984 resultados para soft lining materials
In dieser Dissertation wird die Ladungsträgergeneration und -rekombination in neuen polymeren Absorbermaterialien für organische Solarzellen untersucht. Das Verständnis dieser Prozesse ist wesentlich für die Entwicklung neuer photoaktiver Materialsysteme, die hohe Effizienzen erzielen und organische Solarzellen konkurrenzfähig im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien machen. Experimentell verwendet diese Arbeit hauptsächlich die Methode der transienten Absorptionsspektroskopie, die sich für die Untersuchung photophysikalischer Prozesse auf einer Zeitskala von 100 fs bis 1 ms als sehr leistungsfähig erweist. Des Weiteren wird eine soft-modeling Methode vorgestellt, die es ermöglicht, photophysikalische Prozesse aus einer gemessenen transienten Absorptions-Datenmatrix zu bestimmen, wenn wenig a priori Kenntnisse der Reaktionskinetiken vorhanden sind. Drei unterschiedliche Donor:Akzeptor-Systeme werden untersucht; jedes dieser Systeme stellt eine andere Herangehensweise zur Optimierung der Materialien dar in Bezug auf Lichtabsorption über einen breiten Wellenlängenbereich, effiziente Ladungstrennung und schnellen Ladungstransport. Zuerst wird ein Terpolymer untersucht, das aus unterschiedlichen Einheiten für die Lichtabsorption und den Ladungstransport besteht. Es wird gezeigt, dass es möglich ist, den Fluss angeregter Zustände vom Chromophor auf die Transporteinheit zu leiten. Im zweiten Teil wird der Einfluss von Kristallinität auf die freie Ladungsträgergeneration mit einer Folge von ternären Mischungen, die unterschiedliche Anteile an amorphem und semi-kristallinem Polymer enthalten, untersucht. Dabei zeigt es sich, dass mit steigendem amorphen Polymeranteil sowohl der Anteil der geminalen Ladungsträgerrekombination erhöht als auch die nicht-geminale Rekombination schneller ist. Schlussendlich wird ein System untersucht, in dem sowohl Donor als auch Akzeptor Polymere sind, was zu verbesserten Absorptionseigenschaften führt. Die Rekombination von Ladungstransferzuständen auf der unter 100 ps Zeitskala stellt hier den hauptsächliche Verlustkanal dar, da freie Ladungsträger nur an Grenzflächen erzeugt werden können, an denen Donor und Akzeptor face-to-face zueinander orientiert sind. Darüber hinaus wird festgestellt, dass weitere 40-50% der Ladungsträger durch die Rekombination von Grenzflächenzuständen verloren gehen, die aus mobilen Ladungsträgern geminal gebildet werden.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the ratio of soft tissue to hard tissue in bilateral sagittal split setback osteotomy with rigid internal fixation or wire fixation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A literature search was performed using PubMed, Medline, CINAHL, Web of Science, the Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar Beta. From the original 766 articles identified, 8 articles were included. Two articles were prospective and 6 retrospective. The follow-up period ranged from 1 year to 12.7 years for rigid internal fixation. Two articles on wire fixation were found to be appropriate for inclusion. RESULTS: The differences between short- and long-term ratios of the lower lip to lower incisors for bilateral sagittal split setback osteotomy with rigid internal fixation or wire fixation were quite small. The ratio was 1:1 in the long term and by trend slightly lower in the short term. No distinction was seen between the short- and long-term ratios for mentolabial fold. The ratio was found to be 1:1 for the mentolabial fold to point B. In the short term, the ratio of the soft tissue pogonion to the pogonion showed a 1:1 ratio, with a trend to be lower in the long term. The upper lip showed mainly protrusion, but the amount was highly variable. CONCLUSIONS: This systematic review shows that evidence-based conclusions on soft tissue changes are difficult to draw. This is mostly because of inherent problems of retrospective studies, inferior study designs, and the lack of standardized outcome measurements. Well-designed prospective studies with sufficient samples and excluding additional surgery, ie, genioplasty or maxillary surgery, are needed.
PURPOSE: The purpose of the present systematic review was to evaluate the soft tissue/hard tissue ratio in bilateral sagittal split advancement osteotomy (BSSO) with rigid internal fixation (RIF) or wire fixation (WF). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The databases PubMed, Medline, CINAHL, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar Beta were searched. From the original 711 articles identified, 12 were finally included. Only 3 studies were prospective and 9 were retrospective. The postoperative follow-up ranged from 3 months to 12.7 years for RIF and 6 months to 5 years for WF. RESULTS: The short- and long-term ratios for the lower lip to lower incisor for BSSO with RIF or WF were 50%. No difference between the short- and long-term ratios for the mentolabial-fold to point B and soft tissue pogonion to pogonion could be observed. It was a 1:1 ratio. One exception was seen for the long-term results of the soft tissue pogonion to pogonion in BSSO with RIF; they tended to be greater than a 1:1 ratio. The upper lip mainly showed retrusion but with high variability. CONCLUSIONS: Despite a large number of studies on the short- and long-term effects of mandibular advancement by BSSO, the results of the present systematic review have shown that evidence-based conclusions on soft tissue changes are still unknown. This is mostly because of the inherent problems of retrospective studies, inferior study designs, and the lack of standardized outcome measures. Well-designed prospective studies with sufficient sample sizes that have excluded patients undergoing additional surgery (ie, genioplasty or maxillary surgery) are needed.
OBJECTIVES: To histologically assess the effectiveness of a porcine-derived collagen matrix (CM) and a subepithelial connective tissue graft (CTG) for the coverage of single mucosal recessions at osseointegrated dental implants. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Chronic-type mucosal Miller Class I-like recessions (mean clinical defect height: 0.67 ± 0.33-1.16 ± 0.19 mm) were established at the buccal aspect of titanium implants with platform switch in six beagle dogs. The defects were randomly allocated to either (1) coronally advanced flap surgery (CAF) + CM, (2) CAF + CTG or (3) CAF alone. At 12 weeks, histomorphometrical measurements were made (e.g.) between the implant shoulder (IS) and the mucosal margin (PM) and IS and the outer contour of the adjacent soft tissue (mucosal thickness [MT]). RESULTS: All treatment procedures investigated were associated with an almost complete soft tissue coverage of the defect area (i.e. coronal positioning of PM relative to IS). Mean IS-PM and MT values tended to be increased in both CAF + CM (1.04 ± 0.74 mm/0.71 ± 0.55 mm) and CAF + CTG (0.88 ± 1.23 mm/0.62 ± 0.66 mm) groups when compared with CAF (0.16 ± 0.28 mm/0.34 ± 0.23 mm) alone. These differences, however, did not reach statistical significance. CONCLUSIONS: Within the limits of this pilot study, it was concluded that all treatment procedures investigated were effective in covering soft tissue recessions at titanium implants.
Purpose Orthognathic surgery has the objective of altering facial balance to achieve esthetic results in patients who have severe disharmony of the jaws. The purpose was to quantify the soft tissue changes after orthognathic surgery, as well as to assess the differences in 3D soft tissue changes in the middle and lower third of the face between the 1- and 2-jaw surgery groups, in mandibular prognathism patients. Materials and Methods We assessed soft tissue changes of patients who have been diagnosed with mandibular prognathism and received either isolated mandibular surgery or bimaxillary surgery. The quantitative surface displacement was assessed by superimposing preoperative and postoperative volumetric images. An observer measured a surface-distance value that is shown as a contour line. Differences between the groups were determined by the Mann-Whitney U test. The Spearman correlation coefficient was used to evaluate a potential correlation between patients' surgical and cephalometric variables and soft tissue changes after orthognathic surgery in each group. Results There were significant differences in the middle third of the face between the 1- and 2-jaw surgery groups. Soft tissues in the lower third of the face changed in both surgery groups, but not significantly. The correlation patterns were more evident in the lower third of the face. Conclusion The overall soft tissue changes of the midfacial area were more evident in the 2-jaw surgery group. In 2-jaw surgery, significant changes would be expected in the midfacial area, but caution should be exercised in patients who have a wide alar base.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to assess long-term changes in position of soft tissue landmarks following mandibular advancement and setback surgery. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-seven patients (14 women, 13 men; mean age, 36 years) who had undergone either mandibular advancement (15 patients) or setback surgery (12 patients), were available for a long-term follow-up an average of 12 years postoperatively. In all of these cases, lateral cephalometric radiographs taken immediately before operation, at 1 week, 14 months, and 12 years postoperatively, were studied. RESULTS: During the 14 months postoperatively, soft tissue chin and mentolabial fold followed its underlying hard tissue in all patients. A continuous skeletal relapse was observable 12 years after mandibular advancement, but soft tissue chin moved more in an anterior direction. After mandibular setback, soft and hard tissue landmarks remained almost unchanged. Over the entire observation period, a thickening of soft tissue at pogonion was generally seen, and particularly a thickening of the whole chin in the setback group. All patients showed a significant lengthening and thinning of the upper lip. In all except 2 males, the patient's body weight increased markedly. CONCLUSION: In contrast to the immediate postoperative stage, soft tissue changes observed an average of 12 years after the primary operation do not directly follow the movements of the underlying skeletal structure. The soft tissue profile changes observed over such a long term seem to be influenced not only by the underlying skeletal structure but also by other factors such as weight gain and aging process.
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the influence of flap tension on the tearing characteristics of mucosal tissue samples in relation to various suture and needle characteristics. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Lining and masticatory mucosal tissue samples obtained from pig jaws were prepared for in vitro testing. Tension tearing diagrams of 60 experiments were traced for 3-0, 5-0 and 7-0 sutures with applied forces up to 20 N. In the second part, the same experiments were repeated with 100 diagrams to test the influence of needle characteristics with 5-0 and 6-0 sutures using only gingival tissue samples. RESULTS: 3-0 sutures mainly lead to tissue breakage at an average of 13.4 N. In contrast, 7-0 sutures only resulted in breakage of the thread at a mean applied force of 3.7 N. With 5-0 sutures, both events occurred at random at a mean force of 14.6 N. Irrespective of the needle characteristics, the mean breaking force for gingival samples with 5-0 and 6-0 sutures was approximately 10 N. CONCLUSIONS: Tissue trauma may be reduced by choosing finer suture diameters, because thinner (6-0, 7-0) sutures lead to thread breakage rather than tissue breakage.
Many investigations have shown that the electrical resistance of soft annealed metals is usually smaller than that of metals in their hard, cold worked state. By annealing cold-worked metals, the electrical resistance decreases to a minimum and then increases upon continued annealing at higher temperatures. The work performed in this investigation upon silver, aluminum, copper, nickel, and soft steel corroborates this idea.
PURPOSE To evaluate the biologic width dimensions around implants with nonmatching implant-abutment diameters. MATERIALS AND METHODS Five canines had their mandibular premolars and first molars removed bilaterally and replaced with 12 implants that had nonmatching implant-abutment diameters. On one side, six implants were placed in a submerged surgical approach, and the other side utilized a nonsubmerged approach. Two of the implants on each side were placed either 1 mm above, even with, or 1 mm below the alveolar crest. Two months later, gold crowns were attached, and the dogs were sacrificed 6 months postloading. Block sections were processed for histologic and histomorphometric analyses. RESULTS The bone level, connective tissue length, epithelial dimension, and biologic width were not significantly different when the implants were initially placed in a submerged or nonsubmerged surgical approach. The bone level was significantly different around implants placed 1 mm above the crest compared to implants placed even with or 1 mm below the alveolar crest. The connective tissue dimension was not different for any implant level placement. The epithelial dimension and biologic width were significantly greater for implants placed 1 mm below the alveolar crest compared to implants placed even with or 1 mm above the alveolar crest. For five of six implant placements, connective tissue covered the implant/abutment interface. CONCLUSIONS This study reveals a fundamental change in the biologic response to implants with nonmatching implant-abutment diameters. Unlike implants with matching implant-abutment diameters, the connective tissue extended coronally past the interface (microgap). This morphologic tissue alteration represents a significant change in the biologic reaction to implant-abutment interfaces and suggests that marginal inflammation is eliminated or greatly reduced in these implant designs.
High reflective materials in the microwave region play a very important role in the realization of antenna reflectors for a broad range of applications, including radiometry. These reflectors have a characteristic emissivity which needs to be characterized accurately in order to perform a correct radiometric calibration of the instrument. Such a characterization can be performed by using open resonators, waveguide cavities or by radiometric measurements. The latter consists of comparative radiometric observations of absorbers, reference mirrors and the sample under test, or using the cold sky radiation as a direct reference source. While the first two mentioned techniques are suitable for the characterization of metal plates and mirrors, the latter has the advantages to be also applicable to soft materials. This paper describes how, through this radiometric techniques, it is possible to characterize the emissivity of the sample relative to a reference mirror and how to characterize the absolute emissivity of the latter by performing measurements at different incident angles. The results presented in this paper are based on our investigations on emissivity of a multilayer insulation material (MLI) for space mission, at the frequencies of 22 and 90 GHz.
From a biological point of view, casting refers to filling of anatomical and/or pathological spaces with extraneous material that reproduces a three-dimensional replica of the space. Casting may be accompanied by additional procedures such as corrosion, in which the soft tissue is digested out, leaving a clean cast, or the material may be mixed with radiopaque substances to allow x-ray photography or micro computed topography (µCT) scanning. Alternatively, clearing of the surrounding soft tissue increases transparency and allows visualization of the casted cavities. Combination of casting with tissue fixation allows anatomical dissection and didactic surgical procedures on the tissue. Casting materials fall into three categories namely, aqueous substances (India ink, Prussian blue ink), pliable materials (gelatins, latex, and silicone rubber), or hard materials (methyl methacrylates, polyurethanes, polyesters, and epoxy resins). Casting has proved invaluable in both teaching and research and many phenomenal biological processes have been discovered through casting. The choice of a particular material depends inter alia on the targeted use and the intended subsequent investigative procedures, such as dissection, microscopy, or µCT. The casting material needs to be pliable where anatomical and surgical manipulations are intended, and capillary-passable for ultrastructural investigations.
OBJECTIVE To assess the indication and timing of soft tissue augmentation for prevention or treatment of gingival recession when a change in the inclination of the incisors is planned during orthodontic treatment. MATERIALS AND METHODS Electronic database searches of literature were performed. The following electronic databases with no restrictions were searched: MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane, and CENTRAL. Two authors performed data extraction independently using data collection forms. RESULTS No randomized controlled trial was identified. Two studies of low-to-moderate level of evidence were included: one of prospective and retrospective data collection and one retrospective study. Both implemented a periodontal intervention before orthodontics. Thus, best timing of soft tissue augmentation could not be assessed. The limited available data from these studies appear to suggest that soft tissue augmentation of bucco-lingual gingival dimensions before orthodontics may yield satisfactory results with respect to the development or progression of gingival recessions. However, the strength of the available evidence is not adequate in order to change or suggest a possible treatment approach in the daily practice based on solid scientific evidence. CONCLUSIONS Despite the clinical experience that soft tissue augmentation of bucco-lingual gingival dimensions before orthodontic treatment may be a clinically viable treatment option in patients considered at risk, this treatment approach is not based on solid scientific evidence. Moreover, the present data do not allow to draw conclusions on the best timing of soft tissue augmentation when a change in the inclination of the incisors is planned during orthodontic treatment and thus, there is a stringent need for randomized controlled trials to clarify these open issues.
The quantum dimer model on the square lattice is a U(1) gauge theory that addresses aspects of the physics of high-Tc superconductors. Using a quantum Monte Carlo method, we show that the theory exists in a confining columnar valence bond solid phase. The interfaces separating distinct columnar phases display plaquette order, which, however, is not realized as a bulk phase. Static “electric” charges are confined by flux tubes that consist of multiple strands, each carrying a fractionalized flux ¼. A soft pseudo-Goldstone mode (which becomes exactly massless at the Rokhsar-Kivelson point) extends deep into the columnar phase, with potential implications for high-Tc physics.
PURPOSE The aim of this work was to study the peri-implant soft tissues response, by evaluating both the recession and the papilla indexes, of patients treated with implants with two different configurations. In addition, data were stratified by tooth category, smoking habit and thickness of buccal bone wall. MATERIALS AND METHODS The clinical trial was designed as a prospective, randomized-controlled multicenter study. Adults in need of one or more implants replacing teeth to be removed in the maxilla within the region 15-25 were recruited. Following tooth extraction, the site was randomly allocated to receive either a cylindrical or conical/cylindrical implant. The following parameters were studied: (i) Soft tissue recession (REC) measured by comparing the gingival zenith (GZ) score at baseline (permanent restoration) with that of the yearly follow-up visits over a period of 3 years (V1, V2 and V3). (ii) Interdental Papilla Index (PI): PI measurements were performed at baseline and compared with that of the follow-up visits. In addition, data were stratified by different variables: tooth category: anterior (incisors and canine) and posterior (first and second premolar); smoking habit: patient smoker (habitual or occasional smoker at inclusion) or non-smoker (non-smoker or ex-smoker at inclusion) and thickness of buccal bone wall (TB): TB ≤ 1 mm (thin buccal wall) or TB > 1 mm (thick buccal wall). RESULTS A total of 93 patients were treated with 93 implants. At the surgical re-entry one implant was mobile and then removed; moreover, one patient was lost to follow-up. Ninety-one patients were restored with 91 implant-supported permanent single crowns. After the 3-year follow-up, a mean gain of 0.23 mm of GZ was measured; moreover, 79% and 72% of mesial and distal papillae were classified as >50%/ complete, respectively. From the stratification analysis, not significant differences were found between the mean GZ scores of implants with TB ≤ 1 mm (thin buccal wall) and TB > 1 mm (thick buccal wall), respectively (P < 0.05, Mann-Whitney U-test) at baseline, at V1, V2 and V3 follow-up visits. Also, the other variables did not seem to influence GZ changes over the follow-up period. Moreover, a re-growth of the interproximal mesial and distal papillae was the general trend observed independently from the variables studied. CONCLUSIONS Immediate single implant treatment may be considered a predictable option regarding soft tissue stability over a period of 3 years of follow-up. An overall buccal soft tissue stability was observed during the GZ changes from the baseline to the 3 years of follow-up with a mean GZ reduction of 0.23 mm. A nearly full papillary re-growth can be detectable over a minimum period of 2 years of follow-up for both cylindrical and conical/cylindrical implants. Both the interproximal papilla filling and the midfacial mucosa stability were not influenced by variables such as type of fixture configuration, tooth category, smoke habit, and thickness of buccal bone wall of ≤ 1 mm (thin buccal wall).
OBJECTIVES To objectively determine the difference in colour between the peri-implant soft tissue at titanium and zirconia abutments. MATERIALS AND METHODS Eleven patients, each with two contralaterally inserted osteointegrated dental implants, were included in this study. The implants were restored either with titanium abutments and porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns, or with zirconia abutments and ceramic crowns. Prior and after crown cementation, multi-spectral images of the peri-implant soft tissues and the gingiva of the neighbouring teeth were taken with a colorimeter. The colour parameters L*, a*, b*, c* and the colour differences ΔE were calculated. Descriptive statistics, including non-parametric tests and correlation coefficients, were used for statistical analyses of the data. RESULTS Compared to the gingiva of the neighbouring teeth, the peri-implant soft tissue around titanium and zirconia (test group), showed distinguishable ΔE both before and after crown cementation. Colour differences around titanium were statistically significant different (P = 0.01) only at 1 mm prior to crown cementation compared to zirconia. Compared to the gingiva of the neighbouring teeth, statistically significant (P < 0.01) differences were found for all colour parameter, either before or after crown cementation for both abutments; more significant differences were registered for titanium abutments. Tissue thickness correlated positively with c*-values for titanium at 1 mm and 2 mm from the gingival margin. CONCLUSIONS Within their limits, the present data indicate that: (i) The peri-implant soft tissue around titanium and zirconia showed colour differences when compared to the soft tissue around natural teeth, and (ii) the peri-implant soft tissue around zirconia demonstrated a better colour match to the soft tissue at natural teeth than titanium.