890 resultados para product service systems


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The main concern in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) algorithms and protocols are the energy consumption. Thus, the WSN lifetime is one of the most important metric used to measure the performance of the WSN approaches. Another important metric is the WSN spatial coverage, where the main goal is to obtain sensed data in a uniform way. This paper has proposed an approach called (m,k)-Gur Game that aims a trade-off between quality of service and the increasement of spatial coverage diversity. Simulation results have shown the effectiveness of this approach. © 2012 IEEE.


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En esta artículo realizamos un análisis comparativo de los sistemas de servicio de transporte público de pasajeros en las ciudades de Curitiba, Brasil; Santiago de Chile, Chile y Rosario, Argentina para poder comparar las similitudes, diferencias y dificultades que presentan estos sistemas en la etapa de implementación de las políticas públicas; como así también presentar una sistematización de las políticas, instrumentos y acciones que permitieron gestionar con éxito las reestructuraciones de los sistemas de transporte y sus aportes para el desarrollo de una Política pública de transporte en el Gran Mendoza.


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When users face a certain problem needing a product, service, or action to solve it, selecting the best alternative among them can be a dicult task due to the uncertainty of their quality. This is especially the case in the domains where users do not have an expertise, like for example in Software Engineering. Multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) methods are methods that help making better decisions when facing the complex problem of selecting the best solution among a group of alternatives that can be compared according to different conflicting criteria. In MCDM problems, alternatives represent concrete products, services or actions that will help in achieving a goal, while criteria represent the characteristics of these alternatives that are important for making a decision.


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En la actualidad no se concibe una empresa, por pequeña que esta sea, sin algún tipo de servicio TI. Se presenta para cada empresa el reto de emprender proyectos para desarrollar o contratar servicios de TI que soporten los diferentes procesos de negocio de la empresa. Por otro lado, a menos que los servicios de TI estén aislados de toda red, lo cual es prácticamente imposible en la actualidad, no existe un servicio o un proyecto que lo desarrolle garantizando el 100% de seguridad. Así la empresa maneja una dualidad entre desarrollar productos/servicios de TI seguros y el mantenimiento constante de sus servicios TI en estado seguro. La gestión de los proyectos para el desarrollo de los servicios de TI se aborda, en la mayoría de las empresas, aplicando distintas prácticas, utilizadas en otros proyectos y recomendadas, a tal efecto, por marcos y estándares con mayor reconocimiento. Por lo general, estos marcos incluyen, entre sus procesos, la gestión de los riesgos orientada al cumplimiento de plazos, de costes y, a veces, de la funcionalidad del producto o servicio. Sin embargo, en estas prácticas se obvian los aspectos de seguridad (confidencialidad, integridad y disponibilidad) del producto/servicio, necesarios durante el desarrollo del proyecto. Además, una vez entregado el servicio, a nivel operativo, cuando surge algún fallo relativo a estos aspectos de seguridad, se aplican soluciones ad-hoc. Esto provoca grandes pérdidas y, en ocasiones, pone en peligro la continuidad de la propia empresa. Este problema, se va acrecentando cada día más, en cualquier tipo de empresa y, son las PYMEs, por su la falta de conocimiento del problema en sí y la escasez de recursos metodológicos y técnicos, las empresas más vulnerables. Por todo lo anterior, esta tesis doctoral tiene un doble objetivo. En primer lugar, demostrar la necesidad de contar con un marco de trabajo que, integrado con otros posibles marcos y estándares, sea sencillo de aplicar en distintos tipos y envergaduras de proyectos, y que guíe a las PYMEs en la gestión de proyectos para el desarrollo seguro y posterior mantenimiento de la seguridad de sus servicios de TI. En segundo lugar, cubrir esta necesidad desarrollando un marco de trabajo que ofrezca un modelo de proceso genérico aplicable sobre distintos patrones de proyecto y una librería de activos de seguridad que sirva a las PYMEs de guía durante el proceso de gestión del proyecto para el desarrollo seguro. El modelo de proceso del marco propuesto describe actividades en los tres niveles organizativos de la empresa (estratégico, táctico y operativo). Está basado en el ciclo de mejora continua (PDCA) y en la filosofía Seguridad por Diseño, propuesta por Siemens. Se detallan las prácticas específicas de cada actividad, las entradas, salidas, acciones, roles, KPIs y técnicas aplicables para cada actividad. Estas prácticas específicas pueden aplicarse o no, a criterio del jefe de proyecto y de acuerdo al estado de la empresa y proyecto que se quiera desarrollar, estableciendo así distintos patrones de proceso. Para la validación del marco se han elegido dos PYMEs. La primera del sector servicios y la segunda del sector TIC. El modelo de proceso ha sido aplicado sobre un mismo patrón de proyecto que responde a necesidades comunes a ambas empresas. El patrón de proceso ha sido valorado en los proyectos elegidos en ambas empresas, antes y después de su aplicación. Los resultados del estudio, después de su aplicación en ambas empresas, han permitido la validación del patrón de proceso, en la mejora de la gestión de proyecto para el desarrollo seguro de TI en las PYMEs. ABSTRACT Today a company without any IT service is not conceived, even if it is small either. It presents the challenge for each company to undertake projects to develop or contract IT services that support the different business processes of the company. On the other hand, unless IT services are isolated from whole network, which is virtually impossible at present, there is no service or project, which develops guaranteeing 100% security. So the company handles a duality, develop products / insurance IT services and constant maintenance of their IT services in a safe state. The project management for the development of IT services is addressed, in most companies, using different practices used in other projects and recommended for this purpose by frameworks and standards with greater recognition. Generally, these frameworks include, among its processes, risk management aimed at meeting deadlines, costs and, sometimes, the functionality of the product or service. However, safety issues such as confidentiality, integrity and availability of the product / service, necessary for the project, they are ignored in these practices. Moreover, once the service delivered at the operational level, when a fault on these safety issues arise, ad-hoc solutions are applied. This causes great losses and sometimes threatens the continuity of the company. This problem is adding more every day, in any kind of business and SMEs are, by their lack of knowledge of the problem itself and the lack of methodological and technical resources, the most vulnerable companies. For all these reasons, this thesis has two objectives. Firstly demonstrate the need for a framework that integrated with other possible frameworks and standards, it is simple to apply in different types and wingspans of projects, and to guide SMEs in the management of development projects safely, and subsequent maintenance of the security of their IT services. Secondly meet this need by developing a framework that provides a generic process model applicable to project different patterns and a library of security assets, which serve to guide SMEs in the process of project management for development safe. The process model describes the proposed activities under the three organizational levels of the company (strategic, tactical and operational). It is based on the continuous improvement cycle (PDCA) and Security Design philosophy proposed by Siemens. The specific practices, inputs, outputs, actions, roles, KPIs and techniques applicable to each activity are detailed. These specific practices can be applied or not, at the discretion of the project manager and according to the state of the company and project that the company wants to develop, establishing different patterns of process. Two SMEs have been chosen to validate the frame work. The first of the services sector and the second in the ICT sector. The process model has been applied on the same pattern project that responds to needs common to both companies. The process pattern has been valued at the selected projects in both companies before and after application. The results of the study, after application in both companies have enabled pattern validation process, improving project management for the safe development of IT in SMEs.


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Este trabalho de pesquisa apresenta a Metodologia para a Homologação dos Equipamentos do Sistema Canal Azul da Carne - MHECAC. Esta proposta de metodologia é complementar ao desenvolvimento do Sistema Canal Azul da Carne e tem o objetivo de apoiar o MAPA (Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento) no estabelecimento de um processo de verificação da conformidade de equipamentos, buscando garantir a interoperabilidade, o desempenho e a segurança de seus componentes de hardware. O Sistema Canal Azul é uma realização do MAPA em conjunto com o GAESI da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo (EPUSP) e a iniciativa privada, e tem o objetivo de reduzir o tempo empregado nos processos de exportação de carnes no Brasil. A MHECAC baseia-se na estrutura de processo de avaliação de conformidade estabelecida pelo Sistema Brasileiro de Avaliação da Conformidade - SBAC e seus requisitos gerais podem ser aplicados à avaliação de conformidade de produtos em setores variados. No desenvolvimento da MHECAC foram aplicadas as principais referências técnicas e normativas correspondentes aos equipamentos que compõe a arquitetura do sistema Canal Azul. Além disto, foram definidos os modelos de homologação, auditoria e inspeção, os planos de amostragem, os requisitos mínimos e a metodologia de ensaio. A MHECAC subdivide-se em dois segmentos principais. O primeiro apresenta os requisitos gerais para o estabelecimento de sistemas de avaliação da conformidade e certificação de produtos, a aplicação destes requisitos não se limita ao Sistema Canal Azul, e o segundo apresenta requisitos específicos ao sistema estabelecido pelo MAPA. A aplicação da MHECAC favorece o tratamento isonômico de fornecedores e é um importante balizador para a seleção de equipamentos, pois permite a qualificação e a comparação de soluções, por meio de um embasamento técnico, pautado pela qualidade.


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Nowadays, consumers are faced with a variety of media that convey myriad advertising messages, which struggle amidst a highly competitive environment, with a view to drawing the viewers’ attention, raising awareness, creating interest and inspiring desire and, ultimately, leading to the purchase of the product/service at stake. For this, advertising professionals deliberately intertwine their selling arguments with emotionally-charged creative concepts. It is the aim of this study to analyse the impact of the main creative appeals and to identify groups of consumers based on their attitudes towards them. We have undertaken a quantitative study, by means of a survey administered to a convenience sample with a list of creative appeals, which had to be classified by the respondents according to their attitudes. Globally speaking, the preferred appeals were humour, music and animation. Nonetheless, it was possible to divide the respondents into three groups. ‘Advertising fans’, the ‘rationally-minded’ and the ‘emotionally-minded’. This study presents some limitations, especially as to the sample used. Apart from the reduced number of respondents and lack of more widespread geographic reach, some academic qualifications were underrepresented. The results of this study offer some avenues to be explored by marketing and advertising professionals when it comes to deciding on the best creative approach to select for their advertising campaigns. Besides, this study paves the way to the development of future research on the issue of advertising appeals and its relationship with the psychographic characteristics of consumers.


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O objetivo desta tese é compreender, a partir das categorias trabalho e consumo, como se constituem as relações das redes de colaboração da empresa de tendências de consumo Trendwatching. No âmbito acadêmico, literatura recente revela o aparecimento de novos conceitos, como prosumer, co-criação e públicos produtivos para explicar as transformações no mundo do trabalho que envolvem cada vez mais a participação do consumidor para que o valor se realize. Dessa forma, os fundamentos teóricos que embasam esta tese providenciam elementos sobre os conceitos de valor, trabalho imaterial, consumo e suas interrelações. A coleta de dados ocorreu, em sua maior parte, na matriz da empresa em Londres durante o ano de 2015, sendo composta por: (1) realização de 31 entrevistas semi-estruturadas com spotters, funcionários e clientes da empresa; (2) observação em campo durante 3 meses, período este registrado em um diário de campo; (3) dados obtidos por meios virtuais, através do site da Trendwatching. Os dados foram analisados por meio da Análise de Conteúdo, onde, a partir de um processo de derivação, foram encontradas 49 categorias iniciais, 10 intermediárias e 3 finais. Por meio de um processo de derivação, chegou-se em 10 categorias intermediárias: (1) quem é o spotter; (2) busca de informações pelo spotter; (3) motivação e recompensa dos spotters; (4) spotters e a comunidade TW:IN; (5) formação dos spotters; (6) imagem da Trendwatching; (7) Ambiente de trabalho; (8) O que a Trendwatching vende; (9) base de dados; (10) tendências. Com estas categorias intermediárias em mãos, realizou-se novamente um processo de derivação para chegar nas categorias finais, que são: (1) spotters; (2) trabalho; (3) informação. Os resultados da pesquisa permitem mostrar que o spotter – assim chamado o indivíduo que compõe a rede a colaboração da Trendwatching – é o principal produto/serviço vendido pela empresa. A partir das categorias finais, retorna-se à pergunta de pesquisa, de modo a providenciar contribuições da tese para o campo, que são: (a) ampliar a discussão sobre criação de valor em Estudos Organizacionais, identificando diferentes conceitos e novas formas de apropriação do valor pelo capital implicados nas interações e interfaces entre trabalho e consumo; (b) demonstrar como a operacionalização da Análise de Conteúdo pode auxiliar na organização de dados empíricos virtuais (análise do site); (c) estimular que Estudos de Caso sejam, com mais frequência, realizados em organizações cujo trabalho seja imaterial por excelência.


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For most complex emergent technologies, product-market success depends on efficient linkages between changing lead innovators within the R&D process. In this paper, our unit of analysis is a complex high technology product and the system of alliance linkages formed to progress a product through R&D milestones. We present a model and evidence for advancing our understanding of how achieving early-to-market returns depends on systemic absorptive capacity. This systemic absorptive capacity is the cumulative efficiency in the use of absorptive capacity to link changing lead innovators across successive milestones in R&D product development. We advance propositions of how systemic absorptive capacity can explain performance differences between rival product development systems competing for early-to-market returns with similar products through accelerating speed to market, cost and quality advantages. These explanations are contrasted with the conclusions of previous studies that have focused on absorptive capacity of single firms or single alliances in RD.


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Objective: Partnerships in mental health care, particularly between public and private psychiatric services, are being increasingly recognized as important for optimizing patient management and the efficient organization of services. However, public sector mental health services and private psychiatrists do not always work well together and there seem to be a number of barriers to effective collaboration. This study set out to investigate the extent of collaborative 'shared care' arrangements between a public mental health service and private psychiatrists practising nearby. It also examined possible barriers to collaboration and some possible solutions to the identified problems. Method: A questionnaire examining the above factors was sent to all public sector mental health clinicians and all private psychiatrists in the area. Results: One hundred and five of the 154 (68.2%) public sector clinicians and 103 of the 194 (53.1%) private psychiatrists returned surveys. The main barriers to successful collaboration identified by members of both sectors were: 'Difficulty communicating' endorsed by 71.4% of public clinicians and 72% of private psychiatrists, 'Confusion of roles and responsibilities' endorsed by 62.9% and 66%, respectively, and 'Different treatment approach' by 47.6% and 45.6%, respectively. Over 60% of private psychiatrists identified problems with access to the public system as a barrier to successful shared care arrangements. It also emerged, as hypothesized, that the public and private systems tend to manage different patient populations and that public clinicians in particular are not fully aware of the private psychiatrists' range of expertise. This would result in fewer referrals for shared care across the sectors. Conclusions: A number of barriers to public sector clinicians and private psychiatrists collaborating in shared care arrangements were identified. The two groups surveyed identified similar barriers. Some of these can potentially be addressed by changes to service systems. Others require cultural shifts in both sectors. Improved communications including more opportunities for formal and informal meetings between people working in the two sectors would be likely to improve the understanding of the complementary sector's perspective and practice. Further changes would be expected to require careful work between the sectors on training, employment and practice protocols and initiatives, to allow better use of the existing services and resources.


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The primary objectives of this work were to design, construct, test and operate a novel ablative pyrolysis reactor and product recovery system. Other key objectives included the development of an ablative pyrolysis reactor design methodology, mathematical modelling of the ablation process and measurement of empirical ablation rate data at 500°C. The constructed reactor utilised a rotating blade approach to achieve particle ablation in a 258mm internal diameter reactor. By fulfilling the key requirements of high relative motion and high contact pressure, pine wood particles of maximum size 6.35 mm were successfully ablated.Sixteen experiments were carried out: five initial commissioning experiments were used to test the rotating blade concept and to solve char separation problems. Mass balances were obtained for the other eleven experiments with good closures. Based on ablatively pyrolysed dry wood, a maximum organic liquid yield of 65.9 wt% was achieved with corresponding yields of 12.4 wt% char, 11.5 wt% water and 9.2 wt% non-condensable gas. Reactor throughputs of 2 kg/h dry ablated wood were achieved at 600°C. The theoretical ablative pyrolysis reactor design methodology was simplified and improved based upon empirical data derived from wood rod ablation experiments. Yields of chemicals were qualitatively similar to those of other fast pyrolysis processes.The product recovery system, comprising hot char removal, liquids collection in two ice-cooled condensers followed by gas filtration and drying, gave good mass balance closures. The most significant problem was char separation and removal from the reactor. This was solved by using a nitrogen blow line. In general, the reactor and product collection systems performed well.Future development of the reactor would involve modification of the reactor feed tube to allow the reactor residence time to be reduced and testing of the rotating blade approach with different blade angles, configurations and numbers of blades.


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The current economic climate and a continuing fall in output of the UK construction industry has led to falling prices and margins particularly affecting those lower down in the supply chain such as specialist subcontractors. Coen Ltd. is one such company based in the West Midlands. Faced with a need to up its game it has embarked on a business improvement programme concentrating on better operational efficiency, building stronger client relationships and delivering value added services. Lacking appropriate internal resources Coen has joined with Aston Business School in a 2 year ERDF sponsored project to fulfil the transformation programme. The paper will describe the evolution of product- service offerings in construction and link this with the work being carried out at Coen with Aston and outline the anticipated outcomes.


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For companies competing in highly dynamic markets, the search for new sources of competitive advantages is mandatory. Innovation is considered a fundamental component of a successful business as it allows companies to sustain profit margins and sales growth and to reduce pressures coming from competitors. In the knowledge-driven economy, information and communication technology (ICT) plays an important role as it enables innovation in product/service, processes and organisations especially in service companies. This paper investigates the role of ICT in logistics innovation. The focus of the paper is on the effects that ICT usage is having on the management of small third-party logistics service providers (3PLs). On the basis of quantitative and qualitative evidence emerging from a recent survey carried out on the Italian logistic service market, the paper analyses how ICT is used to support logistics innovation and the factors inhibiting/facilitate the usage of ICT in such companies. Implications for logistics innovation management will be outlined from both research and managerial perspectives.


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A fejlett társadalmak egészségügyi szolgáltató rendszerei napjainkban kettős kihívással néznek szembe: miközben a társadalom a szolgáltatási színvonal emelkedését, a hibák számának a csökkenését várja el, addig a költségvetési terhek miatt a költségcsökkentés is feltétlenül szükséges. Ez a kihívás nagyságában összevethető azzal, amellyel az USA autóipara nézett szembe az 1970-es évektől. A megoldást az autóipar esetében a konkurens „lean” menedzsment elvek és eszközök megértése és alkalmazása jelentette. A tanulmány arra keresi a választ, hogy vajon lehetséges-e ennek a megoldásnak az alkalmazása az egészségügy esetében is. A cikk az egészségügy problémájának bemutatása után tárgyalja a lean menedzsment kialakulását és hogy milyen módon került köztudatba. A tanulmány második felében a szakirodalomban fellelhető, a témával kapcsolatos tapasztalatokat foglalja össze, majd levonja a következtetéseket. = In developed societies healthcare service systems are facing double challenge; society expects service level to rise and the number of mistakes to drop, but at the same time, because of the overloaded budgets, cutting cost is also absolutely necessary. This challenge compares to the one the US automotive industry was facing in the 1970-s. In case of the automotive industry the solution was the comprehension and application of the principles and the tools of lean management. This study aims to answer the question whether it is possible to apply this solution also in the case of the healthcare system. The article first introduces the problems in the healthcare system, than describes the formation of lean management concept and its wide spread. The second half of the study summarizes the available knowledge in the literature and drives conclusions.