1000 resultados para propelinear codes


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Perfect space-time block codes (STBCs) are based on four design criteria-full-rateness, nonvanishing determinant, cubic shaping, and uniform average transmitted energy per antenna per time slot. Cubic shaping and transmission at uniform average energy per antenna per time slot are important from the perspective of energy efficiency of STBCs. The shaping criterion demands that the generator matrix of the lattice from which each layer of the perfect STBC is carved be unitary. In this paper, it is shown that unitariness is not a necessary requirement for energy efficiency in the context of space-time coding with finite input constellations, and an alternative criterion is provided that enables one to obtain full-rate (rate of complex symbols per channel use for an transmit antenna system) STBCs with larger normalized minimum determinants than the perfect STBCs. Further, two such STBCs, one each for 4 and 6 transmit antennas, are presented and they are shown to have larger normalized minimum determinants than the comparable perfect STBCs which hitherto had the best-known normalized minimum determinants.


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For a family of Space-Time Block Codes (STBCs) C-1, C-2,..., with increasing number of transmit antennas N-i, with rates R-i complex symbols per channel use, i = 1, 2,..., we introduce the notion of asymptotic normalized rate which we define as lim(i ->infinity) R-i/N-i, and we say that a family of STBCs is asymptotically-good if its asymptotic normalized rate is non-zero, i. e., when the rate scales as a non-zero fraction of the number of transmit antennas. An STBC C is said to be g-group decodable, g >= 2, if the information symbols encoded by it can be partitioned into g groups, such that each group of symbols can be ML decoded independently of the others. In this paper we construct full-diversity g-group decodable codes with rates greater than one complex symbol per channel use for all g >= 2. Specifically, we construct delay-optimal, g-group decodable codes for number of transmit antennas N-t that are a multiple of g2left perpendicular(g-1/2)right perpendicular with rate N-t/g2(g-1) + g(2)-g/2N(t). Using these new codes as building blocks, we then construct non-delay-optimal g-group decodable codes with rate roughly g times that of the delay-optimal codes, for number of antennas N-t that are a multiple of 2left perpendicular(g-1/2)right perpendicular, with delay gN(t) and rate Nt/2(g-1) + g-1/2N(t). For each g >= 2, the new delay-optimal and non-delay- optimal families of STBCs are both asymptotically-good, with the latter family having the largest asymptotic normalized rates among all known families of multigroup decodable codes with delay T <= gN(t). Also, for g >= 3, these are the first instances of g-group decodable codes with rates greater than 1 reported in the literature.


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An n-length block code C is said to be r-query locally correctable, if for any codeword x ∈ C, one can probabilistically recover any one of the n coordinates of the codeword x by querying at most r coordinates of a possibly corrupted version of x. It is known that linear codes whose duals contain 2-designs are locally correctable. In this article, we consider linear codes whose duals contain t-designs for larger t. It is shown here that for such codes, for a given number of queries r, under linear decoding, one can, in general, handle a larger number of corrupted bits. We exhibit to our knowledge, for the first time, a finite length code, whose dual contains 4-designs, which can tolerate a fraction of up to 0.567/r corrupted symbols as against a maximum of 0.5/r in prior constructions. We also present an upper bound that shows that 0.567 is the best possible for this code length and query complexity over this symbol alphabet thereby establishing optimality of this code in this respect. A second result in the article is a finite-length bound which relates the number of queries r and the fraction of errors that can be tolerated, for a locally correctable code that employs a randomized algorithm in which each instance of the algorithm involves t-error correction.


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In this paper, the storage-repair-bandwidth (SRB) trade-off curve of regenerating codes is reformulated to yield a tradeoff between two global parameters of practical relevance, namely information rate and repair rate. The new information-repair-rate (IRR) tradeoff provides a different and insightful perspective on regenerating codes. For example, it provides a new motivation for seeking to investigate constructions corresponding to the interior of the SRB tradeoff. Interestingly, each point on the SRB tradeoff corresponds to a curve in the IRR tradeoff setup. We characterize completely, functional repair under the IRR framework, while for exact repair, an achievable region is presented. In the second part of this paper, a rate-half regenerating code for the minimum storage regenerating point is constructed that draws upon the theory of invariant subspaces. While the parameters of this rate-half code are the same as those of the MISER code, the construction itself is quite different.


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In this paper, a new method is proposed to obtain full-diversity, rate-2 (rate of two complex symbols per channel use) space-time block codes (STBCs) that are full-rate for multiple input double output (MIDO) systems. Using this method, rate-2 STBCs for 4 x 2, 6 x 2, 8 x 2, and 12 x 2 systems are constructed and these STBCs are fast ML-decodable, have large coding gains, and STBC-schemes consisting of these STBCs have a non-vanishing determinant (NVD) so that they are DMT-optimal for their respective MIDO systems. It is also shown that the Srinath-Rajan code for the 4 x 2 system, which has the lowest ML-decoding complexity among known rate-2 STBCs for the 4x2 MIDO system with a large coding gain for 4-/16-QAM, has the same algebraic structure as the STBC constructed in this paper for the 4 x 2 system. This also settles in positive a previous conjecture that the STBC-scheme that is based on the Srinath-Rajan code has the NVD property and hence is DMT-optimal for the 4 x 2 system.


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Regenerating codes and codes with locality are two coding schemes that have recently been proposed, which in addition to ensuring data collection and reliability, also enable efficient node repair. In a situation where one is attempting to repair a failed node, regenerating codes seek to minimize the amount of data downloaded for node repair, while codes with locality attempt to minimize the number of helper nodes accessed. This paper presents results in two directions. In one, this paper extends the notion of codes with locality so as to permit local recovery of an erased code symbol even in the presence of multiple erasures, by employing local codes having minimum distance >2. An upper bound on the minimum distance of such codes is presented and codes that are optimal with respect to this bound are constructed. The second direction seeks to build codes that combine the advantages of both codes with locality as well as regenerating codes. These codes, termed here as codes with local regeneration, are codes with locality over a vector alphabet, in which the local codes themselves are regenerating codes. We derive an upper bound on the minimum distance of vector-alphabet codes with locality for the case when their constituent local codes have a certain uniform rank accumulation property. This property is possessed by both minimum storage regeneration (MSR) and minimum bandwidth regeneration (MBR) codes. We provide several constructions of codes with local regeneration which achieve this bound, where the local codes are either MSR or MBR codes. Also included in this paper, is an upper bound on the minimum distance of a general vector code with locality as well as the performance comparison of various code constructions of fixed block length and minimum distance.


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In this paper, we revisit the combinatorial error model of Mazumdar et al. that models errors in high-density magnetic recording caused by lack of knowledge of grain boundaries in the recording medium. We present new upper bounds on the cardinality/rate of binary block codes that correct errors within this model. All our bounds, except for one, are obtained using combinatorial arguments based on hypergraph fractional coverings. The exception is a bound derived via an information-theoretic argument. Our bounds significantly improve upon existing bounds from the prior literature.


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In this paper, we consider the security of exact-repair regenerating codes operating at the minimum-storage-regenerating (MSR) point. The security requirement (introduced in Shah et. al.) is that no information about the stored data file must be leaked in the presence of an eavesdropper who has access to the contents of l(1) nodes as well as all the repair traffic entering a second disjoint set of l(2) nodes. We derive an upper bound on the size of a data file that can be securely stored that holds whenever l(2) <= d - k +1. This upper bound proves the optimality of the product-matrix-based construction of secure MSR regenerating codes by Shah et. al.


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Matroidal networks were introduced by Dougherty et al. and have been well studied in the recent past. It was shown that a network has a scalar linear network coding solution if and only if it is matroidal associated with a representable matroid. A particularly interesting feature of this development is the ability to construct (scalar and vector) linearly solvable networks using certain classes of matroids. Furthermore, it was shown through the connection between network coding and matroid theory that linear network coding is not always sufficient for general network coding scenarios. The current work attempts to establish a connection between matroid theory and network-error correcting and detecting codes. In a similar vein to the theory connecting matroids and network coding, we abstract the essential aspects of linear network-error detecting codes to arrive at the definition of a matroidal error detecting network (and similarly, a matroidal error correcting network abstracting from network-error correcting codes). An acyclic network (with arbitrary sink demands) is then shown to possess a scalar linear error detecting (correcting) network code if and only if it is a matroidal error detecting (correcting) network associated with a representable matroid. Therefore, constructing such network-error correcting and detecting codes implies the construction of certain representable matroids that satisfy some special conditions, and vice versa. We then present algorithms that enable the construction of matroidal error detecting and correcting networks with a specified capability of network-error correction. Using these construction algorithms, a large class of hitherto unknown scalar linearly solvable networks with multisource, multicast, and multiple-unicast network-error correcting codes is made available for theoretical use and practical implementation, with parameters, such as number of information symbols, number of sinks, number of coding nodes, error correcting capability, and so on, being arbitrary but for computing power (for the execution of the algorithms). The complexity of the construction of these networks is shown to be comparable with the complexity of existing algorithms that design multicast scalar linear network-error correcting codes. Finally, we also show that linear network coding is not sufficient for the general network-error correction (detection) problem with arbitrary demands. In particular, for the same number of network errors, we show a network for which there is a nonlinear network-error detecting code satisfying the demands at the sinks, whereas there are no linear network-error detecting codes that do the same.


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In this paper, we study codes with locality that can recover from two erasures via a sequence of two local, parity-check computations. By a local parity-check computation, we mean recovery via a single parity-check equation associated with small Hamming weight. Earlier approaches considered recovery in parallel; the sequential approach allows us to potentially construct codes with improved minimum distance. These codes, which we refer to as locally 2-reconstructible codes, are a natural generalization along one direction, of codes with all-symbol locality introduced by Gopalan et al, in which recovery from a single erasure is considered. By studying the generalized Hamming weights of the dual code, we derive upper bounds on the minimum distance of locally 2-reconstructible codes and provide constructions for a family of codes based on Turan graphs, that are optimal with respect to this bound. The minimum distance bound derived here is universal in the sense that no code which permits all-symbol local recovery from 2 erasures can have larger minimum distance regardless of approach adopted. Our approach also leads to a new bound on the minimum distance of codes with all-symbol locality for the single-erasure case.


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While the tradeoff between the amount of data stored and the repair bandwidth of an (n, k, d) regenerating code has been characterized under functional repair (FR), the case of exact repair (ER) remains unresolved. It is known that there do not exist ER codes which lie on the FR tradeoff at most of the points. The question as to whether one can asymptotically approach the FR tradeoff was settled recently by Tian who showed that in the (4, 3, 3) case, the ER region is bounded away from the FR region. The FR tradeoff serves as a trivial outer bound on the ER tradeoff. In this paper, we extend Tian's results by establishing an improved outer bound on the ER tradeoff which shows that the ER region is bounded away from the FR region, for any (n; k; d). Our approach is analytical and builds upon the framework introduced earlier by Shah et. al. Interestingly, a recently-constructed, layered regenerating code is shown to achieve a point on this outer bound for the (5, 4, 4) case. This represents the first-known instance of an optimal ER code that does not correspond to a point on the FR tradeoff.


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A new class of exact-repair regenerating codes is constructed by stitching together shorter erasure correction codes, where the stitching pattern can be viewed as block designs. The proposed codes have the help-by-transfer property where the helper nodes simply transfer part of the stored data directly, without performing any computation. This embedded error correction structure makes the decoding process straightforward, and in some cases the complexity is very low. We show that this construction is able to achieve performance better than space-sharing between the minimum storage regenerating codes and the minimum repair-bandwidth regenerating codes, and it is the first class of codes to achieve this performance. In fact, it is shown that the proposed construction can achieve a nontrivial point on the optimal functional-repair tradeoff, and it is asymptotically optimal at high rate, i.e., it asymptotically approaches the minimum storage and the minimum repair-bandwidth simultaneously.


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A recent approach for the construction of constant dimension subspace codes, designed for error correction in random networks, is to consider the codes as orbits of suitable subgroups of the general linear group. In particular, a cyclic orbit code is the orbit of a cyclic subgroup. Hence a possible method to construct large cyclic orbit codes with a given minimum subspace distance is to select a subspace such that the orbit of the Singer subgroup satisfies the distance constraint. In this paper we propose a method where some basic properties of difference sets are employed to select such a subspace, thereby providing a systematic way of constructing cyclic orbit codes with specified parameters. We also present an explicit example of such a construction.


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The set of all subspaces of F-q(n) is denoted by P-q(n). The subspace distance d(S)(X, Y) = dim(X) + dim(Y)-2dim(X boolean AND Y) defined on P-q(n) turns it into a natural coding space for error correction in random network coding. A subset of P-q(n) is called a code and the subspaces that belong to the code are called codewords. Motivated by classical coding theory, a linear coding structure can be imposed on a subset of P-q(n). Braun et al. conjectured that the largest cardinality of a linear code, that contains F-q(n), is 2(n). In this paper, we prove this conjecture and characterize the maximal linear codes that contain F-q(n).


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