972 resultados para regenerative braking


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PURPOSE To assess whether reaction time (RT) and movement time (MT), as the two components of the total brake response time (TBRT) and brake force (BF) are different in patients with a foot joint arthrodesis in comparison to controls. METHODS The study was a comparative case series in a driving simulator under realistic driving conditions. Mobile patients without a walker, ≥6 months after surgery who were driving a car and had no neurological co-morbidity, knee or hip joint prosthesis were included in the study. The selection criteria resulted in 12 patients with right tibiotalar joint arthrodesis (TTJA) and 12 patients with another right foot joint arthrodesis (OFJA), who were compared to 17 individuals without any ankle-joint pathology. For TBRT, an empirical safe driving threshold of 700 ms was used. The outcome measures were RT, MT, TBRT, BF and McGuire score. RESULTS MT (p = 0.034) and TBRT (p = 0.026) were longer in TTJA patients in comparison with the controls. Also, more patients with TTJA than patients with OFJA and controls exceeded the safe driving threshold (p = 0.028). The outcomes in OFJA patients and in controls were comparable. The McGuire score was similar between the TTJA and OFJA patients (p = 0.26). CONCLUSIONS Significantly slower MT and TBRT, and significantly more patients exceeding the safe driving threshold, were observed after a tibiotalar-joint arthrodesis in comparison to the controls. Patients with OFJAs were not significantly different from the controls. Driving and emergency braking may be impaired after tibiotalar-joint arthrodesis.


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The present study examines sublethal effects of near-future (year 2100) ocean acidification (OA) on regenerative capacity, biochemical composition, and behavior of the sea star Luidia clathrata, a predominant predator in sub-tropical soft-bottom habitats. Two groups of sea stars, each with two arms excised, were maintained on a formulated diet in seawater bubbled with air alone (pH 8.2, approximating a pCO2 of 380 µatm) or with a controlled mixture of air/C02 (pH 7.8, approximating a pCO2 of 780 µatm). Arm length, total body wet weight, and righting responses were measured weekly. After 97 days, a period of time sufficient for 80% arm regeneration, pyloric caecal indices, and protein, carbohydrate, lipid, and ash levels were determined for body wall and pyloric caecal tissues of intact and regenerating arms of individuals held in both seawater pH treatments. The present study indicates that predicted near-term levels of ocean acidification (seawater pH 7.8) do not significantly impact whole animal growth, arm regeneration rates, biochemical composition, or righting behavior in this common soft bottom sea star.


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Changes in seawater pH, temperature and salinity are expected to occur in the near future, which can be a threat to aquatic systems, mainly for marine coastal areas, and their inhabiting species. Hence, the present study proposes to evaluate the effects of temperature shifts, pH decrease and salinity changes in the tissue's regenerative capacity of the polychaete Diopatra neapolitana. This study evidenced that D. neapolitana individuals exposed to lower pH exhibited a significantly lower capacity to regenerate their body, while with the increase of temperature individuals showed a higher capacity to regenerate their tissues. Furthermore, the present work demonstrated that individuals exposed to salinities 28 and 35 did not present significant differences between them, while salinities 21 and 42 negatively influenced the regenerative capacity of D. neapolitana. At the end of regeneration, comparing all conditions, high salinity (42) seemed to have a greater impact on the regenerative capacity of individuals than the other factors, since under this condition individuals took longer to completely regenerate. Overall, this study demonstrated that variations in abiotic factors can strongly affect D. neapolitana's performance.


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An important goal in the field of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) is to provide driving aids aimed at preventing accidents and reducing the number of traffic victims. The commonest traffic accidents in urban areas are due to sudden braking that demands a very fast response on the part of drivers. Attempts to solve this problem have motivated many ITS advances including the detection of the intention of surrounding cars using lasers, radars or cameras. However, this might not be enough to increase safety when there is a danger of collision. Vehicle to vehicle communications are needed to ensure that the other intentions of cars are also available. The article describes the development of a controller to perform an emergency stop via an electro-hydraulic braking system employed on dry asphalt. An original V2V communication scheme based on WiFi cards has been used for broadcasting positioning information to other vehicles. The reliability of the scheme has been theoretically analyzed to estimate its performance when the number of vehicles involved is much higher. This controller has been incorporated into the AUTOPIA program control for automatic cars. The system has been implemented in Citroën C3 Pluriel, and various tests were performed to evaluate its operation.


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The study of functional morphological traits enables us to know fundamental aspects of the dynamics of plant communities in local and global habitats. Regenerative morphological traits play an important role in defining plant history and ecological behavior. Seed and fruit characteristics determine to a large extent the patterns for dispersal, germination, establishment and seedling recruitment a given species exhibits on its natural habitat. Despite their prominent role, seed and fruit traits have been poorly studied at the community level of woody plant species in neo-tropical dry forests. In the present study we aimed at i) evaluate the functional role of morphological traits of seeds, fruits and embryo in woody plant species; ii) determine which are the morphological patterns present in seeds collected from the community of woody species that occur in neo-tropical dry forests; and iii) compare woody plant species seed mass values comparatively between neo-tropical dry and tropical forests. To do so, mature seeds were collected from 79 plant species that occur in the Tumbesian forest of Southwest Ecuador. The studied species included the 42 and 37 most representative tree and shrubbery species of the Tumbesian forest respectively. A total of 18 morphological traits (seven quantitative and 11 qualitative) were measured and evaluated in the seeds, fruits and embryos of the selected species, and we compared the seeds mass with other forest types. Our results showed a huge heterogeneity among traits values in the studied species. Seed mass, volume and number were the traits that vary the most at the community level, i.e. seed length ranged from 1.3 to 39 mm, and seed width from 0.6 to 25 mm. Only six embryo types were found among the 79 plant species. In 40 % of the cases, fully developed inverted embryos with large and thick cotyledons to store considerable amount of nutrients were recorded. We concluded that highly variable and functionally complementary morphological traits occur among the studied woody plants of the dry Tumbesian forest. The latter favors a plethora of behavioral mechanisms to coexist among woody species of the dry forest in response to the environmental stress that is typical of arid areas.


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The homozygous weaver mouse displays neuronal degeneration in several brain regions. Previous experiments in heterologous expression systems showed that the G protein-gated inward rectifier K+ channel (GIRK2) bearing the weaver pore-region GYG-to-SYG mutation (i) is not activated by Gβγ subunits, but instead shows constitutive activation, and (ii) is no longer a K+-selective channel but conducts Na+ as well. The present experiments on weaverGIRK2 (wvGIRK2) expressed in Xenopus oocytes show that the level of constitutive activation depends on intracellular Na+ concentration. In particular, manipulations that decrease intracellular Na+ produce a component of Na+-permeable current activated via a G protein pathway. Therefore, constitutive activation may not arise because the weaver mutation directly alters the gating transitions of the channel protein. Instead, there may be a regenerative cycle of Na+ influx through the wvGIRK2 channel, leading to additional Na+ activation. We also show that the wvGIRK2 channel is permeable to Ca2+, providing an additional mechanism for the degeneration that characterizes the weaver phenotype. We further demonstrate that the GIRK4 channel bearing the analogous weaver mutation has properties similar to those of the wvGIRK2 channel, providing a glimpse of the selective pressures that have maintained the GYG sequence in nearly all known K+ channels.


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Retinoid X receptors (RXRs) are involved in a number of signaling pathways as heterodimeric partners of numerous nuclear receptors. Hepatocytes express high levels of the RXRα isotype, as well as several of its putative heterodimeric partners. Germ-line disruption (knockout) of RXRα has been shown to be lethal in utero, thus precluding analysis of its function at later life stages. Hepatocyte-specific disruption of RXRα during liver organogenesis has recently revealed that the presence of hepatocytes is not mandatory for the mouse, at least under normal mouse facility conditions, even though a number of metabolic events are impaired [Wan, Y.-J., et al. (2000) Mol. Cell. Biol. 20, 4436–4444]. However, it is unknown whether RXRα plays a role in the control of hepatocyte proliferation and lifespan. Here, we report a detailed analysis of the liver of mice in which RXRα was selectively ablated in adult hepatocytes by using the tamoxifen-inducible chimeric Cre recombinase system. Our results show that the lifespan of adult hepatocytes lacking RXRα is shorter than that of their wild-type counterparts, whereas proliferative hepatocytes of regenerating liver exhibit an even shorter lifespan. These lifespan shortenings are accompanied by increased polyploidy and multinuclearity. We conclude that RXRα plays important cell-autonomous function(s) in the mechanism(s) involved in the lifespan of hepatocytes and liver regeneration.


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Cellular senescence is defined by the limited proliferative capacity of normal cultured cells. Immortal cells overcome this regulation and proliferate indefinitively. One step in the immortalization process may be reactivation of telomerase activity, a ribonucleoprotein complex, which, by de novo synthesized telomeric TTAGGG repeats, can prevent shortening of the telomeres. Here we show that immortal human skin keratinocytes, irrespective of whether they were immortalized by simian virus 40, human papillomavirus 16, or spontaneously, as well as cell lines established from human skin squamous cell carcinomas exhibit telomerase activity. Unexpectedly, four of nine samples of intact human skin also were telomerase positive. By dissecting the skin we could show that the dermis and cultured dermal fibroblasts were telomerase negative. The epidermis and cultured skin keratinocytes, however, reproducibly exhibited enzyme activity. By separating different cell layers of the epidermis this telomerase activity could be assigned to the proliferative basal cells. Thus, in addition to hematopoietic cells, the epidermis, another example of a permanently regenerating human tissue, provides a further exception of the hypothesis that all normal human somatic tissues are telomerase deficient. Instead, these data suggest that in addition to contributing to the permanent proliferation capacity of immortal and tumor-derived keratinocytes, telomerase activity may also play a similar role in the lifetime regenerative capacity of normal epidermis in vivo.


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The failure of mature mammalian central nervous system axons to regenerate after transection is usually attributed to influences of the extraneuronal milieu. Using explant cocultures of retina and midbrain tectum from hamsters, we have found evidence that these influences account for failure of regrowth of only a small minority of retinal axons. For most of the axons, there is a programmed loss of ability to elongate in the central nervous system. We show that there is a precipitous decline in the ability of retinal axons to reinnervate tectal targets when the retina is derived from pups on or after postnatal day 2, even when the target is embryonic. By contrast, embryonic retinal axons can regrow into tectum of any age, overcoming growth-inhibiting influences of glial factors.


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{L-R: Charles Crouther, Andrew Bruce, Ken Gardner, Tim Thomas]


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[L-R: Charles Crouther, Andrew Bruce, Ken Gardner, Tim Thomas]


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Federal Highway Administration, Structures and Applied Mechanics Division, Washington, D.C.


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Federal Highway Administration, Structures and Applied Mechanics Division, Washington, D.C.