965 resultados para semi-empirical modeling


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Neste trabalho, fizemos uma investigação sobre o estudo teórico das características I x V e C x V de Nanotubo Carbono de Parede Simples (NCPS) puro, com Nitrogênio substitucional carregado com cargas -1 (caracterizando um indicativo de dopagem tipo n) e +1 (caracterizando um indicativo de dopagem tipo p) e na presença de grupos doador (NO2)-aceitador (NH2), através da simulação computacional do estado fundamental de NCPS, bem como de sua estrutura eletrônica e propriedades ópticas, utilizando parametrizações semi-empíricas AM1 (Austin Mudel 1) e ZINDO/S-ClS (Zerner´s lntermediate Neglect of Differential Orbital/Spectroscopic - Cunfiguration lnteraction Single) derivadas da Teoria de Hartree-Fock baseada em técnicas de química quântica. Por meio deste modelo teórico analisamos as propriedades ópticas e eletrônicas, de maior interesse para esses materiais, a fim de se entender a melhor forma de interação desses materiais na fabricação de dispositivos eletrônicos, tais como TECs (Transistores de Efeito de Campo) ou em aplicações em optoeletrônica tais como DEL (Dispositivo Emissor de Luz). Observamos que NCPS com Nitrogênio substitucional apresentam defeitos conformacionais do tipo polarônico. Fizemos as curvas dos espectros UV-visível de Absorção para NCPS armchair e zigzag puro, com Nitrogênio substitucional carregado com cargas (-1 e +1) e na presença de grupos doador (NO2)-aceitador (NH2), quando perturbados por intensidades diferentes de campo elétrico. Verificamos que em NCPS zigzag ao aumentarmos a intensidade do campo elétrico, suas curvas sofrem grandes perturbações. Obtivemos as curvas p x E, I x V e C x V para esses NCPS, concluímos que NCPS armchair possui comportamento resistor, pois suas curvas são lineares e zigzag possui comportamento semelhante ao dos dispositivos eletrônicos importantes para o avanço tecnológico. Assim, nossos resultados estão de bom acordo com os resultados experimentais e teóricos de NCPS puro e com Nitrogênio encontrados na literatura.


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O principal objetivo deste trabalho é investigar teóricamente as propriedades eletrônicas e óticas de compostos orgânicos em ambiente líquido. A compreensão das interações em sistemas líquidos é muito importante para a descrição de fenômenos em muitas partes da ciência, como Física, Química, Biologia e Materiais, bem como no desenvolvimento de materiais óticos. As flutuações térmicas fazem que inumaram das configurações para os líquidos possam ser gerados. Esta é a razão do comportamento estatístico observado em sistemas líquidos. Considerando estas dificuldades, o tratamento sequencial Monte Carlo / Mecânica Quântica (SMC/QM) é usado neste trabalho. Neste procedimento, a estrutura líquida é gerada primeiramente por simulações clássicas de MC e mais tarde, somente a parte mais importante do sistema é tratada com mecânica quântica. Usando o procedimento acima, os propriedades do quantum o pirazine dimethyl do thiene Methyl da laranja (MO) e do O 2,3-dimetil tieno[3,4-b] pirazina (DTP) foram investigados. O MO é um conhecido indicador de pH e pode ser encontrado sob circunstâncias básicas e acidas. Suas geometrias de mínima energia foram obtidas mediante a Teoria do Funcional da Densidade pelo funcional B3LYP, sendo o sistema descrito pelas bases de Pople com uma função de polarização (6-31G*). Para obter as propriedades médias dos observaveis, cálculos de química quântica foram executados dentro da aproximação semi-empírica de INDO/S-CI. Com respeito ao espectro de absorção, os dados experimentais existentes na literatura científica reportam a existência de uma larga banda localizada na região de baixas energias, mais precisamente entre 400 e 600 nm. Nossos resultados teóricos para a forma alcalina mostram uma transição intensa transição π → π* aproximadamente à 432.4 ± 0.03 nm e, sob condições ácidas, esta transição aparece aproximadamente à 507.4 ± 0.12, 496.4 ± 0.28 ou 545.3 ± 0.10 nm, dependendo da estrutura, mostrando bom acordo com resultados experimentais. O DTP é um sistema particular usado na produção de polímeros de baixo gap. Suas propriedades elétricas e óticas foram obtidas através de um novo procedimento conhecido por Configuração Eletrostática Média do Solvent (ASEC). O procedimento ASEC inclui moléculas do solvente como cargas pontuais e permite o obtenção das quantidades quânticas executando somente poucos cálculos de mecânica quântica. Para o DTP, usando a teoria das perturbações de segunda ordem Mφller-Plesset (MP2) e o conjunto de bases aug-cc-pVDZ, a convergência do momento de dipolo foi alcançada com apenas quatro cálculos de mecânica quântica à 1.16 D, apresentando um aumento de 42% quando comparado ao dipolo isolado. O polarizabilidade corresponde à outra característica elétrica que pôde ser medida. Considerando o mesmo nível empregado ao cálculo do dipolo, o valor médio 132.7 a30 foi observado. A região de mais baixas da energias do espectro de absorption foi investigada também atravé de procedimento de ASEC usando ambos as aproximações, semi-empírico e DFT. Esta região de absorção é motivo de conclusões contraditórias com relação à natureza das transições n → π* e π → π*. Nossos resultados mostram que realmente que essas excitações são realmente observadas simultanemente podendo sobrepôr-se. Como exemplo, nossos resultados para DFT, encontrados usando o funcional B3LYP nos mostra que estas transições aparecem aproximadamente à 360.6 e 351.1 nm.


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Os maiores problemas de contaminação de aquíferos e solos são atribuídos aos hidrocarbonetos monoaromáticos, que são os constituintes mais solúveis e mais móveis da fração de algumas substâncias, como por exemplo, da gasolina. Para a remoção destes contaminantes, a adsorção por carvão ativado é o método mais utilizado, pois o carvão apresenta uma habilidade significativa para adsorver componentes orgânicos de baixo peso molecular, como o benzeno, o tolueno e o p-xileno. Neste trabalho, verificou-se a adsorção dos mesmos sobre carvão ativado via simulação computacional. Como base, utilizou-se o modelo postulado de carvão preparado por Bourke et al. (2007). Várias etapas foram concluídas desde os modelos das estruturas do carvão e dos poluentes até as simulações de dinâmica molecular. Para a análise conformacional da estrutura do carvão, foi utilizado o método semi-empírico PM3 e para o processo de dinâmica, o campo de força AMBER FF99SB. A estrutura passou por um aquecimento, à pressão constante, até alcançar uma temperatura final de 298K (25ºC), sendo suas informações coletadas a cada 50ps. Posteriormente, a estrutura foi submetida a equilíbrio de sistema, à temperatura constante de 298K (25ºC), por 500ps para então suas informações serem analisadas. Por fim, o sistema foi então submetido à dinâmica molecular durante 15 ns. Após análise dos resultados, constatou-se que os grupos éter, lactona e carbonila (cetona) presentes na estrutura de carvão ativado conferem caráter ácido à mesma e devido a isto e à sua consequente carga superficial negativa, a adsorção tornou-se viável uma vez que os poluentes apresentavam carga superficial positiva, o que corrobora o entendimento que já se tem a respeito desse tipo de fenômeno.


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Neste trabalho, investigamos os efeitos da funcionalização de grupos oxidativos sobre a estrutura de nanofitas de grafeno zigue-zague e também os efeitos de constrições, onde estes efeitos foram analisados por meio de transporte eletrônico via campo externo longitudinal. Nossos cálculos foram parametrizados pelo modelo semi-empírico de Huckel estendido-ETH, adotando-se o método das funções de Green de não equilíbrio- NEGF. As correntes foram calculadas via equação de Landauer que usa a função de transmissão da região espalhadora ao fluxo de elétrons com energia (E) vinda do eletrodo esquerdo. Por meio dessa abordagem, foi possível analisarmos o comportamento dos portadores de carga em cada um os dispositivos propostos, bem como, a natureza de tal comportamento. Verificaram-se nas curvas I(V) dois regimes de transporte: Ôhmico e NDR, verificando máximos de corrente e, também a tensão de limiar (VTh1


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In Geotechnical engineering the foundation projects depend on the bearing capacity and the acceptable displacements. One of the possible ways to predict the bearing capacity of foundations is through semi-empirical statistical methods which correlate in-situ tests (SPT and CPT). The piles breaking loads are defined by the interpretation of the load x head displacement curve and the experimental data acquired through the load test. In this work it is studied the behavior of bored piles executed in the Araquari/SC region, comparing the bearing capacity values predicted by the methods DECOURT & QUARESMA MODIFICADO (1996), AOKI & VELLOSO MODIFICADO MONTEIRO (2000), MILITITISKY E ALVES (1985), DECOURT & QUARESMA (1978), MÉTODO DE AOKI & VELLOSO (1975) e PHILOPANNAT (1986), with the results of the load test, evaluating their differences and discussing parameters that have direct effects on the prediction


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In Geotechnical engineering the foundation projects depend on the bearing capacity and the acceptable displacements. One of the possible ways to predict the bearing capacity of foundations is through semi-empirical statistical methods which correlate in-situ tests (SPT and CPT). The piles breaking loads are defined by the interpretation of the load x head displacement curve and the experimental data acquired through the load test. In this work it is studied the behavior of bored piles executed in the Araquari/SC region, comparing the bearing capacity values predicted by the methods DECOURT & QUARESMA MODIFICADO (1996), AOKI & VELLOSO MODIFICADO MONTEIRO (2000), MILITITISKY E ALVES (1985), DECOURT & QUARESMA (1978), MÉTODO DE AOKI & VELLOSO (1975) e PHILOPANNAT (1986), with the results of the load test, evaluating their differences and discussing parameters that have direct effects on the prediction


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In the present work, we report experimental results of He stopping power into Al2O3 films by using both transmission and Rutherford backscattering techniques. We have performed measurements along a wide energy range, from 60 to 3000 key, covering the maximum stopping range. The results of this work are compared with previously published dap-, showing a good agreement for the high-energy range, but evidencing discrepancies in the low-energy region. The existing theories follow the same tendency: good theoretical-experimental agreement for higher energies, but they failed to reproduce previous and present results in the low energy regime. On the other hand it is interesting to note that the semi-empirical SRIM code reproduces quite well the present data. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The synthesis, characterization and formation of Langmuir-Blodgett (LB)films for the luminescent [(C12H25)(2)(CH3)(2)N][Eu(tta)(4)] complex, where [(C12H25)(2)(CH3)(2)](N+) is didodecyldimethylammonium and the tta ligand is thenoyltrifluoroacetone, are reported. The coordination of tta ligands to the Eu3+ ion was confirmed by FTIR spectroscopy and the emission spectrum comprised bands corresponding to D-5(0) -> F-7(0-4) transitions. The lifetime (tau) from the emission state (D-5(0))was 0.41 ms, measured by monitoring the hypersensitive D-5(0) -> F-7(2) transition, with the curve being fitted with a first-order exponential function. The surface pressure-area isotherm indicated that the anionic complex may form condensed structures at the air-water interface due to the amphiphilic properties of the counter ion and the beta-diketone ligand. Y-type LB films of [(C12H25)(2)(CH3)(2)N][Eu(tta)(4)] were deposited on quartz substrates, with preserved luminescence and a band assigned to the D-5(0) -> F-7(2) transition. The molecular arrangement at the air/water interface and the preserved luminescence in LB films are consistent with theoretical predictions using a semi-empirical Sparkle/AM1 calculation method for the molecule in vacuum. These tools were used for the first time to predict the behavior of organized films.


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The present work concerns with the study of debris flows and, in particular, with the related hazard in the Alpine Environment. During the last years several methodologies have been developed to evaluate hazard associated to such a complex phenomenon, whose velocity, impacting force and inappropriate temporal prediction are responsible of the related high hazard level. This research focuses its attention on the depositional phase of debris flows through the application of a numerical model (DFlowz), and on hazard evaluation related to watersheds morphometric, morphological and geological characterization. The main aims are to test the validity of DFlowz simulations and assess sources of errors in order to understand how the empirical uncertainties influence the predictions; on the other side the research concerns with the possibility of performing hazard analysis starting from the identification of susceptible debris flow catchments and definition of their activity level. 25 well documented debris flow events have been back analyzed with the model DFlowz (Berti and Simoni, 2007): derived form the implementation of the empirical relations between event volume and planimetric and cross section inundated areas, the code allows to delineate areas affected by an event by taking into account information about volume, preferential flow path and digital elevation model (DEM) of fan area. The analysis uses an objective methodology for evaluating the accuracy of the prediction and involve the calibration of the model based on factors describing the uncertainty associated to the semi empirical relationships. The general assumptions on which the model is based have been verified although the predictive capabilities are influenced by the uncertainties of the empirical scaling relationships, which have to be necessarily taken into account and depend mostly on errors concerning deposited volume estimation. In addition, in order to test prediction capabilities of physical-based models, some events have been simulated through the use of RAMMS (RApid Mass MovementS). The model, which has been developed by the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) in Birmensdorf and the Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research (SLF) takes into account a one-phase approach based on Voellmy rheology (Voellmy, 1955; Salm et al., 1990). The input file combines the total volume of the debris flow located in a release area with a mean depth. The model predicts the affected area, the maximum depth and the flow velocity in each cell of the input DTM. Relatively to hazard analysis related to watersheds characterization, the database collected by the Alto Adige Province represents an opportunity to examine debris-flow sediment dynamics at the regional scale and analyze lithologic controls. With the aim of advancing current understandings about debris flow, this study focuses on 82 events in order to characterize the topographic conditions associated with their initiation , transportation and deposition, seasonal patterns of occurrence and examine the role played by bedrock geology on sediment transfer.


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In der vorliegenden Dissertation dient ein einfaches Konzept zur Systematisierung der Suche nach neuen Materialien mit hoher Spinpolarisation. Dieses Konzept basiert auf zwei semi-empirischen Modellen. Zum einen kann die Slater-Pauling Regel zur Abschätzung magnetischer Momente verwendet werden. Dieses Modell wird dabei durch Rechnungen zur elektronischen Struktur unterstützt. Das zweites Modell kann insbesondere für die Co2YZ Heusler Verbindungen beim Vergleich ihrer magnetischen Eigenschaften gefunden werden. Für diese Verbindungen ergibt sich eine scheinbare lineare Abhängigkeit der Curie-Temperatur beim Auftragen als Funktion des magnetischen Momentes. Angeregt durch diese Modelle wurde die Heusler Verbindung Co2FeSi nochmals detailliert im Hinblick auf ihre geometrische und magnetische Struktur hin untersucht. Als Methoden dienten dabei die Pulver-Röntgenbeugung, die EXAFS Spektroskopie, Röntgen Absorptions- and Mößbauer Spektroskopie sowie Hoch- und Tieftemperatur Magnetometrie, XMCD and DSC. Die Messungen zeigten, dass es sich bei Co2FeSi um das Material mit dem höchsten magnetischen Moment (6 B) und der höchsten Curie Temperatur (1100 K) sowohl in der Klasse der Heusler Verbindungen als auch in der Klasse der halbmetallischen Ferromagnete handelt. Zusätzlich werden alle experimentellen Ergebnisse durch detaillierte Rechnungen zur elektronischen Struktur unterstützt. Die gleichen Konzepte wurden verwendet, um die Eigenschaften der Heusler Verbindung Co2Cr1-xFexAl vorherzusagen. Die elektronische Struktur und die spektroskopischen Eigenschaften wurden mit der voll-relativistischen Korringa-Kohn-Rostocker Methode berechnet, unter Verwendung kohärenter Potentialnäherungen um der zufälligen Verteilung von Cr und Fe Atomen sowie zufälliger Unordnung Rechnung zu tragen. Magnetische Effekte wurden durch die Verwendung Spin-abhängiger Potentiale im Rahmen der lokalen Spin-Dichte-Näherung mit eingeschlossen. Die strukturellen und chemischen Eigenschaften der quaternären Heusler Verbindung Co2Cr1-xFexAl wurden an Pulver und Bulkproben gemessen. Die Fernordnung wurde mit der Pulver Röntgenbeugung und Neutronenbeugung untersucht, während die Nahordnung mit der EXAFS Spektroskopie aufgeklärt wurde. Die magnetische Struktur von Pulver und Bulkproben wurde mitttels 57Fe-Mößbauer Spektroskopie gemessen. Die chemische Zusammensetzung wurde durch XPS analysiert. Die Ergebnisse dieser Methoden wurden verglichen, um eine Einsicht in die Unterschiede zwischen Oberflächen und Volumeneigenschaften zu erlangen sowie in das Auftreten von Fehlordnung in solchen Verbindungen. Zusätzlich wurde XMCD an den L3,2 Kanten von Co, Fe, and Cr gemessen, um die elementspezifischen magnetischen Momente zu bestimmen. Rechnungen und Messungen zeigen dabei eine Zunahme des magnetischen Momentes bei steigendem Fe-Anteil. Resonante Photoemission mit weicher Röntgenstrahlung sowie Hochenergie Photoemission mit harter Röntgenstrahlung wurden verwendet, um die Zustandsdichte der besetzten Zustände in Co2Cr0.6Fe0.4Al zu untersuchen. Diese Arbeit stellt außerdem eine weitere, neue Verbindung aus der Klasse der Heusler Verbindungen vor. Co2CrIn ist L21 geordnet, wie Messungen mittels Pulver Röntgenbeugung zeigen. Die magnetischen Eigenschaften wurden mit magnetometrisch bestimmt. Co2CrIn ist weichmagnetisch mit einer Sättigungsmagnetisierung von 1.2B bei 5 K. Im Gegensatz zu den bereits oben erwähnten Co2YZ Heusler Verbindungen ist Co2CrIn kein halbmetallischer Ferromagnet. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird weiterhin eine Regel zur Vorhersage von halbmetallischen komplett kompensierten Ferrimagneten in der Klasse der Heusler Verbindungen vorgestellt. Dieses Konzept resultiert aus der Kombination der Slater-Pauling Regel mit der Kübler-Regel. Die Kübler Regel besagt, dass Mn auf der Y Position zu einem hoch lokalisierten magnetischen Moment tendiert. Unter Verwendung dieses neuen Konzeptes werden für einige Kandidaten in der Klasse der Heusler Verbindungen die Eigenschaft des halbmetallischen komplett kompensierten Ferrimagnetismus vorhergesagt. Die Anwendung dieses Konzeptes wird anhand von Rechnungen zur elektronischen Struktur bestätigt.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden AFM-Kraft-Abstands-Kurven benutzt, um die mechanischen Eigenschaften dünner Polymerfilme verschiedener Schichtdicken (2 - 400 nm) auf einem sehr viel steiferen Substrat (mechanische Doppelschichten) zu untersuchen. Die mechanischen Eigenschaften einer solchen Probe setzen sich aus den mechanischen Eigenschaften der Bestandteile, d.h. Polymer und Substrat, zusammen. Der Beitrag der Bestandteile hängt von der Schichtdicke und von der Auflagekraft ab. Es wurden existierende Modelle für die Auswertung von an Doppelschichten gemessenen Deformationskurven überprüft und festgestellt, dass kein Modell befriedigende Ergebnisse erzielt. Dies zeigte die Notwendigkeit einer neuen semiempirischen Theorie zur Beschreibung der Deformationskurven von mechanischen Doppelschichten. In dieser Arbeit wird der hyperbolische Fit zu diesem Zweck eingeführt. Die Validität des hyperbolischen Fit wurde anhand von drei Experimenten gezeigt. Alle experimentellen Kurven konnten sehr gut durch den hyperbolischen Fit beschrieben werden. Die Elastizitätsmoduln der Bestandteile konnten in Übereinstimmung mit den Literaturwerten berechnet werden. Die Schichtdicken der Proben konnten in allen Fällen mit großer Exaktheit bestimmt werden. Es wurde zudem die Möglichkeit der Auswertung einzelner Kraft-Abstands-Kurven untersucht. Damit konnte die Schichtdicke der untersuchten Doppelschichten ortsaufgelöst im Submikrometerbereich bestimmt werden und ein verstecktes Substrat detektiert werden. Die Adhäsion an der Grenzfläche Polymer/Substrat hat einen fundamentalen Einfluss auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften der Doppelschicht, der qualitativ im letzten Teil der Doktorarbeit gezeigt werden konnte.


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The electric dipole response of neutron-rich nickel isotopes has been investigated using the LAND setup at GSI in Darmstadt (Germany). Relativistic secondary beams of 56−57Ni and 67−72Ni at approximately 500 AMeV have been generated using projectile fragmentation of stable ions on a 4 g/cm2 Be target and subsequent separation in the magnetic dipole fields of the FRagment Separator (FRS). After reaching the LAND setup in Cave C, the radioactive ions were excited electromagnetically in the electric field of a Pb target. The decay products have been measured in inverse kinematics using various detectors. Neutron-rich 67−69Ni isotopes decay by the emission of neutrons, which are detected in the LAND detector. The present analysis concentrates on the (gamma,n) and (gamma,2n) channels in these nuclei, since the proton and three-neutron thresholds are unlikely to be reached considering the virtual photon spectrum for nickel ions at 500 AMeV. A measurement of the stable 58Ni isotope is used as a benchmark to check the accuracy of the present results with previously published data. The measured (gamma,n) and (gamma,np) channels are compared with an inclusive photoneutron measurement by Fultz and coworkers, which are consistent within the respective errors. The measured excitation energy distributions of 67−69Ni contain a large portion of the Giant Dipole Resonance (GDR) strength predicted by the Thomas-Reiche-Kuhn energy-weighted sum rule, as well as a significant amount of low-lying E1 strength, that cannot be attributed to the GDR alone. The GDR distribution parameters are calculated using well-established semi-empirical systematic models, providing the peak energies and widths. The GDR strength is extracted from the chi-square minimization of the model GDR to the measured data of the (gamma,2n) channel, thereby excluding any influence of eventual low-lying strength. The subtraction of the obtained GDR distribution from the total measured E1 strength provides the low-lying E1 strength distribution, which is attributed to the Pygmy Dipole Resonance (PDR). The extraction of the peak energy, width and strength is performed using a Gaussian function. The minimization of trial Gaussian distributions to the data does not converge towards a sharp minimum. Therefore, the results are presented by a chi-square distribution as a function of all three Gaussian parameters. Various predictions of PDR distributions exist, as well as a recent measurement of the 68Ni pygmy dipole-resonance obtained by virtual photon scattering, to which the present pygmy dipole-resonance distribution is also compared.


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The thesis work concerns X-ray spectrometry for both medical and space applications and is divided into two sections. The first section addresses an X-ray spectrometric system designed to study radiological beams and is devoted to the optimization of diagnostic procedures in medicine. A parametric semi-empirical model capable of efficiently reconstructing diagnostic X-ray spectra in 'middle power' computers was developed and tested. In addition, different silicon diode detectors were tested as real-time detectors in order to provide a real-time evaluation of the spectrum during diagnostic procedures. This project contributes to the field by presenting an improved simulation of a realistic X-ray beam emerging from a common X-ray tube with a complete and detailed spectrum that lends itself to further studies of added filtration, thus providing an optimized beam for different diagnostic applications in medicine. The second section describes the preliminary tests that have been carried out on the first version of an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC), integrated with large area position-sensitive Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) to be used on board future space missions. This technology has been developed for the ESA project: LOFT (Large Observatory for X-ray Timing), a new medium-class space mission that the European Space Agency has been assessing since February of 2011. The LOFT project was proposed as part of the Cosmic Vision Program (2015-2025).


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The purpose of this thesis is the atomic-scale simulation of the crystal-chemical and physical (phonon, energetic) properties of some strategically important minerals for structural ceramics, biomedical and petrological applications. These properties affect the thermodynamic stability and rule the mineral-environment interface phenomena, with important economical, (bio)technological, petrological and environmental implications. The minerals of interest belong to the family of phyllosilicates (talc, pyrophyllite and muscovite) and apatite (OHAp), chosen for their importance in industrial and biomedical applications (structural ceramics) and petrophysics. In this thesis work we have applicated quantum mechanics methods, formulas and knowledge to the resolution of mineralogical problems ("Quantum Mineralogy”). The chosen theoretical approach is the Density Functional Theory (DFT), along with periodic boundary conditions to limit the portion of the mineral in analysis to the crystallographic cell and the hybrid functional B3LYP. The crystalline orbitals were simulated by linear combination of Gaussian functions (GTO). The dispersive forces, which are important for the structural determination of phyllosilicates and not properly con-sidered in pure DFT method, have been included by means of a semi-empirical correction. The phonon and the mechanical properties were also calculated. The equation of state, both in athermal conditions and in a wide temperature range, has been obtained by means of variations in the volume of the cell and quasi-harmonic approximation. Some thermo-chemical properties of the minerals (isochoric and isobaric thermal capacity) were calculated, because of their considerable applicative importance. For the first time three-dimensional charts related to these properties at different pressures and temperatures were provided. The hydroxylapatite has been studied from the standpoint of structural and phonon properties for its biotechnological role. In fact, biological apatite represents the inorganic phase of vertebrate hard tissues. Numerous carbonated (hydroxyl)apatite structures were modelled by QM to cover the broadest spectrum of possible biological structural variations to fulfil bioceramics applications.