938 resultados para nucleotide sequencing
PURPOSE: Mutations in IDH3B, an enzyme participating in the Krebs cycle, have recently been found to cause autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa (arRP). The MDH1 gene maps within the RP28 arRP linkage interval and encodes cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase, an enzyme functionally related to IDH3B. As a proof of concept for candidate gene screening to be routinely performed by ultra high throughput sequencing (UHTs), we analyzed MDH1 in a patient from each of the two families described so far to show linkage between arRP and RP28. METHODS: With genomic long-range PCR, we amplified all introns and exons of the MDH1 gene (23.4 kb). PCR products were then sequenced by short-read UHTs with no further processing. Computer-based mapping of the reads and mutation detection were performed by three independent software packages. RESULTS: Despite the intrinsic complexity of human genome sequences, reads were easily mapped and analyzed, and all algorithms used provided the same results. The two patients were homozygous for all DNA variants identified in the region, which confirms previous linkage and homozygosity mapping results, but had different haplotypes, indicating genetic or allelic heterogeneity. None of the DNA changes detected could be associated with the disease. CONCLUSIONS: The MDH1 gene is not the cause of RP28-linked arRP. Our experimental strategy shows that long-range genomic PCR followed by UHTs provides an excellent system to perform a thorough screening of candidate genes for hereditary retinal degeneration.
The objective of this work was to genotype the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) A2959G (AF159246) of bovine CAST gene by PCR-RFLP technique, and to report its use for the first time. For this, 147 Bos indicus and Bos taurus x Bos indicus animals were genotyped. The accuracy of the method was confirmed through the direct sequencing of PCR products of nine individuals. The lowest frequency of the meat tenderness favorable allele (A) in Bos indicus was confirmed. The use of PCR-RFLP for the genotyping of the bovine CAST gene SNP was shown to be robust and inexpensive, which will greatly facilitate its analysis by laboratories with basic structure.
Elevated plasma levels of lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A(2) (Lp-PLA2) activity have been shown to be associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease and an inhibitor of this enzyme is under development for the treatment of that condition. A Val279Phe null allele in this gene, that may influence patient eligibility for treatment, is relatively common in East Asians but has not been observed in Europeans. We investigated the existence and functional effects of low frequency alleles in a Western European population by re-sequencing the exons of PLA2G7 in 2000 samples. In all, 19 non-synonymous single-nucleotide polymorphisms (nsSNPs) were found, 14 in fewer than four subjects (minor allele frequency <0.1%). Lp-PLA2 activity was significantly lower in rare nsSNP carriers compared with non-carriers (167.8±63.2 vs 204.6±41.8, P=0.01) and seven variants had enzyme activities consistent with a null allele. The cumulative frequency of these null alleles was 0.25%, so <1 in 10,000 Europeans would be expected to be homozygous, and thus not potentially benefit from treatment with an Lp-PLA2 inhibitor.
BACKGROUND: The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is composed of three homologous subunits: alpha, beta, and gamma. Mutations in the Scnn1b and Scnn1g genes, which encode the beta and the gamma subunits of ENaC, cause a severe form of hypertension (Liddle syndrome). The contribution of genetic variants within the Scnn1a gene, which codes for the alpha subunit, has not been investigated. METHODS: We screened for mutations in the COOH termini of the alpha and beta subunits of ENaC. Blood from 184 individuals from 31 families participating in a study on the genetics of hypertension were analyzed. Exons 13 of Scnn1a and Scnn1b, which encode the second transmembrane segment and the COOH termini of alpha- and beta-ENaC, respectively, were amplified from pooled DNA samples of members of each family by PCR. Constant denaturant capillary electrophoresis (CDCE) was used to detect mutations in PCR products of the pooled DNA samples. RESULTS: The detection limit of CDCE for ENaC variants was 1%, indicating that all members of any family or up to 100 individuals can be analyzed in one CDCE run. CDCE profiles of the COOH terminus of alpha-ENaC in pooled family members showed that the 31 families belonged to four groups and identified families with genetic variants. Using this approach, we analyzed 31 rather than 184 samples. Individual CDCE analysis of members from families with different pooled CDCE profiles revealed five genotypes containing 1853G-->T and 1987A-->G polymorphisms. The presence of the mutations was confirmed by DNA sequencing. For the COOH terminus of beta-ENaC, only one family showed a different CDCE profile. Two members of this family (n = 5) were heterozygous at 1781C-->T (T594M). CONCLUSION: CDCE rapidly detects point mutations in these candidate disease genes.
Background: In order to provide a cost-effective tool to analyse pharmacogenetic markers in malaria treatment, DNA microarray technology was compared with sequencing of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) fragments to detect single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in a larger number of samples. Methods: The microarray was developed to affordably generate SNP data of genes encoding the human cytochrome P450 enzyme family (CYP) and N-acetyltransferase-2 (NAT2) involved in antimalarial drug metabolisms and with known polymorphisms, i.e. CYP2A6, CYP2B6, CYP2C8, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP2D6, CYP3A4, CYP3A5, and NAT2. Results: For some SNPs, i.e. CYP2A6*2, CYP2B6*5, CYP2C8*3, CYP2C9*3/*5, CYP2C19*3, CYP2D6*4 and NAT2*6/*7/*14, agreement between both techniques ranged from substantial to almost perfect (kappa index between 0.61 and 1.00), whilst for other SNPs a large variability from slight to substantial agreement (kappa index between 0.39 and 1.00) was found, e. g. CYP2D6*17 (2850C>T), CYP3A4*1B and CYP3A5*3. Conclusion: The major limit of the microarray technology for this purpose was lack of robustness and with a large number of missing data or with incorrect specificity.
Two Brazilian Potato virus Y (PVY) isolates were biologically characterized as necrotic (PVY-NBR) and common (PVY-OBR) based upon symptoms on test plants. Additional characterization was performed by sequencing a cDNA corresponding to the 3' terminal region of the viral genome. The sequence consisted of 195 nucleotides (nt) coding part of the nuclear inclusion body b (NIb) gene, 804 nt of the coat protein (CP) gene, and 328 nt (PVY-OBR) or 326 nt (PVY-NBR) of the 3'-untranslated region (UTR). Translation of the sequence resulted in one single open reading frame with part of the NIb and a CP of 267 amino acids. The two isolates shared 95.1% similarity in the CP amino acid sequence. The CP and the 3'-UTR sequence of the Brazilian isolates were compared to those of other PVY isolates previously reported and unrooted phylogenetic trees were constructed. The trees revealed a separation of two distinct clusters, one comprising most of the common strains and the other comprising the necrotic strains. PVY-OBR was clustered in the common group and PVY-NBR in the necrotic one.
Scrapie is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy of sheeps and goats, associated with the deposition of a isoform of the prion protein (PrPsc). This isoform presents an altered conformation that leads to aggregation in the host's central nervous and lymphoreticular systems. Predisposition to the prion agent infection can be influenced by specific genotypes related to mutations in amino acids of the PrPsc gene. The most characterized mutations occur at codons 136, 154 and 171, with genotypes VRQ being the most susceptible and ARR the most resistant. In this study we have analyzed polymorphisms in 15 different codons of the PrPsc gene in sheeps from a Suffolk herd from Brazil affected by an outbreak of classical scrapie. Amplicons from the PrPsc gene, encompassing the most relevant altered codons in the protein, were sequenced in order to determine each animal's genotype. We have found polymorphisms at 3 of the 15 analyzed codons (136, 143 and 171). The most variable codon was 171, where all described alleles were identified. A rare polymorphism was found at the 143 codon in 4% of the samples analyzed, which has been described as increasing scrapie resistance in otherwise susceptible animals. No other polymorphisms were detected in the remaining 12 analyzed codons, all of them corresponding to the wild-type prion protein. Regarding the risk degree of developing scrapie, most of the animals (96%) had genotypes corresponding to risk groups 1 to 3 (very low to moderate), with only 4% in the higher risks group. Our data is discussed in relation to preventive measures involving genotyping and positive selection to control the disease.
We report a fast (less than 3 h) and cost-effective melting temperature assay method for the detection of single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the MBL2 gene. The protocol, which is based on the Corbett Rotor Gene real time PCR platform and SYBR Green I chemistry, yielded, in the cohorts studied, sensitive (100%) and specific (100%) PCR amplification without the use of costly fluorophore-labeled probes or post-PCR manipulation. At the end of the PCR, the dissociation protocol included a slow heating from 60º to 95ºC in 0.2ºC steps, with an 8-s interval between steps. Melting curve profiles were obtained using the dissociation software of the Rotor Gene-3000 apparatus. Samples were analyzed in duplicate and in different PCR runs to test the reproducibility of this technique. No supplementary data handling is required to determine the MBL2 genotype. MBL2 genotyping performed on a cohort of 164 HIV-1-positive Brazilian children and 150 healthy controls, matched for age and sex and ethnic origin, yielded reproducible results confirmed by direct sequencing of the amplicon performed in blind. The three MBL2 variants (Arg52Cys, Gly54Asp, Gly57Glu) were grouped together and called allele 0, while the combination of three wild-type alleles was called allele A. The frequency of the A/A homozygotes was significantly higher among healthy controls (0.68) than in HIV-infected children (0.55; P = 0.0234) and the frequency of MBL2 0/0 homozygotes was higher among HIV-1-infected children than healthy controls (P = 0.0296). The 0 allele was significantly more frequent among the 164 HIV-1-infected children (0.29) than among the 150 healthy controls (0.18; P = 0.0032). Our data confirm the association between the presence of the mutated MBL2 allele (allele 0) and HIV-1 infection in perinatally exposed children. Our results are in agreement with the literature data which indicate that the presence of the allele 0 confers a relative risk of 1.37 for HIV-1 infection through vertical transmission.
The glycosylation of glycoconjugates and the biosynthesis of polysaccharides depend on nucleotide-sugars which are the substrates for glycosyltransferases. A large proportion of these enzymes are located within the lumen of the Golgi apparatus as well as the endoplasmic reticulum, while many of the nucleotide-sugars are synthesized in the cytosol. Thus, nucleotide-sugars are translocated from the cytosol to the lumen of the Golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum by multiple spanning domain proteins known as nucleotide-sugar transporters (NSTs). These proteins were first identified biochemically and some of them were cloned by complementation of mutants. Genome and expressed sequence tag sequencing allowed the identification of a number of sequences that may encode for NSTs in different organisms. The functional characterization of some of these genes has shown that some of them can be highly specific in their substrate specificity while others can utilize up to three different nucleotide-sugars containing the same nucleotide. Mutations in genes encoding for NSTs can lead to changes in development in Drosophila melanogaster or Caenorhabditis elegans, as well as alterations in the infectivity of Leishmania donovani. In humans, the mutation of a GDP-fucose transporter is responsible for an impaired immune response as well as retarded growth. These results suggest that, even though there appear to be a fair number of genes encoding for NSTs, they are not functionally redundant and seem to play specific roles in glycosylation.
Phascolomyces articulosus genomic DNA was isolated from 48 h old hyphae and was used for amplification of a chitin synthase fragment by the polymerase chain reaction method. The primers used in the amplification corresponded to two widely conserved amino acid regions found in chitin synthases of many fimgi. Amphfication resulted in four bands (820, 900, 1000 and 1500 bp, approximately) as visualized in a 1.2% agarose gel. The lowest band (820 bp) was selected as a candidate for chitin synthase because most amplified regions from other fimgi so far exhibited similar sizes (600-750 bp). The selected fragment was extracted from the gel and cloned in the Hinc n site of pUC19. The derived plasmid and insert were designated ^\5C\9'PaCHS and PaCHS respectively. The plasmid pUC19-PaC/fS was digested by several restriction enzymes and was found to contain BamHl and HincU sites. Sequencing of PaCHS revealed two intron sequences and a total open reading frame of 200 amino acids. The derived polypeptide was compared with other related sequences from the EMBL database (Heidelberg, Germany) and was matched to 36 other fiilly or partially sequenced fimgal chitin synthase genes. The closest resemblance was with two genes (74.5% and 73.1% identity) from Rhizopus oligosporus. Southern hybridization with the cloned fragment as a probe to the PCR reaction showed a strong signal at the fragment selected for cloning and weaker signals at the other two fragments. Southern hybridization with partially digested Phascolomyces articulosus genomic DNA showed a single band. The amino acid sequence was compared with sequences from other chitin synthase gene classes using the CLUSTALW program. The chitin synthase fragment from Phascolomyces articulosus was initially grouped in class n along with chitin synthase fragments from Rhizopus oligosporus and Phycomyces blakesleeanus which also belong to the same class, Zygomycetes. Bootstrap analysis using the neighbor-joining method available by CLUSTALW verified such classification. Comparison of PaCHS revealed conservation of intron positions that are characteristic of chitin synthase gene fragments of zygomycetous fungi.
The relative ease to concentrate and purify adenoviruses, their well characterized mid-sized genome, and the ability to delete non-essential regions from their genome to accommodate foreign gene, made adenoviruses a suitable candidate for the construction of vectors. The use of adenoviral vectors in gene therapy, vaccination, and as a general vector system for expressing foreign genes have been documented for some time. In this study, the objective was to rescue a BAV3 E1 or E3 recombinant vector carrying the kanamycin resistant gene, a dominant selectable marker with useful applications in studying vectored gene expression in mammalian cells. To accomplish the objective of this study, more information about BAV3 DNA sequences was required in order to make the manipulation of the virus genome accessible. Therefore, sequencing of the BAV3 genome from 1 1 .7% to 30.8% was carried out. Analysis of the determined sequences revealed the primary structure of important viral gene products coded by E2 including BAV3 DNA pol and precursor to terminal protein. Comparative analysis of these proteins with their counterparts from human and non human adenoviruses revealed important insights as to the evolutionary lineage of BAV3. In order to insert the kanamycin resistance gene in either E1 or E3, it was necessary to delete BAV3 sequences to accommodate the foreign gene so as not to exceed the limit of the packaging capacity of the virus. To construct a recombinant BAV3 in which a foreign gene was inserted in the deleted E1 region, an E1 shuttle vector was constructed. This involved the deletion from the viral sequences a region between 1.3% to 9% and inserting the kanamycin resistance gene to replace the deletion. The E1 shuttle vector contained the left (0%- 53.9%) segment of the genome and was expected to generate BAV3 recombinants that can be grown and propagated in cells that can complement the missing E1 functions. To construct a similar shuttle vector for E3 deletion, DNA sequences extending from 78.9% to 82.5% (1281 bp) were deleted from within the E3 region that had been cloned into a plasmid vector. The deleted region corresponds to those that have been shown to be non-essential for viral replication in cell culture. The resulting plasmid was used to construct another recombinant plasmid with BAV3 DNA sequences extending from 37.1% to 100% and with a deletion of E3 sequences that were replaced by kanamycin resistance gene. This shuttle plasmid was used in cotransfections with digested viral DNA in an attempt to rescue a recombinant BAV3 carrying the kanamycin resistance gene to replace the deleted E3. In spite of repeated attempts of transfection, El or E3 recombinant BAV3 were not isolated. It seems that other approaches should be applied to make a final conclusion on BAV3 infectivity.
Recombinant Adenoviruses (Ads) have been shown to have potential applications in three areas: gene therapy, high level protein expression and recombinant vaccines.' At least three different locations within the Ad genome can be deleted and subsequently used for the insertion of foreign sequences. These include the Early 3 (E3), Early 1 (E1) and Early 4 (E4) regions. Viral vectors of this type have been well studied in Human Ads 2 and 5, however one has not yet been constructed for Bovine Adenovirus Type 2 (BAV2). The E3 region is located between 76.6 and 86 m.u. on the r-strand and is transcribed in a rightward direction. The gene products of the Early 3 region (E3) have been shown to be non-essential for viral replication, in vitro, but are required for host immunosurveillance. This study represents the cloning and reconstitution of a BAV2 E3 deletion mutant. A deletion of 1800bp was made within the E3 region of BAV2 and the thymidine kinase gene was subsequently inserted in the deleted area . . The plasmid pdlE3-4tk1 (23.4Kbp) was constructed and used to to facilitate homologous recombination with the wild type BAV2 to produce a mutant. Southern Blotting and Hybridization results suggest the presence of a BAV2 E3 deletion mutant with thymidine kinase sequences present. The E4 region of Human Adenovirus types 2 and 5 is located at the extreme right end of the genome (91.3 map units - 99.1 map units) and is transcribed in a leftward direction giving rise to a complicated set of differentially spliced mRNAs. Essentially there are 7 open reading frames (ORFs) encoding for at least 7 polypeptides. The gene products encoded by the E4 region have been shown to be essential for the expression of late viral genes, host cell shutoff and normal viral growth. We have cloned and sequenced the right end segment between 90.5 map units and 100 map units of the BAV2 genome. The results show several open reading frames which encode polypeptides exhibiting homology to three polypeptides encoded by the E4 region of human adenovirus type 2. These include the 14kDa protein encoded by ORF1, the 34kDa protein encoded by ORF6 and the 13kDa protein encoded by ORF3. The nucleotide sequence, restriction enzyme map, and ORF map of the E4 region could be very useful in future molecular manipulation of this region and could possibly explain the slow growth rate of BAV2 in MDBK cells.
Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) is an important avian pathogen may cause both respiratory disease and joint inflammation synovitis in poultry, causing economic losses to the Brazilian poultry industry. The genotypic variation in 16S rRNA gene is unknown. Partial sequences of 16S rRNA gene of 19 strains of M. synoviae were sequenced and analyzed in order to obtain molecular characterization and evaluation of the genetic variability of strains from distinct Brazilian areas of poultry production. Different polymorphic patterns were observed. The number of polymorphic alterations in the studied strains ranged from 0 to 6. The nucleotide variations, including deletion, insertion and substitutions, ranged from 3 to 5. The genotypic diversity observed in this study may be explained by spontaneous mutations that may occur when a lineage remains in the same flock for long periods. The culling and reposition in poultry flocks may be responsible for the entry of new strains in different areas. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Toxoplasma gondii is an intracellular obligate protozoan, which infects humans and warm-blooded animals. The aim of the present study was to clone the rop2, gra5 and gra7 genes from T. gondii RH strain and to produce recombinant proteins. The rop2, gra5 and gra7 gene fragments produced by polymerase chain reaction were cloned into the pET102/D-TOPO(R) vector which contains thioredoxin and polyhistidine tags at the C-and N-ends, respectively, and is expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE-3). The expression fusion proteins were found almost entirely in the insoluble form in the cell lysate. These recombinant proteins were purified with an Ni-NTA column. Concentrations of the recombinant antigens produced in the E. coli BL21-star ranged from 300 to 500 mu g/mL growth media, which was used to immunize rabbits. We observed an identity ranging from 96 to 97% when nucleotide sequences were compared to GenBank database sequences. Immunocharacterization of proteins was made by indirect immunofluorescence assay. These proteins will be used for serodiagnosis and vaccination.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)