956 resultados para periglacial slope deposits, anthropogenic over impression, dry maar, Eifel


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The Snake Pit hydrothermal field is located on the top of a neovolcanic rise on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at sea depths between 3460 and 3510 m. It was surveyed during several oceanological expeditions including DSDP Legs. Additional scientific materials were obtained in 2002 and 2003 during expedition onboard R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh with two Mir deep-sea manned submersibles. Three eastern hydrothermal mounds (Moose, Beehive, and Fir Tree) are located on the upper part of the eastern slope of the rise over a common fractured pedestal composed of fragments of massive sulfides. The western group of hydrothermal deposits is encountered on the western slope of the axial graben. Within this mature hydrothermal field, which was formed over the past 4000 years, we studied morphology of the hydrothermal mounds, chemistry and mineralogy of hydrothermal deposits, chemistry of sulfide minerals, and isotope composition of sulfur in them.


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Dora Maar is primarily viewed as Pablo Picasso’s mistress and muse in art historical scholarship, and scholars frequently analyze her work in terms of its evolution as a consequence of her relationship with Pablo Picasso, therefore asserting the power Picasso had over Maar. Through comparative analysis and socio-historical investigation, I assert that Maar’s strong personality, political awareness, and artistic vision profoundly influenced Picasso during the Spanish Civil War and World War II.


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The influence of metal loading and support surface functional groups (SFG) on methane dry reforming (MDR) over Ni catalysts supported on pine-sawdust derived activated carbon were studied. Using pine sawdust as the catalyst support precursor, the smallest variety and lowest concentration of SFG led to best Ni dispersion and highest catalytic activity, which increased with Ni loading up to 3 Ni atoms nm-2. At higher Ni loading, the formation of large metal aggregates was observed, consistent with a lower "apparen" surface area and a decrease in catalytic activity. The H2/CO ratio rose with increasing reaction temperature, indicating that increasingly important side reactions were taking place in addition to MDR.


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Results of measurements of Cs-137 and Co-60 concentrations in bottom sediments of the Northwestern Black Sea indicate inhomogenity of their distribution both over the studied area and along sediment cores. Intermittency of sediment layers with different concentration of radionuclides in the cores reflects active horizontal movements and redistribution of sediments on the shelf and continental slope. As a result sediment layers dated by the Chernobyl mark as seven years old were found in the 5-7 cm depth layer. Maximum Cs-137 concentration in the surface sedimentary layer on the shelf was 42 mBq/g. Maximum Co-60 concentration of 1320 mBq/g was measured due to a hot particle. No correlation was found between Cs-137 and the Co-60 contents.


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The German-Russian project CARBOPERM - Carbon in Permafrost, origin, quality, quantity, and degradation and microbial turnover - is devoted to studying soil organic matter history, degradation and turnover in coastal lowlands of Northern Siberia. The multidisciplinary project combines research from various German and Russian institutions and runs from 2013 to 2016. The project aims assessing the recent and the ancient trace gas budget over tundra soils in northern Siberia. Studied field sites are placed in the permafrost of the Lena Delta and on Bol'shoy Lyakhovsky, the southernmost island of the New Siberian Archipelago in the eastern Laptev Sea. Field campaigns to Bol'shoy Lyakhovsky in 2014 (chapter 2) were motivated by research on palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimate reconstruction, sediment dating, near surface geophysics and microbiological research. In particular the field campaigns focussed on: - coring Quaternary strata with a ages back to ~200.000 years ago as found along the southern coast; they allow tracing microbial communities and organic tracers (i.e. lipids and biomarkers, sedimentary DNA) in the deposits across two climatic cycles (chapter 3), - instrumenting a borehole with a thermistor chain for measuring permafrost temperatures (chapter 3), - sampling Quaternary strata for dating permafrost formation periods based on the optical stimulated luminescence (OSL) technique (chapter 4), - sampling soil and geologic formations for carbon content in order to highlight potential release of CO2 and methane based on incubation experiments (chapter 5), - profiling near surface permafrost using ground-penetrating radar and geoelectrics for defining the spatial depositional context, where the cores are located (chapters 6 + 7).


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Non-glaciated Arctic lowlands in north-east Siberia were subjected to extensive landscape and environmental changes during the Late Quaternary. Coastal cliffs along the Arctic shelf seas expose terrestrial archives containing numerous palaeoenvironmental indicators (e.g., pollen, plant macro-fossils and mammal fossils) preserved in the permafrost. The presented sedimentological (grain size, magnetic susceptibility and biogeochemical parameters), cryolithological, geochronological (radiocarbon, accelerator mass spectrometry and infrared-stimulated luminescence), heavy mineral and palaeoecological records from Cape Mamontov Klyk record the environmental dynamics of an Arctic shelf lowland east of the Taymyr Peninsula, and thus, near the eastern edge of the Eurasian ice sheet, over the last 60 Ky. This region is also considered to be the westernmost part of Beringia, the non-glaciated landmass that lay between the Eurasian and the Laurentian ice caps during the Late Pleistocene. Several units and subunits of sand deposits, peat-sand alternations, ice-rich palaeocryosol sequences (Ice Complex) and peaty fillings of thermokarst depressions and valleys were presented. The recorded proxy data sets reflect cold stadial climate conditions between 60 and 50 Kya, moderate inderstadial conditions between 50 and 25 Kya and cold stadial conditions from 25 to 15 Kya. The Late Pleistocene to Holocene transition, including the Allerød warm period, the early to middle Holocene thermal optimum and the late Holocene cooling, are also recorded. Three phases of landscape dynamic (fluvial/alluvial, irregular slope run-off and thermokarst) were presented in a schematic model, and were subsequently correlated with the supraregional environmental history between the Early Weichselian and the Holocene.