946 resultados para rice husk ash


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Fertigation management of gerbera crop has been many times performed inadequately, and it has been worsened when mixtures of substrates with different physical and chemical characteristics are used. Aiming at evaluating the production and quality of potted gerbera in two substrates and different levels of fertigation, the experiment was conducted in the greenhouse of the DRN/Soil Science, FCA/UNESP, Botucatu (SP). A 5 x 2 factorial randomized block design (5 levels of fertigation and 2 substrates) was adopted with 4 replications. Levels of fertigation corresponded to maintenance of 100% available water (AW) in the substrate; 100 to 80% of AW; 100 to 60% of AW; 100 to 40% of AW and 100 to 20% of AW. The substrates were as follows: 1- mixed coconut fiber (50% pellet coconut fiber and 50% coir fiber), 2- 40% red soil, 40% decomposed pine bark, 10% composition 1 (40% decomposed pine bark, 30% vermiculite and 30% carbonized rice husk) and 10% composition 2 (75% decomposed pine bark and 25% needles of pine). Plants at the marketing stage were evaluated according to the number of leaves; diameter of leaf surface; leaf area; fresh and dry phytomass of leaves, inflorescence and total plant; inflorescence number and diameter, stem diameter, plant height, leaf area rate and electrical conductivity of the substrate solution. Plants of better quality were obtained when they were maintained in levels of 100% available water and the mixed coconut fiber was used as substrate.


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La demolizione idrolitica delle pareti cellulari delle piante tramite enzimi lignocellulosici è quindi uno degli approcci più studiati della valorizzazione di scarti agricoli per il recupero di fitochimici di valore come secondary chemical building block per la chimica industriale. White rot fungi come il Pleurotus ostreatus producono una vasta gamma di enzimi extracellulari che degradano substrati lignocellulosici complessi in sostanze solubili per essere utilizzati come nutrienti. In questo lavoro abbiamo studiato la produzione di diversi tipi di enzimi lignocellulosici quali cellulase, xilanase, pectinase, laccase, perossidase e arylesterase (caffeoilesterase e feruloilesterase), indotte dalla crescita di Pleurotus ostreatus in fermentazione allo stato solido (SSF) di sottoprodotti agroalimentari (graspi d’uva, vinaccioli, lolla di riso, paglia di grano e crusca di grano) come substrati. Negli ultimi anni, SSF ha ricevuto sempre più interesse da parte dei ricercatori, dal momento che diversi studi per produzioni di enzimi, aromi, coloranti e altre sostanze di interesse per l' industria alimentare hanno dimostrato che SSF può dare rendimenti più elevati o migliorare le caratteristiche del prodotto rispetto alla fermentazione sommersa. L’utilizzo dei sottoprodotti agroalimentari come substrati nei processi SSF, fornisce una via alternativa e di valore, alternativa a questi residui altrimenti sotto/o non utilizzati. L'efficienza del processo di fermentazione è stato ulteriormente studiato attraverso trattamenti meccanici di estrusione del substrato , in grado di promuovere il recupero dell’enzima e di aumentare l'attività prodotta. Le attività enzimatiche prodotte dalla fermentazione sono strettamente dipendente della rimozione periodica degli enzimi prodotti. Le diverse matrici vegetali utilizzate hanno presentato diversi fenomeni induttivi delle specifiche attività enzimatiche. I processi SSF hanno dimostrato una buona capacità di produrre enzimi extracellulari in grado di essere utilizzati successivamente nei processi idrolitici di bioraffinazione per la valorizzazione dei prodotti agroalimentari.


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Organic farming means a holistic application of agricultural land-use, hence, this study aimed to assess ecological and socio-economic aspects that show benefits of the strategy and achievements of organic farming in comparison to conventional farming in Darjeeling District, State of West Bengal, India and Kanagawa Prefecture/Kanto in Central Japan. The objective of this study has been empirically analysed on aspects of crop diversity, yield, income and sales prices in the two study regions, where 50 households each, i.e. in total 100 households were interviewed at farm-level. Therefore, the small sample size does not necessarily reflect the broad-scale of the use and benefit of organic farming in both regions. The problems faced in mountainous regions in terms of agriculture and livelihoods for small-scale farmers, which are most affected and dependant on their immediate environment, such as low yields, income and illegal felling leading to soil erosion and landslides, are analyzed. Furthermore, factors such as climate, soils, vegetation and relief equally play an important role for these farmers, in terms of land-use. To supplement and improve the income of farmers, local NGOs have introduced organic farming and high value organic cash crops such as ginger, tea, orange and cardamom and small income generating means (floriculture, apiary etc.). For non-certified and certified organic products the volume is given for India, while for Japan only certified organic production figures are given, as there are several definitions for organic in Japan. Hence, prior to the implementation of organic laws and standards, even reduced chemical input was sold as non-certified organic. Furthermore, the distribution and certification system of both countries are explained in detail, including interviews with distribution companies and cooperatives. Supportive observations from Kanagawa Prefecture and the Kanto region are helpful and practical suggestions for organic farmers in Darjeeling District. Most of these are simple and applicable soil management measures, natural insect repelling applications and describe the direct marketing system practiced in Japan. The former two include compost, intercropping, Effective Microorganisms (EM), clover, rice husk charcoal and wood vinegar. More supportive observations have been made at organic and biodynamic tea estates in Darjeeling District, which use citronella, neem, marigold, leguminous and soil binding plants for soil management and natural insect control. Due to the close ties between farmers and consumers in Japan, certification is often neither necessary nor wanted by the producers. They have built a confidence relationship with their customers; thus, such measures are simply not required. Another option is group certification, instead of the expensive individual certification. The former aims at lower costs for farmers who have formed a cooperative or a farmers' group. Consumer awareness for organic goods is another crucial aspect to help improve the situation of organic farmers. Awareness is slightly more advanced in Kanto than in Darjeeling District, as it is improved due to the close (sales) ties between farmers and consumers in Kanto. Interviews conducted with several such cooperatives and companies underline the positive system of TEIKEI. The introduction of organic farming in the study regions has shown positive effects for those involved, even though it still in its beginning stages in Darjeeling District. This study was only partly able to assess the benefits of organic agriculture at its present level for Darjeeling District, while more positively for the organic farmers of Kanto. The organic farming practice needs further improvement, encouragement and monitoring for the Darjeeling District farmers by locals, consumers, NGOs and politicians. The supportive observations from Kanagawa Prefecture and the Kanto region are a small step in this direction, showing how, simple soil improvements and thus, yield and income increases, as well as direct sales options can enhance the livelihood of organic farmers without destroying their environment and natural resources.


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Se plantea la combinación binaria y ternaria de cenizas de lodo de depuradora (CLD) con ceniza volante, polvo de mármol y ceniza de cáscara de arroz, como sustitución parcial o como adición respecto al cemento Portland en hormigones, con una dosificación similar a la utilizada en la prefabricación de bloques (consistencia muy seca). Se llevaron a cabo ensayos físico-mecánicos sobre probetas de mortero y hormigón con edades de curado de 28 y 90 días: densidad, absorción y resistencia a compresión. Se comprueba que la sustitución de cemento por CLD supone una disminución de la densidad y de la resistencia respecto a la muestra patrón, sin embargo, las combinaciones con otros residuos mejoran notablemente las características de los materiales cementantes. La adición de CLD proporcionó densidades y resistencias similares a la muestra de control y reduce significativamente la absorción de agua.


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The electrical ceramic insulators industry, uses noble raw materials such as siliceous and aluminous clays of white burning, in order to provide plasticity of the mass and contribute to electrical and mechanical properties required of the product, and feldspar with the flux function In literature references the composition of the masses indicates that the clay participates in percentage between 20 and 32, and feldspar 8 to 35, these materials have significant cost. In this research was performed the total replacement of commercial clay, for white burning clay from Santa Luzia region in southern Bahia and partial replacement of feldspar by ash residue of husk conilon coffee burning, from extreme south of Bahia. The objective of replacement these raw materials is to aver its technical feasibility and call attention for the embryo pole of ceramic industry for the existing in the south and extreme south of Bahia, which has significant reserves of noble raw materials such as clay white burning, kaolin, quartz and feldspar, and generates significant volume of gray husk conilon coffee as alternate flux. Clay Santa Luzia is prima noble material whose current commercial application is the production of white roofing. The residue of coffee husk ash is discarded near of production sites and is harmful to the environment. Phase diagrams and statistic design of experiments, were used for optimization and cost savings in research. The results confirmed the expectations of obtaining electrical ceramic insulators, with white burning clay of Santa Luzia and partial replacement up to 35.4% of feldspar, by treaty residue of conilon ash coffee husk burning. The statistic design that showed best results was for formulation with percentages of: clay 26.4 to 30.4%; kaolin 14.85 to 17.1%; feldspar 12.92 to 16.96%; R2 residue 7.08 to 9.2% and Quartz 32.5 to 38.75%, relative to the total mass of the mixture. The best results indicated; 0.2 to 1.4% apparent porosity , water absorption 0.1 to 0.7%, flexural strength 35 to 45MPa , dielectric strength 35-41 kV/cm , the transverse resistivity 8x109 2.5x1010 Ω.cm and for the dielectric constant ε/ε0 7 to 10.4, specification parameters for manufacturing ceramic electrical insulators of low and medium voltage.


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Botanically, green composites belong to an economically important seed plant family that includes maize, wheat, rice, and sorghum known as Saccharum offi cinarum. There are so many natural fibers available in the environment such as rice husk, hemp fibers, flax fibers, bamboo fibers, coconut fiber, coconut coir, grawia optiva and many others also. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a process to estimate the environmental feature and potential impacts related to a product, by organizing a directory of pertinent inputs and outputs of a product system, assessing the potential environmental impacts related with the said inputs and outputs, explaining the results of the inventory analysis and impact evaluation phases in connection to the objectives of the study. Particularly Bagasse, an agricultural residue not only becomes a problem from the environmental point of view, but also affects the profitability of the sugarcane industries. This chapter discusses the properties, processing methods and various other aspects including economic and environmental aspects related to green composites.


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A produção mundial de arroz chega a 80 milhões de toneladas ao ano, considerando que as cascas representam 20% deste valor, anualmente são geradas cerca de 1.162.000 toneladas desse rejeito. Há alguns anos, esse material era descartado no ambiente, atualmente as leis de proteção ambiental, demandaram na preocupação com resíduos de casca de arroz (FOLETO, 2005). Segundo Mayer (2006) a casca leva aproximadamente 5 anos para se decompor e exala um volume elevado de metano, um dos gases responsáveis pelo efeito estufa. Visando proteger a integridade do meio ambiente, estão sendo buscadas alternativas para reduzir os impactos ambientais do descarte e recuperar os investimentos na cultura do grão. Devido seu alto teor de silício a casca de arroz, é matéria-prima de grande interesse para aplicação em vários ramos: indústria eletrônica, cerâmica e na agricultura e também pode ser utilizada como fonte energética e ser aplicadas como adsorvente, em análises químicas (FOLETO, 2005; ROSA, 2009). Neste trabalho o objetivo foi padronizar método para a determinação das aflatoxinas B1, B2, G1, G2 e ocratoxiana A em cebola, empregando a técnica de extração, Dispersão da Matriz em Fase Sólida (MSPD), tendo a casca de arroz como adsorvente, de forma a possibilitar a determinação dos contaminantes empregando cromatografia de camada delgada de alta eficiência (HPTLC) e/ou cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência acoplada a detector de fluorescência (HPLC-FD). A cebola (Allium cepa L.) foi a matriz escolhida devido sua importância econômica, ela é a terceira hortaliça mais importante economicamente no Brasil, depois do tomate e da batata. O país está entre os dez maiores produtores do mundo, sendo que na safra de 2010 a produção foi de 1.548.146 toneladas. Dentre os estados que se destacam pela sua produção estão: Santa Catarina, São Paulo e Rio Grande do Sul. No entanto, a cebola assim como os demais alimentos é suscetível à contaminação fúngica e se entre a microbiota estiverem espécies toxigênicas pode ocorrer à produção de micotoxinas. O método foi validado avaliando-se curva analítica, linearidade, limites de detecção e quantificação, precisão (repetitividade e precisão intermediária) e exatidão (recuperação) para cada tipo de determinação cromatográfica. Para HPTLC, os limites de detecção variaram entre 0,33-5µg Kg-1 e os de quantificação entre 1-15µg Kg-1 Para o método HPLC-FD os limites de detecção variaram entre 0,003– 0,26 µg Kg-1 e os de quantificação 0,03 – 2,6 µg Kg-1 . As recuperações para o método HPTLC variaram entre 76- 95% e para HPLC-FD variaram entre 72-88%. O método desenvolvido foi aplicado para verificar a ocorrência de micotoxinas em 14 amostras de cebola. A contaminação com aflatoxinas foi verificada em 43% das amostras analisadas. O nível máximo encontrado foi de 90 µg Kg-1 para aflatoxina B2 em uma amostra de cebola crioula, com o defeito de mancha negra.


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The MCM-41 mesoporous synthesis was done using rice hulls ash and chrysotile as natural alternative silica sources. For the using of these sources, chemical and thermic treatments were done in both materials. After chemical and thermic treatments, these materials were employed on the MCM-41 mesoctructures synthesis. The natural materials treated and employed in the synthesis were characterized by several techniques such as X-ray diffraction, N2 adsorption and desorption, scanning electronic microscopy and thermogravimetric analysis. MCM-41 standart samples synthetized with aerosil 200 commercial sílica were used to evaluation. The formed material from rice hulls ash showed values from BET specific area about 468 m².g-1, N2 adsorption and desorption isotherms and loss mass similar to reference materials. The silica from chrysotile calcined and leached was employed to mesoporous materials synthesis. The BET specific area showed values about 700 m².g-1, N2 adsorption and desorption isotherms type IV and loss mass similar to mesoporous materials. The formed material from calcined and leached chrysotile, without calcination, applied to phenol remotion carried high performance liquid chromatography and evaluated with organophilic clays with different treatments. By the characterization techniques were proved that mesoporous materials with lesser order that reference samples. The material formed from rice hulls ash without the calcination step achieved better adsorption results than organophilic clays


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To produce porcelain tiles fluxing agents are used in order to obtain a liquid phase during firing. This liquid phase fills the pores decreasing porosity, water absorption and contributes to material densification. In the porcelain tiles industry, feldspar is the main flux material used, with quantities ranging between 35 and 50%. Studies focus on the discovery of materials with flux characteristics that can reduce the consumption of feldspar by porcelain tiles industry. In this context, the coffee husk ashes, a residue obtained when coffee husks are burned to produce heat for the dryers during the processing of the green fruit, have as main chemical constituents potassium, calcium and magnesium, giving them characteristics of fluxing material. Brazil is the largest coffee producer in the world and is responsible for over 30% of the world s production. In this work a physical treatment of coffee husk ash was carried out in order to eliminate the organic matter and, after this, two by-products were obtained: residual wastes R1 and R2. Both residues were added separately as single fluxes and also in association with feldspar in mixtures with raw materials collected in a porcelain industry located in Dias d Ávila-Ba. The addition of these residues aimed to contribute to the reduction of the consumption of feldspar in the production of porcelain tiles. Specimens were produced with dimensions of 60 mm x 20 mm x 6 mm in an uniaxial die with compacting pressure of 45 MPa. The samples were heated to a temperature of 1200 °C, for 8 minutes. Tests were performed to characterize the raw materials by XRF, XRD, particle size analysis, DTA and TGA and, additionally, the results of the physical properties of water absorption, apparent porosity, linear shrinkage, density, dilatometry, flexural strength and SEM of sintered body were analyzed. Additions of less than 8% of the residue R1 contributed to the decrease of porosity, but the mechanical strength of the samples was not satisfactory. Additions of 5% the R2 residue contributed significantly to decrease the water absorption and apparent porosity, and also to increase the mechanical strength. Samples with addition of feldspar associated with the R2 residue, in proportions of 6.7% of R2 and 6.7% of feldspar, led to results of water absorption of 0.12% and mechanical strength of 46 MPa, having parameters normalized to the manufacture of porcelain stoneware tiles


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The ash of rice rind is a pozzolanic material that reacts with the calcium hydroxide (Ca (OH)2) forming bonding composites, when finely worn out and in water presence. Considering this behavior, the objective of the present work was to evaluate the potential use of this residue in the enrichment of the content of pozzolanic materials of a tropical soil stabilized with a commercial hydrated lime. The laboratory testing program incorporated unconfined compression strength tests performed on the soil and on its mixtures with contents of 8% of lime enriched with 5 and 10% of ash of rice rind in relation to the soil dry mass. The results of the testing program supported that the use of the residue was effective in increasing the degree of reactivity of the soil that was also directly related with the increase in the ash content and the period of cure of the mixtures.


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Direct injection of genomic DNA from salt tolerant cv. Pokkali into developing floral tillers on IR20 produced transgenic seeds similar to Pokkali in husk colour and which germinated well in 0.2 M NaCl and had a 4-6-fold higher proline content.


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The consumption of paddy rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a major inorganic arsenic exposure pathway in S.E. Asia. A multi-location survey was undertaken in Guangdong Province, South China to assess arsenic accumulation and speciation in 2 rice cultivars, one an Indica and the other a hybrid Indica. The results showed that arsenic concentrations in rice tissue increased in the order grain <husk <straw <root. Rice grain arsenic content of 2 rice cultivars was significant different and correlated with phosphorus concentration and molar ratio of P/As in shoot, being higher for the Indica cultivar than for the hybrid Indica, which suggests altering shoot phosphorus status as a promising route for breeding rice cultivars with reduced grain arsenic. Speciation of grain arsenic, performed using HPLC-ICP-MS, identified inorganic arsenic as the dominant arsenic species present in the rice grain.


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Rice (Oryza sativa) is the staple food for over half the world's population yet may represent a significant dietary source of inorganic arsenic (As), a nonthreshold, class 1 human carcinogen. Rice grain As is dominated by the inorganic species, and the organic species dimethylarsinic acid (DMA). To investigate how As species are unloaded into grain rice, panicles were excised during grain filling and hydroponically pulsed with arsenite, arsenate, glutathione-complexed As, or DMA. Total As concentrations in flag leaf, grain, and husk, were quantified by inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy and As speciation in the fresh grain was determined by x-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy. The roles of phloem and xylem transport were investigated by applying a +/- stem-girdling treatment to a second set of panicles, limiting phloem transport to the grain in panicles pulsed with arsenite or DMA. The results demonstrate that DMA is translocated to the rice grain with over an order magnitude greater efficiency than inorganic species and is more mobile than arsenite in both the phloem and the xylem. Phloem transport accounted for 90% of arsenite, and 55% of DMA, transport to the grain. Synchrotron x-ray fluorescence mapping and fluorescence microtomography revealed marked differences in the pattern of As unloading into the grain between DMA and arsenite-challenged grain. Arsenite was retained in the ovular vascular trace and DMA dispersed throughout the external grain parts and into the endosperm. This study also demonstrates that DMA speciation is altered in planta, potentially through complexation with thiols.


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Arsenic (As) contamination of rice grains and the generally low concentration of micronutrients in rice have been recognized as a major concern for human health. Here, we investigated the speciation and localization of As and the distribution of (micro)nutrients in rice grains because these are key factors controlling bioavailability of nutrients and contaminants. Bulk total and speciation analyses using high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC)-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES) was complemented by spatially resolved microspectroscopic techniques (micro-XANES, micro-X-ray fluorescence (micro-XRF) and particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE)) to investigate both speciation and distribution of As and localization of nutrients in situ. The distribution of As and micronutrients varied between the various parts of the grains (husk, bran and endosperm) and was characterized by element-specific distribution patterns. The speciation of As in bran and endosperm was dominated by As(III)-thiol complexes. The results indicate that the translocation from the maternal to filial tissues may be a bottleneck for As accumulation in the grain. Strong similarities between the distribution of iron (Fe), manganese (Mn) and phosphorus (P) and between zinc (Zn) and sulphur (S) may be indicative of complexation mechanisms in rice grains.