409 resultados para preconceptions semiarid


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合理高效地利用雨水资源对西北干旱半干旱地区尤其是地表水缺乏地下水不易利用地区的经济发展具有十分重要的意义。基于此 ,我们在陕西省“窖灌农业”试验示范基地对蓄水设施的修筑、运行、维护及水质、雨水利用现状等进行了调研和考察 ,指出了其存在的问题、解决措施及进一步发展的思路 ,为该地及整个渭北地区雨水集流灌溉的进一步发展提供指导和参考


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简要介绍了细颗粒泥沙絮凝 -分散对土壤渗透性、土壤可蚀性以及污染物迁移的影响 ,以期有效防治水土流失和由此带来的非点源污染。


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1997~ 1999年在宁南半干旱偏旱区国家宁南 (海原 )旱农试区设置了旱地糜子与春小麦降水生产潜力及其适度开发试验 ,采用肥力梯度法研究有限降水条件下旱地糜子与春小麦的最大产量与适宜开发度。研究结果表明 ,宁南半干旱偏旱区旱地糜子 3年 (3种降水年型 )平均降水生产潜力为 176 0 .5 kg/ hm2 ,水分利用效率 WU E为0 .6 47kg/ m3 ,潜力适宜开发度为 90 % ,适宜施肥量为氮 90 kg/ hm2、磷 45 kg/ hm2 ;宁南旱地春小麦 3年 (1998~1999年 ,有冬灌 )平均水分生产潜力和 WU E分别为 2 5 5 4.0 kg/ hm2 和 0 .90 3kg/ m3 ,1997年纯旱地降水生产潜力和 WUE分别为 115 8.0 kg/ hm2 和 0 .6 90 kg/ m3 ,潜力适宜开发度为 85 % ,适宜施肥量为氮 6 0 kg/ hm2 、磷 30 kg/hm2 。


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The most prominent tectonic and environmental events during the Cenozoic in Asia are the uplift of the Himalaya-Tibetan plateau, aridification in the Asian interior, and onset of the Asian monsoons. These caused more humid conditions in southeastern China and the formation of inland deserts in northwestern China. The 22 Ma eolian deposits in northern China provide an excellent terrestrial record relative to the above environmental events. Up to date, many studies have focused on the geochemical characters of the late Mio-Pleistocene eolian deposits, however, the geochemical characteristics of the Miocene loess and soils is still much less known. In this study, the elemental and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of the eolian deposits from the Qinan (from 22.0 to 6.2 Ma) and the Xifeng (from 3.5 Ma until now) loess-soil sections were analyzed to examine the grain size effects on the element concentrations and the implications about the dust origin and climate. The main results are as follows: 1. The contents of Si, Na, Zr and Sr are higher in the coarser fractions while Ti and Nb have the highest contents in the 2-8 μm fractions. Al, Fe, Mg, K, Mn, Rb, Cu, Ga, Zn, V, Cr, Ni, LOI have clear relationships with grain-size, more abundant in the fine fraction while non significant relationship is observed for Y. Based on these features, we suggest that K2O/Al2O3 ratio can be used to address the dust provenance, and that VR (Vogt ratio = (Al2O3+K2O)/(MgO+CaO+Na2O)) can be used as a chemical weathering proxy for the Miocene eolian deposits because of their relative independence on the grain size. Meanwhile, SiO2/Al2O3 molar ratio is a best geochemical indicator of original eolian grain size, as suggested in earlier studies. 2. Analyses on the Sr and Nd isotope composition of the last glacial loess samples (L1) and comparison with the data from the deserts in northern China suggest that that Taklimakan desert is unlikely to be the main source region of the eolian dust. In contrast, these data suggest greater contributions of the Tengger, Badain Jaran and Qaidam deserts to the eolian dust during the last glacial cycle. Since the geochemical compositions (major, trace, REE and Sr, Nd isotope) of loess samples for the past 22 Ma are broadly similar with the samples from L1, these data trend to suggest relatively stable and insignificant changes of dust sources over the past 22 Ma. 3. Chemical weathering is stronger for Miocene paleosol samples than for the Plio-Pleistocene ones, showing warmer/more humid climatic conditions with a stronger summer monsoon in the Miocene. However, chemical weathering is typical of Ca-Na removal stage, suggesting a climate range from semiarid to subhumid conditions. These support the notion about the formation of a semi-arid to semi-humid monsoonal regime by the early Miocene, as is consistent with earlier studies.


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The surface of the Earth is continuously undergoing changes as a result of weathering-erosion, plate tectonics and volcanic processes. Continental weathering-erosion with its complex rock-water interactions is the central process of global biochemical cycling of elements, and affects the long-term ocean atmosphere budget of carbon dioxide both through the consumption of carbonic acid during silicate weathering and through changes in the weathering and burial rates of organic carbon. Rates of the weathering-erosion depend on a variety of factors, in particular rock properties and chemical composition, climate (especially rainfall), structure, and elevation. They are quite variable on a regional scale. Thus, environmental changes in a region could be indicated by the history of weathering-erosion in the region. Recent attention has focused on increased silicate weathering of tectonically uplifted areas in the India-Asia collision zone as a possible cause for falling atmospheric CO_2 levels in the Cenozoic era. The wind blown dust deposits in the Loess Plateau is derived from the arid and semiarid regions in northwestern China, in turn, where the deposits have been derived from the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and the high mountains around. Therefore, geochemistry of the wind blown loess-paleosol and red clay sequences may provide insight both to paleoenvironmental changes on the Loess Plateau, and to the uplift and weathering-erosion histories of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. In this paper, uranium-thorium series nuclides and cosmogenic ~(10)Be have been employed as tracers of weathering intensities and histories of the dust sediments in the Loess Plateau. Major elements, such as Na, Al, Fe etc., are also used to estimate degree of chemical alteration of the dust sediments and to rebuild the history of weathering on the Loess Plateau. First of all, using a low-level HPGe γ-ray detector, we measured U and Th series nuclides in 170 loess and paleosol samples from five sites in the Loess Plateau, going back 2.6 Ma. The results show that ~(238)U activities are disequilibrium with its daughter nuclide ~(230)Th in young loess-paleosol sequence, indicating that weathering was happened both in dust deposition site and in dust source regions. Using concentrations of ~(238)U and ~(232)Th in the samples, we estimated the amounts of ~(238)U leached out of from paleosols due to weathering. Further, based on analyses of ~(230)Th in paleosols deposited in the past ca. 140 ka, we determined when the paleosols weathered in the source regions. We conclude that most of the weathering in the dust-source regions may have occurred during the interglacials before dust deposition.


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Relationship between biology and environment is always the theme of ecology. Transect is becoming one of the important methods in studies on relationship between global change and terrestrial ecosystems, especially for analysis of its driving factors. Inner Mongolia Grassland is the most important in China Grassland Transect brought forward by Yu GR. In this study, changes in grassland community biomass along gradients of weather conditions in Inner Mongolia was researched by the method of transect. Methods of regression about biomass were also compared. The transect was set from Eerguna county to Alashan county (38° 07' 35" ~50° 12' 20" N, 101° 55' 25" -120° 20' 46" E) in Inner Mongolia, China. The sample sites were mainly chosen along the gradient of grassland type, meadow steppe-* typical steppe-*desert steppe-*steppification desert-^desert. The study was carried out when grassland community biomass got the peak in August or September, 2003 and 2004. And data of 49 sample sites was gotten, which included biomass, mean annual temperature, annual precipitation, accumulated temperature above zero, annual hours of sunshine and other statistical and descriptive data. The aboveground biomass was harvested, and the belowground biomass was obtained by coring (30 cm deep). Then all the biomass samples were dried within (80 + 5) °C in oven and weighted. The conclusion is as follows: 1) From the northeast to the southwest in Inner Mongolia, along the gradient of grassland type, meadow steppe-*typical steppe-*desert steppe-*steppification desert-* desert, the cover degree of vegetation community reduces. 2) By unitary regression analysis, biomass is negatively correlated with mean annual temperature, s^CTC accumulated temperature, ^10°C accumulated temperature and annual hours of sunshine, among which mean annual temperature is crucial, and positively with mean annual precipitation and mean annual relative humidity, and the correlation coefficient between biomass and mean annual relative humidity is higher. Altitude doesn't act on it evidently. Result of multiple regression analysis indicates that as the primary restrictive factor, precipitation affects biomass through complicated way on large scale, and its impaction is certainly important. Along the gradient of grassland type, total biomass reduces. The proportion of aboveground biomass to total biomass reduces and then increases after desert steppe. The trend of below ground biomass's proportion to total biomass is adverse to that of aboveground biomass. 3) Precipitation is not always the only driving factor along the transect for below-/aboveground biomass ratio of different vegetation type composed by different species, and distribution of temperature and precipitation is more important, which is much different among climatic regions, so that the trend of below-/aboveground biomass ratio along the grassland transect may change much through the circumscription of semiarid region and arid region. 4) Among reproductive allocation of aboveground biomass, only the proportion of stem in total biomass notably correlates to the given parameters. Stem/leaf biomass ratio decreases when longitude and latitude increase, caloric variables decrease, and variables about water increase from desert to meadow steppe. The change trends are good modeled by logarithm or binomial equations. 5) 0'-10 cm belowground biomass highly correlates to environmental parameters, whose proportion to total biomass changes most distinctly and increases along the gradient from the west to the east. The deeper belowground biomass responses to the environmental change on the adverse trend but not so sensitively as the surface layer. Because the change value of 0~10 cm belowground biomass is always more than that of below 10 cm along the gradient, the deference between them is balanced by aboveground biomass's change by the resource allocation equilibrium hypothesis.


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Resumo: A maioria dos sistemas de produção em prática no trópico semi-árido brasileiro pela agricultura familiar apresenta baixa ou nenhuma sustentabilidade, devido ao uso de tecnologias quase sempre agressivas ao ecossistema. Como consequência, observa-se, nos sertões nordestinos degradação ambiental generalizada, baixa produtividade das atividades agrícolas, pastoris e madeireiras, inviabilização da agricultura, queda da qualidade devida e êxodo rural acentuado. Urge, pois, que se forneça ao agricultor alternativas de sistemas de produção sustentáveis que atendam a quatro objetivos, quais sejam, a fixação da agricultura migratória, a adequação do manejo pastoril, a racionalização da produção de madeira e a uma forte integração dessas atividades. Para tanto, deve-se: excluir as queimadas, substituir o desmatamento pelo raleamento da vegetação lenhosa, manter um aporte substancial de matéria orgânica, utilizar Ieguminosas como fonte de adubo verde, ajustar a carga animal para a capacidade de suporte da área e adotar-se o corte seletivo e manejo da rebrota na exploração madeireira. A adoção dessas tecnologias na certa contribuirá: para a viabilização ecológica, social e econômica da agricultura familiar nos serões nordestinos, para a sustação dos processos de degradação ambiental, para a melhoria da qualidade de vida da população e para a redução do êxodo rural.


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The Law operates by, and through, the creation of ideal benchmarks of conduct that are deemed to be representative of the behavioural norm. It is in this sense that it could be contended that the Law utilises, and relies on, myths in the same way as do other disciplines, notably psycho-analysis. It is possible to go even further and argue that the use of a created narrative mythology is essential to the establishment of a defined legal benchmark of behaviour by which the female defendant is assessed, judged and punished. While mythology expresses and symbolizes cultural and political behaviour, it is the Law that embodies and prescribes punitive sanctions. This element represents a powerful literary strand in classical mythology. This may be seen, for instance, in Antigone’s appeal to the Law as justification for her conduct, as much as in Medea’s challenge to the Law though her desire for vengeance. Despite its image of neutral, objective rationality, the Law, in creating and sustaining the ideals of legally-sanctioned conduct, engages in the same literary processes of imagination, reason and emotion that are central to the creation and re-creation of myth. The (re-)presentation of the Medea myth in literature (especially in theatre) and in art, finds its echo in the theatre of the courtroom where wronged women who have refused to passively accept their place, have instead responded with violence. Consequently, the Medea myth, in its depiction of the (un)feminine, serves as a template for the Law’s judgment of ‘conventional’ feminine conduct in the roles of wife and mother. Medea is an image of deviant femininity, as is Lady Macbeth and the countless other un-feminine literary and mythological women who challenge the power of the dominant culture and its ally, the Law. These women stand opposed to the other dominant theme of both literature and Law: the conformist woman, the passive dupe, who are victims of male oppression – women such as Ariadne of Naxos and Tess of the D’Ubervilles – and who are subsequently consumed by the Law, much as Semele is consumed by the fire of Jupiter’s gaze upon her. All of these women, the former as well as the latter, have their real-life counterparts in the pages of the Law Reports. As Fox puts it, “these women have come to bear the weight of the cultural stereotypes and preconceptions about women who kill.”