946 resultados para philosophy, philosophie, ethics, éthique, economics, économie, interview, entrevue


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Depuis les années 1980, le besoin d’éthique progresse régulièrement. Néanmoins, l’intégration de l’éthique dans les entreprises ne va pas sans poser certains problèmes. Dans ce travail, notre hypothèse est qu’une activité dont l’existence même est conditionnée par le respect de certains principes éthiques fondamentaux, le golf, peut constituer un modèle opérationnel pour les entreprises soucieuses d’éthique (MOG). Les trois dimensions de ce modèle sont : l’éthique en relation avec la loi, l’éthique en relation avec l’environnement et l’éthique relative aux personnes, dimensions qui sont d’ailleurs d’ores et déjà présentes dans les documents éthiques de référence de certaines grandes entreprises françaises qui peuvent donc être considérées comme des précurseurs de ce modèle.


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Au cours des vingt dernières années, la microfinance a connu un développement important amenant certaines organisations à se professionnaliser et à croître de manière particulièrement spectaculaire. Aujourd’hui composé d’un grand nombre d’organisations, aux statuts divers et n’ayant pas toujours la même vision des choses, le secteur se trouve à une croisée des chemins où mener une réflexion sur les fondements éthiques des pratiques de gestion développées peut permettre de mieux percevoir les enjeux et les risques encourus. Les quelques réflexions développées ici s’inscrivent dans cette perspective.


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En dépit de toute l'histoire philosophique et théologique qui a relié l'éthique à l'économie, l'éthique des affaires comme champ de recherche est véritablement né aux États-Unis à la fin des années 1960. Nous avons identifié trois périodes dans l'évolution de l'éthique des affaires aux États-Unis: (1) les prolégomènes d'un intérêt porté à l'éthique dans le milieu des affaires américain (1961-1976); (2) l'effervescence d'une préoccupation éthique dans les grandes entreprises américaines (1977-1990); (3) l'instrumentalisation de l'éthique supportée par l'appareil gouvernemental (1991-2002). À travers ces trois périodes, nous ferons ressortir l'apport des recherches les plus marquantes en éthique des affaires, qu'elles aient adopté une perspective descriptive, normative ou analytique.


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La trajectoire philosophique de Tadeusz Kotarbinski se caractérise avant tout par un caractère complet de ses recherches. Intéressé dès le début de son travail aux questions d’éthique, il jugea nécessaire de se consacrer d’abord aux problèmes du langage et de l’action. Il fut alors convaincu qu’une bonne théorie de l’action constitue un point de départ nécessaire pour toute philosophie future – sans comprendre l’action, nous ne pouvons pas comprendre ce qui en découle. Le présent article tente d’esquisser les difficultés de cette théorie que Kotarbinski a qualifié de « praxéologie » et de comparer la démarche de l’auteur polonais au travail d’un autre praxéologue important, Ludwig von Mises.


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Ordered conflict resolution: understanding her tenets cost Keynes his life and Arrow to live under extortionate threat. Now that the Supreme Court of the United States has conquered the Informal Capital Market Cartel’s stranglehold on academic freedom, the literature can now vindicate impossibility- resolved social choice theory in the venue of a marriage between ethics and economics; as Sen has pled need be the case. This paper introduces ordered conflict resolution and her two impossibility-resolving axioms in effecting (individual: societal) well-being transitivity.


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Thomas Pogge’s notion of moral loopholes serves to provide support for two claims: first, that the ethical code of the global economic order contains moral loopholes that allow participants in special social arrangements to reduce their obligations to those outside the social arrangement, which leads to morally objectionable actions for which no party feels responsible and that are also counterproductive to the overall objective of the economic system; and, second, that these moral loopholes are more likely to exist as our economic order becomes more global. Finally, it will be shown that attempts to rectify the situation with voluntary corporate codes of conduct are inadequate. The argument proceeds through analysis of one case study, concerning action by the executive of the Cerrejón mining operation at La Guajira Penisular, Colombia.


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Between 2005 and 2007 the Ministry of Social Development of Uruguay implemented the National Plan for Social Emergency (PANES). One of the most outstanding results in the evaluations was the de-naturalization of some socio-cultural phenomena that were strongly rooted within society: domestic violence, social immobility, adult illiteracy. The consideration of these social phenomena as acceptable demonstrates the existence of mechanisms that generate irrational or adaptive preferences. What were the processes that aided in the de-naturalization of these preferences? The evaluation of PANES concludes that one way was the local participation in groups that promote a public deliberation. These results are consistent with the philosophical literature on the importance of deliberation and participation for developing capabilities and autonomy. The hypothesis is as follows: the participation in groups that involve public deliberation can lead to reversing the adaptive preferences that restrict personal autonomy through the creation of an intersubjective and cognitive agency. This agency has three features: a) it involves the expansion of an "inner space" into the person, b) it establishes a reflective distance that allows for the revision of preferences to reconstruct levels of self-esteem, self-respect and self-confidence; c) it is generated as a byproduct of activities set for other purposes.


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Social responsibility is the expression of our ethical principles in our social relationships. Consequently, our social behavior is defined by the understanding and practice of Ethics. This article states that is the application of the ethical criteria based on capitalist, neoliberal principles prevailing in today’s economic and political practice, and not the violation of fundamental ethical principles by some influential individuals or organizations, has led society and its leaders to accept as normal numerous situations of extreme injustice that affect vast sectors of the global population.


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The main purpose of this article is to highlight the need to prepare citizens so that they can become co-responsible when facing the problem of development. In the first part, the ethical guidelines of the proposal are drawn up. They do not have to be created, since a framework covering the legitimate demands of civil society has already been established by the millennium development goals and three generations of human rights. In the second part, the starting point is Sen’s theory of capabilities, and the stress is placed on the need to promote capabilities that make it possible to account for our responsibility for the problem of development. Finally, in the third part, a teaching resource is presented which raises awareness of the millennium development goals and involves them in the realisation of human rights. This educational practice prepares students to play a leading role in the process of change as well as to be part of the solution.


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The ethics of development comprises both fieldwork and consideration of the theoretical frameworks that guide practical action. In this article, such a framework for development ethics is presented, in an effort to link two traditions: those associated with economists Denis Goulet and Amartya Sen, and the present author's own conceptions regarding applied ethics, which are rooted in MacIntyre's concept of practice along with the discourse ethics originally proposed by Karl-Otto Apel and Jürgen Habermas. Within such a framework it becomes possible to emphasize the ethical element of human development work, the goal of the ethics of development.


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I defend three discourse ethical capabilities for human development: 1) Capability for selfunderstanding; 2) Capability to ground judgements in a dialogue with the affected; 3) Capability to carry out, with others, the justice projects agreed by common consent. Here I interpret them as capabilities for “reciprocal recognition.” I claim that the forms of selfrelation of the subject, defined by Axel Honneth, complement the capability for selfunderstanding. Honneth also offers an idea of justice that reviews the second mentioned capability. But I question the concept of “struggle” in Honneth from the perspective of the third capability, showing the advantages of co-responsibility. Then, I show that the three capabilities can be specified in indicators in each one of the spheres of the society where important ethical issues are confronted, and I give the example of what happens within the business sector. Finally, I defend a procedure to measure such indicators with concrete data. This procedure will allow us to evaluate the ethical level of a society evaluating the “ethical capabilities” of their citizens.