738 resultados para single mode fiber


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We have UV-inscribed and theoretically and experimentally analyzed fiber gratings with the structure tilted at 45° and implemented this type of devices as an in-fiber polarizer. A systematic investigation has been carried out on the characterization of 45° tilted fiber gratings (45° TFGs) in terms of the polarization-dependant loss (PDL) and thermal response. The detailed theoretical modeling has revealed a linear correlation between the grating length and the PDL, which has been proved by the experimental results. For the first time, we have examined the UV beam diffraction from a tilted phase mask and designed the UV-inscription system to suit the 45° TFG fabrication. Experimentally, a 24 mm long 45° TFG UV-inscribed in standard telecom single-mode fiber exhibited around 25 dB PDL at 1530 nm and an over ~300 nm bandwidth of PDL spectrum. By the concatenation method, a 44 mm long grating showed a PDL as high as 40 dB that is close to the high polarization extinction ratio of commercial products. Moreover, we have revealed that the PDL of 45° TFGs has low thermal influence, which is desirable for real application devices. Finally, we experimentally demonstrated an all-fiber twist sensor system based on a 45° and an 81° TFG.


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Novel surface plasmonic optical fiber sensors have been fabricated using multiple coatings deposited on a lapped section of a single mode fiber. UV laser irradiation processing with a phase mask produces a nano-scaled surface relief grating structure resembling nano-wires. The resulting individual corrugations produced by material compaction are approximately 20 μm long with an average width at half maximum of 100 nm and generate localized surface plasmons. Experimental data are presented that show changes in the spectral characteristics after UV processing, coupled with an overall increase in the sensitivity of the devices to surrounding refractive index. Evidence is presented that there is an optimum UV dosage (48 joules) over which no significant additional optical change is observed. The devices are characterized with regards to change in refractive index, where significantly high spectral sensitivities in the aqueous index regime are found, ranging up to 4000 nm/RIU for wavelength and 800 dB/RIU for intensity. © 2013 Optical Society of America.


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We describe the use of arrayed waveguide gratings (AWGs) in the interrogation of fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) for dynamic strain measurement. The ratiometric AWG output was calibrated in a static deflection experiment over a ±200 με range. Dynamic strain measurement was demonstrated with a FBG in a conventional single-mode fiber mounted on the surface of a vibrating cantilever and on a piezoelectric actuator, giving a resolution of 0.5 με at 2.4 kHz. We present results of this technique extended to measure the dynamic differential strain between two FBG pairs within a multicore fiber. An arbitrary cantilever oscillation of the multicore fiber was determined from curvature measurements in two orthogonal axes at 1125 Hz with a resolution of 0.05 m-1. © 2006 Optical Society of America.


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In-fiber microchannels were fabricated directly in standard single mode fiber using the femtosecond laser inscribe and etch technique. This method of creating in-fiber microchannels offers great versatility since it allows complex three dimensional structures to be inscribed and then etched with hydrofluoric acid. Four in-fiber microchannel designs were experimentally investigated using this technique. Device characteristics were evaluated through monitoring the spectral change while inserting index matching oils into each microchannel - a R.I. sensitivity up to 1.55 dB/RIU was achieved. Furthermore, a simple Fabry-Pérot based refractometer with a R.I. sensitivity of 2.75 nm/RIU was also demonstrated. © 2014 SPIE.


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In-fiber mode engineering based on the combination of Bragg and long-period gratings (LPGs) permits the implementation of noninterferometric transmission filters with narrow passbands using standard single-mode fiber. The design of the bandpass filter is based on the coupling between propagating and counterpropagating cladding modes in two fiber Bragg gratings. A LPG located between the Bragg gratings transfers power from the input fundamental mode to a specific cladding mode and recouples the filtered signal to the output fundamental mode. The filter produces a series of narrow passbands of about 30 pm linewidth with a maximum transmittance above 60%, 20 dB isolation, and passband separation of about 1 nm, each corresponding to the contribution of a different cladding mode. © 2012 Optical Society of America.


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We have experimentally demonstrated an active loading sensor system based on a fiber ring laser with single-polarization output using an intra-cavity 45°-tilted fiber grating (45°-TFG). When the laser cavity fiber subjected to loading, the laser output is encoded with the load and can be measured and monitored by a power metre. A loading sensitivity as high as 0.033/ (kg·m-1) has been achieved using this laser. The experiment results clearly show that single polarization fiber laser may be developed to a low-cost high-sensitivity loading sensor system. © 2014 SPIE.


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In this letter, a nonlinear semi-analytical model (NSAM) for simulation of few-mode fiber transmission is proposed. The NSAM considers the mode mixing arising from the Kerr effect and waveguide imperfections. An analytical explanation of the model is presented, as well as simulation results for the transmission over a two mode fiber (TMF) of 112 Gb/s using coherently detected polarization multiplexed quadrature phase-shift-keying modulation. The simulations show that by transmitting over only one of the two modes on TMFs, long-haul transmission can be realized without increase of receiver complexity. For a 6000-km transmission link, a small modal dispersion penalty is observed in the linear domain, while a significant increase of the nonlinear threshold is observed due to the large core of TMF. © 2006 IEEE.


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We report a refractive index (RI) and liquid level sensing system based on a hybrid grating structure comprising of a 45° and an 81° tilted fiber gratings (TFGs) that have been inscribed into a single mode fiber in series. In this structure, the 45°-TFG is used as a polarizer to filter out the transverse electric (TE) component and enable the 81°-TFG operating at single polarization for RI and level sensing. The experiment results show a lower temperature cross-sensitivity, only about 7.33 pm/°C, and a higher RI sensitivity, being around 180 nm/RIU at RI=1.345 and 926 nm/RIU at RI=1.412 region, which are significantly improved in comparison with long period fiber gratings. The hybrid grating structure has also been applied as a liquid level sensor, showing 3.06 dB/mm linear peak ratio sensitivity.


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A low-cost fiber optic sensor system based on multimode fiber and an LED light source is presented. A multimode fiber Bragg grating (MMFBG) element is used as a strain sensor. In a matched grating scheme, a MMFBG similar to the sensing one was used as a reference in the receiving unit. For detection of large wavelength shift we demonstrated the feasibility of MMFBG wavelength detection using a single mode fiber fused coupler edge filter. The high cost normally associated with wavelength interrogators for single mode fiber FBG sensors was overcome by the utilization of a low cost multimode fiber pigtailed LED light source. The multimode fiber sensing system has the potential of maintaining much of the advantages of its single mode FBG sensor system counterparts. The MMFBG sensing schemes could be used for short distance, high sensitivity, high speed, strain, temperature and acoustic sensing applications.


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We show transmission of a 3x112-Gb/s DP-QPSK mode-division-multiplexed signal up to 80km, with and without multi-mode EDFA, using blind 6x6 MIMO digital signal processing. We show that the OSNR-penalty induced by mode-mixing in the multi-mode EDFA is negligible.


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Nonlinear pulse propagation in a few mode fiber is experimentally investigated, by measuring temporal and phase responses of the output pulses by use of a frequency discriminator technique, showing that self-phase modulation, dispersion and linear mode-coupling are the dominant effects.


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Long period grating was UV inscribed into a multicore fiber consisting of 120 single mode cores. The multicore fiber that hosts the grating was fusion spliced into a single mode fiber at both ends. The splice creates a taper transition between the two types of fiber that produces a nonadiabatic mode evolution; this results in the illumination of all the modes in the multicore fiber. The spectral characteristics of this fiber device as a function of curvature were investigated. The device yielded a significant spectral sensitivity as high as 1.23 nm/m-1 and 3.57 dB/m-1 to the ultra-low curvature values from 0 to 1 m-1. This fiber device can also distinguish the orientation of curvature experienced by the fiber as the long period grating attenuation bands producing either a blue or red wavelength shift. The finite element method (FEM) model was used to investigate the modal behavior in multicore fiber and to predict the phase-matching curves of the long period grating inscribed into multicore fiber. © 2014 Optical Society of America.


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In this work, a phase-shifted fiber Bragg grating is proposed for strain sensing at extreme temperatures. The grating structure is written in bare standard single mode fiber, using the point-by-point femtosecond laser technique. Strain measurements are performed at temperatures ranging from room temperature up to 900°C. By subjecting the sensor to such extreme conditions, the wavelength of the grating increases. © 2014 OSA.


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In-fiber microchannels were fabricated directly in standard single mode fiber using the femtosecond laser inscribe and etch technique. This method of creating in-fiber microchannels offers great versatility, since it allows complex three-dimensional structures to be inscribed and then preferentially etched with hydrofluoric acid. In addition, inscription does not require a photosensitive fiber; the modification is induced through nonlinear processes triggered by an ultrashort laser pulse. Four in-fiber microchannel designs were experimentally investigated using this technique - microhole, microslot channel along the core, microslot channel perpendicular to the core and helical channel around the core. Each device design was evaluated through monitoring the optical spectral change while inserting a range of index matching oils into each microchannel; an R.I. sensitivity up to 1.55 dB/RIU was achieved in these initial tests. Furthermore, an all femtosecond laser inscribed Fabry-Pérot-based refractometer with an R.I. sensitivity of 2.75 nm/RIU was also demonstrated. The Fabry-Pérot refractometer was formed by positioning a microchannel between two femtosecond laser inscribed point-by-point fiber Bragg gratings.


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A simple fiber sensor capable of simultaneous measurement of liquid level and refractive index (RI) is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The sensing head is an all-fiber modal interferometer manufactured by splicing an uncoated single-mode fiber with two short sections of multimode fiber. The interference pattern experiences blue shift along with an increase of axial strain and surrounding RI. Owing to the participation of multiple cladding modes with different sensitivities, the height and RI of the liquid could be simultaneously measured by monitoring two dips of the transmission spectrum. Experimental results show that the liquid level and RI sensitivities of the two dips are 245.7 pm/mm, -38 nm/RI unit (RIU), and 223.7 pm/mm, -62 nm/RIU, respectively. The approach has distinctive advantages of easy fabrication, low cost, and high sensitivity for liquid level detection with the capability of distinguishing the RI variation simultaneously. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.