755 resultados para polypyrrole dispersions


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Ionic liquids were used as solvents for dispersing luminescent lanthanide-doped LaF3:Ln(3+) nanocrystals (Ln(3+) = Eu3+ and Nd3+). To increase the solubility of the inorganic nanoparticles in the ionic liquids, the nanocrystals were prepared with different stabilizing ligands, i.e., citrate, N,N,N-trimethylglycine (betaine), and lauryldimethylglycine (lauryl betaine). LaF3:5%Ln(3+) :betaine could successfully be dispersed in 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium bis(tiifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide [C(4)mpyr][Tf2N], 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium trifluoromethanesulfonate [C(4)mpyr][TfO], and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide [C(4)mim][Tf2N] but only in limited amounts. Red photoluminescence was observed for the europium(III)-containing nanoparticles and near-infrared luminescence for the neodymium(III)-containing systems.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the solubility of mefenamic acid (MA), a highly cohesive, poorly water-soluble drug in a copolymer of polyoxyethylene–polyoxypropylene (Lutrol F681), and to understand the effect drug polymer solubility has on in vitro dissolution of MA. Solid dispersions (SD) of MA were prepared by a hot melt method, using Lutrol F681 as a thermoplastic polymeric platform. High-speed differential scanning calorimetry (Hyper-DSC), Raman spectroscopy, powder X-ray diffractometry (PXRD) and hot-stage/?uorescence microscopy were used to assess the solubility of the drug in molten and solid polymer. Drug dissolution studies were subsequently conducted on single-phase solid solutions and biphasic SD using phosphate buffer pH 6.8 as dissolution media. Solubility investigations using Hyper-DSC, Raman spectroscopy and hot-stage microscopy suggested MA was soluble in molten Lutrol F681 up to a concentration of 35% (w/w). Conversely, the solubility in the solidstate matrix was limited to<15% (w/w); determined by Raman spectroscopy, PXRD and ?uorescence microscopy. As expected the dissolution properties of MA were signi?cantly in?uenced by the solubility of the drug in the polymer matrix. At a concentration of 10% (w/w) MA (a single phase solid solution) dissolution of MA in phosphate buffer 6.8 was rapid, whereas at a concentration of 50% (w/w) MA (biphasic SD) dissolution was signi?cantly slower. This study has clearly demonstrated the complexity of drug– polymer binary blends and in particular de?ning the solubility of a drug within a polymeric platform. Moreover, this investigation has demonstrated the signi?cant effect drug solubility within a polymeric matrix has upon the in vitro dissolution properties of solid polymer/drug binary blends.


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Solid molecular dispersions of bicalutamide (BL) and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) were prepared by hot melt extrusion technology at drug-to-polymer ratios of 1:10, 2:10, and 3:10 (w/w). The solid-state properties of BL, physical mixtures of BL/PVP, and hot melt extrudates were characterized using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), powder X-ray diffractometry (PXRD), Raman, and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Drug dissolution studies were subsequently conducted on hot melt extruded solid dispersions and physical mixtures. All hot melt extrudates had a single Tg between theTg of amorphous BL and PVP indicating miscibility of BL with PVP and the formation of solid molecular dispersions. PXRD con?rmed the presence of the amorphous form of BL within the extrudates. Conversely, PXRD patterns recorded for physical mixtures showed sharp bands characteristic of crystalline BL, whereas DSC traces had a distinct endotherm at 1968C corresponding to melting of crystalline BL. Further investigations using DSC con?rmed solid-state plasticization of PVP by amorphous BL and hence antiplasticization of amorphous BL by PVP. Experimentally observed Tg values of physical mixtures were shown to be signi?cantly higher than those calculated using the Gordon–Taylor equation suggesting the formation of strong intermolecular interactions between BL and PVP. FTIR and Raman spectroscopy were used to investigate these interactions and strongly suggested the presence of secondary interaction between PVP and BL within the hot melt extrudates. The drug dissolution properties of hot melt extrudates were enhanced signi?cantly in comparison to crystalline BL and physical mixtures. Moreover, the rate and extent of BL release were highly dependent on the amount of PVP present within the extrudate. Storage of the extrudates con?rmed the stability of amorphous BL for up to 12 months at 208C, 40% RH whereas stability was reduced under highly humid conditions (208C, 65% RH). Interestingly, BL recrystallization after storage under these conditions had no effect on the dissolution properties of the extrudates.


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In this article, we have prepared hot-melt-extruded solid dispersions of bicalutamide (BL) using poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) as a matrix platform. Prior to preparation, miscibility of PEO and BL was assessed using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The onset of BL melting was signi?cantly depressed in the presence of PEO, and using Flory– Huggins (FH) theory, we identi?ed a negative value of -3.4, con?rming miscibility. Additionally, using FH lattice theory, we estimated the Gibbs free energy of mixing which was shown to be negative, passing through a minimum at a polymer fraction of 0.55. Using these data, solid dispersions at drug-to-polymer ratios of 1:10, 2:10 and 3:10 were prepared via hot-melt extrusion. Using a combination of DSC, powder X-ray diffractometry and scanning electron
microscopy, amorphous dispersions of BL were con?rmed at the lower two drug loadings. At the 3:10 BL to PEO ratio, crystalline BL was detected. The percent crystallinity of PEO was reduced by approximately 10% in all formulations following extrusion. The increased amorphous content within PEO following extrusion accommodated amorphous BL at drug to polymer loadings up to 2:10; however, the increased amorphous domains with PEO following extrusion were not suf?cient to fully accommodate BL at drug-to-polymer ratios of 3:10.


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Amorphous drug-polymer solid dispersions have the potential to enhance the dissolution performance and thus bioavailability of BCS class II drug compounds. The principle drawback of this approach is the limited physical stability of amorphous drug within the dispersion. Accurate determination of the solubility and miscibility of drug in the polymer matrix is the key to the successful design and development of such systems. In this paper, we propose a novel method, based on Flory-Huggins theory, to predict and compare the solubility and miscibility of drug in polymeric systems. The systems chosen for this study are (1) hydroxypropyl methylcellulose acetate succinate HF grade (HPMCAS-HF)-felodipine (FD) and (2) Soluplus (a graft copolymer of polyvinyl caprolactam-polyvinyl acetate-polyethylene glycol)-FD. Samples containing different drug compositions were mixed, ball milled, and then analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The value of the drug-polymer interaction parameter ? was calculated from the crystalline drug melting depression data and extrapolated to lower temperatures. The interaction parameter ? was also calculated at 25 °C for both systems using the van Krevelen solubility parameter method. The rank order of interaction parameters of the two systems obtained at this temperature was comparable. Diagrams of drug-polymer temperature-composition and free energy of mixing (?G mix) were constructed for both systems. The maximum crystalline drug solubility and amorphous drug miscibility may be predicted based on the phase diagrams. Hyper-DSC was used to assess the validity of constructed phase diagrams by annealing solid dispersions at specific drug loadings. Three different samples for each polymer were selected to represent different regions within the phase diagram


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Stable chromium, molybdenum, tungsten, manganese, rhenium, ruthenium, osmium, cobalt, rhodium, and iridium metal nanoparticles (MNPs) have been reproducibly obtained by facile, rapid (3 min), and energysaving 10 W microwave irradiation (MWI) under an argon atmosphere from their metal–carbonyl precursors [Mx(CO)y] in the ionic liquid (IL) 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ([BMIm][BF4]). This MWI synthesis is compared to UV-photolytic (1000 W, 15 min) or conventional thermal decomposition (180–2508C, 6–12 h) of [Mx(CO)y] in ILs. The MWIobtained nanoparticles have a very small (<5 nm) and uniform size and are prepared without any additional stabilizers or capping molecules as long-term stable M-NP/IL dispersions (characterization by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), transmission electron diffraction (TED), and dynamic light scattering (DLS)). The ruthenium, rhodium, or iridium nanoparticle/IL dispersions are highly active
and easily recyclable catalysts for the biphasic liquid–liquid hydrogenation of cyclohexene to cyclohexane with activities of up to 522 (mol product)(mol Ru)1h1 and 884 (mol product)(molRh)1h1 and give almost quantitative conversion within 2 h at 10 bar H2 and 908C. Catalyst poisoning experiments with CS2 (0.05 equiv per Ru) suggest a heterogeneous surface catalysis of RuNPs.


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In this study thermodynamically stable dispersions of amorphous quinine, a model BCS class 2 therapeutic agent, within an amorphous polymeric platform (HPC), termed a solid-in-solid dispersion, were produced using hot melt extrusion. Characterisation of the pre-extrudates and extrudates was performed using hyper-differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) and Raman spectroscopy. Water uptake by the raw materials was determined using dynamic vapour sorption (DVS) analysis. Furthermore, the presence or absence of crystalline drug following storage at 25 °C/60% relative humidity and 40 °C/75% relative humidity in a sealed glass jar, and at 40 °C/75% relative humidity in an open glass jar for 3 months was determined using PXRD. Amorphous quinine was generated in situ during extrusion from both quinine base (5%, 10%, 20% w/w drug loading) and from quinine hydrochloride (5%, 10% w/w drug loading) and remained thermodynamically stable as a solid-in-solid dispersion within the HPC extrudates. When processed with HPC, quinine hydrochloride (20% w/w) was converted to amorphous quinine hydrochloride. Whilst stable for up to 3 months when stored under sealed conditions, this amorphous form was unstable, resulting in recrystallisation of the hydrochloride salt following storage for 1 month at 40 °C/75% relative humidity in an open glass jar. The behaviour of the amorphous quinine hydrochloride (20% w/w) HPC extrudate was related, at least in part, to the lower stability and the hygroscopic properties of this amorphous form.


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The formulation of BCS Class II drugs as amorphous solid dispersions has been shown to provide advantages with respect to improving the aqueous solubility of these compounds. While hot melt extrusion (HME) and spray drying (SD) are among the most common methods for the production of amorphous solid dispersions (ASDs), the high temperatures often required for HME can restrict the processing of thermally labile drugs, while the use of toxic organic solvents during SD can impact on end-product toxicity. In this study, we investigated the potential of supercritical fluid impregnation (SFI) using carbon dioxide as an alternative process for ASD production of a model poorly water-soluble drug, indomethacin (INM). In doing so, we produced ASDs without the use of organic solvents and at temperatures considerably lower than those required for HME. Previous studies have concentrated on the characterization of ASDs produced using HME or SFI but have not considered both processes together. Dispersions were manufactured using two different polymers, Soluplus and polyvinylpyrrolidone K15 using both SFI and HME and characterized for drug morphology, homogeneity, presence of drug-polymer interactions, glass transition temperature, amorphous stability of the drug within the formulation, and nonsink drug release to measure the ability of each formulation to create a supersaturated drug solution. Fully amorphous dispersions were successfully produced at 50% w/w drug loading using HME and 30% w/w drug loading using SFI. For both polymers, formulations containing 50% w/w INM, manufactured via SFI, contained the drug in the γ-crystalline form. Interestingly, there were lower levels of crystallinity in PVP dispersions relative to SOL. FTIR was used to probe for the presence of drug-polymer interactions within both polymer systems. For PVP systems, the nature of these interactions depended upon processing method; however, for Soluplus formulations this was not the case. The area under the dissolution curve (AUC) was used as a measure of the time during which a supersaturated concentration could be maintained, and for all systems, SFI formulations performed better than similar HME formulations.


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Objectives: This article uses conventional and newly extended solubility parameter (δ) methods to identify polymeric materials capable of forming amorphous dispersions with itraconazole (itz). Methods: Combinations of itz and Soluplus, Eudragit E PO (EPO), Kollidon 17PF (17PF) or Kollidon VA64 (VA64) were prepared as amorphous solid dispersions using quench cooling and hot melt extrusion. Storage stability was evaluated under a range of conditions using differential scanning calorimetry and powder X-ray diffraction. Key findings: The rank order of itz miscibility with polymers using both conventional and novel δ-based approaches was 17PF > VA64 > Soluplus > EPO, and the application of the Flory–Huggins lattice model to itz–excipient binary systems corroborated the findings. The solid-state characterisation analyses of the formulations manufactured by melt extrusion correlated well with pre-formulation screening. Long-term storage studies showed that the physical stability of 17PF/vitamin E TPGS–itz was poor compared with Soluplus and VA64 formulations, and for EPO/itz systems variation in stability may be observed depending on the preparation method. Conclusion: Results have demonstrated that although δ-based screening may be useful in predicting the initial state of amorphous solid dispersions, assessment of the physical behaviour of the formulations at relevant temperatures may be more appropriate for the successful development of commercially acceptable amorphous drug products.