827 resultados para postgraduate supervision
Although cognitive therapy (CT) has a large empirical base, research is lacking for CT supervision and supervision training, which presents an obstacle for evidence-based practice. A pilot CT supervision training programme, based on Milne’s (2007a, 2009) evidence-based supervision and Roth and Pilling (2008) supervision competences was developed by the Northern Ireland Centre for Trauma and Transformation (NICTT), an organisation specialising in CT therapy provision and training. This study qualitatively explores CT supervisors’ perceptions of the impact the training had on their practice. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven participants, transcribed verbatim and analysed using Burnard’s (1991) thematic content analysis.
Findings illustrated that experienced CT supervisors perceived benefit from training and that the majority of supervisors had implemented contracts, used specific supervision models and paid more attention to supervisee learning as a result of the training. Obstacles to ensuring good supervision included the lack of reliable user-friendly evaluation tools and supervisor consultancy structures.
Recommendations are also made for future research to establish the long-term effects of supervision training and its effect on patient outcomes. Implications for future training based on adult learning principles are discussed.
This paper reviews existing research on offender supervision in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Three distinct areas are considered: practising offender supervision, experiencing supervision and decision-making in this sphere. The material presented draws on findings from a European-wide research action under the Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) initiative. The review highlights some of the gaps in knowledge and the need to focus research attention in this area. This need is underlined by the expansion in probation’s role, both North and South. In common with other countries there has been a growth in referrals to probation and in the numbers of people subject to supervision, whether on a community sentence or under post-custodial licence conditions. This review highlights some of the relevant factors including the increased emphasis placed on public protection and attempts to reduce the prison population. The circulation of people through systems and the experiences, processes and decision-making involved are all areas that we argue are worthy of further research attention.
Moving Beyond the Administrative: Supervisors' Perspectives on Clinical Supervision in Child Welfare
This study contributes to the emerging knowledge base of child welfare supervision. An exploratory study examined the beliefs, practices, and experiences of 51 child welfare supervisors in Ontario, Canada. Eight focus groups were held with supervisors from a range of settings cross the province. The study identified a number of interwoven factors at the organizational, supervisory, and practice level that affect the nature of supervision offered. Implications are drawn for child welfare practice, models of supervision which integrate administrative, clinical and educational features, organizational culture, and training new supervisors.
Recognizing the importance of understanding the way in which supervisors in child welfare perceive their administrative responsibilities and use of power and authority, an exploratory study was conducted. Supervisors in child welfare agencies in urban and rural settings participated in focus groups and discussed the impact of macro and micro factors on their performance. Policy changes, including using new approaches to child welfare, and organizational culture had a major affect on the way they offered supervision. At the micro level, their use of power was related to elements in their relationships with frontline workers and their own professional development. Implications for child welfare practice and for new and experienced supervisors are presented.
This review focuses on key empirical research from the UK on the practice of offendersupervision beyond the narrowly defined constraints of programme evaluations.
Background: In 2006, the Buttimer report highlighted the paucity of demographic data on those applying for and entering postgraduate medical education and training (PGMET) in Ireland. Today, concerns that there is an "exodus" of graduates of Irish medical schools are at the forefront of national discussion, however, published data on PGMET remains inadequate.
Aims: The objectives of this study were to collate existing data relating to trainees and training programmes at three stages of training and to examine the career plans of junior trainees.
Methods: Data from application forms for training programmes, commencing July 2012, under the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (n = 870), were integrated with data from other existing sources. Candidates entering basic specialist training were surveyed with regard to career plans. Descriptive and comparative analysis was performed in SPSS version 18.
Results: Graduates of Irish medical schools made up over 70 % of appointees. Over 80 % of BST trainees aspired to work as consultants in Ireland, but 92.5 % planned to spend time working abroad (response rate 77 %). Decisions to leave the Irish system were linked to lifestyle, but also to failure to be appointed to higher specialist training. Significant numbers of trainees return to Ireland after a period abroad.
Conclusions: The trainee "exodus" is more complex than is often portrayed. The desire to spend time working outside Ireland must be accounted for in workforce planning and configuration of training programmes. Expansion of HST is a potential solution to reduce the numbers of graduates leaving Ireland post-BST.
Practice learning accounts for half of the content of the Bachelor of Social Work degree course requirements in Northern Ireland in their field education programs and share a professional and ethical responsibility with practice teachers to provide appropriate learning environments to prepare students as competent and professional practitioners. The accreditation standards for practice learning require the placement to provide students with regular supervision and exposure to a range of learning strategies, but there is little research that actually identifies the types of placements offering this learning and the key activities provided. This paper builds on an Australian study and surveys social work students in two programs in Northern Ireland about their exposure a range of learning activities, how frequently they were provided and how it compares to what is required by the Northern Ireland practice standards. The results indicated that, although most students were satisfied with the supervision and support they received during their placement, the frequency of supervision and type of learning activities varied according to different settings, year levels and who provided the learning opportunities.
Esta tese analisa a preocupação do Conselho Federal de Contabilidade (CFC) com a formação do profissional e com a educação contábil ao longo da sua história, mas também explora o seu panorama atual, principalmente no que se refere à utilização do exame de suficiência como ferramenta de fiscalização preventiva dos profissionais e os fatores explicativos da taxa de aprovação. Para responder a este objetivo geral, a tese desenvolve-se em dois estudos complementares. No primeiro, estuda a criação do CFC e o processo de regulamentação da profissão, usando uma perspectiva interpretativa, fundamentada na sociologia das profissões, com base em dados documentais e gravações recolhidas no arquivo do Conselho. Daí conclui-se que o Sistema CFC/CRCs foi criado em consequência do forte desejo dos profissionais atuantes na área, do surgimento simultâneo do bacharelado em Ciências Contábeis no Brasil e da intervenção do governo corporativista de Getúlio Vargas num contexto de desenvolvimento econômico. O projeto profissional que surgiu nesta ocasião viria “acomodar” todos os rivais, o que fez com que o nível de homogeneização dos membros fosse mínimo, já que incluía aqueles que só tinham experiência prática e uma grande percentagem com diploma do ensino médio. A evidência empírica recolhida permite concluir que a manutenção desta categoria, por um tão longo período, acabou por desprestigiar a profissão. Apenas recentemente, no contexto da adoção das Normas Internacionais de Contabilidade (IFRS, na sigla em inglês), a profissão haveria de obter o credenciamento ao nível universitário. A esta altura, o CFC ganhou não só o direito ao credenciamento a nível universitário, como também o de selecionar os melhores candidatos através de um exame. Apesar dessa evolução positiva, a preocupação deste organismo profissional com a formação dos seus membros continua a ser grande, em função do baixo progresso da “base cognitiva” da profissão, observando-se um número reduzido de mestres e doutores em Contabilidade no Brasil, embora tenha havido, nos últimos anos, uma proliferação de Instituições de Educação Superior (IES) e de cursos de Ciências Contábeis que não foi acompanhada de uma evolução qualitativa.Na segunda parte da tese, desenvolve-se um estudo quantitativo de índole positivista, para tentar explicar as razões dos maus resultados no Exame do CFC. Usando dados recolhidos no Conselho Federal de Contabilidade, os resultados da pesquisa revelam que a taxa de aprovação nas edições do Exame de Suficiência não difere, significativamente, entre as regiões e estados do Brasil, sendo cada vez mais baixo ao longo dos anos. Apesar de uma análise de correlações demonstrar que a formação ao nível da pós-graduação dos docentes estar correlacionada positivamente com a taxa de aprovação no Exame do CFC, numa análise abrangente essas variáveis perderam força, devido, talvez, ao fato de estarem incorporadas em outras variáveis que se mostraram significativas, como o Índice Geral de Cursos e o Conceito de Curso. Além dessas variáveis que se revelaram positivamente relacionadas com a taxa de aprovação, também os resultados do exame Enade, o gênero e a idade se mostraram significativos. O baixo resultado do Enade é particularmente importante, já que reforça as preocupações do CFC sobre a proliferação de IES e de cursos, e o baixo desempenho que algumas IES apresentam, nomeadamente, por possuírem um nível reduzido de mestres e de doutores e, por outro lado, um número elevado de professores “horistas” e um investimento em pesquisa muito baixo.