981 resultados para quantum non-demolition


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We first study a class of fundamental quantum stochastic processes induced by the generators of a six dimensional non-solvable Lie dagger-algebra consisting of all linear combinations of the generalized Gross Laplacian and its adjoint, annihilation operator, creation operator, conservation, and time, and then we study the quantum stochastic integrals associated with the class of fundamental quantum stochastic processes, and the quantum Ito formula is revisited. The existence and uniqueness of solution of a quantum stochastic differential equation is proved. The unitarity conditions of solutions of quantum stochastic differential equations associated with the fundamental processes are examined. The quantum stochastic calculus extends the Hudson-Parthasarathy quantum stochastic calculus. (C) 2016 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The theories of relativity and quantum mechanics, the two most important physics discoveries of the 20th century, not only revolutionized our understanding of the nature of space-time and the way matter exists and interacts, but also became the building blocks of what we currently know as modern physics. My thesis studies both subjects in great depths --- this intersection takes place in gravitational-wave physics.

Gravitational waves are "ripples of space-time", long predicted by general relativity. Although indirect evidence of gravitational waves has been discovered from observations of binary pulsars, direct detection of these waves is still actively being pursued. An international array of laser interferometer gravitational-wave detectors has been constructed in the past decade, and a first generation of these detectors has taken several years of data without a discovery. At this moment, these detectors are being upgraded into second-generation configurations, which will have ten times better sensitivity. Kilogram-scale test masses of these detectors, highly isolated from the environment, are probed continuously by photons. The sensitivity of such a quantum measurement can often be limited by the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, and during such a measurement, the test masses can be viewed as evolving through a sequence of nearly pure quantum states.

The first part of this thesis (Chapter 2) concerns how to minimize the adverse effect of thermal fluctuations on the sensitivity of advanced gravitational detectors, thereby making them closer to being quantum-limited. My colleagues and I present a detailed analysis of coating thermal noise in advanced gravitational-wave detectors, which is the dominant noise source of Advanced LIGO in the middle of the detection frequency band. We identified the two elastic loss angles, clarified the different components of the coating Brownian noise, and obtained their cross spectral densities.

The second part of this thesis (Chapters 3-7) concerns formulating experimental concepts and analyzing experimental results that demonstrate the quantum mechanical behavior of macroscopic objects - as well as developing theoretical tools for analyzing quantum measurement processes. In Chapter 3, we study the open quantum dynamics of optomechanical experiments in which a single photon strongly influences the quantum state of a mechanical object. We also explain how to engineer the mechanical oscillator's quantum state by modifying the single photon's wave function.

In Chapters 4-5, we build theoretical tools for analyzing the so-called "non-Markovian" quantum measurement processes. Chapter 4 establishes a mathematical formalism that describes the evolution of a quantum system (the plant), which is coupled to a non-Markovian bath (i.e., one with a memory) while at the same time being under continuous quantum measurement (by the probe field). This aims at providing a general framework for analyzing a large class of non-Markovian measurement processes. Chapter 5 develops a way of characterizing the non-Markovianity of a bath (i.e.,whether and to what extent the bath remembers information about the plant) by perturbing the plant and watching for changes in the its subsequent evolution. Chapter 6 re-analyzes a recent measurement of a mechanical oscillator's zero-point fluctuations, revealing nontrivial correlation between the measurement device's sensing noise and the quantum rack-action noise.

Chapter 7 describes a model in which gravity is classical and matter motions are quantized, elaborating how the quantum motions of matter are affected by the fact that gravity is classical. It offers an experimentally plausible way to test this model (hence the nature of gravity) by measuring the center-of-mass motion of a macroscopic object.

The most promising gravitational waves for direct detection are those emitted from highly energetic astrophysical processes, sometimes involving black holes - a type of object predicted by general relativity whose properties depend highly on the strong-field regime of the theory. Although black holes have been inferred to exist at centers of galaxies and in certain so-called X-ray binary objects, detecting gravitational waves emitted by systems containing black holes will offer a much more direct way of observing black holes, providing unprecedented details of space-time geometry in the black-holes' strong-field region.

The third part of this thesis (Chapters 8-11) studies black-hole physics in connection with gravitational-wave detection.

Chapter 8 applies black hole perturbation theory to model the dynamics of a light compact object orbiting around a massive central Schwarzschild black hole. In this chapter, we present a Hamiltonian formalism in which the low-mass object and the metric perturbations of the background spacetime are jointly evolved. Chapter 9 uses WKB techniques to analyze oscillation modes (quasi-normal modes or QNMs) of spinning black holes. We obtain analytical approximations to the spectrum of the weakly-damped QNMs, with relative error O(1/L^2), and connect these frequencies to geometrical features of spherical photon orbits in Kerr spacetime. Chapter 11 focuses mainly on near-extremal Kerr black holes, we discuss a bifurcation in their QNM spectra for certain ranges of (l,m) (the angular quantum numbers) as a/M → 1. With tools prepared in Chapter 9 and 10, in Chapter 11 we obtain an analytical approximate for the scalar Green function in Kerr spacetime.


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Since the discovery of D-branes as non-perturbative, dynamic objects in string theory, various configurations of branes in type IIA/B string theory and M-theory have been considered to study their low-energy dynamics described by supersymmetric quantum field theories.

One example of such a construction is based on the description of Seiberg-Witten curves of four-dimensional N = 2 supersymmetric gauge theories as branes in type IIA string theory and M-theory. This enables us to study the gauge theories in strongly-coupled regimes. Spectral networks are another tool for utilizing branes to study non-perturbative regimes of two- and four-dimensional supersymmetric theories. Using spectral networks of a Seiberg-Witten theory we can find its BPS spectrum, which is protected from quantum corrections by supersymmetry, and also the BPS spectrum of a related two-dimensional N = (2,2) theory whose (twisted) superpotential is determined by the Seiberg-Witten curve. When we don’t know the perturbative description of such a theory, its spectrum obtained via spectral networks is a useful piece of information. In this thesis we illustrate these ideas with examples of the use of Seiberg-Witten curves and spectral networks to understand various two- and four-dimensional supersymmetric theories.

First, we examine how the geometry of a Seiberg-Witten curve serves as a useful tool for identifying various limits of the parameters of the Seiberg-Witten theory, including Argyres-Seiberg duality and Argyres-Douglas fixed points. Next, we consider the low-energy limit of a two-dimensional N = (2, 2) supersymmetric theory from an M-theory brane configuration whose (twisted) superpotential is determined by the geometry of the branes. We show that, when the two-dimensional theory flows to its infra-red fixed point, particular cases realize Kazama-Suzuki coset models. We also study the BPS spectrum of an Argyres-Douglas type superconformal field theory on the Coulomb branch by using its spectral networks. We provide strong evidence of the equivalence of superconformal field theories from different string-theoretic constructions by comparing their BPS spectra.


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Chapter I

Theories for organic donor-acceptor (DA) complexes in solution and in the solid state are reviewed, and compared with the available experimental data. As shown by McConnell et al. (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S., 53, 46-50 (1965)), the DA crystals fall into two classes, the holoionic class with a fully or almost fully ionic ground state, and the nonionic class with little or no ionic character. If the total lattice binding energy 2ε1 (per DA pair) gained in ionizing a DA lattice exceeds the cost 2εo of ionizing each DA pair, ε1 + εo less than 0, then the lattice is holoionic. The charge-transfer (CT) band in crystals and in solution can be explained, following Mulliken, by a second-order mixing of states, or by any theory that makes the CT transition strongly allowed, and yet due to a small change in the ground state of the non-interacting components D and A (or D+ and A-). The magnetic properties of the DA crystals are discussed.

Chapter II

A computer program, EWALD, was written to calculate by the Ewald fast-convergence method the crystal Coulomb binding energy EC due to classical monopole-monopole interactions for crystals of any symmetry. The precision of EC values obtained is high: the uncertainties, estimated by the effect on EC of changing the Ewald convergence parameter η, ranged from ± 0.00002 eV to ± 0.01 eV in the worst case. The charge distribution for organic ions was idealized as fractional point charges localized at the crystallographic atomic positions: these charges were chosen from available theoretical and experimental estimates. The uncertainty in EC due to different charge distribution models is typically ± 0.1 eV (± 3%): thus, even the simple Hückel model can give decent results.

EC for Wurster's Blue Perchl orate is -4.1 eV/molecule: the crystal is stable under the binding provided by direct Coulomb interactions. EC for N-Methylphenazinium Tetracyanoquino- dimethanide is 0.1 eV: exchange Coulomb interactions, which cannot be estimated classically, must provide the necessary binding.

EWALD was also used to test the McConnell classification of DA crystals. For the holoionic (1:1)-(N,N,N',N'-Tetramethyl-para- phenylenediamine: 7,7,8,8-Tetracyanoquinodimethan) EC = -4.0 eV while 2εo = 4.65 eV: clearly, exchange forces must provide the balance. For the holoionic (1:1)-(N,N,N',N'-Tetramethyl-para- phenylenediamine:para-Chloranil) EC = -4.4 eV, while 2εo = 5.0 eV: again EC falls short of 2ε1. As a Gedankenexperiment, two nonionic crystals were assumed to be ionized: for (1:1)-(Hexamethyl- benzene:para-Chloranil) EC = -4.5 eV, 2εo = 6.6 eV; for (1:1)- (Napthalene:Tetracyanoethylene) EC = -4.3 eV, 2εo = 6.5 eV. Thus, exchange energies in these nonionic crystals must not exceed 1 eV.

Chapter III

A rapid-convergence quantum-mechanical formalism is derived to calculate the electronic energy of an arbitrary molecular (or molecular-ion) crystal: this provides estimates of crystal binding energies which include the exchange Coulomb inter- actions. Previously obtained LCAO-MO wavefunctions for the isolated molecule(s) ("unit cell spin-orbitals") provide the starting-point. Bloch's theorem is used to construct "crystal spin-orbitals". Overlap between the unit cell orbitals localized in different unit cells is neglected, or is eliminated by Löwdin orthogonalization. Then simple formulas for the total kinetic energy Q^(XT)_λ, nuclear attraction [λ/λ]XT, direct Coulomb [λλ/λ'λ']XT and exchange Coulomb [λλ'/λ'λ]XT integrals are obtained, and direct-space brute-force expansions in atomic wavefunctions are given. Fourier series are obtained for [λ/λ]XT, [λλ/λ'λ']XT, and [λλ/λ'λ]XT with the help of the convolution theorem; the Fourier coefficients require the evaluation of Silverstone's two-center Fourier transform integrals. If the short-range interactions are calculated by brute-force integrations in direct space, and the long-range effects are summed in Fourier space, then rapid convergence is possible for [λ/λ]XT, [λλ/λ'λ']XT and [λλ'/λ'λ]XT. This is achieved, as in the Ewald method, by modifying each atomic wavefunction by a "Gaussian convergence acceleration factor", and evaluating separately in direct and in Fourier space appropriate portions of [λ/λ]XT, etc., where some of the portions contain the Gaussian factor.


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We study some aspects of conformal field theory, wormhole physics and two-dimensional random surfaces. Inspite of being rather different, these topics serve as examples of the issues that are involved, both at high and low energy scales, in formulating a quantum theory of gravity. In conformal field theory we show that fusion and braiding properties can be used to determine the operator product coefficients of the non-diagonal Wess-Zumino-Witten models. In wormhole physics we show how Coleman's proposed probability distribution would result in wormholes determining the value of θQCD. We attempt such a calculation and find the most probable value of θQCD to be π. This hints at a potential conflict with nature. In random surfaces we explore the behaviour of conformal field theories coupled to gravity and calculate some partition functions and correlation functions. Our results throw some light on the transition that is believed to occur when the central charge of the matter theory gets larger than one.


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Non-classical properties and quantum interference (QI) in two-photon excitation of a three level atom (|1〉), |2〉, |3〉) in a ladder configuration, illuminated by multiple fields in non-classical (squeezed) and/or classical (coherent) states, is studied. Fundamentally new effects associated with quantum correlations in the squeezed fields and QI due to multiple excitation pathways have been observed. Theoretical studies and extrapolations of these findings have revealed possible applications which are far beyond any current capabilities, including ultrafast nonlinear mixing, ultrafast homodyne detection and frequency metrology. The atom used throughout the experiments was Cesium, which was magneto-optically trapped in a vapor cell to produce a Doppler-free sample. For the first part of the work the |1〉 → |2〉 → |3〉 transition (corresponding to the 6S1/2F = 4 → 6P3/2F' = 5 → 6D5/2F" = 6 transition) was excited by using the quantum-correlated signal (Ɛs) and idler (Ɛi) output fields of a subthreshold non-degenerate optical parametric oscillator, which was tuned so that the signal and idler fields were resonant with the |1〉 → |2〉 and |2〉 → |3〉 transitions, respectively. In contrast to excitation with classical fields for which the excitation rate as a function of intensity has always an exponent greater than or equal to two, excitation with squeezed-fields has been theoretically predicted to have an exponent that approaches unity for small enough intensities. This was verified experimentally by probing the exponent down to a slope of 1.3, demonstrating for the first time a purely non-classical effect associated with the interaction of squeezed fields and atoms. In the second part excitation of the two-photon transition by three phase coherent fields Ɛ1 , Ɛ2 and Ɛ0, resonant with the dipole |1〉 → |2〉 and |2〉 → |3〉 and quadrupole |1〉 → |3〉 transitions, respectively, is studied. QI in the excited state population is observed due to two alternative excitation pathways. This is equivalent to nonlinear mixing of the three excitation fields by the atom. Realizing that in the experiment the three fields are spaced in frequency over a range of 25 THz, and extending this scheme to other energy triplets and atoms, leads to the discovery that ranges up to 100's of THz can be bridged in a single mixing step. Motivated by these results, a master equation model has been developed for the system and its properties have been extensively studied.


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This thesis puts forth a theory-directed approach coupled with spectroscopy aimed at the discovery and understanding of light-matter interactions in semiconductors and metals.

The first part of the thesis presents the discovery and development of Zn-IV nitride materials.The commercial prominence in the optoelectronics industry of tunable semiconductor alloy materials based on nitride semiconductor devices, specifically InGaN, motivates the search for earth-abundant alternatives for use in efficient, high-quality optoelectronic devices. II-IV-N2 compounds, which are closely related to the wurtzite-structured III-N semiconductors, have similar electronic and optical properties to InGaN namely direct band gaps, high quantum efficiencies and large optical absorption coefficients. The choice of different group II and group IV elements provides chemical diversity that can be exploited to tune the structural and electronic properties through the series of alloys. The first theoretical and experimental investigation of the ZnSnxGe1−xN2 series as a replacement for III-nitrides is discussed here.

The second half of the thesis shows ab−initio calculations for surface plasmons and plasmonic hot carrier dynamics. Surface plasmons, electromagnetic modes confined to the surface of a conductor-dielectric interface, have sparked renewed interest because of their quantum nature and their broad range of applications. The decay of surface plasmons is usually a detriment in the field of plasmonics, but the possibility to capture the energy normally lost to heat would open new opportunities in photon sensors, energy conversion devices and switching. A theoretical understanding of plasmon-driven hot carrier generation and relaxation dynamics in the ultrafast regime is presented here. Additionally calculations for plasmon-mediated upconversion as well as an energy-dependent transport model for these non-equilibrium carriers are shown.

Finally, this thesis gives an outlook on the potential of non-equilibrium phenomena in metals and semiconductors for future light-based technologies.


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The field of plasmonics exploits the unique optical properties of metallic nanostructures to concentrate and manipulate light at subwavelength length scales. Metallic nanostructures get their unique properties from their ability to support surface plasmons– coherent wave-like oscillations of the free electrons at the interface between a conductive and dielectric medium. Recent advancements in the ability to fabricate metallic nanostructures with subwavelength length scales have created new possibilities in technology and research in a broad range of applications.

In the first part of this thesis, we present two investigations of the relationship between the charge state and optical state of plasmonic metal nanoparticles. Using experimental bias-dependent extinction measurements, we derive a potential- dependent dielectric function for Au nanoparticles that accounts for changes in the physical properties due to an applied bias that contribute to the optical extinction. We also present theory and experiment for the reverse effect– the manipulation of the carrier density of Au nanoparticles via controlled optical excitation. This plasmoelectric effect takes advantage of the strong resonant properties of plasmonic materials and the relationship between charge state and optical properties to eluci- date a new avenue for conversion of optical power to electrical potential.

The second topic of this thesis is the non-radiative decay of plasmons to a hot-carrier distribution, and the distribution’s subsequent relaxation. We present first-principles calculations that capture all of the significant microscopic mechanisms underlying surface plasmon decay and predict the initial excited carrier distributions so generated. We also preform ab initio calculations of the electron-temperature dependent heat capacities and electron-phonon coupling coefficients of plasmonic metals. We extend these first-principle methods to calculate the electron-temperature dependent dielectric response of hot electrons in plasmonic metals, including direct interband and phonon-assisted intraband transitions. Finally, we combine these first-principles calculations of carrier dynamics and optical response to produce a complete theoretical description of ultrafast pump-probe measurements, free of any fitting parameters that are typical in previous analyses.


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79 p.


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We present a quantum algorithm to simulate general finite dimensional Lindblad master equations without the requirement of engineering the system-environment interactions. The proposed method is able to simulate both Markovian and non-Markovian quantum dynamics. It consists in the quantum computation of the dissipative corrections to the unitary evolution of the system of interest, via the reconstruction of the response functions associated with the Lindblad operators. Our approach is equally applicable to dynamics generated by effectively non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. We confirm the quality of our method providing specific error bounds that quantify its accuracy.


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Transport phenomena still stand as one of the most challenging problems in computational physics. By exploiting the analogies between Dirac and lattice Boltzmann equations, we develop a quantum simulator based on pseudospin-boson quantum systems, which is suitable for encoding fluid dynamics transport phenomena within a lattice kinetic formalism. It is shown that both the streaming and collision processes of lattice Boltzmann dynamics can be implemented with controlled quantum operations, using a heralded quantum protocol to encode non-unitary scattering processes. The proposed simulator is amenable to realization in controlled quantum platforms, such as ion-trap quantum computers or circuit quantum electrodynamics processors.


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Graphene is in the focus of research due to its unique electronic and optical properties. Intrinsic graphene is a zero gap semiconductor with a linear dispersion relation for E-k leading to zero-effective-mass electrons and holes described by Fermi-Dirac theory. Since pristine graphene has no bandgap no photoluminescence would be expected. However, recently several groups showed non-linear photoluminescence from pristine graphene putting forward different physical models explaining this remarkable effect [1-3]. © 2011 IEEE.


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Simulation of materials at the atomistic level is an important tool in studying microscopic structure and processes. The atomic interactions necessary for the simulation are correctly described by Quantum Mechanics. However, the computational resources required to solve the quantum mechanical equations limits the use of Quantum Mechanics at most to a few hundreds of atoms and only to a small fraction of the available configurational space. This thesis presents the results of my research on the development of a new interatomic potential generation scheme, which we refer to as Gaussian Approximation Potentials. In our framework, the quantum mechanical potential energy surface is interpolated between a set of predetermined values at different points in atomic configurational space by a non-linear, non-parametric regression method, the Gaussian Process. To perform the fitting, we represent the atomic environments by the bispectrum, which is invariant to permutations of the atoms in the neighbourhood and to global rotations. The result is a general scheme, that allows one to generate interatomic potentials based on arbitrary quantum mechanical data. We built a series of Gaussian Approximation Potentials using data obtained from Density Functional Theory and tested the capabilities of the method. We showed that our models reproduce the quantum mechanical potential energy surface remarkably well for the group IV semiconductors, iron and gallium nitride. Our potentials, while maintaining quantum mechanical accuracy, are several orders of magnitude faster than Quantum Mechanical methods.


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Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with cathodoluminescence (CL) were performed on exactly the same defects in a blue-emitting InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well (QW) sample enabling the direct correlation of the morphology of an individual defect with its emission properties. The defects in question are observed in AFM and SEM as a trench partially or fully enclosing a region of the QW having altered emission properties. Their sub-surface structure has previously been shown to consist of a basal plane stacking fault (BSF) in the plane of the QW stack, and a stacking mismatch boundary (SMB) which opens up into a trench at the sample surface. In CL, the material enclosed by the trench may emit more or less intensely than the surrounding material, but always exhibits a redshift relative to the surrounding material. A strong correlation exists between the width of the trench and both the redshift and the intensity ratio, with the widest trenches surrounding regions which exhibit the brightest and most redshifted emission. Based on studies of the evolution of the trench width with the number of QWs from four additional MQW samples, we conclude that in order for a trench defect to emit intense, strongly redshifted light, the BSF must be formed in the early stages of the growth of the QW stack. The data suggest that the SMB may act as a non-radiative recombination center. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.