found in the past between species abundance or the ecosystem state and large-scale natural sources of hydro-climatological variability. A theory is proposed to explain how this might happen. These unanticipated changes, also called ‘surprises’ in climatic research, are a direct consequence of the complexity of both climatic and biological systems. In this period of rapid climate change, it is therefore hazardous to integrate meteo-oceanic indices such as the NAO in models used in the management of living resources, as it has been sometimes attempted in the past.


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It has been hypothesized that changes in zooplankton community structure over the past four decades led to reduced growth and survival of prerecruit Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and that this was a key factor underlying poor year classes, contributing to stock collapse, and inhibiting the recovery of stocks around the UK. To evaluate whether observed changes in plankton abundance, species composition and temperature could have led to periods of poorer growth of cod larvae, we explored the effect of prey availability and temperature on early larval growth using an empirical trophodynamic model. Prey availability was parameterized using species abundance data from the Continuous Plankton Recorder. Our model suggests that the observed changes in plankton community structure in the North Sea may have had less impact on cod larval growth, at least for the first 40 days following hatching, than previously suggested. At least in the short term, environmental and prey conditions should be able to sustain growth of cod larvae and environmental changes acting on this early life stage should not limit stock recovery.


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In conjunction with the North Pacific Continuous Plankton Recorder program, we conducted surveys of seabirds from June 2002 to June 2007. Here, we tested the hypotheses of (i) east–west variations in coupled plankton and seabird abundance, and (ii) that surface-feeding and diving seabirds vary in their relationships to primary productivity and mesozooplankton species abundance and diversity. To test these hypotheses, we developed statistical models for 20 species of seabirds and 12 zooplankton taxonomic groups. Seabird density was highly variable between seasons, but was consistently higher in the western than eastern North Pacific. Seabird diversity was greater in the east. Zooplankton abundance did not differ between regions. We found associations at the “bulk” level between seabird density and net primary productivity, but only one association between seabirds and total zooplankton abundance or diversity. However, we found many relationships between seabird species and the abundance of different zooplankton summarized at the genus or family level. Some of these taxonomic relationships reflect direct predator–prey interactions, while others may reflect zooplankton that serve as ecological indicators of other prey, such as micronekton, upon which the birds may feed. Surface or near-surface feeding, mostly piscivorous seabirds, did not differ systematically from diving, mainly planktivorous seabirds in their zooplankton associations. Seabirds apparently respond to zooplankton taxonomic groupings more so than bulk zooplankton characteristics, such as abundance or diversity. Macro-ecological studies of remote marine ecosystems using zooplankton and seabirds as ecological indicators provide a framework for understanding and assessing spatial and temporal variations in these difficult-to-study pelagic environments.


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1. The effect of habitat fragmentation was investigated in two adjacent, yet separate, intertidal Zostera marina beds in the Salcombe Estuary, Devon, UK. The seagrass bed on the west bank comprised a continuous meadow of ca. 2.3 ha, whilst the bed on the east bank of the estuary was fragmented into patches of 6–9 m2.2. Three 10 cm diameter core samples for infaunal macroinvertebrates were taken from three stations within each bed. No significant difference was found in univariate community parameters between beds, or in measured seagrass parameters. However, multivariate analysis revealed a significant difference in community composition, due mainly to small changes in species abundance rather than differences in the species present.3. The species contributing most to the dissimilarity between the two communities were polychaetes generally associated with unvegetated habitats (e.g. Magelona mirabilis) and found to be more common in the fragmented bed.4. A significant difference in median grain size and sorting coefficient was recorded between the two beds, and median grain size was found to be the variable best explaining multivariate community patterns.5. The results of the study provide evidence for the effects of habitat fragmentation on the communities associated with seagrass beds, habitats which are of high conservation importance. As the infaunal community is perhaps intuitively the component least likely to be affected by fragmentation at the scale observed, the significant difference in community composition recorded has consequences for more sensitive and high-profile parts of the biota (e.g. fish), and thus for the conservation of seagrass habitats and their associated communities.


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Statutory monitoring of the fauna of the ‘mudflats and sandflats not covered by seawater at low tide’ biotope complex on St Martin’s Flats, a part of the Isles of Scilly Complex Special Area of Conservation, was undertaken in 2000, 2004 and 2009. The targets set by Natural England for “characteristic biotopes” were that “composite species, abundance and diversity should not deviate significantly from an established baseline, subject to natural change”. The three specified biotopes could not be distinguished, and instead three assemblages were subjectively defined based on sediment surface features. There were statistically significant natural changes in diversity and species composition between years, especially in the association initially characterized by the razor-clam Ensis, and possible reasons for this are discussed. It is suggested that setting fixed local limits on natural variability is almost always impractical. Two possible approaches to distinguishing between natural and anthropogenic changes are suggested; a change in ecological condition as indicated by AMBI scores, and a significant change in average taxonomic distinctness (Δ+) compared with expectation. The determination of species biomasses as well as abundances might also open more possibilities for assessment. The practice of setting objectives for a marine SAC feature that include the range and number of biotopes cannot be supported, in view the difficulty in ascribing assemblages to recognised biotopes. A more realistic definition of species assemblages might best be gained from examination of the species that consistently make a substantial contribution to the Bray Curtis similarity among samples collected from specific sites.


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Community structure depends on both deterministic and stochastic processes. However, patterns of community dissimilarity (e.g. difference in species composition) are difficult to interpret in terms of the relative roles of these processes. Local communities can be more dissimilar (divergence) than, less dissimilar (convergence) than, or as dissimilar as a hypothetical control based on either null or neutral models. However, several mechanisms may result in the same pattern, or act concurrently to generate a pattern, and much research has recently been focusing on unravelling these mechanisms and their relative contributions. Using a simulation approach, we addressed the effect of a complex but realistic spatial structure in the distribution of the niche axis and we analysed patterns of species co-occurrence and beta diversity as measured by dissimilarity indices (e.g. Jaccard index) using either expectations under a null model or neutral dynamics (i.e., based on switching off the niche effect). The strength of niche processes, dispersal, and environmental noise strongly interacted so that niche-driven dynamics may result in local communities that either diverge or converge depending on the combination of these factors. Thus, a fundamental result is that, in real systems, interacting processes of community assembly can be disentangled only by measuring traits such as niche breadth and dispersal. The ability to detect the signal of the niche was also dependent on the spatial resolution of the sampling strategy, which must account for the multiple scale spatial patterns in the niche axis. Notably, some of the patterns we observed correspond to patterns of community dissimilarities previously observed in the field and suggest mechanistic explanations for them or the data required to solve them. Our framework offers a synthesis of the patterns of community dissimilarity produced by the interaction of deterministic and stochastic determinants of community assembly in a spatially explicit and complex context.


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Extreme arid regions in the worlds' major deserts are typified by quartz pavement terrain. Cryptic hypolithic communities colonize the ventral surface of quartz rocks and this habitat is characterized by a relative lack of environmental and trophic complexity. Combined with readily identifiable major environmental stressors this provides a tractable model system for determining the relative role of stochastic and deterministic drivers in community assembly. Through analyzing an original, worldwide data set of 16S rRNA-gene defined bacterial communities from the most extreme deserts on the Earth, we show that functional assemblages within the communities were subject to different assembly influences. Null models applied to the photosynthetic assemblage revealed that stochastic processes exerted most effect on the assemblage, although the level of community dissimilarity varied between continents in a manner not always consistent with neutral models. The heterotrophic assemblages displayed signatures of niche processes across four continents, whereas in other cases they conformed to neutral predictions. Importantly, for continents where neutrality was either rejected or accepted, assembly drivers differed between the two functional groups. This study demonstrates that multi-trophic microbial systems may not be fully described by a single set of niche or neutral assembly rules and that stochasticity is likely a major determinant of such systems, with significant variation in the influence of these determinants on a global scale.


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In eight European study sites (in Spain, Ireland, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Estonia and Sweden), abundance of breeding farmland bird territories was obtained from 500 × 500 m survey plots (30 per area, N = 240) using the mapping method. Two analyses were performed: (I) a Canonical Correspondence Analysis of species abundance in relation to geographical location and variables measuring agricultural intensification at field and farm level to identify significant intensification variables and to estimate the fractions of total variance in bird abundance explained by geography and agricultural intensification; (II) several taxonomic and functional community indices were built and analysed using GLM in relation to the intensification variables found significant in the CCA. The geographical location of study sites alone explains nearly one fifth (19. 5%) of total variation in species abundance. The fraction of variance explained by agricultural intensification alone is much smaller (4. 3%), although significant. The intersection explains nearly two fifths (37. 8%) of variance in species abundance. Community indices are negatively affected by correlates of intensification like farm size and yield, whereas correlates of habitat availability and quality have positive effects on taxonomic and functional diversity of assemblages. Most of the purely geographical variation in farmland bird assemblage composition is associated to Mediterranean steppe species, reflecting the bio-geographical singularity of that assemblage and reinforcing the need to preserve this community. Taxonomic and functional diversity of farmland bird communities are negatively affected by agricultural intensification and positively affected by increasing farmland habitat availability and quality. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.


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Fractals have found widespread application in a range of scientific fields, including ecology. This rapid growth has produced substantial new insights, but has also spawned confusion and a host of methodological problems. In this paper, we review the value of fractal methods, in particular for applications to spatial ecology, and outline potential pitfalls. Methods for measuring fractals in nature and generating fractal patterns for use in modelling are surveyed. We stress the limitations and the strengths of fractal models. Strictly speaking, no ecological pattern can be truly fractal, but fractal methods may nonetheless provide the most efficient tool available for describing and predicting ecological patterns at multiple scales.