241 resultados para precambrian
Pós-graduação em Geologia Regional - IGCE
ABSTRACT: The Marajó Basin area presents geologic and geomorphologic features chiefly due to the Mesozoic extension and post-Miocene neotectonics. The extension event with an Early and a Late Cretaceous phases originated four sub-basins that constitutes the Marajó Basin, with a thick continental clastic sequence showing marine influence. NW and NNW normal faults and NE and ENE strike-slip faults controlled the basin geometry. The extension, related to the Equatorial Atlantic opening, propagated into the continent along crustal weakness zones of the Precambrian Tumucumaque, Amapá and Araguaia orogenic belts. The neotectonic event is a strike-slip regime which developed transtensional basins filled in by Upper Tertiary shallow marine (Pirabas Formation) and transitional sequences (Barreiras Group), followed by Quaternary fluvial deposits and transitional sequences derived from the Amazon and Tocantins rivers and the Marajoara estuary. The current landscape has a typical estuarine morphology. The coast morphology presents sea-cliffs on transitional Upper Tertiary sequences, while inwards dominate hills sustained by Mid-Pleistocene lateritic crust, with a flat erosive surface at 70 m. In the eastern Marajó Island several generations of paleochannels associated with fluvial-estuarine sequences are recognized, while a fluvial-marine plain is widespread on its western side.
A Bacia do Solimões é caracterizada por um padrão magnético complexo, expresso ao longo de toda sua extensão, e produzido pela superposição de anomalias magnéticas que se apresentam sob a forma de feições lineares. Tais feições refletem as diferentes atividades tectônicas que atuaram na Região Amazônica através do Pré-Cambriano e Fanerozóico. Neste trabalho, foi aplicado nos dados aeromagnéticos da Bacia do Solimões um método de processamento de imagens digitais de sombreamento do relevo magnético anômalo total que, dadas suas características metodológicas, permitindo utilizá-lo como um filtro direcional, possibilitou a definição de aspectos relevantes no contexto das relações entre os lineamentos magnéticos E/W, NE/SW, e NW/SE. Nesse sentido, foram identificados padrões de lineamentos magnéticos que refletem a existência de zonas de cisalhamento transcorrentes dextrais, orientadas preferencialmente na direção E/W. A interação entre os diversos segmentos transcorrentes promoveu o desenvolvimento de um regime predominantemente transpressivo, representado por falhas reversas associadas aos lineamentos magnéticos E/W e NE/SW; e duplexes direcionais formando falhas em flor positivas e negativas associadas, respectivamente, aos lineamentos magnéticos orientados na direção N70-80E e N70-80W. A análise quantitativa permitiu explicar dois aspectos importantes em relação às feições lineares observadas nas imagens digitais. O primeiro mostra, através de modelamentos baseados na superposição de prismas bidimensionais, que estas feições lineares magnéticas podem ser explicadas pela superposição de fontes profundas intraembasamento altamente magnéticas, e fontes rasas de alta frequência, sendo estas associadas a falhas reversas ao longo dos níveis de diabásio, presentes em forma de intrusões nos sedimentos paleozóicos da Bacia do Solimões. O segundo aspecto, baseado na utilização dos conceitos da cross-covariância, constata a presença de 'offsets' dextrais, associados aos lineamentos magnéticos NE—SW, ao longo da direção E—W. Este fato mostra, quantitativamente, que o padrão magnético desta região pode ser explicado pela presença de zonas de cisalhamento transcorrestes dextrais, cujos processos tectônicos associados foram fortemente condicionados por zonas de fraquezas pré-existentes (Pré-Cambrianas, Paleozóicas) durante o Mesozóico e Cenozóico.
O depósito mineral de Sapucaia, situado no município de Bonito, região nordeste do Estado do Pará, é parte de um conjunto de ocorrências de fosfatos de alumínio lateríticos localizados predominantemente ao longo da zona costeira dos estados do Pará e Maranhão. Estes depósitos foram alvos de estudo desde o início do século passado, quando as primeiras descrições de “bauxitas fosforosas” foram mencionadas na região NW do Maranhão. Nas últimas décadas, com o crescimento acentuado da demanda por produtos fertilizantes pelo mercado agrícola mundial, diversos projetos de exploração mineral foram iniciados ou tiveram seus recursos ampliados no território brasileiro, dentre estes destaca-se a viabilização econômica de depósitos de fosfatos aluminosos, como o de Sapucaia, que vem a ser o primeiro projeto econômico mineral de produção e comercialização de termofosfatos do Brasil. Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo caracterizar a geologia, a constituição mineralógica e a geoquímica do perfil laterítico alumino-fosfático do morro Sapucaia. A macrorregião abrange terrenos dominados em sua maioria por rochas pré-cambrianas a paleozóicas, localmente definidas pela Formação Pirabas, Formação Barreiras, Latossolos e sedimentos recentes. A morfologia do depósito é caracterizada por um discreto morrote alongado que apresenta suaves e contínuos declives em suas bordas, e que tornam raras as exposições naturais dos horizontes do perfil laterítico. Desta forma, a metodologia aplicada para a caracterização do depósito tomou como base o programa de pesquisa geológica executada pela Fosfatar Mineração, até então detentora dos respectivos direitos minerais, onde foram disponibilizadas duas trincheiras e amostras de 8 testemunhos de sondagem. A amostragem limitou-se à extensão litológica do perfil laterítico, com a seleção de 44 amostras em intervalos médios de 1m, e que foram submetidas a uma rota de preparação e análise em laboratório. Em consonância com as demais ocorrências da região do Gurupi, os fosfatos de Sapucaia constituem um horizonte individualizado, de geometria predominantemente tabular, denominado simplesmente de horizonte de fosfatos de alumínio ou crosta aluminofosfática, que varia texturalmente de maciça a cavernosa, porosa a microporosa, que para o topo grada para uma crosta ferroalumino fosfática, tipo pele-de-onça, compacta a cavernosa, composta por nódulos de hematita e/ou goethita cimentados por fosfatos de alumínio, com características similares aos do horizonte de fosfatos subjacente. A crosta aluminofosfática, para a base do perfil, grada para um espesso horizonte argiloso caulinítico com níveis arenosos, que repousa sobre sedimentos heterolíticos intemperizados de granulação fina, aspecto argiloso, por vezes sericítico, intercalados por horizontes arenosos, e que não possuem correlação aparente com as demais rochas aflorantes da geologia na região. Aproximadamente 40% da superfície do morro é encoberta por colúvio composto por fragmentos mineralizados da crosta e por sedimentos arenosos da Formação Barreiras. Na crosta, os fosfatos de alumínio estão representados predominantemente pelo subgrupo da crandallita: i) série crandallita-goyazita (média de 57,3%); ii) woodhouseíta-svanbergita (média de 15,8%); e pela iii) wardita-millisita (média de 5,1%). Associados aos fosfatos encontram-se hematita, goethita, quartzo, caulinita, muscovita e anatásio, com volumes que variam segundo o horizonte laterítico correspondente. Como os minerais pesados em nível acessório a raro estão zircão, estaurolita, turmalina, anatásio, andalusita e silimanita. O horizonte de fosfatos, bem como a crosta ferroalumínio-fosfática, mostra-se claramente rica em P2O5, além de Fe2O3, CaO, Na2O, SrO, SO3, Th, Ta e em terras-raras leves como La e Ce em relação ao horizonte saprolítico. Os teores de SiO2 são consideravelmente elevados, porém muito inferiores aqueles identificados no horizonte argiloso sotoposto. No perfil como um todo, observa-se uma correlação inversa entre SiO2 e Al2O3; entre Al2O3 e Fe2O3, e positiva entre SiO2 e Fe2O3, que ratificam a natureza laterítica do perfil. Diferente do que é esperado para lateritos bauxíticos, os teores de P2O5, CaO, Na2O, SrO e SO3 são fortemente elevados, concentrações consideradas típicas de depósitos de fosfatos de alumínio ricos em crandallita-goyazita e woodhouseítasvanbergita. A sucessão dos horizontes, sua composição mineralógica, e os padrões geoquímicos permitem correlacionar o presente depósito com os demais fosfatos de alumínio da região, mais especificamente Jandiá (Pará) e Trauíra (Maranhão), bem como outros situados além do território brasileiro, indicando portanto, que os fosfatos de alumínio de Sapucaia são produtos da gênese de um perfil laterítico maturo e completo, cuja rocha fonte pode estar relacionada a rochas mineralizadas em fósforo, tais como as observadas na Formação Pimenteiras, parcialmente aflorante na borda da Bacia do Parnaíba. Possivelmente, o atual corpo de minério integrou a paleocosta do mar de Pirabas, uma vez que furos de sondagem às proximidades do corpo deixaram claro a relação de contato lateral entre estas unidades.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Landscape is the result of interaction between tectonic, weathering and pedogenetic processes, so it is necessary to understand the morphogenesis and relate it to the landforms and landscape. Therefore, this project comprises a geomorphological characterization of some areas associated with the fault zones of Taubaté Basin, at the surroundings of the cities from São José dos Campos to Taubaté SP, emphasizing the Quaternary landscape evolution, where the normal faults played an important role in controling and they were originated, mostly, from the reactivation of Precambrian fault zones by tectonic action. The rift valley scenario is highlighted in the region, identifying the sharp relief from the basin boundary, featuring both Serra do Mar and Serra da Mantiqueira, and a central depressed area where the Taubaté Basin is located. Deforming or modifying basin features are identified, promoting the rearrangement and conditioning of the drainage network and relief, which indicates the presence of morphostructures, conducting to the deduction of a late tectonic process
LA-MC-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon dating was performed on syntectonic, early post-collisional granitic and associated mafic rocks that are intrusive in the Brusque Metamorphic Complex and in the Florianopolis Batholith, major tectonic domains separated by the Neoproterozoic Major Gercino Shear Zone (MGSZ) in south Brazil. The inferred ages of magmatic crystallization are consistent with field relationships, and show that the syntectonic granites from both domains are similar, with ages around 630-620 Ma for high-K calc-alkaline metaluminous granites and ca. 610 Ma for slightly peraluminous granites. Although ca. 650 Ma inherited zircon components are identified in granites from both domains, important contrasts on the crustal architecture in each domain are revealed by the patterns of zircon inheritance, indicating different crustal sources for the granites in each domain. The granites from the southern domain (Floriandpolis Batholith) have essentially Neoproterozoic (650-700 Ma and 900-950 Ma) inheritance; with a single 2.0-2.2 Ga inherited age obtained in the peraluminous Mariscal Granite. In the northern Brusque Metamorphic Complex, the metaluminous Rio Pequeno Granite and associated mafic rocks have scarce inherited cores with ages around 1.65 Ga, whereas the slightly peraluminous Serra dos Macacos Granite has abundant Paleoproterozoic (1.8-2.2 Ga) and Archean (2.9-3.4 Ga) inherited zircons. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that the MGSZ separates domains with distinct geologic evolution; however, the contemporaneity of 630-610 Ma granitic magmatism with similar structural and geochemical patterns on both sides of this major shear zone indicates that these domains were already part of a single continental mass at 630 Ma, reinforcing the post-collisional character of these granites. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The Nuna supercontinent was probably assembled in the Paleoproterozoic, but its paleogeography and the timing for its demise are stills matter of debate. A paleomagnetic and geochronological study carried out on the Mesoproterozoic Nova Guarita dyke swarm (northern Mato Grosso State, SW Amazonian Craton) provides additional constraints on the duration of this supercontinent. Paleomagnetic AF and thermal treatment revealed south/southwest (northeast) magnetic directions with downward (upward) inclinations for 19 analyzed sites. These directions are carried by PSD magnetite with high unblocking temperatures as indicated by additional magnetic tests, including thermomagnetic curves, hysteresis loops and the progressive acquisition of isothermal remanence in selected samples. A positive contact test with the host granite in one of the studied dykes further attests to the primary origin of the characteristic magnetic component. A mean site direction was calculated at D-m = 220.5 degrees, I-m = 45.9 degrees (alpha(95) = 6.5 degrees, K = 27.7), which yielded a paleomagnetic pole located at 245.9 degrees E, 47.9 degrees S (A(95) = 7.0 degrees). Ar-40/Ar-39 dating carried out on biotites from four analyzed dykes yielded well-defined plateau ages with a mean of 1418.5 +/- 3.5 Ma. The Nova Guarita pole precludes a long-lived Nuna configuration in which Laurentia, Baltica, North China, and Amazonia formed a long and continuous block as previously proposed for the Paleoproterozoic. It is nevertheless fully compatible with a SAMBA (Amazonia-Baltica) link at Mesoproterozoic times. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
New geochronological and geochemical constraints on Precambrian sedimentary and volcanic successions exposed in the western part of the Central Domain of the Borborema Province, NE Brazil, indicate the presence of two distinct tectono-stratigraphic complexes: Riacho Gravata and Sao Caetano. Both complexes and associated orthogneisses are referred in the literature as the Cariris Velhos belt, having depositional, extrusive, or intrusive ages within the interval 985-913 Ma. The Riacho Gravata complex consists of bimodal (but mostly felsic) volcanic and volcanoclastic rocks, muscovite+/-graphite schists, quartzites, and marble with local occurrences of banded-iron-formation. The Sao Caetano complex mainly consists of metagreywackes, marbles, calc-silicate rocks, and rare meta-mafic rocks. Meta-mafic rocks from both complexes have geochemical signatures similar to those of continental flood basalts, with epsilon Nd (1.0 Ga) values ranging from -1.0 to -2.8. Felsic volcanic rocks from the Riacho Gravata complex show epsilon Nd (1.0 Ga) values ranging from -1.0 to -7.4 and geochemical signatures similar to A(2)-type granitoids. New SHRIMP U-Pb zircon data from felsic volcanic rocks within the Riacho Gravata complex yielded ages of 1091 +/- 13 Ma and 996 +/- 13 Ma. In contrast, meta-graywackes from the Sao Caetano complex show a maximum deposition age of ca. 806 Ma in the northern part and ca. 862 Ma in the southern part of the outcrop area. The orthogneisses show epsilon Nd (1.0 Ga) values ranging from 1.0 to -4.2 with U/Pb TIMS and SHRIMP ages ranging from 960 to 926 Ma and geochemical signatures of A(2)-type granitoids. The data reported in this paper suggest at least two periods of extension within the Central Domain of the Borborema Province, the first starts ca. 1091 Ma with magmatism and deposition, creating the Riacho Gravata basin and continued intrusion of A-type granites to 920 Ma. A second rift event, which reactivated old faults, generated a basin with a maximum deposition age of ca. 806 Ma. Furthermore, the oldest granitoids cutting these metasedimentary rocks have crystallization ages of ca. 600 Ma. This suggests that the second rift event could be early Brasiliano in age. The resulting Sao Caetano basin received detritus from a variety of sources, although detritus from the Riacho Gravata complex dominated. Deposition ages of the Riacho Gravata and the Sao Caetano complexes are coeval with deposits in other basins of the Borborema Province (Riacho do Tigre in the Central Domain; Macurure and Maranco in the Sergipano Belt of the Southern domain). The Macaubas Group from SE Brazil and its counterparts in Africa, the Zadanian and Mayumbian Groups, in the western edge of the Congo Craton are also coeval. Closure of the Riacho Gravata and Sao Caetano basins occurred during the Brasiliano convergence (705-600 Ma). During the last stage of convergence, ca. 612 Ma, pull-apart basins were created and filled; final basin closure took place 605-592 Ma, after deposition ceased. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper presents a comparison of descriptive statistics obtained for brittle structural lineaments extracted manually from LANDSAT images and shaded relief images from SRTM 3 DEM at 1:100, 000 and 1:500, 000 scales. The selected area is located in the southern of Brazil and comprises Precambrian rocks and stratigraphic units of the Paraná Basin. The application of this methodology shows that the visual interpretation depends on the kind of remote sensing image. The resulting descriptive statistics obtained for lineaments extracted from the images do not follow the same pattern according to the scale adopted. The main direction obtained for Proterozoic rocks using both image types at a 1:500, 000 scale are close to NS±10, whereas at a 1:100, 000 scale N45E was obtained for shaded relief images from SRTM 3 DEM and N10W for LANDSAT images. The Paleozoic sediments yielded the best results for the different images and scales (N50W). On the other hand, the Mesozoic igneous rocks showed greatest differences, the shaded relief images from SRTM 3 DEM images highlighting NE structures and the LANDSAT images highlighting NW structures. The accumulated frequency demonstrated high similarity between products for each image type no matter the scale, indicating that they can be used in multiscale studies. Conversely, major differences were found when comparing data obtained using shaded relief images from SRTM 3 DEM and Landsat images at a 1:100, 000 scale.
The Pelagonian Zone and the Vardar Zone in Greece represent the western part of the Hellenide hinterland (Internal Hellenides). While the Pelagonian Zone comprises predominantly crystalline basement and sedimentary cover rocks, the Vardar Zone has long been regarded as an ophiolite-decorated suture zone separating the Pelagonian Zone from the Serbo-Macedonian Massif to the east. Felsic basement rocks from both areas, with the main focus put on the Pelagonian Zone, were dated in order to identify the major crust-forming episodes and to improve the understanding of the evolutionary history of the region. The interpretation of the single-zircon geochronology results was aided by geochemical investigations. The majority of the basement rocks from the Pelagonian Zone yielded Permo-Carboniferous intrusion ages around 300 Ma, underlining the importance of this crust-forming event for the Internal Hellenides of Greece. Geochemically these basement rocks are classified as subduction-related granitoids, which formed in an active continental margin setting. An important result was the identification of a Precambrian crustal unit within the crystalline basement of the Pelagonian Zone. Orthogneisses from the NW Pelagonian Zone yielded Neoproterozoic ages of c. 700 Ma and are so far the oldest known rocks in Greece. These basement rocks, which are also similar to active margin granitoids, were interpreted as remnants of a terrane, the Florina Terrane, which can be correlated to a Pan-African or Cadomian arc. Since the gneisses contain inherited zircons of Middle to Late Proterozoic ages, the original location of the Florina Terrane was probably at the northwestern margin of Gondwana. In the Vardar Zone an important phase of Upper Jurassic felsic magmatism is documented by igneous formation ages ranging from 155 to 164 Ma. The chemical and isotopic composition of these rocks is also in accord with their formation in a volcanic-arc setting at an active continental margin. Older continental material incorporated in the Vardar Zone is documented by 319-Ma-old gneisses and by inherited zircons of mainly Middle Palaeozoic ages. The prevalence of subduction-related igneous rocks indicates that arc formation and accretion orogeny were the most important processes during the evolution of this part of the Internal Hellenides. The geochronological results demonstrate that most of the Pelagonian Zone and the Vardar Zone crystalline basement formed during distinct pre-Alpine episodes at c. 700, 300 and 160 Ma with a predominance of the Permo-Carboniferous magmatic phase.
Mongolia occupies a central position within the eastern branch of the large accretionary Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) or Altaids. The present work aims to outline the geodynamic environment and possible evolution of this part of the eastern CAOB, predominantly from the Cambrian to the middle Palaeozoic. The investigation primarily focussed on zircon geochronology as well as whole-rock geochemical and Sm–Nd isotopic analyses for a variety of metaigneous rocks from the southern Hangay and Gobi-Altai regions in south-central Mongolia. The southern slope of the Hangay Mountains in central Mongolia exposes a large NWSE-trending middle Neoproterozoic ophiolitic complex (c. 650 Ma), which is tectonically integrated within an accretionary complex developed between the Precambrian Baydrag and Hangay crustal blocks. Formation of the entire accretionary system along the north-eastern margin of the Baydrag block mainly occurred during the early Cambrian, but convergence within this orogenic zone continued until the early Ordovician, because of on-going southward subduction-accretion of the Baydrag block. An important discovery is the identification of a late Mesoproterozoic to early Neoproterozoic belt within the northern Gobi-Altai that was reworked during the late Cambrian and throughout the late Ordovician/Devonian. Early Silurian low-grade mafic and felsic metavolcanic rocks from the northern Gobi-Altai display subduction-related geochemical features and highly heterogeneous Nd isotopic compositions, which suggest an origin at a mature active continental margin. Early Devonian protoliths of granodioritic and mafic gneisses from the southern Gobi-Altai display geochemical and Nd isotopic compositions compatible with derivation and evolution from predominantly juvenile crustal and mantel sources and these rocks may have been emplaced within the outboard portion of the late Ordovician/early Silurian active continental margin. Moreover, middle Devonian low-grade metavolcanic rocks from the southwestern Gobi-Altai yielded geochemical and Nd isotopic data consistent with emplacement in a transitional arc-backarc setting. The combined U–Pb zircon ages and geochemical data obtained from the Gobi-Altai region suggest that magmatism across an active continental margin migrated oceanwards through time by way of subduction zone retreat throughout the Devonian. Progressive extension of the continental margin was associated with the opening of a backarc basin and culminated in the late Devonian with the formation of a Japan-type arc front facing a southward open oceanic realm (present-day coordinates).