522 resultados para perceptive judgement
Résumé Le concept de clairvoyance normative (Py & Somat, 1991), qui a vu le jour dans la continuité des études sur la norme d'internalité (Beauvois, 1984), traduit la connaissance du caractère normatif ou contre-normatif d'un type de comportements ou d'un type de jugements. Un certain nombre de recherches semble alors attester que la clairvoyance normative participe à l'obtention d'une évaluation positive. Toutefois, ces différentes recherches font toutes fi de l'idée qu'il existerait deux dimensions de la valeur sociale : l'utilité sociale et la désirabilité sociale. La prise en compte de ces deux dimensions, surtout si l'on admet que les normes sociales ne renvoient pas toutes à la même dimension (Beauvois, 1995 ; Dubois & Beauvois, 2005 ; Dubois, 2005), vient alors quelque peu compliquer le modèle liant clairvoyance normative et évaluation positive car elle suggère que la clairvoyance de certaines normes aidera avant tout à être bien évalué sur le plan de l'utilité sociale alors que la clairvoyance d'autres normes participera davantage à être évalué favorablement sur le plan de la désirabilité sociale. Ces réflexions ont été à la base de ce travail de thèse et ont conduit à la réalisation de notre première étude. Les quelques résultats inattendus que nous avons obtenus nous ont cependant incité par la suite à reconsidérer la pertinence de rattacher la notion de clairvoyance à certains types de contenu (internalité, autosuffisance, etc.), ce qui nous a amené à la proposition de deux nouvelles notions : la clairvoyance de l'utilité sociale et la clairvoyance de la désirabilité sociale. C'est dans l'optique de valider cette proposition que deux nouvelles études ont alors été réalisées. Si celles-ci appuient dans leur ensemble l'idée que les clairvoyances de l'utilité et de la désirabilité sociales seraient des indicateurs plus performants d'une évaluation sociale positive que ne le seraient les clairvoyances des normes sociales de jugement, elles n'ont néanmoins pas manqué de soulever de nouvelles questions. Cela nous a ainsi mené, dans un troisième temps, à nous interroger sur ce qui détermine la valeur en jeu dans une situation d'évaluation. Nos trois dernières études ont été construites dans ce dessein et ont participé, en conclusion de ce travail, à étayer l'idée que la clairvoyance de la valeur sociale des jugements ne permettrait l'obtention d'une évaluation positive que si celle-ci va de pair avec une certaine clairvoyance de la valeur sociale des éléments constitutifs de la situation d'interaction. Abstract The concept of normative clearsightedness (Py & Somat, 1991), born in continuity with studies on the norm of internality (Beauvois, 1984), reflects the knowledge of the normative or counter-normative nature of a type of behaviour or a type of judgement. Several researches appear to show that normative clearsightedness helps to obtain a positive evaluation. However, none of these researches takes into account the idea that there might be two dimensions of social value: social utility and social desirability. Considering those two dimensions, especially if we accept that not all social norms refer to the same dimension (Beauvois, 1995; Dubois & Beauvois, 2005; Dubois, 2005), somehow complicates the model linking normative clearsightedness with a positive evaluation. It suggests indeed that while clearsightedness of some norms will help first of all to get a good evaluation on the dimension of social utility, clearsightedness of other norms will help above all to get a good evaluation on the dimension of social desirability. These considerations were the foundation of this work and led to our first study. However, we reached some unexpected results that prompted us thereafter to reconsider the pertinence to attach the notion of clearsightedness to particular types of content (internality, self-sufficiency, etc.), which led us to propose two new notions: clearsightedness of social utility and clearsightedness of social desirability. Two new studies were thus executed to challenge this proposal. While these researches support as a whole that clearsightedness of social utility and social desirability are better indicators of positive evaluation than clearsightedness of social norms of judgement, they also raised new questions, which led us, in a third time, to wonder about what will determine the dominating social value in an evaluative situation. Our last three studies were designed to this purpose and helped to support the idea, in conclusion of this work, that the clearsightedness of the social value of judgements would bring a positive evaluation only if this clearsightedness is combined with a kind of clearsightedness of the social value of elements constituting the interaction's situation.
Background: The COSMIN checklist is a tool for evaluating the methodological quality of studies on measurement properties of health-related patient-reported outcomes. The aim of this study is to determine the inter-rater agreement and reliability of each item score of the COSMIN checklist (n = 114). Methods: 75 articles evaluating measurement properties were randomly selected from the bibliographic database compiled by the Patient-Reported Outcome Measurement Group, Oxford, UK. Raters were asked to assess the methodological quality of three articles, using the COSMIN checklist. In a one-way design, percentage agreement and intraclass kappa coefficients or quadratic-weighted kappa coefficients were calculated for each item. Results: 88 raters participated. Of the 75 selected articles, 26 articles were rated by four to six participants, and 49 by two or three participants. Overall, percentage agreement was appropriate (68% was above 80% agreement), and the kappa coefficients for the COSMIN items were low (61% was below 0.40, 6% was above 0.75). Reasons for low inter-rater agreement were need for subjective judgement, and accustom to different standards, terminology and definitions.Conclusions: Results indicated that raters often choose the same response option, but that it is difficult on item level to distinguish between articles. When using the COSMIN checklist in a systematic review, we recommend getting some training and experience, completing it by two independent raters, and reaching consensus on one final rating. Instructions for using the checklist are improved.
Depuis les années 1980, en France, les périphéries urbaines sont très fortement investies par les écrivains. Pauvreté architecturale, prolifération d'espaces mono-fonctionnels, déréliction sociale, les maux y sont de divers ordres. En bref, c'est là que la ville serait moins ville que la ville : la périphérie souffrirait d'un déficit d'urbanité. Par ailleurs, tout ce qui relève de l'urbain mérite, aujourd'hui, comme une prise en charge paysagère, ce dont témoigne, entre autres, le fait que les métiers du paysage sont souvent associés aux entreprises de requalification de ces espaces.¦Le corpus étudié dans ce travail est littéraire : il compte huit textes, parus entre 1990 et 2007. Premièrement, ces textes appartiennent au paradigme de l'ordinaire, ou du quotidien. Deuxièmement, ils sont écrits du point de vue du centre. Troisièmement, ils relèvent d'une expérience de déplacement, ou d'un projet viatique : il en résulte que les espaces y sont tout à la fois pratiqués, perçus et représentés.¦À partir d'un modèle du paysage qui l'entend comme une réalité multipolaire, les huit textes sont interrogés par le croisement de l'analyse littéraire avec d'autres savoirs (géographie, phénoménologie, histoire culturelle, sociologie). Il s'agit d'abord de construire, avec les écrivains, différents types d'espaces géographiques : des espaces urbains centraux, des espaces suburbains et des espaces périurbains. Ensuite, il faut appréhender le paysage dans sa complexité polysensorielle, sa dimension identificatoire, comme à travers son appréciation explicite par les «voyageurs». Il s'agit, encore, d'éprouver les tensions esthétiques, voire ironiques, du « paysage urbain ». Et, finalement, de prendre en considération les hommes, c'est-à-dire le rapport à l'autre qui est institué par chacun des auteurs.¦La thèse défendue est que les écrivains sont bel et bien les agents d'une requalification symbolique de l'urbain contemporain. D'une part, ils requalifient l'urbain dans la mesure où ils le donnent à connaître; où ils rendent habitable ce qui semble inhabitable; où ils mobilisent des schèmes esthétiques - la fenêtre perceptive, le mélange, la flânerie - qui permettent d'informer les espaces visités. D'autre part, en s'appropriant symboliquement les périphéries urbaines, il apparaît que les écrivains les réintègrent, plus ou moins, dans la cité. Cela signifie également qu'ils y redistribuent le pouvoir, ou la parole, manifestant ainsi la dimension proprement politique du paysage.
Having lived through a bloody civil war in the 1930s followed by four decades of General Franco’s dictatorship, the Spanish state carried out a transition to a democratic system at the end of the 1970s. The 1978 Constitution was the legal outcome of this transition process. Among other things, it established a territorial model – the so-called “Estado de las Autonomías” (State of Autonomous Communities) – which was designed to satisfy the historical demands for recognition and self-government of, above all, the citizens and institutions of Catalonia and the Basque Country .In recent years support for independence has increased in Catalonia. Different indicators show that pro-independence demands are endorsed by a majority of its citizens, as well as by most of the political parties and organizations that represent its civil society. This is a new phenomenon. Those in favour of independence had been in the minority throughout the 20th century. Nowadays, however, demands of a pro-autonomy and pro-federalist nature, which until recently had been dominant, have gradually lost public support in favour of demands for self-determination and secession. This paper analyses the massive increase in support for secession in Catalonia during the early years of the 21st century. After describing the different theories of secession in plurinational liberal democracies (section 1), we analyse Catalonia’s political evolution over the past decade focusing on the shortcomings with regard to constitutional recognition and accommodation displayed by the Spanish political system. The latter have been exacerbated by the reform process of Catalonia’s Statute of Autonomy (2006) and the subsequent judgement of Spain’s Constitutional Court regarding the aforementioned Statute (2010) (section 2). Finally, we present our conclusions by linking the Catalan case with theories of secession applied to plurinational contexts
Abstract : The role of order effects has been widely shown and discussed in areas such as memory and social impression formation. This work focuses in a first half on order effects influencing the verdict chosen at the end of a criminal trial. Contrary to impression formation but according to trial's characteristics, it has been hypothesised that a recency effect would influence the verdict's choice. Three groups of students (N = 576) received a mock trial resume with a specific order stemming from the combination of three witnesses, one expert and two ocular witnesses. Results show a recency effect, the last testimony provoking significantly more acquittals if discriminating, and more condemnations if incriminating. The second half of this work starts from Gestalt and sociopsychological researches presenting numerous insights into cognitive organization of perceptions and opinions. It has been postulated that a witness probative value will change according to the emitted verdict, an incriminating witness or expert possessing a higher probative value in a condemning verdict than in an innocenting one, on the other hand a discriminating witness or expert having a higher probative value in an acquittal than in a condemnation. Results using a seven points scale measuring witnesses' probative value confirm this hypothesis. Argumentations written by the subjects to explain their verdict and refering to the accusing expert also show a congruency effect as categories of arguments are identical in case of condemnation or acquittal, the only difference between both types of verdicts residing in the frequency of these categories following the judgement, higher use of incriminating arguments in case of guiltiness and higher use of discriminating ones if the accused is found innocent. Résumé : L'intervention des effets sériels a fait l'objet de nombreuses recherches dans le domaine de la mémoire et de la formation d'impression en psychologie sociale. Ce travail s'intéresse dans une première partie aux effets d'ordre pouvant influencer le choix du verdict à la fin d'un procès pénal. Contrairement aux résultats obtenus en matière de formation d'impression, mais conformément aux caractéristiques d'un procès, l'hypothèse de l'intervention d'un effet de récence a été formulée, affirmant que les derniers témoins influencent le plus le choix du verdict. Trois groupes d'étudiants (N = 576) ont lu le résumé d'un procès fictif présentant trois témoignages, deux témoins visuels à décharge et un expert à charge. Chaque groupe recevait un ordre spécifique de présentation des témoins de sorte que l'expert se trouvait en première, deuxième ou troisième position. Les résultats montrent un effet de récence, le dernier témoin provoquant davantage d'acquittements s'il est disculpant et davantage de condamnations s'il est inculpant. La seconde partie de ce travail émane des recherches effectuées dans le domaine de la théorie de la forme et de la psychologie sociale ayant un intérêt marqué pour l'organisation cognitive de nos perceptions et de nos opinions. L'hypothèse que nous avons posée souligne le lien entretenu entre l'évaluation de la force probante d'un témoin et le verdict émis : un témoignage discriminant possédera plus de poids en cas d'acquittement qu'en cas de condamnation, inversement un témoignage incriminant aura plus de poids en cas de condamnation qu'en cas d'acquittement. L'utilisation d'une échelle en sept points mesurant la force probante des deux types de témoins confirme cette hypothèse, l'estimation de la valeur accordée à un même témoin variant selon le type de verdict choisi. Les argumentations de chaque verdict ont également montré que les catégories d'arguments se référant à l'expert étaient identiques en cas de condamnation ou d'acquittement de l'inculpé, par contre les fréquences de ces catégories entretiennent un lien congruent avec le verdict, celles inculpantes étant majoritairement utilisées pour asseoir la culpabilité mais peu représentées en cas d'acquittement, inversement celles disculpantes apparaissant bien plus lorsqu'il s'agit d'innocenter l'inculpé que pour le condamner.
This article discusses one of Lewkenor's more obscure works, The Resolved Gentleman (1594 - STC 15139), in the context of Elizabethan court politics in the 1590s, with a particular emphasis on the author's own experience of dissent, exile to Catholic Spain in the 1580s and return to England in the early 1590s. A translation of Hernando de Acuña's El Caballero Determinado, itself a reworking of Olivier de la Marche's Chevalier Délibéré (1483), the Resolved Gentleman bends the conventions of medieval chivalric allegory to articulate Lewkenor's own experience of alienation and dissent in the specific context of the factionalism of the 1590s. Beneath Lewkenor's seemingly self-effacing, 'humanist' translation it is in fact possible to discern a complex set of criticisms of Elizabeth's court. The knight's 'wandering' and 'errance' thus becomes a complex, multivalent figure that reverberates with a number of autobiographical meanings: the knight's exile becomes in Lewkenor's hands a figure of his own forced exile to Catholic Spain, and the account of the knight's quest functions as an oblique allusion to his own efforts to make his way back to Elizabeth's court. More importantly, however, these 'personal' meanings acquire a wider, political valence in the context of the allegory, and the narrative as a whole thus becomes a subtle, perceptive but scathing criticism of the Elizabethan court in the 1590's and the 'contraction' of royal favour that resulted in particular in the exclusion of capable, experienced but Catholic counsellors like Lewkenor himself. Articulating the frustration of this younger generation of alienated but fundamentally loyalist Catholics, Lewkenor paints a picture of a failed quest for favour, where the questing knight is finally forced to retire from the active life and withdraw to a rustic hermitage that is not only incompatible with his own ideal of the vita activa, but also dangerously smacks of unregenerate, and potentially seditious Catholicism.
Introduction: Pain and beliefs have an influence on the patient's course in rehabilitation, pain causes fears and fears influence pain perception. The aim of this study is to understand pain and beliefs evolutions during rehabilitation taking into account of bio-psycho-social complexity.Patients and methods: 631 consecutive patients admitted in rehabilitation after a musculoskeletal traumatism were included and assessed at admission and at discharge. Pain was measured by VAS (Visual Analogical Scale), bio-psycho-social complexity by Intermed scale, and beliefs by judgement on Lickert scales. Four kinds of beliefs were evaluated: fear of a severe origin of pain, fear of movement, fear of pain and feeling of distress (loss of control). The association between the changes in pain and beliefs during the hospitalization was assessed by linear regressions.Results: After adjustment for gender, age, education and native language, patients with a decrease in pain during rehabilitation have higher probability of decreasing their fears. For the distress feeling, this relationship is weaker among bio-psycho-socially complex patients (odds-ratio 1.22 for each decreasing of 10mm/100 VAS) than among non-complex patients (OR 1.47). Patients with a pain decrease of 30% or more during hospitalization have higher probability of seeing their fears decrease, this relationship being stronger in complex patient for fear of a severe origin of pain.Discussion: The relationships between evolution of pain and beliefs move in the same direction. The higher a patient feels pain, the less they could be able to modify their dysfunctional beliefs. When the pain diminishes of 30% or more, the probability to challenge the beliefs is increased. The prognostic with regard to feeling of distress and fear of a severe origin of pain, is worse among bio-psycho-socially complex patients.
In 1990 a new Spanish 'Plan General de Contabilidad' (PGC) implementedthe requirements of the EU 4th and 7th Directives in Spain. Included in the PGC is the requirement, derived from the 4th Directive, that accounts should present a 'true and fair view', in Spanish 'imagen fiel'. Where the term has been used in English speaking jurisdictions it has proved to have a variety of shades of meaning, and to have had strikingly different impact in different countries. Within the European Union the term has been seen as a 'Trojan horse', inserted into the 4th Directive to inject an Anglo-Saxon approach of flexibility and judgement dependent accounting into a Continental European accounting tradition of detailed prescription and uniformity. In this paper we report on a survey of the views and experience of Spanish auditors relating to 'imagen fiel'. Specifically, we:1) Review the English language literature on 'true and fair view' to identify the key areas of controversy.2) Consider the significance of the 'true and fair view' within the EU 4th Directive.3) Report on the experience of Spanish auditors in working with this concept, their views on the value of the term, and their experience in use of the true and fair view 'override'.
O objectivo do estudo foi o de verificar o efeito do sorriso na percepção psicológica da pessoa em jovens, adultos, idosos e jovens negros. Pretendia-se verificar se o sorriso contribui para os traços diferenciais entre os grupos humanos em estudo e se o mesmo era descritor de género. O estudo envolveu um delineamento transversal analítico ou estudo não-experimental, também classificado por estudo pós-facto, estudo de observação passiva ou estudo correlacional e de observação, de comparação entre grupos, mediante o juízo ou julgamento psicológico da face neutra e do tipo de sorriso contrastados, de matriz factorial 4 x 2 x 2 (face neutra, sorriso fechado, sorriso superior, sorriso largo; género dos estímulos; género dos respondentes) e a sua finalidade foi descrever a percepção psicológica do sorriso em função das variáveis género do estímulo, género do respondente e grupo étnico, na Escala de Percepção do Sorriso (EPS), em formato diferenciador semântico, com 19 itens bipolares opostos, tendo a avaliação sido feita numa escala ordinal de 1 a 7 pontos, nas dimensões Avaliação (12 itens) e Movimento Expressivo (7 itens) resultante dos estudos preliminares sobre a atractividade facial (estudo preliminar 1) e a escolha de dípolos de adjectivos preditores para percepção psicológica da face neutra (estudo preliminar 2). Nos estudos principais 1, 2 e 3 foram utilizados 24 estímulos fotográficos apresentando o tipo de sorriso (fechado, superior e largo) e a face neutra (12 do estímulo mulher e 12 do estímulo homem) referentes aos três grupos etários (18-25 anos, 40-50 anos e 60-70 anos) e a Escala de Percepção do Sorriso (EPS) foi aplicada a uma amostra não probabilística ou intencional do tipo homogénea de 480 participantes portugueses de ambos os géneros (240 mulheres e 240 homens) distribuídos por grupos etários de jovens (80 mulheres e 80 homens, média: 22.2 anos), adultos (80 mulheres e 80 homens, média: 43.1 anos) e idosos (80 mulheres e 80 homens, média: 65.0 anos) No estudo principal 4, foram utilizados 8 estímulos fotográficos apresentando o tipo de sorriso (fechado, superior e largo) e a face neutra (4 do estímulo mulher e 4 do estímulo homem) de universitários de Cabo Verde, a estudar em Portugal, e a Escala de Percepção do Sorriso (EPS) foi aplicada a uma amostra não probabilística ou intencional do tipo homogénea de 160 participantes de ambos os géneros (80 mulheres e 80 homens) e estudantes universitários portugueses (média: 21.8 anos). Os resultados revelam e confirmam o efeito do sorriso na percepção psicológica da pessoa, à semelhança de outros estudos, isto é, sorrir torna a percepção psicológica mais positiva ou negativa e verifica-se que tal sucede em função do género do estímulo e do género do respondente. As diferenças significativas na percepção da face neutra e tipo de sorriso contrastados são justificadas pela pertença de género de quem os percepciona e pela pertença do género de quem é percepcionado. Tal apenas não sucede no factor Avaliação do grupo dos adultos. Os resultados obtidos indicam que, quer no factor Avaliação quer no factor Movimento Expressivo, os tipos de sorriso largo e superior são os que registam médias ponderadas mais elevadas. Pelo contrário, a face neutra e o sorriso fechado registam valores menos elevados na percepção. A análise da percepção da pessoa em função da face neutra e tipo de sorriso contrastados revelou uma correspondência entre a expressão facial, o género do estímulo e o género do respondente. No factor Avaliação, a mulher é percepcionada mais positivamente que o homem, verificando-se o inverso no factor Movimento Expressivo no grupo dos adultos e dos idosos. Verificou-se efeito do sorriso na percepção psicológica dos estímulos de cor negra. No grupo dos jovens que percepcionaram estímulos de cor negra, o homem é considerado mais positivo que a mulher em ambos os factores. O efeito significativo do género revela que a sua percepção é condicionada pelo seu próprio género. Os resultados apontam ainda para a configuração pronunciada de uma hierarquização ascendente da face neutra e tipo de sorriso contrastados em dois conjuntos bem delimitados e distinguindo diferentes formas topográficas de sorrir: a face neutra e o sorriso fechado e o sorriso superior e o sorriso largo.
O objectivo do estudo foi o de verificar o efeito do sorriso na percepção psicológica da pessoa em jovens, adultos, idosos e jovens negros. Pretendia-se verificar se o sorriso contribui para os traços diferenciais entre os grupos humanos em estudo e se o mesmo era descritor de género. O estudo envolveu um delineamento transversal analítico ou estudo não-experimental, também classificado por estudo pós-facto, estudo de observação passiva ou estudo correlacional e de observação, de comparação entre grupos, mediante o juízo ou julgamento psicológico da face neutra e do tipo de sorriso contrastados, de matriz factorial 4 x 2 x 2 (face neutra, sorriso fechado, sorriso superior, sorriso largo; género dos estímulos; género dos respondentes) e a sua finalidade foi descrever a percepção psicológica do sorriso em função das variáveis género do estímulo, género do respondente e grupo étnico, na Escala de Percepção do Sorriso (EPS), em formato diferenciador semântico, com 19 itens bipolares opostos, tendo a avaliação sido feita numa escala ordinal de 1 a 7 pontos, nas dimensões Avaliação (12 itens) e Movimento Expressivo (7 itens) resultante dos estudos preliminares sobre a atractividade facial (estudo preliminar 1) e a escolha de dípolos de adjectivos preditores para percepção psicológica da face neutra (estudo preliminar 2). Nos estudos principais 1, 2 e 3 foram utilizados 24 estímulos fotográficos apresentando o tipo de sorriso (fechado, superior e largo) e a face neutra (12 do estímulo mulher e 12 do estímulo homem) referentes aos três grupos etários (18-25 anos, 40-50 anos e 60-70 anos) e a Escala de Percepção do Sorriso (EPS) foi aplicada a uma amostra não probabilística ou intencional do tipo homogénea de 480 participantes portugueses de ambos os géneros (240 mulheres e 240 homens) distribuídos por grupos etários de jovens (80 mulheres e 80 homens, média: 22.2 anos), adultos (80 mulheres e 80 homens, média: 43.1 anos) e idosos (80 mulheres e 80 homens, média: 65.0 anos) No estudo principal 4, foram utilizados 8 estímulos fotográficos apresentando o tipo de sorriso (fechado, superior e largo) e a face neutra (4 do estímulo mulher e 4 do estímulo homem) de universitários de Cabo Verde, a estudar em Portugal, e a Escala de Percepção do Sorriso (EPS) foi aplicada a uma amostra não probabilística ou intencional do tipo homogénea de 160 participantes de ambos os géneros (80 mulheres e 80 homens) e estudantes universitários portugueses (média: 21.8 anos). Os resultados revelam e confirmam o efeito do sorriso na percepção psicológica da pessoa, à semelhança de outros estudos, isto é, sorrir torna a percepção psicológica mais positiva ou negativa e verifica-se que tal sucede em função do género do estímulo e do género do respondente. As diferenças significativas na percepção da face neutra e tipo de sorriso contrastados são justificadas pela pertença de género de quem os percepciona e pela pertença do género de quem é percepcionado. Tal apenas não sucede no factor Avaliação do grupo dos adultos. Os resultados obtidos indicam que, quer no factor Avaliação quer no factor Movimento Expressivo, os tipos de sorriso largo e superior são os que registam médias ponderadas mais elevadas. Pelo contrário, a face neutra e o sorriso fechado registam valores menos elevados na percepção. A análise da percepção da pessoa em função da face neutra e tipo de sorriso contrastados revelou uma correspondência entre a expressão facial, o género do estímulo e o género do respondente. No factor Avaliação, a mulher é percepcionada mais positivamente que o homem, verificando-se o inverso no factor Movimento Expressivo no grupo dos adultos e dos idosos. Verificou-se efeito do sorriso na percepção psicológica dos estímulos de cor negra. No grupo dos jovens que percepcionaram estímulos de cor negra, o homem é considerado mais positivo que a mulher em ambos os factores. O efeito significativo do género revela que a sua percepção é condicionada pelo seu próprio género. Os resultados apontam ainda para a configuração pronunciada de uma hierarquização ascendente da face neutra e tipo de sorriso contrastados em dois conjuntos bem delimitados e distinguindo diferentes formas topográficas de sorrir: a face neutra e o sorriso fechado e o sorriso superior e o sorriso largo.
BACKGROUND: Colonoscopy is generally performed with the patient sedated and receiving analgesics. However, the benefit of the most often used combination of intravenous midazolam and pethidine on patient tolerance and pain and its cardiorespiratory risk have not been fully defined. METHODS: In this double-blind prospective study, 150 outpatients undergoing routine colonoscopy were randomly assigned to receive either (1) low-dose midazolam (35 micrograms/kg) and pethidine (700 micrograms/kg in 48 patients, 500 micrograms/kg in 102 patients), (2) midazolam and placebo pethidine, or (3) pethidine and placebo midazolam. RESULTS: Tolerance (visual analog scale, 0 to 100 points: 0 = excellent; 100 = unbearable) did not improve significantly more in group 1 compared with group 2 (7 points; 95% confidence interval [-2-17]) and group 3 (2 points; 95% confidence interval [-7-12]). Similarly, pain was not significantly improved in group 1 as compared with the other groups. Male gender (p < 0.001) and shorter duration of the procedure (p = 0.004), but not amnesia, were associated with better patient tolerance and less pain. Patient satisfaction was similar in all groups. Oxygen desaturation and hypotension occurred in 33% and 11%, respectively, with a similar frequency in all three groups. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, the combination of low-dose midazolam and pethidine does not improve patient tolerance and lessen pain during colonoscopy as compared with either drug given alone. When applying low-dose midazolam, oxygen desaturation and hypotension do not occur more often after combined use of both drugs. For the individual patient, sedation and analgesia should be based on the endoscopist's clinical judgement.
INTRODUCTION: Ventilator-associated pneumonia remains the most common nosocomial infection in the critically ill and contributes to significant morbidity. Eventual decisions regarding withdrawal or maximal therapy are demanding and rely on physicians' experience. Additional objective tools for risk assessment may improve medical judgement. Copeptin, reflecting vasopressin release, as well as the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score, reflecting the individual degree of organ dysfunction, might qualify for survival prediction in ventilator-associated pneumonia. We investigated the predictive value of the SOFA score and copeptin in ventilator-associated pneumonia. METHODS: One hundred one patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia were prospectively assessed. Death within 28 days after ventilator-associated pneumonia onset was the primary end point. RESULTS: The SOFA score and the copeptin levels at ventilator-associated pneumonia onset were significantly elevated in nonsurvivors (P = .002 and P = .017, respectively). Both markers had different time courses in survivors and nonsurvivors (P < .001 and P = .006). Mean SOFA (average SOFA of 10 days after VAP onset) was superior in predicting 28-day survival as compared with SOFA and copeptin at ventilator-associated pneumonia onset (area under the curve, 0.90 vs 0.73 and 0.67, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: The predictive value of serial-measured SOFA significantly exceeds those of single SOFA and copeptin measurements. Serial SOFA scores accurately predict outcome in ventilator-associated pneumonia.
Abstract Working memory has been defined as the ability to maintain and manipulate on-line a limited amount of information. A large number of studies have investigated visuospatial working memory in schizophrenia. However, today, the available data concerning the functioning of these processes in schizophrenia are largely controversial. These inconclusive results are due to incomplete knowledge on processes involved in visuospatial working memory tasks. Recent studies suggest that visuospatial working memory processes may be divided into an active monitoring and a storing components. Furthermore, it has been shown that visuospatial working memory processes are strongly interconnected with early encoding processes (perceptual organization). In our view, the two working memory components, and the relationship that they entertain with early encoding processes, may be investigated using dynamic and static visuospatial stimuli in a working memory paradigm. In this thesis we aim at comparing dynamic and static visuospatial working memory processes in patients with schizophrenia and first-episode of psychosis patients. This analysis may clarify the functioning of visuospatial working memory and the dysfunction of these processes in schizophrenia. Our results are in accord with the hypothesis of two visuospatial working memory subcomponents. Dynamic, rather than static, stimuli are strongly involved in the visuospatial working memory encoding process. Indeed, the results are congruent with the idea that static stimuli may be strongly encoded by parallel perceptual organization processes. Patients with schizophrenia show important deficits in both working memory and perceptual organization encoding processes. In contrast, perceptual organization processes seem spared in firstepisodepsychosis patients. Considering our findings, we propose a model to explain the degradation of visuospatial processes involved in a working memory task during schizophrenia. Résumé: La mémoire de travail est définie comme la capacité à maintenir et manipuler « on-line » un nombre limité d'informations pour une courte période de temps (de l'ordre de quelques dizaines de secondes). Un grand nombre d'études a montré que les processus de mémoire de travail visuo spatiale peuvent être affectés dans la schizophrénie. Malgré cela, les données concernant les déficits de ces processus chez des patients qui souffrent de schizophrénie sont contradictoires. La difficulté de comprendre la nature des déficits de mémoire de travail visuospatiale dans la schizophrénie est en grande partie imputable aux connaissances encore lacunaires sur le fonctionnement de ces processus dans un état non pathologique. Dans cette thèse, on cherche à élucider le fonctionnement des processus de mémoire de travail visuospatiale. Pour cela, on a créé un nouveau paradigme qui sollicite ce type de mémoire. Dans ce paradigme, on présente des stimuli dynamiques et statiques. Après un court délai, le sujet doit reconnaître le stimulus qu'il a visualisé parmi six possibilités. Sur la base de récentes études neurophysiologiques, neuroanatomiques et psychologiques, nous avançons l'hypothèse que l'encodage de stimuli dynamiques et statiques repose sur deux processus distincts de mémoire de travail : un processus d'organisation qui manipule les informations sensorielles et un processus dé stockage qui est responsable du maintien de l'information au cours de la manipulation. Ces processus sont en relation directe avec les processus responsables d'une organisation de l'information à un niveau précoce du traitement visuel. Les études présentées dans cette thèse ont pour but de vérifier la pertinence de la distinction entre les processus de mémoire de travail visuospatiale, selon la modalité «dynamique » ou «statique ». L'investigation des processus dynamiques et statiques de mémoire de travail dans la schizophrénie présente deux avantages principaux. Premièrement, 1a pathologie pourrait permettre de mettre en évidence, par les dysfonctionnements qu'elle présente, la pertinence des hypothèses sur le fonctionnement des processus de mémoire de travail visuospatiale et de leur interaction avec les processus sensoriels. Deuxièmement, ces investigations rendent possible une analyse des dysfonctions des différents processus dans la schizophrénie. Dans cette thèse, on analyse aussi les processus de mémoire de travail «dynamiques » et «statiques » chez des sujets dans une phase initiale de la psychose. Les résultats de cette étude permettent de faire une comparaison avec ceux obtenus avec des patients qui souffrent de schizophrénie. Cette comparaison peut apporter des informations intéressantes sur l'évolution des dysfonctions dans les processus impliqués dans les fonctions de mémoire de travail visuospatiale au cours de la schizophrénie. Les résultats obtenus dans les différentes études sont cohérents avec l'hypothèse d'une implication différente des processus d'organisation de la mémoire de travail sur des stimuli dynamiques et statiques. -Nos résultats montrent que les processus de mémoire de travail responsables de l'organisation (manipulation active) des informations est déficitaire dans la schizophrénie. Ce déficit semble jouer un rôle de premier plan dans la dégradation des processus visuospatiaux au cours de la schizophrénie.
Measuring school efficiency is a challenging task. First, a performance measurement technique has to be selected. Within Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), one such technique, alternative models have been developed in order to deal with environmental variables. The majority of these models lead to diverging results. Second, the choice of input and output variables to be included in the efficiency analysis is often dictated by data availability. The choice of the variables remains an issue even when data is available. As a result, the choice of technique, model and variables is probably, and ultimately, a political judgement. Multi-criteria decision analysis methods can help the decision makers to select the most suitable model. The number of selection criteria should remain parsimonious and not be oriented towards the results of the models in order to avoid opportunistic behaviour. The selection criteria should also be backed by the literature or by an expert group. Once the most suitable model is identified, the principle of permanence of methods should be applied in order to avoid a change of practices over time. Within DEA, the two-stage model developed by Ray (1991) is the most convincing model which allows for an environmental adjustment. In this model, an efficiency analysis is conducted with DEA followed by an econometric analysis to explain the efficiency scores. An environmental variable of particular interest, tested in this thesis, consists of the fact that operations are held, for certain schools, on multiple sites. Results show that the fact of being located on more than one site has a negative influence on efficiency. A likely way to solve this negative influence would consist of improving the use of ICT in school management and teaching. Planning new schools should also consider the advantages of being located on a unique site, which allows reaching a critical size in terms of pupils and teachers. The fact that underprivileged pupils perform worse than privileged pupils has been public knowledge since Coleman et al. (1966). As a result, underprivileged pupils have a negative influence on school efficiency. This is confirmed by this thesis for the first time in Switzerland. Several countries have developed priority education policies in order to compensate for the negative impact of disadvantaged socioeconomic status on school performance. These policies have failed. As a result, other actions need to be taken. In order to define these actions, one has to identify the social-class differences which explain why disadvantaged children underperform. Childrearing and literary practices, health characteristics, housing stability and economic security influence pupil achievement. Rather than allocating more resources to schools, policymakers should therefore focus on related social policies. For instance, they could define pre-school, family, health, housing and benefits policies in order to improve the conditions for disadvantaged children.
Introduction.- Pain and beliefs have an influence on the patient's course in rehabilitation and their relationships are complex. The aim of this study was to understand the relationships between pain at admission and the evolution of beliefs during rehabilitation as well as the relationships between pain and beliefs one year after rehabilitation.Patients and methods.- Six hundred and thirty-one consecutive patients admitted in rehabilitation after musculoskeletal trauma, were included and assessed at admission, at discharge and one year after discharge. Pain was measured by VAS (Visual Analogical Scale) and beliefs by judgement on Lickert scales. Four kinds of beliefs were evaluated: fear of a severe origin of pain, fear of movement, fear of pain and feeling of distress (loss of control). The association between pain and beliefs was assessed by logistic regressions, adjusted for gender, age, native language, education and bio-psycho-social complexity.Results.- At discharge, 44% of patients felt less distressed by pain, 34% are reinsured with regard to their fear of a severe origin of pain, 38% have less fear of pain and 33% have less fear of movement. The higher the pain at admission, the higher the probability that the distress diminished, this being true up to a threshold (70 mm/100) beyond which there was a plateau. At one year, the higher the pain, the more dysfunctional the fears.Discussion.- The relationships between pain and beliefs are complex and may change all along rehabilitation. During hospitalization, one could hope that the patient would be reinsured and would gain self-control again, if pain does not exceed a certain threshold. After one year, high pain increases the risk of dysfunctional beliefs. For clinical practice, these data suggest to think in terms of the more accessible "entrance door", act against pain and/or against beliefs, adpated to each patient.