779 resultados para online journals and databases
This paper presents a user experience evaluation of two online shopping websites from the perspective of older users (those aged 50 and older). Two online shopping websites were evaluated using methodological procedures established in prior research [1]. The methodology consists of four steps: (1) heuristic interface evaluation using an ergonomic criteria checklist, (2) online identification and experience questionnaire, (3) evaluation of user experience and interface interaction, and (4) satisfaction questionnaire. Results of the study revealed the analyzed websites are not suitable for older users, who find it difficult to interact with these interfaces.
This work focused on the use of internet and online interactions and was based on data collected from a sample of Brazilian college students (64 people) who were asked to answer the Face-to-Face and Online Interaction Survey. The outcomes are analyzed in this paper and from them it is possible to observe patterns on internet interaction. It was also possible to conclude that the sample frequently uses the Internet, its online interactions and that this kind of interaction is used as a complement to face-to-face communication.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This mixed methods concurrent triangulation design study was predicated upon two models that advocated a connection between teaching presence and perceived learning: the Community of Inquiry Model of Online Learning developed by Garrison, Anderson, and Archer (2000); and the Online Interaction Learning Model by Benbunan-Fich, Hiltz, and Harasim (2005). The objective was to learn how teaching presence impacted students’ perceptions of learning and sense of community in intensive online distance education courses developed and taught by instructors at a regional comprehensive university. In the quantitative phase online surveys collected relevant data from participating students (N = 397) and selected instructional faculty (N = 32) during the second week of a three-week Winter Term. Student information included: demographics such as age, gender, employment status, and distance from campus; perceptions of teaching presence; sense of community; perceived learning; course length; and course type. The students claimed having positive relationships between teaching presence, perceived learning, and sense of community. The instructors showed similar positive relationships with no significant differences when the student and instructor data were compared. The qualitative phase consisted of interviews with 12 instructors who had completed the online survey and replied to all of the open-response questions. The two phases were integrated using a matrix generation, and the analysis allowed for conclusions regarding teaching presence, perceived learning, and sense of community. The findings were equivocal with regard to satisfaction with course length and the relative importance of the teaching presence components. A model was provided depicting relationships between and among teaching presence components, perceived learning, and sense of community in intensive online courses.
The continuous increase of genome sequencing projects produced a huge amount of data in the last 10 years: currently more than 600 prokaryotic and 80 eukaryotic genomes are fully sequenced and publically available. However the sole sequencing process of a genome is able to determine just raw nucleotide sequences. This is only the first step of the genome annotation process that will deal with the issue of assigning biological information to each sequence. The annotation process is done at each different level of the biological information processing mechanism, from DNA to protein, and cannot be accomplished only by in vitro analysis procedures resulting extremely expensive and time consuming when applied at a this large scale level. Thus, in silico methods need to be used to accomplish the task. The aim of this work was the implementation of predictive computational methods to allow a fast, reliable, and automated annotation of genomes and proteins starting from aminoacidic sequences. The first part of the work was focused on the implementation of a new machine learning based method for the prediction of the subcellular localization of soluble eukaryotic proteins. The method is called BaCelLo, and was developed in 2006. The main peculiarity of the method is to be independent from biases present in the training dataset, which causes the over‐prediction of the most represented examples in all the other available predictors developed so far. This important result was achieved by a modification, made by myself, to the standard Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm with the creation of the so called Balanced SVM. BaCelLo is able to predict the most important subcellular localizations in eukaryotic cells and three, kingdom‐specific, predictors were implemented. In two extensive comparisons, carried out in 2006 and 2008, BaCelLo reported to outperform all the currently available state‐of‐the‐art methods for this prediction task. BaCelLo was subsequently used to completely annotate 5 eukaryotic genomes, by integrating it in a pipeline of predictors developed at the Bologna Biocomputing group by Dr. Pier Luigi Martelli and Dr. Piero Fariselli. An online database, called eSLDB, was developed by integrating, for each aminoacidic sequence extracted from the genome, the predicted subcellular localization merged with experimental and similarity‐based annotations. In the second part of the work a new, machine learning based, method was implemented for the prediction of GPI‐anchored proteins. Basically the method is able to efficiently predict from the raw aminoacidic sequence both the presence of the GPI‐anchor (by means of an SVM), and the position in the sequence of the post‐translational modification event, the so called ω‐site (by means of an Hidden Markov Model (HMM)). The method is called GPIPE and reported to greatly enhance the prediction performances of GPI‐anchored proteins over all the previously developed methods. GPIPE was able to predict up to 88% of the experimentally annotated GPI‐anchored proteins by maintaining a rate of false positive prediction as low as 0.1%. GPIPE was used to completely annotate 81 eukaryotic genomes, and more than 15000 putative GPI‐anchored proteins were predicted, 561 of which are found in H. sapiens. In average 1% of a proteome is predicted as GPI‐anchored. A statistical analysis was performed onto the composition of the regions surrounding the ω‐site that allowed the definition of specific aminoacidic abundances in the different considered regions. Furthermore the hypothesis that compositional biases are present among the four major eukaryotic kingdoms, proposed in literature, was tested and rejected. All the developed predictors and databases are freely available at: BaCelLo http://gpcr.biocomp.unibo.it/bacello eSLDB http://gpcr.biocomp.unibo.it/esldb GPIPE http://gpcr.biocomp.unibo.it/gpipe
The curriculum of the Bucknell University Chemical Engineering Department includes a required senior year capstone course titled Process Engineering, with an emphasis on process design. For the past ten years library research has been a significant component of the coursework, and students working in teams meet with the librarian throughout the semester to explore a wide variety of information resources required for their project. The assignment has been the same from 1989 to 1999. Teams of students are responsible for designing a safe, efficient, and profitable process for the dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene to styrene monomer. A series of written reports on their chosen process design is a significant course outcome. While the assignment and the specific chemical technology have not changed radically in the past decade, the process of research and discovery has evolved considerably. This paper describes the solutions offered in 1989 to meet the information needs of the chemical engineering students at Bucknell University, and the evolution in research brought about by online databases, electronic journals, and the Internet, making the process of discovery a completely different experience in 1999.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the methodology of meta-analyses published in leading general and specialist medical journals over a 10-year period. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: Volumes 1993-2002 of four general medicine journals and four specialist journals were searched by hand for meta-analyses including at least five controlled trials. Characteristics were assessed using a standardized questionnaire. RESULTS: A total of 272 meta-analyses, which included a median of 11 trials (range 5-195), were assessed. Most (81%) were published in general medicine journals. The median (range) number of databases searched increased from 1 (1-9) in 1993/1994 to 3.5 (1-21) in 2001/2002, P<0.0001. The proportion of meta-analyses including searches by hand (10% in 1993/1994, 25% in 2001/2002, P=0.005), searches of the grey literature (29%, 51%, P=0.010 by chi-square test), and of trial registers (10%, 32%, P=0.025) also increased. Assessments of the quality of trials also became more common (45%, 70%, P=0.008), including whether allocation of patients to treatment groups had been concealed (24%, 60%, P=0.001). The methodological and reporting quality was consistently higher in general medicine compared to specialist journals. CONCLUSION: Many meta-analyses published in leading journals have important methodological limitations. The situation has improved in recent years but considerable room for further improvements remains.
The aims of this study were to assess and compare the methodological quality of Cochrane and non-Cochrane systematic reviews (SRs) published in leading orthodontic journals and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) using AMSTAR and to compare the prevalence of meta-analysis in both review types. A literature search was undertaken to identify SRs that consisted of hand-searching five major orthodontic journals [American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Angle Orthodontist, European Journal of Orthodontics, Journal of Orthodontics and Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research (February 2002 to July 2011)] and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews from January 2000 to July 2011. Methodological quality of the included reviews was gauged using the AMSTAR tool involving 11 key methodological criteria with a score of 0 or 1 given for each criterion. A cumulative grade was given for the paper overall (0-11); an overall score of 4 or less represented poor methodological quality, 5-8 was considered fair and 9 or greater was deemed to be good. In total, 109 SRs were identified in the five major journals and on the CDSR. Of these, 26 (23.9%) were in the CDSR. The mean overall AMSTAR score was 6.2 with 21.1% of reviews satisfying 9 or more of the 11 criteria; a similar prevalence of poor reviews (22%) was also noted. Multiple linear regression indicated that reviews published in the CDSR (P < 0.01); and involving meta-analysis (β = 0.50, 95% confidence interval 0.72, 2.07, P < 0.001) showed greater concordance with AMSTAR.
In this article we argue that it is pressing to study the “hybrid media system” at the intersection of online and offl ine communication and its potential for agenda building. The topic is relevant because it is argued that the internet off ers new opportunities of public infl uence for challengers without access to political decision making. Except for single case studies, little is known about the conditions under which these actors succeed. Informed by the research on agenda building we tackle with the mechanisms of online-offline media agenda building and the conditions under which challengers succeed to produce issue spill-over into conventional mass media. We develop a theoretical framework for investigating the linkage between online communication and traditional mass media and discuss how our model translates into empirical research. We conclude that the nature of online networks is critical for spill-over, but also the issue itself and the structure of the political system.
The purpose of this online course is to ensure new nursing graduate students know how to use computer technologies required to complete academic and research activities. Powerful computers, high speed internet, digitalized resources and databases are widely available in educational institutes. New renovation and updates are being released at faster pace than ever. All these developments are necessary for a student to utilize computer programs and synthesize large amount of data in a limited time for any given academic research project. [See PDF for complete abstract]
PURPOSE Confidence intervals (CIs) are integral to the interpretation of the precision and clinical relevance of research findings. The aim of this study was to ascertain the frequency of reporting of CIs in leading prosthodontic and dental implantology journals and to explore possible factors associated with improved reporting. MATERIALS AND METHODS Thirty issues of nine journals in prosthodontics and implant dentistry were accessed, covering the years 2005 to 2012: The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, The International Journal of Prosthodontics, The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry, Clinical Oral Implants Research, Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, Implant Dentistry, and Journal of Dentistry. Articles were screened and the reporting of CIs and P values recorded. Other information including study design, region of authorship, involvement of methodologists, and ethical approval was also obtained. Univariable and multivariable logistic regression was used to identify characteristics associated with reporting of CIs. RESULTS Interrater agreement for the data extraction performed was excellent (kappa = 0.88; 95% CI: 0.87 to 0.89). CI reporting was limited, with mean reporting across journals of 14%. CI reporting was associated with journal type, study design, and involvement of a methodologist or statistician. CONCLUSIONS Reporting of CI in implant dentistry and prosthodontic journals requires improvement. Improved reporting will aid appraisal of the clinical relevance of research findings by providing a range of values within which the effect size lies, thus giving the end user the opportunity to interpret the results in relation to clinical practice.
PURPOSE The objective of this study was to assess the risk of bias of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published in prosthodontic and implant dentistry journals. MATERIALS AND METHODS The last 30 issues of 9 journals in the field of prosthodontic and implant dentistry (Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, Clinical Oral Implants Research, Implant Dentistry, International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry, International Journal of Prosthodontics, Journal of Dentistry, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, and Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry) were hand-searched for RCTs. Risk of bias was assessed using the Cochrane Collaboration's risk of bias tool and analyzed descriptively. RESULTS From the 3,667 articles screened, a total of 147 RCTs were identified and included. The number of published RCTs increased with time. The overall distribution of a high risk of bias assessment varied across the domains of the Cochrane risk of bias tool: 8% for random sequence generation, 18% for allocation concealment, 41% for masking, 47% for blinding of outcome assessment, 7% for incomplete outcome data, 12% for selective reporting, and 41% for other biases. CONCLUSION The distribution of high risk of bias for RCTs published in the selected prosthodontic and implant dentistry journals varied among journals and ranged from 8% to 47%, which can be considered as substantial.
Social software tools have become an integral part of students? personal lives and their primary communication medium. Likewise, these tools are increasingly entering the enterprise world (within the recent trend known as Enterprise 2.0) and becoming a part of everyday work routines. Aiming to keep the pace with the job requirements and also to position learning as an integral part of students? life, the field of education is challenged to embrace social software. Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) emerged as a concept that makes use of social software to facilitate collaboration, knowledge sharing, group formation around common interests, active participation and reflective thinking in online learning settings. Furthermore, social software allows for establishing and maintaining one?s presence in the online world. By being aware of a student's online presence, a PLE is better able to personalize the learning settings, e.g., through recommendation of content to use or people to collaborate with. Aiming to explore the potentials of online presence for the provision of recommendations in PLEs, in the scope of the OP4L project, we have develop a software solution that is based on a synergy of Semantic Web technologies, online presence and socially-oriented learning theories. In this paper we present the current results of this research work.
The use of tungsten disulphide inorganic nanotubes (INT-WS2) offers the opportunity to produce novel and advanced biopolymer-based nanocomposite materials with excellent nanoparticle dispersion without the need for modifiers or surfactants via conventional melt blending. The study of the non-isothermal melt-crystallization kinetics provides a clear picture of the transformation of poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) molecules from the non-ordered to the ordered state. The overall crystallization rate, final crystallinity and subsequent melting behaviour of PLLA were controlled by both the incorporation of INT-WS2 and the variation of the cooling rate. In particular, it was shown that INT-WS2 exhibits much more prominent nucleation activity on the crystallization of PLLA than other specific nucleating agents or nano-sized fillers. These features may be advantageous for the enhancement of mechanical properties and process-ability of PLLA-based materials. PLLA/INT-WS2 nanocomposites can be employed as low cost biodegradable materials for many eco-friendly and medical applications, and the exceptional crystallization behaviour observed opens new perspectives for scale-up and broader applications.
This review analyzes the existing research on the information needs of rural health professionals and relates it to the broader information-needs literature to establish whether the information needs of rural health professionals differ from those of other health professionals. The analysis of these studies indicates that rural health practitioners appear to have the same basic needs for patient-care information as their urban counterparts, and that both groups rely on colleagues and personal libraries as their main sources of information. Rural practitioners, however, tend to make less use of journals and online databases and ask fewer clinical questions; a difference that correlates with geographic and demographic factors. Rural practitioners experience pronounced barriers to information access including lack of time, isolation, inadequate library access, lack of equipment, lack of skills, costs, and inadequate Internet infrastructure. Outreach efforts to this group of underserved health professionals must be sustained to achieve equity in information access and to change information-seeking behaviors.