937 resultados para skin tag


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Digital thermal imaging has been employed in medicine for over 50 years. However, its use has been focused on vascular, musculoskeletal and neurological conditions, while other potential applications,such as obstetrics, have been much less explored. This paper presents a study conducted during 2011 at the Hospital of Braga on a group of healthy pregnant women in the last third of gestation. The analysis focused on characterizing typical pregnant women steady temperature profiles in specific defined regions of interest (ROI), and determining if the thermal symmetry values for late pregnant healthy women are in line with the values for non-pregnant healthy women. A temperature distribution pattern was found in the defined ROI. The obtained thermal symmetry value had a maximum of 0.370.2 1C, and there was no evidence for the influence of age (p40.05) in the observed group. The influence of the BMI requires further investigation since one ROI (P2 right) presented a p¼0.059, close to the threshold of statistical evidence in the influence of BMI. The study group presented symmetry values in line with non-pregnant reference values, but the profiles in temperature distribution are different. Assumptions can therefore now be used with higher confidence when assessing abnormalities in specific pathologic states during pregnancy using the defined ROI. This work represents a first contribution towards establishing guidelines for future research in this specific field of study.


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Although it is always weak between RFID Tag and Terminal in focus of the security, there are no security skills in RFID Tag. Recently there are a lot of studying in order to protect it, but because it has some physical limitation of RFID, that is it should be low electric power and high speed, it is impossible to protect with the skills. At present, the methods of RFID security are using a security server, a security policy and security. One of them the most famous skill is the security module, then they has an authentication skill and an encryption skill. In this paper, we designed and implemented after modification original SEED into 8 Round and 64 bits for Tag.


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The Maxwell equations play a fundamental role in the electromagnetic theory and lead to models useful in physics and engineering. This formalism involves integer-order differential calculus, but the electromagnetic diffusion points towards the adoption of a fractional calculus approach. This study addresses the skin effect and develops a new method for implementing fractional-order inductive elements. Two genetic algorithms are adopted, one for the system numerical evaluation and another for the parameter identification, both with good results.


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In this paper we propose a possible design for a RFID tag antenna embedded into cork. The antenna is small and conformal and intended to be used into bottle stoppers for tracking and logging purposes of wine or other beverages. The proposed design is based on an inductive ring and an added resistance in order to modify the current distributions of the antenna. The resulting antenna has a relatively directive radiation pattern and despite the small efficiency it is able to operate with a commercial RFID reader at a reasonable distance. © 2014 IEEE.


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In this paper we present a possible design for a passive RFID tag antenna on paper substrate to be integrated into bottle labels. Considering the application scenario, we verified and determined the permittivity and dissipation factor of the materials in order to simulate all the possible sources that would influence the antenna performance. The measured results reported a maximum reading range of 1.45 m even though the efficiency obtained with the antenna integrated into the bottle was only of 3%. © 2014 IEEE.


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OBJECTIVE To describe the trend for malignant skin neoplasms in subjects under 40 years of age in a region with high ultraviolet radiation indices.METHODS A descriptive epidemiological study on melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancers that was conducted in Goiania, Midwest Brazil, with 1,688 people under 40 years of age, between 1988 and 2009. Cases were obtained fromRegistro de Câncer de Base Populacional de Goiânia(Goiania’s Population-Based Cancer File). Frequency, trends, and incidence of cases with single and multiple lesions were analyzed; transplants and genetic skin diseases were found in cases with multiple lesions.RESULTS Over the period, 1,995 skin cancer cases were observed to found, of which 1,524 (90.3%) cases had single lesions and 164 (9.7%) had multiple lesions. Regarding single lesions, incidence on men was observed to have risen from 2.4 to 3.1/100,000 inhabitants; it differed significantly for women, shifting from 2.3 to 5.3/100,000 (Annual percentage change – [APC] 3.0%, p = 0.006). Regarding multiple lesions, incidence on men was observed to have risen from 0.30 to 0.98/100,000 inhabitants; for women, it rose from 0.43 to 1.16/100,000 (APC 8.6%, p = 0.003). Genetic skin diseases or transplants were found to have been correlated with 10.0% of cases with multiple lesions – an average of 5.1 lesions per patient. The average was 2.5 in cases without that correlation.CONCLUSIONS Skin cancer on women under 40 years of age has been observed to be increasing for both cases with single and multiple lesions. It is not unusual to find multiple tumors in young people – in most cases, they are not associated with genetic skin diseases or transplants. It is necessary to avoid excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation from childhood.


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The internal impedance of a wire is the function of the frequency. In a conductor, where the conductivity is sufficiently high, the displacement current density can be neglected. In this case, the conduction current density is given by the product of the electric field and the conductance. One of the aspects of the high-frequency effects is the skin effect (SE). The fundamental problem with SE is it attenuates the higher frequency components of a signal.


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Fourteen-day-old schistosomula obtained from mice previously infected were surgically transferred to the portal vein of receptor mice. Another group of mice was infected with cercariae by transcutaneous route. After 90 days, those groups were challenged with 100 cercariae, transcutaneously, as well as a control group. Two weeks later the animals were perfused and mature and immature worms counted separately. Statistically significant differences were observed in the recovery of immature worms, when the control group was compared with those twice infected. No statistical difference was detected between the group infected transcutaneously, and that infected by worm inoculation in portal vein. Results demonstrated that suppression of skin and lung migration of the parasite does not interfere with the development of the so called concomitant immunity.


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Mice infected with 350 cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni (LE strain) were treated with oxamniquine, at the dose of 400 mg/kg, 24, 48, 72, and 96 h after infection. Forty days after the treatment, the animals were submitted to a challenge infection with 80 cercariae, through the abdominal and ear skins. The number of immature worms in the animal groups treated 24 and 96 h after the first infection was found to be lower than that in the control group, thus showing that the death of schisto-somes by chemotherapy, at the skin and pulmonary phases, causes an acquired resistance state.


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The effect of the colour group on the morbidity due to Schistosoma mansoni was examined in two endemic areas situated in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Of the 2773 eligible inhabitants, 1971 (71.1%) participated in the study: 545 (27.6%) were classified as white, 719 (36.5%) as intermediate and 707 (35.9%) as black. For each colour group, signs and symptoms of individuals who eliminated S.mansoni eggs (cases) were compared to those who did not present eggs in the faeces (controls). The odds ratios were adjusted by age, gender, previous treatment for schistosomiasis, endemic area and quality of the household. There was no evidence of a modifier effect of colour on diarrhea, bloody faeces or abdominal pain. A modifier effect of colour on hepatomegaly was evident among those heaviest infected (> 400 epg): the adjusted odds ratios for palpable liver at the middle clavicular and the middle sternal lines were smaller among blacks (5.4 and 6.5, respectively) and higher among whites (10.6 and 12.9) and intermediates (10.4 and 10.1, respectively). These results point out the existence of some degree of protection against hepatomegaly among blacks heaviest infected in the studied areas.


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No panorama socioeconómico atual, a contenção de despesas e o corte no financiamento de serviços secundários consumidores de recursos conduzem à reformulação de processos e métodos das instituições públicas, que procuram manter a qualidade de vida dos seus cidadãos através de programas que se mostrem mais eficientes e económicos. O crescimento sustentado das tecnologias móveis, em conjunção com o aparecimento de novos paradigmas de interação pessoa-máquina com recurso a sensores e sistemas conscientes do contexto, criaram oportunidades de negócio na área do desenvolvimento de aplicações com vertente cívica para indivíduos e empresas, sensibilizando-os para a disponibilização de serviços orientados ao cidadão. Estas oportunidades de negócio incitaram a equipa do projeto a desenvolver uma plataforma de notificação de problemas urbanos baseada no seu sistema de informação geográfico para entidades municipais. O objetivo principal desta investigação foca a idealização, conceção e implementação de uma solução completa de notificação de problemas urbanos de caráter não urgente, distinta da concorrência pela facilidade com que os cidadãos são capazes de reportar situações que condicionam o seu dia-a-dia. Para alcançar esta distinção da restante oferta, foram realizados diversos estudos para determinar características inovadoras a implementar, assim como todas as funcionalidades base expectáveis neste tipo de sistemas. Esses estudos determinaram a implementação de técnicas de demarcação manual das zonas problemáticas e reconhecimento automático do tipo de problema reportado nas imagens, ambas desenvolvidas no âmbito deste projeto. Para a correta implementação dos módulos de demarcação e reconhecimento de imagem, foram feitos levantamentos do estado da arte destas áreas, fundamentando a escolha de métodos e tecnologias a integrar no projeto. Neste contexto, serão apresentadas em detalhe as várias fases que constituíram o processo de desenvolvimento da plataforma, desde a fase de estudo e comparação de ferramentas, metodologias, e técnicas para cada um dos conceitos abordados, passando pela proposta de um modelo de resolução, até à descrição pormenorizada dos algoritmos implementados. Por último, é realizada uma avaliação de desempenho ao par algoritmo/classificador desenvolvido, através da definição de métricas que estimam o sucesso ou insucesso do classificador de objetos. A avaliação é feita com base num conjunto de imagens de teste, recolhidas manualmente em plataformas públicas de notificação de problemas, confrontando os resultados obtidos pelo algoritmo com os resultados esperados.


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In order to estimate ages at which etiological agents of systemic mycoses initiate infection, histoplasmin and paracoccidioidin skin tests were performed in 344 children of both sexes, between 2 and 15 years old. They were selected from a statistically significant population sample Gral. San Martín city (Northeast Argentina). Tests were read 48h after injection and considered positive if a 5 mm on larger induration was present. Circulating antibodies were also evaluated by agar gel immunodiffusion. The overall infection rate for H. capsulatum was 9.2%, belonging to children from 4 to 14 years old, without significant differences among sexes. Five children from 2 to 14 years old were positive to paracoccidioidin (1.6%). None of the children had specific antibodies neither signs of active mycosis. Results show H. capsulatum infection can be found from age 4, while for P. brasiliensis the lower limit was two years old. These findings may contribute to better knowledge on infantile fungal infection in a geographical region where no previous references can be found.


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A survey for canine tegumentary leishmaniasis (CTL) has been carried out between 1986 and 1993 in seven endemic localities for American cutaneous leishmaniasis in the State of Rio de Janeiro. 270 dogs have been examined for their clinical aspects, the development of delayed hypersensitivity (DHS) with Immunoleish antigen and with immunofluorescent antibody research of IgG (IF). 28.2% of them had ulcer lesions and 3.3% had scars. The lesions consisted of single (39.5%) and mucocutaneous lesions (31.6%), multiple cutaneous (25.0%) and mucocutaneous lesions associated with cutaneous ulcers (4.0%). Twelve (15.8%) isolates from biopsies were analyzed by zimodeme and schizodeme and identified as L. (V.) braziliensis. The overall prevalence of canine infection that was evaluated with the skin test was of 40.5% and with IF it was of 25.5%. Both tests showed a high positive rate with relation to the animals with mucosal lesions, as in the case of human mucocutaneous leishmaniasis. The comparison of the two tests showed the skin test to have a better performance although there was no statistical difference (p>0.05) between them. The proportional sensitivity and specificity was of 84.0% and 74.0%, respectively. The Immunoleish skin test and IF are useful tools to be employed in CTL field epidemiological surveys.


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Trabalho apresentado no âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia Informática, como requisito parcial Para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática