619 resultados para organophosphate insecticide


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In the title compound, C18H19Cl3O2, which is the 4-ethoxyphenyl analogue of the insecticidally active 4-methoxyphenyl compound methoxychlor, the dihedral angle between the two benzene rings is 60.38(13)deg. An intramolecular aromatic C-H...Cl interaction is present.


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Over the past decade the use of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs), in combination with improved drug therapies, indoor residual spraying (IRS) and better health infrastructure, has helped reduce malaria in many African countries for the first time in a generation. However, insecticide resistance in the vector is an evolving threat to these gains. We review emerging and historical data on behavioural resistance in response to LLINs and IRS. Overall the current literature suggests behavioural and species changes may be emerging, but the data are sparse and, at times unconvincing. However, preliminary modelling has demonstrated that behavioural resistance could have significant impacts on the effectiveness of malaria control. We propose seven recommendations to improve understanding of resistance in malaria vectors. Determining the public health impact of physiological and behavioural insecticide resistance is an urgent priority if we are to maintain the significant gains made in reducing malaria morbidity and mortality.


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Fruit flies require protein for reproductive development and actively feed upon protein sources in the field. Liquid protein baits mixed with insecticide are used routinely to manage pest fruit flies, such as Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt). However, there are still some gaps in the underpinning science required to improve the efficacy of bait spray technology. The spatial and temporal foraging behaviour of B. tryoni in response to protein was investigated in the field. A series of linked trials using either wild flies in the open field or laboratory-reared flies in field cages and a netted orchard were undertaken using nectarines and guavas. Key questions investigated were the fly's response to protein relative to: height of protein within the canopy, fruiting status of the tree, time of day, season and size of the experimental arena. Canopy height had a significant response on B. tryoni foraging, with more flies foraging on protein in the mid to upper canopy. Fruiting status also had a significant effect on foraging, with most flies responding to protein when applied to fruiting hosts. B. tryoni demonstrated a repeatable diurnal response pattern to protein, with the peak response being between 12:00–16:00 h. Season showed significant but unpredictable effects on fruit fly response to protein in the subtropical environment where the work was undertaken. Relative humidity, but not temperature or rainfall, was positively correlated with protein response. The number of B. tryoni responding to protein decreased dramatically as the spatial scale increased from field cage through to the open field. Based on these results, it is recommend that, to be most effective, protein bait sprays should be applied to the mid to upper canopies of fruiting hosts. Overall, the results show that the protein used, an industry standard, has very low attractancy to B. tryoni and that further work is urgently needed to develop more volatile protein baits.


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The period of developmental vulnerability to toxicants begins at conception and extends through gestation, parturition, infanthood and childhood to adolescence. The concern is that children: (1) may experience quantitatively and qualitatively different exposures, and (2) may have different sensitivity to chemical pollutants. Traditional toxicological studies are inappropriate for assessing the results of chronic exposure at very low levels during critical periods of development. This paper will discuss (1) the health effects associated with exposure to selected emerging organic pollutants, including brominated flame retardants, perfluorinated compounds, organophosphate pesticides and bisphenol A; (2) difficulties in monitoring these substances in children, and (3) suggest techniques and strategies for overcoming these difficulties. Such biomonitoring data can be used to identify where policies should be directed in order to reduce exposure, and to document policies that have successfully reduced exposure.


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Background Southeast Asia has been at the epicentre of recent epidemics of emerging and re-emerging zoonotic diseases. Community-based surveillance and control interventions have been heavily promoted but the most effective interventions have not been identified. Objectives This review evaluated evidence for the effectiveness of community-based surveillance interventions at monitoring and identifying emerging infectious disease; the effectiveness of community-based control interventions at reducing rates of emerging infectious disease; and contextual factors that influence intervention effectiveness. Inclusion criteria Participants Communities in Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam. Types of intervention(s) Non-pharmaceutical, non-vaccine, and community-based surveillance or prevention and control interventions targeting rabies, Nipah virus , dengue, SARS or avian influenza. Types of outcomes Primary outcomes: measures: of infection or disease; secondary outcomes: measures of intervention function. Types of studies Original quantitative studies published in English. Search strategy Databases searched (1980 to 2011): PubMed, CINAHL, ProQuest, EBSCOhost, Web of Science, Science Direct, Cochrane database of systematic reviews, WHOLIS, British Development Library, LILACS, World Bank (East Asia), Asian Development Bank. Methodological quality Two independent reviewers critically appraised studies using standard Joanna Briggs Institute instruments. Disagreements were resolved through discussion. Data extraction A customised tool was used to extract quantitative data on intervention(s), populations, study methods, and primary and secondary outcomes; and qualitative contextual information or narrative evidence about interventions. Data synthesis Data was synthesised in a narrative summary with the aid of tables. Meta-analysis was used to statistically pool quantitative results. Results Fifty-seven studies were included. Vector control interventions using copepods, environmental cleanup and education are effective and sustainable at reducing dengue in rural and urban communities, whilst insecticide spraying is effective in urban outbreak situations. Community-based surveillance interventions can effectively identify avian influenza in backyard flocks, but have not been broadly applied. Outbreak control interventions for Nipah virus and SARS are effective but may not be suitable for ongoing control. Canine vaccination and education is more acceptable than culling, but still fails to reach coverage levels required to effectively control rabies. Contextual factors were identified that influence community engagement with, and ultimately effectiveness of, interventions. Conclusion Despite investment in community-based disease control and surveillance in Southeast Asia, published evidence evaluating interventions is limited in quantity and quality. Nonetheless this review identified a number of effective interventions, and several contextual factors influencing effectiveness. Identification of the best programs will require comparative evidence of effectiveness acceptability, cost-effectiveness and sustainability.


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The use of organophosphate esters (PFRs) as flame retardants and plasticizers has increased due to the ban of some brominated flame retardants. There is however some concern regarding the toxicity, particularly carcinogenicity and neurotoxicity, of some of the PFRs. In this study we applied wastewater analysis to assess use of PFRs by the Australian population. Influent samples were collected from eleven wastewater treatment plants (STPs) in Australia on Census day and analysed for PFRs using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Per capita mass loads of PFRs were calculated using the accurate Census head counts. The results indicate that tris(2-butoxyethyl) phosphate (TBOEP) has the highest per capita input into wastewater followed by tris(2-chloroisopropyl) phosphate (TCIPP), tris(isobutyl) phosphate (TIBP), tris(2-chloroethyl) phosphate (TCEP) and tris(1,3-dichloroisopropyl) phosphate (TDCIPP). Similar PFR profiles were observed across the Australian STPs and a comparison with European and U.S. STPs indicated similar PFR concentrations. We estimate that approximately 2.1 mg person−1 day−1 of PFRs are input into Australian wastewater which equates to 16 tonnes per annum.


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1 Five experiments were conducted during 1995-99 in stone fruit orchards on the Central Coast and in inland New South Wales, Australia, on the use of synthetic aggregation pheromones and a coattractant to suppress populations of the ripening fruit pests Carpophilus spp. (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae). 2 Perimeter-based suppression traps baited with pheromone and coattractant placed at 3m intervals around small fruit blocks, caught large numbers of Carpophilus spp. Very small populations of Carpophilus spp. occurred within blocks, and fruit damage was minimal. 3 Carpophilus spp. populations in stone fruit blocks 15-370m from suppression traps were also small and non-damaging, indicating a large zone of pheromone attractivity. 4 Pheromone/coattractant-baited suppression traps appeared to divert Carpophilus spp. from nearby (130 m) ripening stone fruit. Ten metal drums containing decomposing fruit, baited with pheromone and treated with insecticide, attracted Carpophilus spp. and appeared to reduce populations and damage to ripening fruit at distances of 200-500 m. Populations and damage were significantly greater within 200m of the drums and may have been caused by ineffective poisoning or poor quality/overcrowding of fruit resources in the drums. 5 Suppression of Carpophilus spp. populations using synthetic aggregation pheromones and a coattractant appears to be a realistic management option in stone fruit orchards. Pheromone-mediated diversion of beetle populations from ripening fruit may be more practical than perimeter trapping, but more research is needed on the effective range of Carpophilus pheromones and the relative merits of trapping compared to attraction to insecticide-treated areas.


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Mounting levels of insecticide resistance within Australian Helicoverpa spp. populations have resulted in the adoption of non-chemical IPM control practices such as trap cropping with chickpea, Cicer arietinum (L.). However, a new leaf blight disease affecting chickpea in Australia has the potential to limit its use as a trap crop. Therefore this paper evaluates the potential of a variety of winter-active legume crops for use as an alternative spring trap crop to chickpea as part of an effort to improve the area-wide management strategy for Helicoverpa spp. in central Queensland’s cotton production region. The densities of Helicoverpa eggs and larvae were compared over three seasons on replicated plantings of chickpea, Cicer arietinum (L.), field pea Pisum sativum (L), vetch, Vicia sativa (L.) and faba bean, Vicia faba (L.). Of these treatments, field pea was found to harbour the highest densities of eggs. A partial life table study of the fate of eggs oviposited on field pea and chickpea suggested that large proportions of the eggs laid on field pea suffered mortality due to dislodgment from the plants after oviposition. Plantings of field pea as a replacement trap crop for chickpea under commercial conditions confirmed the high level of attractiveness of this crop to ovipositing moths. The use of field pea as a trap crop as part of an areawide management programme for Helicoverpa spp. is discussed.


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Traps baited with synthetic aggregation pheromones of Carpophilus hemipterus (L.), Carpophilus mutilatus Erichson and Carpophilus davidsoni Dobson and fermenting bread dough were used to identify the fauna and monitor the seasonal abundance of Carpophilus spp. in insecticide treated peach and nectarine orchards in the Gosford area of coastal New South Wales. In four orchards 67 178 beetles were trapped during 1994–1995, with C. davidsoni (82%) and Carpophilus gaveni (Dobson) (12.2%) dominating catches. Five species (C. hemipterus, C. mutilatus, Carpophilus marginellus Motschulsky, Carpophilus humeralis (F.) and an unidentified species) each accounted for 0.2–3.2% of trapped beetles. Carpophilus davidsoni was most abundant during late September–early October but numbers declined rapidly during October, usually before insecticides were applied. Spring populations of Carpophilus spp. were very large in 1994–1995 (1843–2588 per trap per week). However, despite a preharvest population decline of approximately 95% and 2–11 applications of insecticide, 14–545 beetles per trap per week (above the arbitrary fruit damage threshold of 10 beetles per trap per week) were recorded during the harvest period and fruit damage occurred at three of the four orchards. Lower preharvest populations in 1995–1996 (< 600 per trap per week) and up to six applications of insecticide resulted in < 10 beetles per trap per week during most of the harvest period and minimal or no fruit damage. The implications of these results for the integrated management of Carpophilus spp. in coastal and inland areas of southeastern Australia are discussed.


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Scarab species associated with groundnuts were surveyed in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, southern India, between 1995 and 2001. Scarab adults were collected from trees on which they were feeding and/or mating, and larvae (white grubs) from groundnut fields. Holotrichia species, especially H. reynaudi and H. serrata were the major species associated with groundnut. H. reynaudi predominated in the central Deccan area, while H. serrata was most abundant in areas to the south and west. A new, undescribed, Holotrichia species near H. consanguinea was collected south and south-west of Hyderabad in mixed populations with H. reynaudi. However, the full extent of this new species’ distribution remains uncertain. H. rufoflava was rarely associated with groundnut, but was common as an adult at some locations. Other genera encountered during surveys were Anomala, Adoretus, Schizonycha, Autoserica. In survey data, densities of Holotrichia larvae and ‘all other white grubs’ were both very highly correlated with % of damaged groundnut plants. These correlations in combination with concurrent observations of plant damage establish a causal link between white grubs and plant damage and death in southern Indian groundnut. Ranking of preferred host trees for adults were developed from field observations for four Holotrichia species and Schizonycha spp. and will assist grower-initiated surveys of pest occurrence. In combination with insecticide efficacy data published elsewhere, the survey provides the basis for an environmentally friendly and economically viable pest-management system for white grubs on groundnut in southern India.


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The chemical control of groundnut white grubs, Holotrichia serrata F. and H. reynaudi Blanchard (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), was studied in south--central India. Microplot trials demonstrated that chlorpyrifos and imidacloprid seed--dressings were effective against H. serrata at rates as low as 0.6 and 3.5 g a.i. kg-1, respectively, while microplot and on--farm trials showed that 1.2 and 3.5 g a.i. kg-1of chlorpyrifos and imidacloprid, respectively, were required for H. reynaudi. Chlorpyrifos residue analyses indicated that at 20 days after sowing (d.a.s.) rates up to 5.0 g a.i. kg-1 produced residues in soil and groundnut seedlings markedly below the relevant MRL, and no detectable residues at harvest under the southern Indian rainy--season environment. A farmer survey found that in Andhra Pradesh (AP), insecticides (chlorpyrifos and phorate) were applied for white grub control in 37.5% of farms sampled, while no insecticides were applied for this purpose in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. The white grub density on farms in AP where insecticide had been applied averaged 0.07 larvae m-2, compared to 1.04 larvae m-2 in the remaining AP farms. In AP, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, 70%, 42% and 39% of currently untreated groundnut fields, respectively, exceed the provisional economic threshold. A survey in the Anantapur district of AP found that farmer’s target and achieved rates for seed treatment averaged 0.44 and 0.52 g a.i. kg-1, both below optimal rates determined in microplot experiments. These data provide the foundation for an effective and sustainable program of management for groundnut white grubs in south--central India by providing key efficacy data and baseline data on farmer insecticide- use patterns.


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Helicoverpa spp. and mirids, Creontiades spp., have been difficult to control biologically in cotton due to their unpredictable temporal abundance combined with a cropping environment often made hostile by frequent usage of broad spectrum insecticides. To address this problem, a range of new generation insecticides registered for use in cotton were tested for compatibility with the assassin bug, Pristhesancus plagipennis (Walker), a potential biological control agent for Helicoverpa spp. and Creontiades spp. Indoxacarb, pyriproxifen, buprofezin, spinosad and fipronil were found to be of low to moderate toxicity on P. plagipennis whilst emamectin benzoate, abamectin, diafenthiuron, imidacloprid and omethaote were moderate to highly toxic. Inundative releases of P. plagipennis integrated with insecticides identified as being of low toxicity were then tested and compared with treatments of P. plagipennis and the compatible insecticides used alone, conventionally sprayed usage practice and an untreated control during two field experiments in cotton. The biological control provided by P. plagipennis nymphs when combined with compatible insecticides provided significant (P<0.001) reductions in Helicoverpa and Creontiades spp. on cotton and provided equivalent yields to conventionally sprayed cotton with half of the synthetic insecticide input. Despite this, the utilization of P. plagipennis in cotton as part of an integrated pest management programme remains unlikely due to high inundative release costs relative to other control technologies such as insecticides and transgenic (Bt) cotton varieties.


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Resistance to cyfluthrin in broiler farm populations of lesser mealworm, Alphitobius diaperinus (Panzer) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), in eastern Australia was suspected to have contributed to recent control failures. In 2000-2001, beetles from 11 broiler farms were tested for resistance by comparing them to an insecticide-susceptible reference population by using topical application. Resistance was detected in almost all beetle populations (up to 22 times the susceptible at the LC50), especially in southeastern Queensland where more cyfluthrin applications had been made. Two from outside southeastern Queensland were found to be susceptible. Dose-mortality data generated from the reference population over a range of cyflutbrin concentrations showed that 0.0007% cyfluthrin at a LC99.9 level could be used as a convenient dose to discriminate between susceptible and resistant populations. Using this discriminating concentration, from 2001 to 2005, the susceptibilities of 18 field populations were determined. Of these, 11 did not exhibit complete mortality at the discriminating concentration (mortality range 2.8-97.7%), and in general, cyfluthrin resistance was directly related to the numbers of cyfluthrin applications. As in the full study, populations outside of southeastern Queensland were found to have lower levels of resistance or were susceptible. One population from an intensively farmed broiler area in southeastern Queensland exhibited low mortality despite having no known exposure to cyfluthrin. Comparisons of LC50 values of three broiler populations and a susceptible population, collected in 2000 and 2001 and recollected in 2004 and 2005 indicated that values from the three broiler populations had increased over this time for all populations. The continued use of cyfluthrin for control of A. diaperinus in eastern Australia is currently under consideration.


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Spinosad was proposed as a potential chemical for control of lesser mealworm, Alphitobius diaperinus (Panzer) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), in Australian broiler houses after the detection of strong cyfluthrin resistance in many beetle populations. In 2004-2006, spinosad susceptibility of 13 beetle populations from eastern and southern Australian broiler houses and a cyfluthrin/fenitrothion-resistant reference population was determined using topical application, and was compared with the susceptibility of an insecticide-susceptible reference population. Comparisons of dose-response curves and baseline data showed that all populations, including the insecticide-susceptible population, were roughly equivalent in their response to spinosad, indicating no preexisting spinosad resistance. Two field populations, including the resistant reference population, which had confirmed cyfluthrin/fenitrothion- resistance, showed no cross-resistance to spinosad. There was no significant correlation between beetle weight and LC99.9. A discriminating concentration of 3% spinosad was set to separate resistant and susceptible individuals. Considering the levels of spinosad resistance that have been recorded in other insect pests, the sustained future usefulness of spinosad as a broiler house treatment will rely on effective integrated beetle management programs combined with carefully planned chemical use strategies.


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There are two major pests of sorghum in Australia, the sorghum midge, Stenodiplosis sorghicola (Coquillett), and the corn earworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner). During the past 10 years the management of these pests has undergone a revolution, due principally to the development of sorghum hybrids with resistance to sorghum midge. Also contributing has been the adoption of a nucleopolyhedrovirus for the management of corn earworm. The practical application of these developments has led to a massive reduction in the use of synthetic insecticides for the management of major pests of sorghum in Australia. These changes have produced immediate economic, environmental and social benefits. Other flow-on benefits include providing flexibility in planting times, the maintenance of beneficial arthropods and utilisation of sorghum as a beneficial arthropod nursery, a reduction in midge populations and a reduction in insecticide resistance development in corn earworm. Future developments in sorghum pest management are discussed.