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Abstract Despite the popularity of auction theoretical thinking, it appears that no one has presented an elementary equilibrium analysis of the first-price sealed-bid auction mechanism under complete information. This paper aims to remedy that omission. We show that the existence of pure strategy undominated Nash equilibria requires that the bidding space is not "too divisible" (that is, a continuum). In fact, when bids must form part of a finite grid there always exists a "high price equilibrium". However, there might also be "low price equilibria" and when the bidding space is very restrictive the revenue obtained in these "low price equilibria" might be very low. We discuss the properties of the equilibria and an application of auction theoretical thinking in which "low price equilibria" may be relevant. Keywords: First-price auctions, undominated Nash equilibria. JEL Classification Numbers: C72 (Noncooperative Games), D44 (Auctions).
Beginning with France in the 1950s, alcohol consumption has decreased in Southern European countries with few or no preventive alcohol policy measures being implemented, while alcohol consumption has been increasing in Northern European countries where historically more restrictive alcohol control policies were in place, even though more recently they were loosened. At the same time, Central and Eastern Europe have shown an intermediate behavior. We propose that country-specific changes in alcohol consumption between 1960 and 2008 are explained by a combination of a number of factors: (1) preventive alcohol policies and (2) social, cultural, economic, and demographic determinants. This article describes the methodology of a research study designed to understand the complex interactions that have occurred throughout Europe over the past five decades. These include changes in alcohol consumption, drinking patterns and alcohol-related harm, and the actual determinants of such changes.
Econometric analysis has been inconclusive in determining the contribution that increased skills have on macroeconomic performance whilst conventional growth accounting approaches to the same problem rest on restrictive assumptions. We propose an alternative micro-to-macro method which combines elements of growth accounting and numerical general equilibrium modelling. The usefulness of this approach for applied education policy analysis is demonstrated by evaluating the macroeconomic impact on the Scottish economy of a single graduation cohort from further education colleges. We find the macroeconomic impact to be significant. From a policy point of view this supports a revival of interest in the conventional teaching role of education institutions.
This paper provides a general treatment of the implications for welfare of legal uncertainty. We distinguish legal uncertainty from decision errors: though the former can be influenced by the latter, the latter are neither necessary nor sufficient for the existence of legal uncertainty. We show that an increase in decision errors will always reduce welfare. However, for any given level of decision errors, information structures involving more legal uncertainty can improve welfare. This holds always, even when there is complete legal uncertainty, when sanctions on socially harmful actions are set at their optimal level. This transforms radically one’s perception about the “costs” of legal uncertainty. We also provide general proofs for two results, previously established under restrictive assumptions. The first is that Effects-Based enforcement procedures may welfare dominate Per Se (or object-based) procedures and will always do so when sanctions are optimally set. The second is that optimal sanctions may well be higher under enforcement procedures involving more legal uncertainty.
We study the existence of solutions to general measure-minimization problems over topological classes that are stable under localized Lipschitz homotopy, including the standard Plateau problem without the need for restrictive assumptions such as orientability or even rectifiability of surfaces. In case of problems over an open and bounded domain we establish the existence of a “minimal candidate”, obtained as the limit for the local Hausdorff convergence of a minimizing sequence for which the measure is lower-semicontinuous. Although we do not give a way to control the topological constraint when taking limit yet— except for some examples of topological classes preserving local separation or for periodic two-dimensional sets — we prove that this candidate is an Almgren-minimal set. Thus, using regularity results such as Jean Taylor’s theorem, this could be a way to find solutions to the above minimization problems under a generic setup in arbitrary dimension and codimension.
Purpose: Dysmenorrhea is the leading cause of recurrent short-term school absenteeism among adolescent girls. Yet, studies of menstrual symptoms in the light of adolescent psychological background seldom appear in the recent literature. This study aims to determine whether adolescent girls with severe dysmenorrhea (SD) have different body perception on top of poorer psychological health. Methods: We analyzed data from the Swiss Multicentre Adolescent Survey on Health (SMASH 2002) among a nationally representative sample of adolescents (n = 7548; 3340 females) aged 16 to 20 years attending post-mandatory education. Dysmenorrhea was defined as presence of abdominal or back pain during menstruation on the last 12 months. The severity of dysmenorrhea was defined according to the impact on daily activity and was assessed by 3 questions on the way menstruations interfere with daily life: 1) "You feel well and have normal activities", 2)"you must stay at home" and 3) "you feel restricted in your school or professional activities". Studied variables were: depressive symptoms, suicidal attempt, sexual abuse, health perception in general, body satisfaction, desire to modify body shape, and disordered eating behavior (DEB) with restrictive or bulimic tendency. Controlling variables included socio-economic status (SES) as measured by both parent's level of education, gynecological age (age-age at menarche), academic track (student/apprentice) and age. Results: 12.4% (95% CI: 11.0-14) declared severe dysmenorrhea, 74.2% (95% CI: 71.8-76.5) mild to moderate dysmenorrhea and 13,4% (95% CI: 11.5-15.5) had no dysmenorrhea. Compared to their peers, controlling for confounding variables, subjects with SD were more numerous to report depressive symptoms (AOR: 1.73; 95% CI: 1.39-2.15), to feel in poor health (AOR: 1.44; 95% CI: 1.14-1.81). Moreover, the proportion of those reporting dissatisfaction with their body appearance was higher (AOR: 1.48; 95% CI: 1.00-2.18). Conclusion: Patients with SD not only show a different profile than their peers in terms of their mental health and health perception, but also a distinct relation to their body. Therefore clinicians should pay particular attention to patients with SD and offer them a global evaluation keeping in mind what can be associated with SD.
We propose a definition of egalitarian equivalence that extends Pazner and Schmeidler's (1978) concept to environments with incomplete information. If every feasible allocation rule can be implemented by an incentive compatible mechanism (as, for instance, in the case of non-exclusive information), then interim egalitarian equivalence and interim incentive efficiency remain compatible, as they were under complete information. When incentive constraints are more restrictive, on the other hand, the two criteria may become incompatible.
International consensus conference on PFAPA syndrome: Evaluation of a new set of diagnostic criteria
The PFAPA syndrome is characterized by periodic fever, associated with pharyngitis, cervical adenitis and/or aphtous stomatitis and belongs to the auto-inflammatory diseases. Diagnostic criteria are based on clinical features and the exclusion of other periodic fever syndromes. An analysis of a large cohort of patients has shown weaknesses for these criteria and there is a lack of international consensus. An International Conference was held in Morges in November 2008 to propose a new set of classification criteria based on a consensus among experts in the field. We aimed to verify the applicability of the new set of classification criteria. 80 patients diagnosed with PFAPA syndrome from 3 centers (Genoa, Lausanne and Geneva) for pediatric rheumatology were included in the study. A detailed description of the clinical and laboratory features was obtained. The new classification criteria and the actual diagnostic criteria were applied to the patients. Only 43/80 patients (53.8%) fulfilled all criteria of the new classification. 31 patients were excluded because they didn't meet one of the 7 diagnostic criteria, 8 because of 2 criteria, and one because of 3 criteria. When we applied the current criteria to the same patients, 11/80 patients (13%) needed to be excluded. 8/80 patients (10%) were excluded from both sets. Exclusion was related only to some of the criteria. Number of patients for each not fulfilled criterion (new set of criteria/actual criteria): age (1/6), symptoms between episodes (2/2), delayed growth (3/3), main symptoms (21/0), periodicity, length of fever, interval between episodes, and length of disease (19/0). The application of some of the new criteria was not easy, as they were both very restrictive and needed precise information from the patients. Our work has shown that the new set of classification criteria can be applied to patients suspected for PFAPA syndrome, but it seems to be more restrictive than the actual diagnostic criteria. A further work of validation needs to be done for this new set of classification criteria in order to determine if these criteria allow a good discrimination between PFAPA patients and other causes of recurrent fever syndromes.
During pregnancy several adaptations develop in response to the enhanced maternal and fetal metabolic needs. This review summarizes the major cardiorespiratory modifications of pregnancy as well as their consequences in chronic respiratory diseases such as restrictive ventilatory defects (post-tuberculosis pneumonectomy, kyphoscoliosis, neuromuscular disorders), asthma, cystic fibrosis, and pulmonary hypertension. It is important to recognize early the cardiorespiratory situations for which pregnancy is contraindicated or associated with a high risk of respiratory complications. Clinical management by an expert and often pluridisciplinary team is recommended.
Astrocytes are the brain nonnerve cells that are competent for gliosecretion, i.e., for expression and regulated exocytosis of clear and dense-core vesicles (DCVs). We investigated whether expression of astrocyte DCVs is governed by RE-1-silencing transcription factor (REST)/neuron-restrictive silencer factor, the transcription repressor that orchestrates nerve cell differentiation. Rat astrocyte cultures exhibited high levels of REST and expressed neither DCVs nor their markers (granins, peptides, and membrane proteins). Transfection of dominant-negative construct of REST induced the appearance of DCVs filled with secretogranin 2 and neuropeptide Y (NPY) and distinct from other organelles. Total internal reflection fluorescence analysis revealed NPY-monomeric red fluorescent protein-labeled DCVs to undergo Ca21 -dependent exocytosis, which was largely prevented by botulinum toxin B. In the I-II layers of the human temporal brain cortex, all neurons and microglia exhibited the expected inappreciable and high levels of REST, respectively. In contrast, astrocyte RESTwas variable, going from inappreciable to high, and accompanied by a variable expression of DCVs. In conclusion, astrocyte DCV expression and gliosecretion are governed by REST. The variable in situ REST levels may contribute to the wellknown structural/ functional heterogeneity of astrocytes.
What abortion laws a liberal political community ought to have? Much has been said about the moral problem of abortion, but there has not been yet (to my knowledge) a fully articulate account of the bearing of the competing answers to this ethical problem on liberal public reason. The first part of my project consists in a critical review of the different attempts to solve the various philosophical puzzles, both metaphysical and moral, posed by the abortion problem. Why is it wrong to kill beings like you and me? By answering this question we shall gain a better insight into those properties we have that give us such strong reasons against killing beings like us. Here we face a tremendous philosophical diffuculty, for it is not possible to determine what the robustest account of the wrongness of killing is without dealing with deeper metaethical and metaphysical problems. Indeed, consequentialist and nonconsequentialist moral theories differ in what it is that makes an action morally wrong -is it just the outcome of the action as compared with the outcomes of its alternatives? Or is it something else? Also, what are we essentially? Is the foetus merely our precursor? Then killing a foetus is relevantly similar to contraception. Or is the foetus one of us? If so, when we kill it, are we depriving it of a future as valuable as ours? Perhaps the relation of identity (the fact that it is its future as opposed to someone else's) doesn't matter. That may be because the foetus is an aggregate of biological and psychological facts and perhaps aggregates are not substances. Or maybe it is a substance but only psychological realtions matter, not personal identity. The second part of my project has to do with the different status these metaphisical and ethical positions ought to have in liberal public reason. Though this is the part in which most research is still needed, my own intuition is that, given the depth of the philosphical views in competition, restrictive abortion laws ought to be considered unrespectful to citizens' autonomy.
INTRODUCTION: PFAPA syndrome is characterized by periodic fever, associated with pharyngitis, cervical adenitis and/or aphthous stomatitis and belongs to the auto-inflammatory diseases. Diagnostic criteria are based on clinical features and the exclusion of other periodic fever syndromes. An analysis of a large cohort of patients has shown weaknesses for these criteria and there is a lack of international consensus. An International Conference was held in Morges in November 2008 to propose a new set of classification criteria based on a consensus among experts in the field.OBJECTIVE: We aimed to verify the applicability of the new set of classification criteria.PATIENTS & METHODS: 80 patients diagnosed with PFAPA syndrome from 3 centers (Genoa, Lausanne and Geneva) for pediatric rheumatology were included in the study. A detailed description of the clinical and laboratory features was obtained. The new classification criteria and the actual diagnostic criteria were applied to the patients.RESULTS: Only 40/80 patients (50%) fulfilled all criteria of the new classification. 31 patients were excluded because they didn't meet one of the 7 diagnostic criteria, 7 because of 2 criteria, and one because of 3 criteria. When we applied the current criteria to the same patients, 11/80 patients (13.7%) needed to be excluded. 8/80 patients (10%) were excluded from both sets. Exclusion was related only to some of the criteria. Number of patients for each not fulfilled criterion (new set of criteria/actual criteria): age (1/6), symptoms between episodes (2/2), delayed growth (4/1), main symptoms (21/0), periodicity, length of fever, interval between episodes, and length of disease (20/0). The application of some of the new criteria was not easy, as they were both very restrictive and needed precise information from the patients.CONCLUSION: Our work has shown that the new set of classification criteria can be applied to patients suspected for PFAPA syndrome, but it seems to be more restrictive than the actual diagnostic criteria. A further work of validation needs to be done in order to determine if this new set of classification criteria allow a good discrimination between PFAPA patients and other causes of recurrent fever syndromes.
Shrinking lung syndrome (SLS) is an uncommon feature of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) characterized by dyspnea, pleuritic chest pain, diaphragmatic elevation, restrictive ventilatory defect and reduced respiratory muscle strength as measured by volitional tests. We report the case of a 28-year-old woman with overlapping features of SLE and Sjögren syndrome who developed severe SLS while receiving corticosteroids and azathioprine for severe polyarthritis. She was treated with a combination of rituximab and cyclophosphamide, which led to a dramatic improvement in her clinical condition and respiratory function tests. The increase in vital capacity was one of the highest among 35 published cases of SLS. Thus, restoring a near-normal lung function is an achievable goal in SLS, and the use of rituximab, with or without concomitant cyclophosphamide, certainly deserves further study in this setting.
BACKGROUND: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP)-essentially a restrictive bariatric procedure-is currently considered the gold standard for the surgical treatment of morbid obesity. Open surgery in obese patients is associated with a high risk of cardiopulmonary complications, wound infection, and late incisional hernia. Laparoscopic surgery has been shown to reduce perioperative morbidity and to improve postoperative recovery for various procedures. Herein we present our results with laparoscopic RYGBP after an initial 2-year experience. METHODS: A prospective database was created in our department beginning without the first laparoscopic bariatric procedure. To provide a complete follow-up of 6 months, the results of all patients operated on between June 1999 and August 2001 were reviewed. Early surgical results, weight loss, correction of comorbidities, and improvement of quality of life were evaluated. RESULTS: A total of 107 patients were included. There were 82 women and 25 men, with a mean age of 39.7 years (range, 19-58). RYGBP was a primary procedure in 80 cases (49 morbidly obese and 31 superobese patients) and a reoperation after failure or complication of another bariatric operation in 27 cases. Mean duration of surgery was 168 min for morbidly obese patients, 196 min for surperobese patients, and 205 min for reoperated patients (p <0.01). Conversion to open surgery was necessary in two cases. A total of 22 patients (20.5%) developed complication. Nine of them (8.4%) required reoperation for leak (five cases, or 4.6%), bowel occlusion (three cases, or 2.8%), or subphrenic abscess (one case, or 0.9%). mortality was 0.9%. Major morbidity decreased over time (first two-thirds, 12.5%, last third, 2.7%). major morbidity decreased over time (first two-thirds, 12.5%; last third, 2.7%). Excess weight loss of -50% was achieved in >80% of the patients, corresponding to a loss of 15 body mass index (BMI) units in morbidly obese patients and 20 BMI units in superobese patients. In the vast majority of patients, comorbidities improved or disappeared over time and quality of life improved. CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is feasible, but it is a very complex operation. Indeed, it is associated with a long and steep learning curve, as reflected in the high number of major complications among our first 70 patients. The learning curve probably includes between 100 and 150 patients. With increasing experience, the morbidity rate becomes more acceptable and comparable to that of open RYGBP. The results in terms of weight loss and correction of comorbidities are similar to those obtained after open surgery, at least in the short term. However, only surgeons with extensive experience in advanced laparoscopic as well as bariatric surgery should attempt this procedure.
OBJECTIVE:: The purpose of this study was to assess outcomes and indications in a large cohort of patients who underwent liver transplantation (LT) for liver metastases (LM) from neuroendocrine tumors (NET) over a 27-year period. BACKGROUND:: LT for NET remains controversial due to the absence of clear selection criteria and the scarcity and heterogeneity of reported cases. METHODS:: This retrospective multicentric study included 213 patients who underwent LT for NET performed in 35 centers in 11 European countries between 1982 and 2009. One hundred seven patients underwent transplantation before 2000 and 106 after 2000. Mean age at the time of LT was 46 years. Half of the patients presented hormone secretion and 55% had hepatomegaly. Before LT, 83% of patients had undergone surgical treatment of the primary tumor and/or LM and 76% had received chemotherapy. The median interval between diagnosis of LM and LT was 25 months (range, 1-149 months). In addition to LT, 24 patients underwent major resection procedures and 30 patients underwent minor resection procedures. RESULTS:: Three-month postoperative mortality was 10%. At 5 years after LT, overall survival (OS) was 52% and disease-free survival was 30%. At 5 years from diagnosis of LM, OS was 73%. Multivariate analysis identified 3 predictors of poor outcome, that is, major resection in addition to LT, poor tumor differentiation, and hepatomegaly. Since 2000, 5-year OS has increased to 59% in relation with fewer patients presenting poor prognostic factors. Multivariate analysis of the 106 cases treated since 2000 identified the following predictors of poor outcome: hepatomegaly, age more than 45 years, and any amount of resection concurrent with LT. CONCLUSIONS:: LT is an effective treatment of unresectable LM from NET. Patient selection based on the aforementioned predictors can achieve a 5-year OS between 60% and 80%. However, use of overly restrictive criteria may deny LT to some patients who could benefit. Optimal timing for LT in patients with stable versus progressive disease remains unclear.