959 resultados para performing arts training


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The Belfast Soundwalks project, led by Professor Pedro Rebelo and co-ordinated by Dr Sarah Bass (Sonic Arts Research Centre) in collaboration with Belfast City Council (BCC), aims to use sonic art to engage the public through the development of a locative mobile phone app. Targeting both tourists and citizens of the city, this project aims to sonically enhance the experience of a number of areas of the city, including destinations that may not traditionally be accessed as attractions by visitors and/or disregarded or undervalued by local residents. The project will bring together a number of sonic artists/composers who will create approximately ten soundwalks around the city, while liaising with BCC to distribute the resulting app to the public in line with their tourism and cultural strategy. The project is centred on the development of smart phone apps which provide unique listening experiences associated with key places in the city. The user’s location in the city is tracked through GPS which triggers sound materials ranging from speech to environmental sound and abstract imagined sound worlds. Additionally, local community groups will be consulted in order to evaluate and reflect upon the effectiveness of the soundwalks.

The project builds on the success of the Literary Belfast app and aims to further strengthen links between Queen’s University Belfast and Belfast City Council through facilitating the dissemination of an art form not widely experienced by the general public. Through the newly created Institute for Collaborative Research in the Humanities, directed by Professor John Thompson we are articulating this project with Queen’s consortium partners, Newcastle University and Durham University.

“The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) funds world-class, independent researchers in a wide range of subjects: ancient history, modern dance, archaeology, digital content, philosophy, English literature, design, the creative and performing arts, and much more. This financial year the AHRC will spend approximately £98m to fund research and postgraduate training in collaboration with a number of partners. The quality and range of research supported by this investment of public funds not only provides social and cultural benefits but also contributes to the economic success of the UK. For further information on the AHRC, please go to: www.ahrc.ac.uk”.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Artística, na especialização de Teatro na Educação


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L’objectif de cette thèse était d’évaluer Espace de Transition (ET), un programme novateur d’intervention par les arts de la scène visant à favoriser la réadaptation psychosociale d’adolescents et de jeunes adultes présentant des troubles mentaux stabilisés et à diminuer la stigmatisation des individus aux prises avec des problèmes de santé mentale. Ce programme a été conçu par une équipe de cliniciens du département de psychiatrie du Centre hospitalier universitaire Ste-Justine, en collaboration avec des artistes professionnels, et est livré depuis le printemps 2009. L’évaluation du programme ET a été conduite de manière indépendante, selon des approches collaborative et naturaliste et en usant de méthodes mixtes. Les données de recherche ont été recueillies avant pendant et après le programme auprès de l’ensemble des participants à deux sessions distinctes (N = 24), de même qu’auprès des deux artistes instructeurs, de la psychoéducatrice responsable du soutien clinique, ainsi que des psychiatres et autres intervenants ayant référé des participants (N=11). Des entrevues semi-structurées individuelles et de groupe, des observations directes et des questionnaires ont servi à recueillir les données nécessaires à l’évaluation. Des analyses quantitatives de variance, ainsi que des analyses qualitatives thématiques ont été réalisées et leurs résultats ont été interprétés de manière intégrée. Le premier chapitre empirique de la thèse relate l’évaluation de la mise en œuvre du programme ET. Cette étude a permis de constater que le programme avait rejoint des participants correspondant de près à la population visée et que ceux-ci présentaient globalement des niveaux élevés d’assiduité, d’engagement et d’appréciation du programme. L’évaluation de la mise en œuvre a en outre permis de conclure que la plupart des composantes du programme identifiées a priori comme ses paramètres essentiels ont été livrées tel que prévu par les concepteurs et que la plupart d’entre elles ont été largement appréciées et jugées pertinentes par les participants et les autres répondants consultés. Le second chapitre empirique consiste en un article portant sur l’évaluation des effets du programme ET relativement à l’atteinte de trois de ses objectifs intermédiaires, soient l’amélioration 1) du fonctionnement global, 2) du confort relationnel et des compétences sociales, ainsi que 3) de la perception de soi des participants présentant des troubles mentaux. Les résultats de cette étude ont révélé des changements significatifs et positifs dans le fonctionnement global des participants suite au programme, tel qu’évalué par les cliniciens référents et partiellement corroboré par les participants eux-mêmes. Des améliorations en ce qui concerne le confort relationnel, les compétences sociales et la perception de soi ont également été objectivées chez une proportion substantielle de participants, bien que celles-ci ne se soient pas traduites en des différences significatives décelées par les analyses quantitatives de groupe. Le troisième et dernier chapitre empirique de la thèse relate une étude exploratoire des mécanismes sous-tendant les effets du programme ET ayant conduit à l’élaboration inductive d’une théorie d’action de ce programme. Cette investigation qualitative a révélé quatre catégories de mécanismes, soient des processus de 1) gain d’expérience et de gratification sociales, 2) de désensibilisation par exposition graduelle, 3) de succès et de valorisation, et 4) de normalisation. Cette étude a également permis de suggérer les caractéristiques et composantes du programme qui favorisent la mise en place ou l’impact de ces mécanismes, tels l’environnement et l’animation non cliniques du programme, la composition hétérogène des groupes de participants, le recours aux arts de la scène, ainsi que la poursuite d’une réalisation collective et son partage avec un public extérieur au programme. Globalement, les études présentées dans la thèse appuient la pertinence et le caractère prometteur du programme ET, tout en suggérant des pistes d’amélioration potentielle pour ses versions ultérieures. Par extension, la thèse soutient l’efficacité potentielle d’interventions réadaptatives mettant en œuvre des composantes apparentées à celles du programme ET pour soutenir le rétablissement des jeunes aux prises avec des troubles mentaux.


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Es una plataforma de doble lado que tiene como objetivo fundamental acercar a los buscadores de talento de una forma eficaz y precisa a los actores. Esta propuesta empresarial quiere mejorar las condiciones laborales de estos últimos mediante la tecnología disponible y un know know digital. Así mismo, generar el primer banco consolidado de talentos del país y contribuir a la solidificación de un segmento cultural.


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The article reports on research into what may have influenced trainees on four post-graduate teacher training courses in England to become specialist drama teachers rather than pursue careers in the world of professional entertainment. It goes on to explore how the trainees regarded an understanding of performance, and an ability to both use and demonstrate performance techniques, as integral to their professional role. The subsequent discussion examines how a drama teacher’s professional identity may be seen as being made up of the three inter-connected elements, self, role and character. While all teaching may be regarded as a performing art, this paper suggests that, for the drama specialist, an understanding of what constitutes ‘performance’ has a particular importance. A conclusion drawn from the research is that recognising the place of performance in their practice may result in experienced teachers of drama regarding themselves as artists whose art is teaching drama.


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Cause related marketing is a new way for for-profit organizations to increase their sales while appearing to enhance their focus on social responsibility. The key for private-sector organizations is to build partnerships with a worthy, notable cause and for them to promote that cause in a carefully structured commercial venture designed to enhance both organizations' financial viability. Over the last 2 decades the focus has shifted from the worthy cause of the arts, to issues of health and social need. The answer proposed in this paper is to broaden the definition of worthy cause to include needy non-profit arts and thus, return cause related marketing to its roots. This paper identifies the direction of rapid change in attitudes to arts marketing in just over 2 decades and indicates the possibilities of participating in cause related marketing activities as a result of this change.


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The research design for this paper is based on the critical need for greater emphasis by Australian arts organizations on relationship marketing as a means of achieving sustainability. Recent injections of government funds into the performing arts in Australia, to meet a "crisis" in financial viability and audience development, highlighted the dependence of arts organizations on government funds in building audiences. A hypothesis was developed through an analysis of the literature on relationship marketing, cultural economics and value measurement, and an analysis of the long-term outcomes of government strategies for the funding of arts marketing. The hypothesis is that while social intervention is acceptable (even desirable and necessary), and achieves the social goals of governments, market intervention reduces the benefits of relationship-building and the exchange of values between arts organizations and their audiences.

Analysis of government documents and primary research in audience development proved the hypothesis. Empirical research resulted in the development of a theory and model that describe the limits of market intervention and in the development of a definition of values in the continuum of government activity from social to market intervention. The model could be useful for governments in developing arts policy with regard to audiencebuilding. It could also be useful in demonstrating to arts managers that sustainability results not from government funding but rather from relationship-marketing strategies.


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The author investigates social change in Vietnam in the late 1980s-2000s, a transition from a subsidized economy to a market-oriented economy. The author discusses the influences of socioeconomic changes on the operation of the performing arts sector through analyzing changes in cultural policies, opportunities, and challenges confronted by performing arts organizations. The new cultural policy allows arts organizations, arts managers, and artists more opportunities to develop a greater degree of autonomy and more freedom in performing, programming and other artistic activities. The author believes that open policies will motivate Vietnam to develop its own national identity and to participate in cultural exchange with other parts of the world. However, under the impact of global culture, global economics, cuts in state funding, and rapid technological development, the performing arts sector has faced challenges in terms of financial viability, audience development, and balance between commercialization and artistic creativity. The author suggests that privatization should be implemented depending on the art form. Consideration should be given by the Vietnamese government to implementing appropriate funding policies and schemes, as state funding still forms a significant part of public companies' incomes.


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Public support for both Indigenous filmmaking and the live performing arts has a number of common features: at a national level the present schemes were introduced in the early 1990s, and both sets of schemes aim to improve the capacity of Indigenous practitioners to tell their stories to national and international audiences. Yet, in the late 2000s, Screen Australia’s support for filmmaking has contributed to well-known successes, whereas Australia Council support for performing arts has been withdrawn from two of the three state-based Indigenous companies. This article reviews the capacity-building strategies offered by the funding agencies to Indigenous filmmaking and performing arts. While the film policies appear to have been more successful than those in the performing arts, both sectors continue to experience obstacles to capacity-building for Indigenous practitioners and organisations.


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There is an emerging dissatisfaction with the current evaluative regimes for the quality and effectiveness of funded arts organizations. Far too much evaluation rests on audience satisfaction surveys and quantitative measures of audience attendance numbers, production numbers and revenue sources. The intrinsic benefits of the arts to audiences and to society are recognized to be of major importance, but the means to measure these in an acceptable and on-going manner has not been found. This article changes that. It shows, through almost three years of data collection on arts audiences, that a newly developed and tested Arts Audience Experience Index can be used and embedded by companies and government funding agencies to measure the audience experience of quality, alongside other acquittal tools.


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This paper provides an overview of entrepreneurial activities in three non-profit performing arts organisations in Australia and lists implications for Vietnam. The relationship between limited funding, pressure to attract audiences and the need to act entrepreneurially to diversify funding sources characterises both countries. Case studies from Australia were used to analyse how leaders in arts organisations balance the interests of the various funding sources and market opportunities to service their revenue requirements. Our research strengthens the need to study how Vietnamese artists face challenges of financial viability, audience development, and balance between commercialization and artistic creativity. We conclude that entrepreneurship is seen as an important concept for understanding the development of arts organisations in Australia and Vietnam.


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Theatre-based research methods have been employed in a variety of ways to transcend more traditional research methods, and bring research findings to a broader and relevant audience. Performing research to an 'expert' audience is transformative in nature. The audience share a collective understanding of the material presented, where their understandings can be challenged or confirmed. The ethical responsibilities of the theatre-based researcher are therefore paramount in presenting the research in a manner that respects the research participants, and allows the audience to make informed judgements.This paper outlines my experience in devising and performing 'The First Time' - a performance about twelve beginning teachers' firsts. The performance was constructed from their interview data and performed by teachers - most of who are drama teachers – in order to sensitively represent the real stories of the research participants. The research was framed within a practice theory approach (Schatzki 2001) with a focus on the transformation of practices situated within a particular time and place. The method of performing the research to an 'expert' audience of performing arts practitioners, teachers, and teacher educators created an opportunity for both the transformation of teaching practice and the transformation of theatre.The research findings focus on the importance of creativity and flexibility in an approach to both research and teaching. The outcomes of my research have implications for theatre-based researchers, as well as teacher educators, in-service teachers, and beginning teachers. All these practitioners are continually negotiating the waters of their ever-changing professions.


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Arts impact evaluation is the subject of widespread criticism, ranging from a detailed critique of methodology to a wholesale rejection of the very purpose of the endeavour. In particular, it is often identified that audience evaluations are almost always positive. Yet whatever the critique, arts impact evaluation is becoming more and not less prevalent as a condition of public and philanthropic funding. This article explores both the methodologicaland conceptual problems that contribute to the perceived positive characterof social impact research, in two parts: (1) an investigation of the critical literature on audience evaluation, particularly in relation to the argument that evaluation is inevitably positive and as such leads to a confusion between the goals of evaluation and arts advocacy; (2) a reflection on our practices as audience researchers in the performing arts and the practical factors that contribute to the dominance of the positive in audience evaluation.


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Although research in the field of performing arts has substantially advanced over the last century, the actor, in general, still needs a repertoire of specific references to guide or support his practice. But how the actor must work the material foundation of his art that is his own body? Starting from a prerogative of a idiosyncrasy that is part of theater, this study intend, from the description and reflection about one physical experience with the Tai Chi, to weave relations between this experience and the possible developments of acting preparation. This research is also aimed to highlight the elements of connection between the principles that rules Tai Chi and the body without organs, idealized by Artaud, with the perspective of pointing possible contributions for actors work. The work presented here refers to a qualitative study that considers the body experience in practice of Tai Chi as a reference to dialogue and reflect about the acting preparation. The process of acting preparation presupposes a constant redoing of the body by certain practices. My experience with Tai Chi within this research allowed me verify that the work from established body techniques could be a way of technical preparation for the actor. As the body conscience expands, Tai Chi promotes a greater freedom of creation and expression, giving the actor the possibility of experience the body without organs, the artistic equivalent of the daily body, present, conscious, the organic foundation of emotions, in wich it is possible the materiality of ideas