597 resultados para shopping malls


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In questo lavoro di tesi si è analizzato il problema di creare un sistema di assistenza allo shopping integrabile in applicazioni e-commerce web e mobile sviluppate con le tecnologie messe a disposizione da Marketcloud, ovvero un progetto che punta a fornire strumenti per la realizzazione, la manutenzione, la gestione, la diffusione e la pubblicizzazione di tali applicazioni limitando i costi e le problematiche di sviluppo a carico delle aziende che intendono fornire servizi di e-commerce. Dopo aver discusso gli aspetti principali del progetto Marketcloud, sono state analizzate le necessità delle aziende interessate allo sviluppo del sistema di assistenza in esame, così come le aspettative degli utenti (i clienti) finali, ed è stato discusso perché fosse necessario e preferibile, nel caso in esame, non utilizzare soluzioni già presenti sul mercato. Infine, è stata progettata ed implementata un’applicazione web che includesse tale sistema e che fosse immediatamente integrabile tra i servizi già sviluppati da Marketcloud, testandone risultati, prestazioni, problemi e possibili sviluppi futuri. Al termine del lavoro di implementazione, il sistema e l'applicazione garantiscono all'utente finale l'utilizzo di tre funzioni: ricerca per categoria, ricerca libera, recommendation di prodotti. Per gestire la ricerca libera, è stato implementato un sistema di filtri successivi, ed una rete neurale multi-livello dotata di un opportuno algoritmo di machine learning per poter apprendere dalle scelte degli utenti; per la recommendation di prodotti, è stato utilizzato un sistema di ranking (classificazione). Le prestazioni della rete neurale sono state oggetto di attenta analisi.


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Die Wirklichkeit ist durchdrungen von dramaturgischen Erzählmustern. Parallel dazu verschwinden Mythen und Utopien aus dem Theater und wandern in die Medien ab. Zeitgenössische Theateraufführungen verwenden dokumentarische Filmstoffe und Dokumentarfilme nutzen theatrale Formen: Dramaturgien sind austauschbar. Das Buch liefert eine Methodik, die das Beziehungsgefüge zwischen theatralen Phänomenen im Alltag, ihrer medialen Verwertung im Dokumentarfilm und der Transformation dieser Dokumentarfilme auf dem Theater klärt. Ausgangspunkt des dramaturgischen Vergleichs bilden zwei Dokumentarfilme, die als Vorlage von Theaterinszenierungen dienten: Die Dekonstruktion des nationalen Mythos eines gefallenen Skihelden; die verkaufte Utopie der idealen Stadt als Shopping-Mall. Am 8. Dezember 2002 stürzt der Skirennfahrer Silvano Beltrametti bei der Abfahrt in Val-d’Isère und ist seither querschnittgelähmt. Ein Jahr nach seinem Unfall strahlt das Schweizer Fernsehen den Dokumentarfilm «Silvano Beltrametti – Mit kleinen Siegen zurück ins Leben» aus. Der Film zeichnet das Bild eines Optimisten, der trotz Behinderung im Herzen ein Sportler bleibt. 2004 bringt das Theaterkollektiv 400asa den Dokumentarfilm auf die Bühne und hinterfragt mit der Aufführung «B. Ein Stück über Sport und Behinderung» den nationalen Mythos des gefallenen Helden. Doch nicht nur in der Welt des Sports können dramaturgische Wirkungsstrategien nachgewiesen werden. Harun Farocki zeigt in seinem Dokumentarfilm «Die Schöpfer der Einkaufswelten» den inszenatorischen Gestaltungsprozess, der der Entstehung einer Shopping-Mall vorausgeht. In der gleichnamigen Theaterinszenierung versetzt Tom Kühnel die akribische Planung der Malls ins maoistische China und verkehrt die Utopie der idealen Einkaufsstadt in ein buntes Spektakel.


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Recent data have shown that the percentage of time spent preparing food has decreased during the past few years, and little information is know about how much time people spend grocery shopping. Food that is pre-prepared is often higher in calories and fat compared to foods prepared at home from scratch. It has been suggested that, because of the higher energy and total fat levels, increased consumption of pre-prepared foods compared to home-cooked meals can lead to weight gain, which in turn can lead to obesity. Nevertheless, to date no study has examined this relationship. The purpose of this study is to determine (i) the association between adult body mass index (BMI) and the time spent preparing meals, and (ii) the association between adult BMI and time spent shopping for food. Data on food habits and body size were collected with a self-report survey of ethnically diverse adults between the ages of 17 and 70 at a large university. The survey was used to recruit people to participate in nutrition or appetite studies. Among other data, the survey collected demographic data (gender, race/ethnicity), minutes per week spent in preparing meals and minutes per week spent grocery shopping. Height and weight were self-reported and used to calculate BMI. The study population consisted of 689 subjects, of which 276 were male and 413 were female. The mean age was 23.5 years, with a median age of 21 years. The fraction of subjects with BMI less than 24.9 was 65%, between 25 and 29.9 was 26%, and 30 or greater was 9%. Analysis of variation was used to examine associations between food preparation time and BMI. ^ The results of the study showed that there were no significant statistical association between adult healthy weight, overweight and obesity with either food preparation time and grocery shopping time. Of those in the sample who reported preparing food, the mean food preparation time per week for the healthy weight, overweight, and obese groups were 12.8 minutes, 12.3 minutes, and 11.6 minutes respectively. Similarly, the mean weekly grocery shopping for healthy, overweight, and obese groups were 60.3 minutes per week (8.6min./day), 61.4 minutes (8.8min./day), and 57.3 minutes (8.2min./day), respectively. Since this study was conducted through a University campus, it is assumed that most of the sample was students, and a percentage might have been utilizing meal plans on campus, and thus, would have reported little meal preparation or grocery shopping time. Further research should examine the relationships between meal preparation time and time spent shopping for food in a sample that is more representative of the general public. In addition, most people spent very little time preparing food, and thus, health promotion programs for this population need to focus on strategies for preparing quick meals or eating in restaurants/cafeterias. ^


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En esta ponencia presentamos un primer acercamiento exploratorio en el sector comercio. Concretamente, y a partir del análisis de un subsector -shopping centers-, buscamos observar cuestiones vinculadas con las estrategias de flexibilidad laboral, precariedad y subcontratación a través del estudio de las modalidades de gestión de mano de obra que allí operan. Para ello, analizamos algunas de las formas contractuales y las condiciones de trabajo que se presentan en un sector caracterizado por la heterogeneidad de los actores, la multiplicidad de actividades y el relevante lugar que ocupa en la economía argentina. La elección del sector mercantil parte de considerar las grandes transformaciones que la actividad ha experimentado a lo largo de su historia. E0sto se debe, entre otros factores, a los cambios económicos y sociales que impactaron directamente en las actividades comerciales. Y, a su vez, incidieron en la composición de los trabajadores y en la organización del trabajo que integran el sector. Dada la complejidad de la actividad seleccionada, distinguimos para el análisis del presente trabajo el subsector centros de compras (shopping centers). En primer lugar, nos proponemos una presentación general del sector comercio. Luego, nos focalizaremos en el subsector seleccionado a fin de identificar las principales características que operan en él


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En esta ponencia presentamos un primer acercamiento exploratorio en el sector comercio. Concretamente, y a partir del análisis de un subsector -shopping centers-, buscamos observar cuestiones vinculadas con las estrategias de flexibilidad laboral, precariedad y subcontratación a través del estudio de las modalidades de gestión de mano de obra que allí operan. Para ello, analizamos algunas de las formas contractuales y las condiciones de trabajo que se presentan en un sector caracterizado por la heterogeneidad de los actores, la multiplicidad de actividades y el relevante lugar que ocupa en la economía argentina. La elección del sector mercantil parte de considerar las grandes transformaciones que la actividad ha experimentado a lo largo de su historia. E0sto se debe, entre otros factores, a los cambios económicos y sociales que impactaron directamente en las actividades comerciales. Y, a su vez, incidieron en la composición de los trabajadores y en la organización del trabajo que integran el sector. Dada la complejidad de la actividad seleccionada, distinguimos para el análisis del presente trabajo el subsector centros de compras (shopping centers). En primer lugar, nos proponemos una presentación general del sector comercio. Luego, nos focalizaremos en el subsector seleccionado a fin de identificar las principales características que operan en él