998 resultados para soro de queijo in natura
Introduction Knowledge of the prevalence and risk factors for Toxoplasma gondii dissemination among pregnant women is relevant because the parasite can be spread from mother to infant. The objective of this study was to assess the epidemiology and risk factors of toxoplasmosis in pregnant women from Gurupi, State of Tocantins, Brazil, from February 2012 to June 2013. Methods The study population included 487 pregnant women. Sociodemographic, dietary and cultural data were collected using a standardized and validated form. Peripheral blood was collected for serologic testing using the ELISA test (IgM/IgG antibodies). The data were analyzed by comparing seropositivity with risk factors using crude and adjusted odds ratios. Results The prevalence rate for IgG and IgM antibodies was 68.7% and 5.7%, respectively. Sociodemographic characteristics associated with toxoplasmosis risk included the following: education level ≤ 8 years (OR: 6.612; CI: 1.450-30.144), age ≥ 30 years (OR: 5.273; CI: 1.166-23.844), working outside the home (OR: 1.604; CI: 1.015-2.536), and family income of two minimum wages or lower (OR: 2.700; CI: 1.891-8.182). Regarding dietary habits, there was a significant association of seropositivity with meat intake (OR: 1.78; CI: 1.149-4.080), cutting vegetables without washing the cutting board beforehand (OR: 2.051; CI: 1.165-3.614), frequent intake of vegetables (OR: 2.051; CI: 1.368-3.006) and in natura milk intake (OR: 2.422; CI: 1.014-5.785). Conclusions The high prevalence rates of toxoplasmosis in Gurupi are related to age, raw meat and in natura milk intake, as well as education level, working outside the home, and poor hygienic habits during meal preparation.
O gênero Passiflora (Passifloraceae) é utilizado principalmente para tratar doenças do SNC e cardiovasculares. A espécie Passiflora nitida Kunth é comumente conhecida como maracujá-do-mato". A literatura relata o consumo in natura dos frutos desta espécie pela população local para distúrbios gastrointestinais. Considerando o potencial farmacológico do gênero, este trabalho teve por objetivo realizar estudo de caracterização fitoquímica desta espécie e estudar os efeitos dos extratos aquoso (EA), etanólico (EE) e hexânico (EH) de suas folhas sobre a coagulação sanguínea e agregação plaquetária. Para a caracterização fitoquímica foram realizados testes de cromatografia em camada delgada e ressonância magnética nuclear. O efeito dos extratos sobre a coagulação foi avaliado pelos testes de tempo de protrombina (TP) e tempo de tromboplastina parcial ativada (TTPa). O efeito sobre a agregação plaquetária foi avaliado em plasma rico em plaquetas por método espectrofotométrico, usando adenosina difosfato (ADP) e adrenalina (ADR) como indutores da agregação. Os extratos EA, EE e EH apresentaram atividade coagulante pelo teste do TP e o EE apresentou atividade anticoagulante para o TTPa. Quando induzidos por ADP, os extratos EA, EE e EH apresentaram valores de concentração inibitória 50% (CI50, µg/mL) de 450,5 ± 50,7; 511,2 ± 35,5 e 394,4 ± 8,9, respectivamente, e quando induzidos por ADR apresentaram valores de 438,7 ± 5,2; 21,0 ± 1,9 e 546,9 ± 49,9, respectivamente. O EE apresentou atividade inibitória sobre a agregação. A caracterização fitoquímica foi sugestiva da presença de flavonóides e cumarinas, aos quais podem ser atribuídos, em parte, os efeitos biológicos estudados.
This study evaluated different cooking processes (roasted, cooked and fried) on total mercury (Hg) content in fish species most consumed by Manaus residents and surrounding communities, Amazon region. The results obtained for total Hg in natura and after the three types of preparation (roasted, cooked and fried) for 12 fish species showed a significant Hg concentration variation. In the present study the cooked and frying processes resulted in higher Hg losses for Pacu, Pescada, Jaraqui, Curimatã, Surubin and Aruanã fish species, most of them presenting detritivorous and carnivorous feeding habits. The higher Hg losses in the roasting process occurred for Sardinha, Aracu, Tucunaré, Pirapitinga, Branquinha and Tambaqui fish species, most of them being omnivorous and herbivorous fish species. Some micronutrients (Ca, Fe, K, Na, Se and Zn) in fish species in natura were also determined in order to perform a nutritional evaluation regarding these micronutrients.
The guava (Psidium guajava L.) cv. Paluma has been cultivated in São Francisco Valley, Northeastern of Brazil, for in natura consumption and processing purposes. In spite of its importance, there are few scientific knowledge regarding guava physiology, nutrition, irrigation and fertigation. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of weather conditions and different concentrations of N and K applied by fertigation in foliar contents of reducing sugars, total soluble sugars, starch, sucrose, amino acids, and proteins. The field experiment was carried out at Bebedouro Experimental Field and the biochemical evaluations at the Laboratory of Seed and Plant Physiology, both located at Embrapa Semi-Árido, Petrolina-PE. The doses of 200 g N and 100 g K2O; 400 g N and 200 g K2O; 600 g N and 300 g K2O; and 800 g N and 400 g K2O per plant were applied in an experiment field. The experimental design was totally randomized blocks, with four treatments and five blocks. The weather conditions influenced the plant photosynthesis, which affects the plants metabolism. Guava presented specific responses to N and K fertigation for each parameter evaluated. The weather conditions during the evaluation period influenced guava responses to N and K fertigation.
The caja (Spondias mombin L.) is used in the manufacture of ice-cream, jams, pulps, beverages being also consumed in natura. One of the most important procedures in food conservation is drying, considering that most fresh fruits contain approximately 80% of water. Food drying is used to obtain two basic aspects: (1) the economic factor; in the shipping and handling of the product; (2) at the manipulation; once dried and grinded, the material is rehydrated, at desirable levels, to formulate a new product as in ice cream, jams, yoghurts and drinks and may also be added to pasta, biscuits and other industrialized products. The aim of this study was to investigate the kinetics of caja bagasse drying in a fixed-bed tray dryer, using central composite factorial planning. The following factors were evaluated: temperature (55, 65 and 75 ºC), dryer inlet air velocity (3.2, 4.6 and 6.0 m.s-1) and cake thickness (0.8, 1.2 and 1.6 cm) where the response of the considered variable was caja bagasse moisture content (b.s.) and the results showed that the main effects and their interactions were significant at a 95% confidence level being the best condition obtained at temperature of 75 ºC, velocity of 6.0 m.s-1 and cake thickness of 0.8 cm.
Sapucaia (Lecythis pisonis Camb.) raw nuts collected from Brazil were analyzed to determine the proximate composition, amino acid profile of protein fractions, in vitro protein digestibility and antinutritional factors in order to evaluate their potential as a protein alimentary complement. The nuts contained adequate amounts of essential amino acids, fatty acids and minerals. In the present study, no hemagglutinating or inhibitory activities were observed in any of the samples investigated, indicating low or non-detectable levels of proteinase inhibitors or lectins in the samples. In vitro digestibility of in natura and heated nut globulins by mammalian digestive proteinases was carried out using trypsin + chymotrypsin + peptidase, with resulting mean values of approximately 70.30 and 71.35%, respectively. Taken together, the results suggest that sapucaia nuts may provide a new source of protein to use as a potential nutritional agent.
Aiming at improving the quality of Perna perna mussels cultivated and commercialized in Ubatuba, SP, Brazil, the growth and elimination of Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus artificially inoculated in mussels were studied. The inoculation was carried out in "in natura" and pre-cooked mussels for 30 min, and after that the mussels were kept for 10 hours at room temperature (25 ± 1 °C) and under refrigeration (7 ± 1 °C). Six thermal treatments were evaluated: three using steam (5, 10 and 15 minutes) and three in boiling water (5, 10 and 15 minutes), in order to find the best time/temperature binomial to provide pathogenic control. Yield and physical-chemical and sensory characteristics were evaluated. All thermal treatments were efficient to eliminate microorganisms in 2 logarithmic cycles. However, the boiling water treatments presented better results than the steam treatments. The physical-chemical and sensory analyses did not show statistical differences among the thermal treatments studied. The best performances were reached in the shortest times of heat exposure. Overall, the treatments in boiling water presented better results than the steam treatments.
The objective of this work was to analyze the fatty acid composition and nutrient potential of flour made from tilapia heads, which are normally discarded during the filleting operation. Significant differences were found between the proximate composition (moisture, ash, protein and total lipids) of the in natura tilapia and the flour, due to the drying process. The predominant fatty acids in the heads (in natura and in the flour) were palmitic acid (1,999 mg.100 g-1 and 7,699 mg.100 g-1, respectively), oleic acid (3,128 mg.100 g-1 and 11,447 mg.100g-1, respectively), and linoleic acid (1,018 mg.100 g-1 and 3,784 mg.100 g-1, respectively). The results lead us to conclude that tilapia head flour offers high levels of protein (38.41%), total lipids (35.46%), and ash (minerals) (19.38%). The content of omega-3 (731 mg.100 g-1) were proved to be satisfactory. Also, n-6/n-3 ratio was 6.15 and PUFA/SFA ratio was 0.47, which are in agreement with the recommended levels. Thus, tilapia heads can be used as a low-cost raw material for food fit for human consumption.
Loquat is a fruit with high market value cultivated in Southeast Brazil. Despite of this, there are little details about its quality characteristics. Fruits from five loquat cultivars, developed using genetic breeding, were analyzed to assess their compositional traits. The cultivars Centenária, Mizuho, Mizumo, Néctar de Cristal and Mizauto were selected based on their high productivity and resistance to diseases. Soluble sugars, organic acids, and carotenoids were quantified using liquid chromatography. The cultivar (cv.) with the highest total sugar concentration was Mizumo and the lowest concentration was found in Centenária. The main sugar detected was sucrose, and the malic acid was the major organic acid. Ascorbic acid was detected in small amounts. The total dietary fiber contents were almost the same in all cultivars. The major carotenoids detected were β-carotene and β-cryptoxanthin, except for the cultivar Nectar de Cristal, a white pulp loquat. These results contribute to the knowledge about de physiology of loquat fruit, an interesting raw material due to its nutritional and sensorial characteristics. Furthermore, the results obtained could help to identify the most appropriate use of the loquats with different attributes either for consumption in natura or for industrial processing.
Citric fruits - in natura, as frozen pulp or even as juice - are one of the most important Brazilian exportation products. They are a source of ascorbic acid - a potent antioxidant, and pectin, which is used in the food industry and is an important dietary fiber. This project aims to quantify ascorbic acid and pectin contents in citric fruits, commercial oranges and tangerines, comparing them in sizes and varieties. Ascorbic acid amount was measured in juice comparing sizes, varieties and storage conditions, using a tritimetric method with 2.6-dichlorobenzenoindophenol indicator. Total and soluble pectin in each part of the fruits (peel, albedo, pulp and juice) were quantified using the polygalacturonic acid as a standard. Differences were found between the sizes. The highest content of vitamin C was found in the oranges (Bahia variety). Comparing the storage temperatures, the biggest loss was at room temperature. Albedo presented the highest content of pectin in all fruits. In juice, the total and soluble pectin contents increased as fruits size decreased. Oranges and tangerines differed in the amount of pectin
Many studies have drawn attention to the occurrence and concentration of toxic elements found in the fruiting body of mushrooms. Some edible mushroom species are known to accumulate high levels of inorganic contaminants, mainly cadmium, mercury, and lead. There are about 2,000 known edible mushroom species, but only 25 of them are cultivated and used as food. In Brazil, the most marketed and consumed mushroom species are Agaricus bisporus, known as Paris champignon, Lentinus edodes, or Shitake and Pleurotus sp, also called Shimeji or Hiratake. In this study, the concentration of cadmium was determined in Lentinus edodes mushrooms from different cities in São Paulo state and some samples imported from Japan and China. The analyses were performed by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry after HNO3-H2O2 digestion. The results showed a lower concentration of Cd in the mushrooms cultivated in São Paulo (0.0079 to 0.023 mg.kg-1 in natura) than that of the mushrooms cultivated abroad (0.125 to 0.212 mg.kg-1 in natura). Although there is no tolerance limit for Cd in mushrooms in Brazil, the results show that Lentinus edodes mushrooms can be safely consumed.
Bacuri (Scheelea phalerata Mart.) is a type of palm fruit tree widely distributed in the Brazilian Cerrado. The objective of this paper was to study the almonds of bacuri, in their form in natura and processed, focusing on their nutritional value through the profile of amino acids, anti-nutritional factors and in vivo digestibility. Raw and toasted samples of the almond presented a high level of proteins and fiber. Proteins of raw bacuri almond showed no limiting amino acid when compared to the ones recommended by FAO/WHO, and histidine was the most limiting essential amino acid in the toasted almonds. The almond of bacuri does not present anti- nutritional factors. In an assay with rats fed with control (casein), tests (bacuri almond flours) and aproteic diets, we verified the quantity of ration ingested and body weight gain, determining the urinary and metabolic nitrogen. Rats treated with the test diets presented inferior values of True Digestibility (DV), (82.9 and 72.3%, respectively for the raw and toasted almonds) when compared to the control group (92.3%). The raw bacuri almond presented a superior nutritional value to the one found in the toasted almond.
Uma bactéria identificada como Bacillus licheniformis P40 isolada de intestino de peixe (Leporinus sp.) da bacia amazônica foi estudada quanto à sua capacidade de produzir antimicrobianos. O sobrenadante da cultura obtido em caldo de cérebro e coração (BHI) foi caracterizado, sendo ativo contra importantes bactérias patogênicas e deteriorantes como L. monocytogenes, B. cereus, E. carotovora e isolados clínicos de Streptococcus. Este foi parcialmente purificado através de precipitação com sulfato de amônio e cromatografia de gel filtração e de troca iônica. Foram assim isoladas duas substâncias com atividade antimicrobiana, sendo uma delas de natureza protéica. Esta foi estável a altas temperaturas (100o C), numa ampla faixa de pH e mostrou propriedades de biosurfactante. O sobrenadante parcialmente purificado foi utilizado para o combate a um importante fitopatógeno: Erwinia carotovora. Uma dose de 6400 UA/mL foi bactericida para uma concentração de 107 UFC/mL em 20 minutos in vitro. A substância foi capaz de evitar a formação da podridão mole em batatas (in vivo). Foi estudada a produção da atividade antimicrobiana em resíduos e sub-produtos da indústria de alimentos, sendo escolhido o soro de queijo para otimizar a produção através de um experimento fatorial 23 variando as condições de temperatura, pH e concentração de soro de queijo em pó. As melhores condições foram para temperaturas entre 26 e 37o C e pH entre 6,5 e 7,5 para uma concentração de soro de 7%, sendo que aumentos na concentração levaram a aumentos na produção.
No presente estudo, foi avaliada a hidrólise dos nucleotídeos ATP, ADP e AMP em soro de ratos em presença dos seguintes flavonóides: resveratrol, quercitina e rutina in vitro. Também avaliamos os efeitos do resveratrol, administrado na forma de suco de uva sobre a hidrólise dos nucleotídeos em soro de ratos adultos. Por último foi avaliado o efeito do resveratrol sobre a hidrólise dos nucleotídeos, administrado na forma de suco de uva, antes dos ratos serem submetidos ao tratamento com arginina. A hidrólise dos nucleotídeos em soro de ratos in vitro, em presença do resveratrol, aumentou para o substrato ATP em aproximadamente 40% e para o substrato ADP em aproximadamente 60%, mas não mostrou qualquer efeito sobre a hidrólise do AMP, ou seja, a enzima NTPDase foi ativada, enquanto a 5’-nucleotidase não sofreu qualquer alteração. Para a quercitina e para a rutina, outros flavonóides testados in vitro nas mesmas condições, observamos que a hidrólise dos nucleotídeos ATP, ADP e AMP diminuiu. Foi avaliado também, o efeito do suco de uva sobre a hidrólise dos nucleotideos em soro de ratos submetidos a cinco, dez e quinze dias de tratamento. Após quinze dias de tratamento, observou-se aumento na hidrólises de ATP, ADP e AMP. Com esse resultado então, tentamos avaliar se animais recebendo injeções de arginina (tratamento que já mostrara redução na hidrólise dos nucleotídeos em trabalho anterior), tendo previamente acesso ao suco de uva durante quinze dias, poderiam recuperar as atividades de hidrólise dos nucleotídeos. Concluimos que o resveratrol pode aumentar a hidrólise destes nucleotídeos em soro de ratos e que o suco de uva se administrado no lugar da água, também leva a um aumento na hidrólise de ATP, ADP e AMP. Nos protocolos onde houve diminuição na atividade de hidrólise do nucleotídeos por tratamento com arginina, observamos que o tratamento prévio com suco de uva preveniu o decréscimo na atividade das enzimas NTPDase e 5’-nucleotidase.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)