1000 resultados para sólidos solubles
This is a review of direct analysis using solid sampling graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Greater emphasis is dedicated to sample preparation, sample homogeneity, calibration and its application to microanalysis and micro-homogeneity studies. The main advantages and some difficulties related to the applicability of this technique are discussed. A literature search on the application of solid sampling graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry in trace element determination in many kinds of samples, including biological, clinical, technological and environmental ones, is also presented.
The importance of urban solid waste integrated systems is characterized by the several components of these systems, which are, basically, formed by physical, chemical and biological methods. This article, characterizes these methods and, which is also important, identifies the several and potential environmental impacts of those techniques. It's also extremely important to make a study of the economic rentability of those infrastructures and, also, characterize the quantitative energetic contributions of some components of these systems. This study was analysed and their results are presented in this article.
Rare earth ion doped solid state materials are the most important active media of near-infrared and visible lasers and other photonic devices. In these ions, the occurrence of Excited State Absorptions (ESA), from long lived electronic levels, is commonplace. Since ESA can deeply affect the efficiencies of the rare earth emissions, evaluation of these transitions cross sections is of greatest importance in predicting the potential applications of a given material. In this paper a detailed description of the pump-probe technique for ESA measurements is presented, with a review of several examples of applications in Nd3+, Tm3+ and Er3+ doped materials.
A thermodynamic formalism based on the Gibbs Dividing Surface (GDS) for the description of a solid-fluid interface is presented, so that the adsorption layer is understand as a phase and the adsorption process as the transference of components between a 3-dimensional phase and a 2-dimensional one. Using a state equation derived from the Henry's Law, we shall show how the Langmuir isotherm is deduced from de Gibbs isotherm. The GDS is useful also for understanding the release of heat by a system as the adsorption occurs.
This review reports the use of solid amalgam electrodes in the electroanalytical determination of organic and inorganic compounds. The different types of amalgam electrodes are presented, and attention is paid to solid amalgam electrode, and here is presented details about the pre-treatment for activation and renovation and also possible modifications in its surface. The wide potential range, higher signal-to-noise ratio, mechanical stability enabling their application in flowing systems, and principally their resistance toward passivation, indicate that the solid amalgam electrodes are environmentally friendly alternatives to mercury electrodes, without loss in the sensitivity and reproducibility in voltammetric responses.
Construção de uma câmara para monitoramento in situ do processo de secagem de geis e sólidos porosos
The present work deals with the design and construction of an equipment for studying the drying process of gels and solids. The equipment was built using mainly a commercial oven and others peripherals for programmed control of temperature, humidity and data acquisition. The system allows the in situ monitoring of the gel drying, registering the weight loss, and the shrinkage of sample and the oven temperatures. This set of allowed parameters makes possible to establish the main steps involved in the drying of meso and nanostructured porous materials.
Recycling of paper in industrial scale has become an established practice worldwide. In this work, organic compositions of three different kinds of sludge generated in recycle paper industry were studied, and the incorporation of one of those sludge in briket was also investigated. The characterization of organic compounds in sludge samples and briket was performed using Gas Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometry after a Soxhlet extraction. Different chemical classes were identified in each type of sludge, but just the sludge composed by cellulose residue did not presented polyaromatic hydrocarbons. Four formulations of sludge incorporated with charcoal for briket production were evaluated.
Solid lipid nanoparticles have been extensively investigated as drug delivery systems. These colloidal systems have major advantages compared to others more traditional. Reported advantages include sustained release, ability to solubilize lipophilic drugs, increased physical and chemical stability of labile molecules, decreased unwanted side-effects showing lower toxicity, and scale up facilities. This paper aims at reviewing the traditional methods of solid lipid nanoparticles production, such as fusion-emulsification (hot and cold), solvent evaporation-emulsification and microemulsion, dealing with the main technological parameters that influence the quality properties of solid lipid nanoparticles.
The oxidation of sulphur compounds upon burning emits large quantities of SOx into the atmosphere. Therefore, there is growing interest in fast and accurate methods for analyzing sulphur content in fuels. The objective of this work was to compare four different methods of total sulphur determination in solid fuels. The methods used in this work were Eschka, Infrared, Thermal Conductivity Detection (TCD) and Ultraviolet Fluorescence Detection (UV). The preliminary results showed that TCD and UV methods (nonstandard methods for solid fuels) have similar precision to the infrared method (standard method) for high-sulphur coal samples.
In this paper, we show the construction of a low-cost, high-quality ball mill for obtaining finely divided powders, with the goal of presenting guidelines for achieving the best results for the milling process. This equipment allows for the adjustment of the size of the mill in order to process different quantities of material. The construction of mechanical and electrical components that provide increased efficiency, the choice of milling medium, and frequent problems experienced with homemade ball mills are discussed.
The aim of this work was to synthesize a polyurethane polymer matrix using polyols as a raw material to obtain a binder such as the hydroxyl terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) pre-polymer in energetic material formulation. The soybean-based polyol was the best starting raw material for producing a binder for solid fuel formulation in rocket motor applications. Characterization of the obtained soybean-based polyurethane binder was carried out by employing FT-IR analysis and thermo analytical techniques that showed similar HTPB binder thermo decomposition behaviors, confirming their potential for use as polymer matrix composites.
O míldio causado por Pseudoperonospora cubensis se constitui em uma das mais importantes doenças do meloeiro (Cucumis melo) no Nordeste brasileiro, região que concentra mais de 80% da produção nacional de melão. Epidemias de míldio são referidas, constantemente, causando severas perdas na produção de frutos. O efeito da doença no teor de sólidos solúveis totais (SST), importante fator de aferição qualitativa do fruto, foi determinado em meloeiro do tipo amarelo inodoro sob condições naturais. Intensidades variáveis da doença foram obtidas, variando-se o período de cultivo e a aplicação de fungicidas recomendados para o controle (tiofanato metílico + chlorotalonil, metalaxyl + mancozeb e oxicloreto de cobre). Os resultados revelaram que o aumento da severidade da doença resulta numa acentuada redução no teor de SST, proporcionando decréscimos de até 49%. Entre os parâmetros usados para se estimar os efeitos relacionados à doença, a área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença foi o mais eficiente, principalmente quando a pressão da doença aumentou.
Um método simples e eficiente para determinação simultânea de quatro ácidos carboxílicos de cadeia curta (acético, propiônico, butírico e valérico) em resíduos sólidos urbanos (RSU) é descrito no presente trabalho. Estes ácidos são considerados fitotóxicos na literatura e a variabilidade das suas concentrações durante o processo pode ser usada como parâmetro da maturação do composto de resíduos sólidos urbanos (RSU). A determinação dos ácidos carboxílicos presentes no composto de RSU envolve uma extração em água e filtração em membranas de polifluoreto de vinilideno (PVDF), seguida da injeção direta em um cromatográfo a gás com detector por ionização em chama (CG-DIC). Foram analisados três tipos de leira. Boas linearidades e coeficientes de correlação foram obtidas para todos os ácidos, e os limites de detecção e quantificação foram baixos, resultando em um método sensível para monitoramento desses ácidos em composto de RSU.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os parâmetros físicos de solos da região de Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil, e misturas de rejeitos industriais conhecidos como lama-de-cal e grits. A caracterização foi realizada através dos ensaios de análise granulométrica, análise térmica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Foram selecionadas duas amostras de solo residual, ETA (argiloso) e VS (arenoso), as quais foram misturadas com 16, 18, 20, 22 e 24% de lama-de-cal e grits (em peso de matéria seca). As misturas de solo-lama-de-cal e solo-grits apresentaram grande capacidade de retenção de metais pesados, o que impossibilita a sua interação com o sistema hídrico pela possibilidade de contaminação do lençol freático e cursos d'água.
Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar o desenvolvimento silvicultural e a sobrevivência das espécies em diferentes modelos de plantio de mudas para recuperação da área do lixão de Inconfidentes – Sul de Minas Gerais/Brasil, a qual se encontra com deficiência de vegetação, o que proporciona impactos visual e ambiental, com o intuito de indicar diferentes espécies vegetais que possam ser ideais para serem utilizadas na requalificação dos lixões. O experimento foi instalado no delineamento estatístico inteiramente casualizado com quatro modelos de plantio envolvendo mudas de 11 espécies arbóreas nativas e da gramínea Chrysopogon zizanioides (M1- Leguminosas; M2- Leguminosas + Chrysopogon zizanioides; M3- nativas e M4- Eremanthus erytropappus e Nectandra lanceolata) e três repetições. As parcelas de 3 x 5 m de cada tratamento foram compostas por 15 mudas arbóreas, sendo acrescidas em cada modelo de plantio M2 oito mudas da gramínea Vetiver (C. Zizanioides). Foram avaliados ao longo de 20 meses a altura das plantas, o diâmetro do caule ao nível do solo, a área de copa e a sobrevivência, em intervalos de 30 dias. Os dados do crescimento silvicultural e sobrevivência entre os tratamentos e entre as espécies foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias, comparadas pelo teste de Scott Knott a 5% de probabilidade. A partir da análise dos resultados da recuperação da área do desativado Lixão de Inconfidentes – Sul de Minas Gerais/Brasil, conclui-se que o modelo de plantio M2 e as espécies Bauhinia forficata, Eritrina falcata, Senna multijuga, Schizolobium parahyba e Schinus terebinthifoliussão as mais indicadas para recuperação da área.