970 resultados para services management


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This paper investigates a dynamic buffer man-agement scheme for QoS control of multimedia services in be-yond 3G wireless systems. The scheme is studied in the context of the state-of-the-art 3.5G system i.e. the High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) which enhances 3G UMTS to support high-speed packet switched services. Unlike earlier systems, UMTS-evolved systems from HSDPA and beyond incorporate mechanisms such as packet scheduling and HARQ in the base station necessitating data buffering at the air interface. This introduces a potential bottleneck to end-to-end communication. Hence, buffer management at the air interface is crucial for end-to-end QoS support of multimedia services with multi-plexed parallel diverse flows such as video and data in the same end-user session. The dynamic buffer management scheme for HSDPA multimedia sessions with aggregated real-time and non real-time flows is investigated via extensive HSDPA simulations. The impact of the scheme on end-to-end traffic performance is evaluated with an example multimedia session comprising a real-time streaming flow concurrent with TCP-based non real-time flow. Results demonstrate that the scheme can guar-antee the end-to-end QoS of the real-time streaming flow, whilst simultaneously protecting the non real-time flow from starva-tion resulting in improved end-to-end throughput performance


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This paper presents and investigates a dynamic
buffer management scheme for QoS control of multimedia
services in a 3.5G wireless system i.e. the High Speed Downlink
Packet Access (HSDPA). HSDPA was introduced to enhance
UMTS for high-speed packet switched services. With HSDPA,
packet scheduling and HARQ mechanisms in the base station
require data buffering at the air interface thus introducing a
potential bottleneck to end-to-end communication. Hence, for
multimedia services with multiplexed parallel diverse flows
such as video and data in the same end-user session, buffer
management schemes in the base station are essential to support
end-to-end QoS provision. We propose a dynamic buffer management
scheme for HSDPA multimedia sessions with aggregated real-time and non real-time flows in the paper. The end-to-end performance impact of the scheme is evaluated with an example multimedia session comprising a real-time streaming
flow concurrent with TCP-based non real-time flow via extensive HSDPA simulations. Results demonstrate that the scheme can guarantee the end-to-end QoS of the real-time streaming flow, whilst simultaneously protecting non real-time flow from starvation resulting in improved end-to-end throughput performance


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End-user multi-flow services support is a crucial aspect of current and next generation mobile networks. This paper presents a dynamic buffer management strategy for HSDPA end-user multi-flow traffic with aggregated real-time and non-real-time flows. The scheme incorporates dynamic priority switching between the flows for transmission on the HSDPA radio channel. The end-to-end performance of the proposed strategy is investigated with an end-user multi-flow session of simultaneous VoIP and TCP-based downlink traffic using detailed HSDPA system-level simulations. Compared to an equivalent static buffer management scheme, the results show that end-to-end throughput performance gains in the non-real-time flow and better HSDPA channel utilization is attainable without compromising the real-time VoIP flow QoS constraints


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This report aims to analyse the Definition, Implementation and Management of Vodafone Portugal’s Apps and Services, so that possible ways of improvement can be suggested. To do so, Vodafone’s strategy regarding the development/ implementation of specific Apps and Services, as well as the strategy of its competitors are going to be analysed. This analysis is going to be complemented with insights from some key-persons of Vodafone’s Consumer Business Unit team in Portugal. Findings suggest that Vodafone is ahead of its competitors when it comes to developing the most innovative Apps and Services, but there is always room for improvements, especially when it comes to communication.


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Teollisuuden palveluiden on huomattu olevan potentiaalinen lisätulojen lähde. Teollisuuden palveluiden dynaamisessa maailmassa räätälöinti ja kyky toimia nopeasti ovat kriittisiä asiakastyytyväisyyden ja kilpailuedun luomisprosessin osia. Toimitusketjussa käytetyn ajan lyhentämisellä voidaan saavuttaa sekä paremmat vasteajat, että alhaisemmat kokonaiskustannukset. Tutkielman tavoitteena on kuvata teollisuuden palveluiden dynaamista ympäristöä: asiakastarvetta, sekä mahdollisuuksia kaventaa pyydetyn ja saavutetun toimitusajan välistä eroa. Tämä toteutetaan pääosin strategisen toimitusajan hallinnan keinoin. Langattomien tietoliikenneverkkojen operaattorit haluavat vähentää ydinosaamiseensa kuulumatomiin toimintoihin, kuten ylläpitoon sitoutuneita pääomia. Tutkielman case osiossa varaosapalvelujen toimitusketjun kysyntä-, materiaali- ja informaatiovirtoja analysoidaan niin kvalitatiivisten haastatteluiden, sisäisten dokumenttien, kuin kvantitatiivisten tilastollisten menetelmienkin avulla. Löydöksiä peilataan vallitsevaa toimitusketjun ja ajanhallinnan paradigmaa vasten. Tulokset osoittavat, että vahvan palvelukulttuurin omaksuminen ja kokonaisvaltainen toimitusketjun tehokkuuden mittaaminen ovat ajanhallinnan lähtökohtia teollisuuden palveluissa.


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This study explored strategies that Brock University undergraduate students value the most for managing anxiety in academia. Although previous literature indicates services and techniques such as academic advising, physical activity, and educator engagement help students, few if any have ranked students’ perceived value of anxiety-management strategies. The researcher recruited 54 undergraduate student participants (primarily from the Department of Community Health Sciences) through online invitation. Participants completed an online survey to rate their previous experience with anxiety-management strategies discussed in the literature. Survey findings identified the 4 most valuable resources students used to manage anxiety in academia: (a) educators who post academic material posted online (e.g., on Sakai) early in the term, (b) physical activity, (c) socialization, and (d) breaking large assignments into smaller portions. Conversely, student participants found disability services, counseling, and medication to be the least valuable resources. Results suggest higher-education facilities should ensure that the most valuable services are readily available to students seeking them. The study contributes to the field by identifying a broad set of strategies that students find highly valuable in their management of academic related anxiety.


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School of management studies, Cochin university of Science and Technology