387 resultados para septo interventricular intacto


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INTRODUÇÃO: O tratamento cirúrgico da cardiopatia congênita em adultos apresentou importante crescimento nos últimos anos. Contudo, ainda assim, o número de pacientes que atingem a idade adulta sem tratamento cirúrgico adequado permanece elevado. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados hospitalares e diagnósticos dos pacientes adultos com cardiopatia congênita submetidos à primeira operação. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo, que analisou prontuários de pacientes operados para correção de cardiopatia congênita com idade maior ou igual a 18 anos. O critério de exclusão foi cirurgia para reoperação. Foi analisado o período entre dezembro de 2007 e dezembro de 2010, com inclusão de 79 pacientes. RESULTADOS: Os defeitos do septo atrial foram os mais prevalentes (53,1%), seguidos de comunicação interventricular (15,2%), coarctação da aorta (6,3%) e canal atrioventricular parcial (6,3%). Treze (16,4%) pacientes apresentavam doença associada adquirida e 14 pacientes (17,7%), congênita. Trinta e três (41,8%) pacientes apresentavam hipertensão pulmonar. O tempo médio de internamento em UTI e hospitalar foi de 3,9 e 14,5 dias, respectivamente. Complicações ocorreram em 18 (22,8%) pacientes, sendo as infecciosas as mais comuns. A mortalidade hospitalar foi de dois (2,5%) pacientes. CONCLUSÃO: O tratamento da cardiopatia congênita em adultos como primeira cirurgia apresentou resultado bastante favorável. Contudo, em nossa série, houve maior tempo de internamento em UTI e hospitalar.


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El impacto del fenómeno de interdependencia ventricular en la función diastólica del VD no es bien conocido. El VD es capaz de facilitar el llenado generando presión (P) negativa al inicio de la diástole pero los mecanismos implicados en este fenómeno están aún por dilucidar. Nos propusimos analizar la contribución de las fuerzas de retroceso elástico al llenado del VD y su relación con la geometría del septo.


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Theta rhythm consists of an electrophysiological hippocampal oscillation present in mammalian species (4-12 Hz with variations across species). This oscillation is present during active waking and is also prevalent in local field potentials (LFP) during rapid eye movement sleep (REM sleep). Several studies have shown that theta rhythm is important in cognitive tasks and that the medial septum is a key region for its occurrence. The septum sends cholinergic, GABAergic and glutamatergic projections to the hippocampus, which in turn projects axons to the septum. Besides the septum, other regions are involved in regulating theta rhythm, forming a complex network of interactions among brain areas that result in theta rhythm. Optogenetics is a recently developed method that has been widely used in various research areas. It allows us to manipulate the electrical activity of neurons through light stimulation. One of the existing techniques consists in using a viral vector to induce the neuronal expression of ion channels associated with the light-sensitive molecule rhodopsin (e.g. ChR2). Once infected, the neurons become sensitive to light of a particular wavelength. The present M. Sc. research aimed to perform luminous stimulation of the brain in anesthetized and freely behaving animals using chronically implanted electrodes and optical fibers in animals infected with a viral vector for ChR2 expression. Surgical viral injections were performed in the medial septum; histological results confirmed the expression of ChR2 by way of the presence of the eYFP reporter protein in the septum and also in hippocampal processes. Moreover, we performed acute experiments with luminous stimulation of the medial septum and LFP recordings of the septum and hippocampus of anesthetized animals. Action potentials were recorded in the septum. In these experiments we observed a significant increase in the firing rates of septal neurons during luminous stimulation (n = 300 trials). Furthermore, we found an early light-evoked response in the hippocampal LFP. Chronic experiments with luminous stimulation of the medial septum and hippocampus in freely behaving animals were also performed in combination with LFP recordings. We found that the luminous stimulation of the septum is able to induce theta rhythm in the hippocampus. Together, the results demonstrate that the luminous stimulation of the medial septum in optogenetically-modified animals causes relevant electrophysiological changes in the septum and the hippocampus.


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Nicotine administration in humans and rodents enhances memory and attention, and also has a positive effect in Alzheimer's Disease. The Medial Septum / Diagonal Band of Broca complex (MS/DBB) – a main cholinergic system – massively projects to the hippocampus through the fimbria-fornix, and this pathway is called the septohippocampal pathway. It has been demonstrated that the MS/DBB acts directly on the local field potential (LFP) rhythmic organization of the hippocampus, especially in the rhythmogenesis of Theta (4-8Hz) – an oscillation intrinsically linked to hippocampus mnemonic function. In vitro experiments gave evidence that nicotine applied to the MS/DBB generates a local network Theta rhythm within the MS/DBB. Thus, the present study proposes to elucidate the function of nicotine in the MS/DBB on the septo-hippocampal pathway. In vivo experiments compared the effect of MS/DBB microinfusion of saline (n=5) and nicotine (n=8) on Ketamine/Xylazine anaesthetized mice. We observed power spectrum density in the Gamma range (35 to 55 Hz) increasing in both structures (Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test, p=0.038) but with no change in coherence between these structures in the same range (Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test, p=0.60). There was also a decrease in power of the ketamineinduced Delta oscillation (1 to 3 Hz). We also performed in vitro experiments on the effect of nicotine on membrane voltage and action potential. We patch-clamped 22 neurons in current-clamp mode; 12 neurons were responsive to nicotine, half of them increased firing rate and other 6 decreased, and they significantly differed in action potential threshold (-47.3±0.9 mV vs. -41±1.9 mV, respectively, p=0.007) and halfwidth time (1.6±0.08 ms vs. 2±0.12 ms, respectively, p=0.01). Furthermore, we performed another set of in vitro experiments concerning the connectivity of the three major neuronal populations of MS/DBB that use acetylcholine, GABA or glutamate as neurotransmitter. Paired patch-clamp recordings found that glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons realize intra-septal connections that produce sizable currents in MS/DBB postsynaptic neurons. The probability of connectivity between different neuronal populations gave rise to a MS/DBB topology that was implemented in a realistic model, which corroborates that the network is highly sensitive to the generation of Gamma rhythm. Together, the data available in the full set of experiments suggests that nicotine may act as a cognitive enhancer, by inducing gamma oscillation in the local circuitry of the MS/DBB.


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O papiloma invertido schneideriano é uma neoplasia de origem no epitélio de revestimento que surge da mucosa respiratória revestindo a cavidade nasal e os seios paranasais. Frequentemente, surge como uma lesão unilateral no septo nasal e estende-se secundariamente para o nariz e os seios paranasais. Este trabalho relata um caso incomum desta patologia, com o envolvimento da cavidade oral em um homem branco, de 61 anos de idade, cuja avaliação clínica revelou uma massa vegetante no rebordo alveolar direito da maxila, com duração de aproximadamente 4 meses. Após avaliação radiográfica, constatouse o envolvimento do seio maxilar. A análise microscópica, hibridização in situ e análise imunoistoquímica da peça cirúrgica levaram a um diagnóstico de displasia moderada em PIS associado à infecção por HPV


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O tratamento convencionalmente preconizado para cães acometidos pela CMD consiste na prescrição de vasodilatadores, agentes inotrópicos positivos (digitálico), diuréticos, dieta hipossódica e, quando necessário, antiarrítmicos. O carvedilol é um β-bloqueador de 3ª geração, não seletivo, que bloqueia igualmente e competitivamente os receptores (β1, β2 e α1). Produz uma evidente vasodilatação periférica, exerce efeitos anti-oxidantes, removendo radicais livres de oxigênio e prevenindo a peroxidação lipídica nas membranas cardíacas, prevenindo a perda de miócitos e a ocorrência de arritmias e reduzindo a taxa de mortalidade em pacientes humanos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar clínica, eletrocardiográfica, radiográfica e ecocardiograficamente a evolução de cães com cardiomiopatia dilatada (CMD) tratatos com terapia convencional associada ao carvedilol. Para tal foram avaliados 49 cães com CMD divididos em: grupo NT, tratado com terapia convencional, e grupo T, tratado com terapia convencional associada ao carvedilol. Os animais foram submetidos à avaliação clínica e a exames complementares durante o período de um ano. Os resultados demonstraram que a terapia com carvedilol apresentou boa tolerabilidade na dose de 0,3mg kg-1 12-12horas, aumentou a sobrevida dos cães em 30,9%, não alterou as pressões sistólica e diastólica, reduziu a frequência cardíaca após três semanas de terapia, melhorou significantemente as frações de encurtamento e ejeção após seis meses de tratamento, não promoveu alterações radiográficas e da distância E-septo, diminuiu o índice de letalidade da doença, fato demonstrado pela melhora no escore clínico e na classe funcional dos animais, obtida após três semanas de terapia com carvedilol.


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A new species of thorny catfish (family Doradidae) is described as a member of genus Leptodoras Boulenger by having a modified oral hood and first gill arch with enlarged accessory lamellae extending well onto medial face of gill filaments. The new species is distinguished by three characteristics unique within Leptodoras: gas bladder moderately sized (not reduced) with simple walls (diverticula absent), and paired bony capsules on anteriormost vertebrae reduced to paired cup-like laminar ossifications separated by triangular septum. The new species was discovered from material recently collected in the Tapajós basin at Serra do Cachimbo and in the headwaters of rio Xingu. The species description is supplemented by a detailed osteological description, discussion on its placement among congeners, and a re-evaluation of the diagnosis of Leptodoras and its relationships with sister taxon Anduzedoras oxyrhynchus. In addition, the distributions of several species of Leptodoras are expanded based on recent collecting efforts and identification of museum specimens not previously studied.


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Context: GLI2 is a transcription factor downstream in Sonic Hedgehog signaling, acting early in ventral forebrain and pituitary development. GLI2 mutations were reported in patients with holoprosencephaly (HPE) and pituitary abnormalities. Objective: The aim was to report three novel frameshift/nonsense GLI2 mutations and the phenotypic variability in the three families. Setting: The study was conducted at a university hospital. Patients and Methods: The GLI2 coding region of patients with isolated GH deficiency (IGHD) or combined pituitary hormone deficiency was amplified by PCR using intronic primers and sequenced. Results: Three novel heterozygous GLI2 mutations were identified: c. 2362_2368del p. L788fsX794 (family 1), c. 2081_2084del p. L694fsX722 (family 2), and c. 1138 G > T p. E380X (family 3). All predict a truncated protein with loss of the C-terminal activator domain. The index case of family 1 had polydactyly, hypoglycemia, and seizures, and GH, TSH, prolactin, ACTH, LH, and FSH deficiencies. Her mother and seven relatives harboring the same mutation had polydactyly, including two uncles with IGHD and one cousin with GH, TSH, LH, and FSH deficiencies. In family 2, a boy had cryptorchidism, cleft lip and palate, and GH deficiency. In family 3, a girl had hypoglycemia, seizures, excessive thirst and polyuria, and GH, ACTH, TSH, and antidiuretic hormone deficiencies. Magnetic resonance imaging of four patients with GLI2 mutations and hypopituitarism showed a hypoplastic anterior pituitary and an ectopic posterior pituitary lobe without HPE. Conclusion: We describe three novel heterozygous frameshift or nonsense GLI2 mutations, predicting truncated proteins lacking the activator domain, associated with IGHD or combined pituitary hormone deficiency and ectopic posterior pituitary lobe without HPE. These phenotypes support partial penetrance, variable polydactyly, midline facial defects, and pituitary hormone deficiencies, including diabetes insipidus, conferred by heterozygous frameshift or nonsense GLI2 mutations. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 95: E384-E391, 2010)