997 resultados para plant extract
Helivypolide G was isolated from leaves of Helianthus annuus L. cv. Stella. In the course of our ongoing research for new allelochemicals from Helianthus annuus, a novel dimeric bioactive sesquiterpene lactone, helivypolide G has been isolated and characterized from the medium polar active fractions of the leaves of cultivar variety Stella. The monomers are connected through carbons C-15 of each unit and an oxygen bridge, forming an enolic oxane ring. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Cell culture of Maytenus ilicifolia were established in order to produce and to quantify the antitumoral and antioxidant quinonemethide triterpenes. In vitro calli were induced from leaf explants of native plants and cultured in semi-solid medium under controlled conditions of humidity, temperature and photoperiod. The quinonemethide triterpenes showed maximum accumulation in the logarithmic phase growth of the cell culture. A rapid, sensitive and reliable reverse-phase HPLC method was used for quantitative determination of the antitumoral and antioxidant quinonemethide triterpenes, 22β-hydroxymaytenin and maytenin in callus of Maytenus ilicifolia. Well resolved peaks with good detection response and linearity in the range 1.0 - 100 μg/mL were obtained. This quantitative work was performed by an external standard method.
The hybrid Mentha pulegium x spicata, also well-known as poejo de praia, it is a perennial, low plant, with fields, violet stem and opposite leaves, with lance format and sawed board, presenting characteristic smell. The objective of the present work was accomplish a study of the leaf anatomy, including a biometric study of tissue and quantitative analysis of secretory trichomes/mm2 and of stomata/mm2 in both faces of the epidermis, besides a chemical analysis of the essential oil. Histological permanent laminas were made for anatomical analysis of the leaf surface and also sheets of the impression to foliate for the count of the trichomes number and stomatas. The chemical studies were made through the extraction of the essential oil by hydrodistillation and analyzed in GC-MS. The capitate and peltates trichomes are present on both sides of the leaf, even so they prevail in the abaxial surface. The variance analysis show that there are significant differences for the number of capitate trichomes and tectores between the adaxial and abaxial surfaces, but they are not significant for the peltate trichoma. The analyzed of essential oil shows the presence of a majority component, trans piperitone epoxide, being it responsible for more than 80% of the relative composition in the essential oil.
The immunological response includes wide contexts involving several cells, and the macrophage is crucial in the cellular immune response. Several stimuli to macrophage membrane may induce the liberation of H2O2, contributing to antibacterial and cytotoxicical actions. Nowadays, there is a tendency to study natural products to verify their capacity of acting in the immune system. This study evaluated the citotoxicity of the bulk extract and the hexanic and acetic fractions extracted from Styrax camporum Pohl (Styracaceae) and the production of H2O2, on murine peritonal macrophages cultures exposed to fractions extracted from this plant. The results showed that the fraction HX 2 mg/ml produced the liberation of H 2O2 in high concentrations and to 4 mg/ml was observed high citotoxicity. The fractions AC did not produce the liberation of H 2O2 and EB was produced in low levels. We conclude that this HX is a potent stimulator of macrophage.
Plants that possess a diuretic effect are widely used by people in the treatment of some important diseases as edema and hypertension. The objective of this work was to study the effects of pitanga and jambos aqueous extracts (AE) about the arterial pressure (AP) and urinary flow (V) in normotensive and anesthetized rats. The AE were prepared for the decoction method and administrated for intragastric way in different concentrations: 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%. These concentrations corresponded respectively at doses of 56, 94, 145, 172 mg of pitanga dried extract /Kg and 44, 73, 83, 95 mg of jambos dried extract/Kg. The animals were divided in nine groups with seven individuals (n=7): control (C), P-10%, P-15%, P-20%, P-25%, J-10%, J-15%, J-20% and J-25%. The rats were anesthetized (hypnol 3%) and submitted to tracheotomy. The left carotide artery was catheterized to measure the AP through a mercury manometer, in periods of 15 minutes. The bladder was catheterized for urine collection and to measure the V, in periods of 30 minutes. The experimental protocol was divided in four periods of 30 minutes each: basal (to evaluate of the basal parameters) and experimental (Exp) 1, 2 and 3 (after the administration of the AE). The results were analyzed for ANOVA and Tukey (X±SD, p<0.05). In the C group did have not alteration of the AP basal but the V basal increased. In the experimental groups (AE of P and J) had significative decline in the AP basal: 34% (P-10%), 20% (P-15%), 21% (P-20%), 31% (P-25%), 24% (J-10%), 20% (J-15%) 16% (J-20%) and 29% (J-25%). Moreover, the administration of AE increased the V basal in: 280% (P-15%) and 192% (J-20%). The results showed that the plants evaluated are hypotensive and diuretic.
Stryphnodendron adstringens (Mart.) Coville (barbatimão), belonging to Mimosaceae family; it is used as ornamental and the wood is used in civil buildings, edification in wet places, lathe and joinery jobs, being very used also in home-made medicine against hemorrhage, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, conjunctivitis, injury cleaning, uterus hemorrhage, ulcerous hurt and excessive oily skin. The objective of this research was to determine the allelopathic potential of an aqueous extract, boiled or not of S. adstringens (Mart.) Coville, in the Cucumis sativus germination and initial development. Thus, the aqueous vegetable extract was extracted from the shoot, which was triturated in 1L of distilled water to 100g of leaf, being the extract filtrated and separated in boiled and not boiled. The treatments used were distilled water (0%) and boiled and not boiled extracts, in the concentrations of 50 and 100%. The cucumber seeds were put to germinate in Gerbox, having filter paper as substrate, which was wet with 25mL from different treatments, in constant temperature of 25°C. The reading germination was accomplished in breaks of 24 hours, for a period of five consequently days after the beginning of the experiment, considering germinated the seeds that showed 2mm of root, approximately. To dry matter determination, the seedlings with five days after the germination were separated in shoot and root, dried during three days to a constant weight in a 60°C forced draft oven. Through results, it can be concluded that the extract of S. adstringens affected more the Cucumis sativus seedling development than the germination, and it didn't show difference if boiled or not.
A new 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-(3-nitropropanoyl)-O-β-D-glucopyranoside anomer was isolated from the roots of Heteropteris aphrodisiaca and characterized by spectroscopic methods. Activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Candida albicans, C. parapsilosis, C. krusei, and C. tropicalis was demonstrated.
Mycobacterium fortuitum is a rapidly-growing species of bacteria, ubiquitous in the environment and related to important human mycobacterioses. It has been isolated from blood, abscesses, the endocardium and surgical and traumatic wounds. This mycobacterium is hard to treat, being recognized in the literature as resistant even to the drugs used in the treatment of tuberculosis. The objective of this study was to screen extracts prepared from plants of the Brazilian cerrado (extended savanna-like belt) with known activity against M. fortuitum, employing the Microplate Alamar Blue Assay (MABA) as the analytical method. Out of 26 extracts tested against M. fortuitum, the nonpolar extract of Quassia amara (in methylene dichloride) gave the best result (MIC 62.5μg/ mL), followed by the nonpolar extracts of Syngonanthus macrolepsis, Davilla elliptica and Turnera ulmifolia, with equal MICs of 125μg/ml. The polar extracts (in ethanol and methanol) obtained from the same plants were considered inactive, since the MIC values determined were above 500μg/mL and not significantly different from those of extracts from other plants, without known activity.
The methanolic extract of leaves from Byrsonima crassa, a Brazilian medicinal plant, was analyzed by CC and HPLC. Four constituents were isolated and identified as quercetin, methyl gallate, (-)-epigallocatechin gallate and quercetin-3-O-(2″-galloyl)-α-L-arabinopyranoside. The methanolic and hydromethanolic extract, as well as fractions, were evaluated regarding their possible antimicrobial activity using in vitro methods. Results showed that both extracts and fractions exhibited significant antimicrobial activity against all tested strains.
The number of studies of genotoxic activity of medicinal plants has been growing alongside with their increasing therapeutic use and scientific interest in proving their effectiveness for a variety of pharmacological purposes. This reflects the fact that many of the plants used by great numbers of people, in spite of their proven pharmacological value, can also cause harmful changes in the DNA. The risks are greater when alternative treatments are applied in an uncontrolled way, without due attention to correct botanical identification, to the part of the plant that should to be used and to the method of preparation and administration. In this review, aspects of the mutagenic activity of some medicinal plants are discussed.
Uncaria tomentosa is considered a medicinal plant used over centuries by the peruvian population as an alternative treatment for several diseases. Many microorganisms usually inhabit the human oral cavity and under certain conditions can become etiologic agents of diseases. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of different concentrations of Uncaria tomentosa on different strains of microorganisms isolated from the human oral cavity. Micropulverized Uncaria tomentosa was tested in vitro to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) on selected microbial strains. The tested strains were oral clinical isolates of Streptococcus mutans, Staphylococcus spp., Candida albicans, Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The tested concentrations of Uncaria tomentosa ranged from 0.25-5% in Müeller-Hinton agat. Three percent Uncaria tomentosa inhibited 8% of Enterobacteriaceae isolates, 52% of S. mutans and 96% of Staphylococcus spp. The tested concentrations did not present inhibitory effect on P. aeruginosa and C. albicans. It could be concluded that micropulverized Uncaria tomentosa presented antimicrobial activity on Enterobacteriaceae, S. mutans and Staphylococcus spp. isolates.
Polymnia sonchifolia is a medicinal plant used as hypoglycemic agent and other ends. The aim was to evaluate the yacon effect on diabetes in Wistar female rats, which was divided in 4 groups: non-diabetic (n=24) given (gavage) 32.4 mg kg -1 of an aqueous extract of plant (treated group) or vehicle (non-treated group), and one diabetic group (n=24) with similar treatment compared to non-diabetic rats. Diabetes was induced using streptozotocin (i.v. route, 40 mg kg -1). Glycemia was monitored after rodent adaptation period, 15 days after diabetes induction, and each 10 days after yacon/vehicle in early treatment. During experiment period, body weights, food and water intake were daily measured. The rats (non-diabetic or diabetic) given yacon extract treatment presented no significant difference related with glycemia, body weight gain, and food and water intake. Thus, further studies such increase of rat number in agreement with different glycemic levels and increase of the plant extract dose are necessary.
The genus Stryphnodendron (S.) belongs to the family Leguminosae, subfamily Mimosoideae, which includes mostly trees of tropical and subtropical South America. Extracts of the stem bark are used traditionally by the local population to treat leucorrhoea and diarrhoea, as anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents (antimicrobial) and to promote blood clotting and wound healing, and in a few cases of gastric ulcers. A review of the literature presented a previous morpho-anatomical study only for S. adstringens (Mart.) Coville. The aim of the present work is to compare morpho-anatomically the stem bark and leaves of three species of Stryphnodendron, known popularly as barbatimão: S. adstringens, S. polyphyllum and S. obovatum, in order to help botanical identification and contribute to quality control. Macro- and microscopical evaluation of the stem barks revealed no significant differences among the species. Morphological analyses of the leaves revealed differences in size, coloration, and pubescence. The leaves of S. adstringens are the largest, glabrous, and concolor. The leaves of S. polyphyllum are smaller, pubescent, and discolor; whereas the leaves of S. obovatum are the same size as those of S. polyphyllum, however, they are glabrous, and discolor.
Phytochemical investigations of the stems of a specimen of Alibertia macrophylla led to the isolation and characterization of the new diterpene ent-kaurane-2β,3α,16α-triol (1), along with triterpenes 2-8, iridoids 9-12, and phenolic acids 13-15. The structure of 1 was established based on spectroscopic studies (1H- and 13C-NMR, IR, and HR-ESI-MS). This is the first report of the isolation of a diterpene from the Alibertia genus in Rubiaceae. © 2007 Verlag Helvetica Chimica Acta AG.
Separation of the toxic zierin from Zollernia ilicifolia by high speed countercurrent chromatography
Preliminary pharmacological assays of the 70% methanol extract from the leaves of the Brazilian medicinal plant Zollernia ilicifolia Vog. (Fabaceae) showed analgesic and antiulcerogenic effects. Previous analyses have shown that this extract contains, besides flavonoid glycosides and saponins, a toxic cyanogenic glycoside. Flavonoids and saponins are compounds reported in literature with antiulcerogenic activity. In this work, we developed a methodology to separate the cyanogenic glycoside from these compounds in order to obtain enough amount of material to perform pharmacological assays. The cyanogenic glycoside zierin (2S)-β-D-glucopyranosyloxy-(3-hydroxy-phenyl)- acetonitrile was separated from the other components by high speed countercurrent chromatography (HSCCC). The solvent system used was composed of chloroform-methanol-n-propanol-water (5:6:1:4, v/v/v/v). This technique led to the separation of zierin from the possible active compounds of Zollernia ilicifolia.