910 resultados para personal characteristics


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O objetivo do presente texto é apresentar os resultados de uma pesquisa que procurou discutir a formação dos professores de Matemática que trabalham com projetos e documentar a maneira da implementação dessa proposta na escola. Os dados são provenientes de entrevistas com dez professores de Matemática, os quais atuam no Ensino Fundamental ou Médio. Seus relatos possibilitam identificar três formas diferentes de trabalhos com projetos: i) individualmente e por iniciativa própria; ii) por sugestão da escola, de forma fragmentada; iii) coletivamente. Não há indícios de que a formação inicial desses professores os tenha influenciado a trabalhar com projetos. Esse preparo foi construído ao longo de suas carreiras, através da participação em cursos de formação continuada, da experiência com a prática e das interferências de suas características pessoais.


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Infestation by protozoa and/or helminths is considered to be extremely rare in infants. We therefore reviewed the records of all infants up to 12 mth of age attending the Paediatric Department from January 1973 to June 1977, in order to assess the frequency of stool examinations for parasites within this age group, the percentage of positive results in these examinations, and some personal characteristics which propitiated parasitic infestation. Some characteristics of the investigated infants were compared to those of a representative sample of the total number of infants attending during the same period. Stool examinations were realized in 11.8% of the 1,162 attending patients and of those, 15.3% were positive. The proportion of positive cases became 24.0% when the infants in whom there was a history of parasites being passed were included. Ascaris lumbricoides and Giardia lamblia were the parasites most frequently found, respectively in 42.8% and 37.1% of the positive cases. The only detected difference between the control group and the group of infants who had parasitologic examinations was the presence of diarrhea, significantly more frequent in the investigated group. The proportion of positive cases was significantly greater in girls, in infants older than 6 mth and when diarrhea was present for up to 15 days, than in boys, in infants up to 6 mth of age and in chronic diarrhea, respectively. Our results show that parasites were investigated in only a small percentage of infants under 1 yr of age, but that in this age group already, parasitic infestation does occur with a certain frequency. As investigated cases were selected, mainly due to the presence of diarrhea, the real prevalence of parasitism in infants under 1 yr of age was impossible to evaluate.


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Study design: descriptive, observational, cross-sectional. Purpose: Obesity is a complex, multifactorial disease, including genetic and endocrine factors, demographic, socioeconomic, and epidemiological changes. It affects children, adults, and elderly persons. Searching respective hereditary risk indicators is increasing, mainly by applying simple and low-cost methodology. We included thus dermatoglyphics. Objective: To investigated 30 Brazilian women dermatoglyphic profiles, 46.1 ± 07.87 years old, and body fat % equal or higher than 30%. Results: Arch predominance, low loop frequency, and high amount of IV-finger whorls were observed, as well as frequency of rare palmar pattern in 2-interdigital area. Conclusions: Data confirm the variability of dermatoglyphics frequency in different population groups, revealing that the findings meant obesity, regardless of women's different personal characteristics. Thus, additional evidences on constitutional component of obesity have been accumulated.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Introdução: A motivação tem sido cada vez mais objeto de estudo no campo da Linguística Aplicada e seu papel no processo de ensino e aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras tem adquirido significativa importância na literatura especializada. Dentre as diversas construções teóricas envolvendo interpretações do processo motivacional e as variáveis que nele atuam, pode-se apontar o Modelo Processual de Motivação de Dörnyei, que apresenta a sequência acional do aprendente e os diferentes aspectos motivacionais presentes em cada uma das fases por que passa: a pré-acional, a acional e a pós-acional. Objetivos: Identificar, com base no Modelo Processual de Motivação de Dörnyei, as influências motivacionais atuantes na fase acional do processo de aprendizagem dos sujeitos de pesquisa, verificar a natureza e as circunstâncias determinantes das flutuações observadas nos alunos e levantar quais estratégias motivacionais para manter ou recuperar o entusiasmo para permanecer no curso. Metodologia: Trata-se de uma pesquisa longitudinal predominantemente qualitativa, cujos dados foram coletados por meio de análise de uma narrativa, três questionários e uma entrevista de oito alunos do curso de Licenciatura em Língua Inglesa da Universidade Federal do Pará, de março de 2010 a junho de 2011. Resultados: Foram observados fatores motivadores e desmotivadores que influenciam o comportamento dos alunos durante a fase acional do processo de aprendizagem, bem como diferentes flutuações em sua resultante motivacional, de acordo com suas características pessoais e o conhecimento e adoção de estratégias de gerenciamento da motivação e automotivação. Conclusão: O Modelo de Motivação de Dörnyei (2011) provou ser bastante útil para amparar a análise dos dados colhidos nesta pesquisa. A motivação é vista como um fenômeno dinâmico, que pode oscilar positiva ou negativamente, dependendo das crenças e percepções de cada aluno e da capacidade de gerenciá-la. Essa característica dinâmica e variável com o tempo pode nortear os agentes da aprendizagem na escolha de estratégias que a fomentem e que impeçam a baixa da maré motivacional do aluno no desenrolar do processo da aprendizagem, levando-os a considerar as influências motivacionais variáveis não só em relação a cada aprendente, mas também em relação à fase do processo de aprendizagem em que cada indivíduo se encontra.


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O objetivo do processo de seleção de pessoal é identificar candidatos que melhor se enquadram no perfil de determinado cargo. A prática comum de classificar candidatos por características pessoais consideradas necessárias para um bom desempenho no cargo, usualmente valoriza causas internas, mais do que ambientais, como determinantes do comportamento. Este artigo discute alguns aspectos que dificultam a implementação de processos de seleção com base em uma abordagem behaviorista radical e critica o uso de testes e categorias no processo de seleção. Sugere uma definição mais clara e objetiva das habilidades e comportamentos relevantes para um cargo, assim como a identificação das condições necessárias para que tais habilidades/comportamentos ocorram. É sugerida a necessidade de um modelo behaviorista para o processo de seleção de pessoal. Tal modelo incluiria técnicas que possibilitam a observação direta do comportamento em situações análogas, análises funcionais e, possivelmente, o treinamento mínimo das habilidades requeridas antes que a seleção final ocorra.


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The content of this article addresses two complex issues that concern contemporary society: Science of Human Functioning and Environmental Sustainability. On the one hand, the Science of Human Functioning, meeting the principles of the International Classification of Functioning (ICF) and Universal Design, aim the development of accessible projects, products and environments, used by everyone, at the greatest extent possible, free from adaptation or plans to remove architectural barriers. The Universal Design is a process for creating products that are accessible to everyone, regardless their personal characteristics, age, skills and needs. On the other hand, Environmental Sustainability, with principles already imbricated in the Science of Human Functioning, traverses towards the acquisition of realistic measures for the segments of human activities. Based on the emphasis of the sustainable development, it aims to meet current needs not compromising the possibility of future generations to meet their own needs. Thus, it seeks the balance in coexistence between men and the environment by taking care of environmental, social and economic aspects and seeking for alternatives to support life on Earth with no harm to the quality of the planet in the future. It is argued that the combination of the issues contains relevant potential for interdisciplinary action, bringing together professionals from several fields of knowledge that, by socializing their experiences aiming at improving the human functioning and quality of life of people and environment, will be able to innovate and reinvent the knowledge for benefiting welfare, thus contributing effectively to society.


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Background: Burnout syndrome can be defined as long-term work stress resulting from the interaction between constant emotional pressure associated with intense interpersonal involvement for long periods of time and personal characteristics. We investigated the prevalence/propensity of Burnout syndrome in clinical nurses, and the factors related to Burnout syndrome-associated such as socio-demographic characteristics, work load, social and family life, leisure activities, extra work activities, physical activities, and work-related health problems. Method: We conducted a cross-sectional, quantitative, prospective epidemiological study with 188 surgical clinic nurses. We used the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), which is a socio-demographic questionnaire and the most widely used instrument to assess Burnout syndrome (three basic dimensions: emotional exhaustion, despersonalization and professional underachievement). The socio-demographic profile questionnaire wascomposed of questions regarding identification, training, time at work, work characteristics and personal circumstances. Results: The prevalence of Burnout syndrome was higher (10.1%) and 55, 4% of subjects had a propensity to develop this syndrome. The analysis of the socio-demographic profile of the nurse sample studied showed that most nurses were childless married women, over 35 years of age, working the day shift for 36 hours weekly on average, with 2-6 years of post-graduation experience, and without extra employments. Factors such as marital status, work load, emotion and work related stress aggravated the onset of the syndrome. Conclusion: The prevalence and propensity of Burnout syndrome were high. Some factors identified can be useful for the adoption of preventive actions in order to decrease the prevalence of the clinical nurses Burnout syndrome.


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Obesity is characterized by an excess of fat on the body and can results several problems on the individual health. As an epidemic of modern times, the prevalence started to increase at an accelerated rate from the 90's in worldwide. Data on the epidemic in Brazil and medium-sized cities are scarce, and the monitoring of obesity is essential for development public policy. So, the objective was to analyze the individual factors associated with obesity such as age, gender, education, marital status, economic class and level of physical activity and make a monitoring of obesity in adults in the city of Rio Claro - SP. To do this, the survey was conducted longitudinally, consists of two times at an interval of seven years. At first (2008) were interviewed 1588 adults in the city of Rio Claro distributed throughout the city. At the second phase (2014/2015) was conducted a new interview with the same subject in 1588. In 2008, personal information collected and applied some questionnaires with the physical activity level, food intake and quality of life. To assess obesity in adults was calculated the body mass index (BMI) proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO) from the high reported weight and height. For older people it used a specific BMI. The prevalence was used percentages and their respective confidence intervals of 95%. For the incidence, was calculated by the formula of cumulative incidence, both stratified by personal characteristics (gender, economic class, education, marital status and age). Thus it was observed that there was an increase in the prevalence of obesity in 2008 (19.0%), increasing to 26.7% in 2015. The cumulative incidence was 14.4% in the range of 7 years. As for the groups, we observed a significant difference between economic class and obesity being less prevalent among people of class D / E. Regarding marital status, it was observed that married / cohabiting have a higher prevalence. Therefore, we can conclude...


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O presente estudo visa demonstrar a utilização do diário de campo em pesquisas realizadas em contexto natural sob a perspectiva do modelo bioecológico de Bronfenbrenner. Para efeito de ilustração, são apresentados dados que fizeram parte da pesquisa de mestrado da primeira autora sobre as percepções de uma família com uma criança com deficiência intelectual no contexto ribeirinho amazônico. Após a coleta das informações, os dados foram organizados com base nos conceitos propostos por Bronfenbrenner. O diário de campo permitiu o aprofundamento das análises em que foram contemplados tanto os aspectos contextuais (cultura ribeirinha amazônica), como os pessoais (características biossociopsicológicas da criança/pais) e os processuais (relações, papéis familiares e atividades compartilhadas). Os dados são discutidos considerando a contribuição do diário de campo nas pesquisas que investigam famílias em seu contexto.


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„Abstract“ Pantring, Heinz Schulische Umwelterziehung und Umweltbewußtsein. Eine empirische Untersuchung zur Umwelterziehung und zum Umweltbewußtsein an Wiesbadener Schulen. Das Ziel der als Fallstudie konzipierten Untersuchung bestand darin, die Wirksamkeit schulischer Umwelterziehung nicht nur auf der Wissens- und Einstellungsdimension des Umweltbewußtseins, sondern vor allen Dingen auf die Dimension des Umwelthandelns im Sinne von „ökologischem Tun“ in Abhängigkeit von manifesten Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen wie Alter, Geschlecht und Dauer des Schulbesuchs zu überprüfen. Diese Überprüfung geschah durch das Angebot an alle Schüler und Lehrer, sich an einer konkreten Umweltaktion - Anlage eines Feuchtbiotops - zu beteiligen. An den Fragebogenerhebungen waren 1821 Schüler der 4., 8. und 12. Klassen aus 19 Wiesbadener Grund- und weiterführenden Schulen beteiligt. Parallel wurden bei den 550 Lehrerinnen und Lehrern, die an den entsprechenden Schulen unterrichteten, unter anderem Ausmaß und Qualität schulischer Umwelterziehung und umweltbezogener Fortbildung sowie Aspekte der Ökologisierung von Schule und Ansichten zum Umweltunterricht erfaßt. Wesentliche Ergebnisse waren: 1) Die zur Zeit praktizierte umweltorientierte Lehrerfortbildung erreicht nur einen geschlossenen Teilnehmerkreis. 2) Eine qualitative Verbesserung des Umweltunterrichtes ist eher auf Privatinitiative, als auf ein umfassendes institutionalisiertes umweltbezogenes Fortbildungsange-bot zurückzuführen. 3) Grundschüler zeigen ein ausgeprägteres Umweltbewußtsein als Schüler weiterführender Schulen. 4) Ein Großteil der in den Grundschulen durch eine intensive Schüler - Lehrer - Interaktion erreichte Motivation für Umweltprobleme und Umweltthemen geht beim Übergang von den Grundschulen zu den weiterführenden Schulen - insbesondere Gymnasien - verloren. Im Alter von 13 - 16 Jahren fallen die Schüler in ein „Motivationsloch“ für Umwelt-erziehung. 5) Schüler zeigen eine deutliche Diskrepanz zwischen verbalem umweltorientierten Engagement und dem faktisch praktizierten „Ökologischen Tun“. 6) Es gibt keinen signifikanten Zusammenhang zwischen der umweltbezogenen Handlungsbereitschaft von Schülern und der Qualität des Umweltunterrichtes. 7) Das bei Schülern allgemein entwickelte Umweltbewußtsein hängt eher mit ihrer Sozialisation in einer umweltbewußteren Zeit als mit den unmittelbaren Anstrengungen der Schule zusammen.


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The noticeable differences in the theoretical and operative definitions of envy across studies and approaches have produced a fragmentary representation and understanding of the envious emotion. The present dissertation aimed to clarify the inherent nature of the construct of envy through the integration of findings from three independent studies. We focused on malicious envy, and investigated it from both a dispositional and an episodic perspective. Studies 1 and 2 investigated the dimensionality of envy as a stable individual characteristic and an episodic emotional state, respectively. In order to elicit episodic envy, a scenario-based experiment was conducted. Results indicated that, in both its dispositional and episodic facets, envy is a bidimensional construct composed by an inner-directed dimension of inferiority and helplessness, and an outer-directed dimension of feelings of anger and ill will. Moreover, findings from Study 1 allowed to establish boundaries between envy and competing constructs that have often been included in conceptualizations of envy. The psychometrically validated definition of envy provided by Studies 1 and 2 represents a valuable contribution to empirical research. Implications for envy research concern the promotion of a shared operationalization of envy in future studies, which will arguably facilitate the comparison of findings between studies and between approaches. Study 3 examined the mechanisms through which dispositional envy affects individuals’ social adjustment and psychological wellbeing. Findings revealed that the detrimental effects of envy on perceived social support and subjective well-being are mostly mediated by other personal characteristics, such as neuroticism and self-esteem. By reducing global self-esteem, the envious disposition may damage supportive social networks via antisocial direct and indirect behaviors that may arise from envy and that are likely to drive others away. On the other hand, by damaging both emotional stability and self-worth, dispositional envy leads to reduced subjective well-being. Implications for clinical practice are discussed.


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To document the rate of self-reported compliance and glaucoma-related knowledge in Swiss patients and to identify risk factors for their poor compliance. This was an observational study, including a total of 200 consecutive patients already under glaucoma medication in two Swiss tertiary glaucoma clinics (Geneva and Bern). Personal characteristics, presence of systemic disease, compliance with glaucoma medication, attitude to the ophthalmologist, and glaucoma-related attitudes were ascertained by means of a predetermined questionnaire with 40 questions. Patients were subsequently assessed for the ability to correctly instil placebo eye drops. Non-compliance with glaucoma medication was defined as omitting more than two doses a week as reported by the patient. Logistic regression was used to evaluate how patient characteristics and knowledge about the disease were related to compliance. Overall, 81% (n = 162) of patients reported to be compliant. Forgetfulness was the most frequently cited reason for non-compliance with dosing regimen (63%). Although 90.5% (n = 181) of patients believed glaucoma medication to be efficient, only 28% (n = 56) could correctly define glaucoma. Factors positively associated with compliance were 'knowledge of glaucoma' [adjusted odds ratio (OR) 4.77 (95% CI 1.36-16.70)] and 'getting help for administration of drops' [OR 2.95 (1.25-6.94)]. These findings indicate that despite the comparatively high compliance rate among glaucoma patients, knowledge of glaucoma remains poor in long-term glaucoma sufferers. Improving knowledge about the disease is important since it is positively associated with compliance in our study.