972 resultados para nitrato de potássio


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The city of Natal comprises an area of about 170 km² (65,63 squares miles). The Dunas-Barreiras Aquifer is the most important reservoir of the coastal basin of RN. It is being responsible for the water supplying of about 70% of the population, however, due to the sewage disposal system by cesspools and drains, it is presently affected in a great extent by nitrates contamination. Thus, the present work proposes to research the utilization of contaminated water by nitrates of this fountainhead and find cost of the potable water through the ionic exchange technology. This technology consists in the removal of mineral salts by the exchange of cations for one ion of hydrogen (H+), through the passage of water by cationic resin bed and, secondly, by the exchange of the anions for hydroxyl ions (OH-) through a anionic resin bed. The obtained results have showed the waters derived from fountains, big water holes and shallow wells were microbiologically contaminated, while the waters derived from deep wells (above 70 m 76,58 yards) were free of contamination. Thus, only these ones are suitable to the use of ionic technology. The experiments were conducted with the resin IMAC-HP-555 such as kinetic, thermodynamic, and adsorption by fixed bed studies, being obtained several project variables for the experimental column, as follow: work temperature of 25oC; resin maximum capacity maximum e mean of adsorption ==0,01692 g NO3-1/g R e 0,0110 g NO3-1/g R, respectively. On the experimental column were performed breakthrough tests which pointed for an average ideal average speed of work of 13.2 m / h, with an average efficiency of 45% of adsorption, an optimal concentration of NaCl desorption of 8%, and an ideal desorption time of 80 minutes for the equilibrium conditions of water from the Dunas-Barreiras aquifer. Scale projection for ion-exchange column for denitrification, for these variables, using a computer modeling programme, to project the column of ion exchange ROREX-420/2000, obtained a cost for the drinking water denitrified by this system of R$ 0,16 / m3


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The urban drainage is one of the powers of environmental sanitation and its scope is the quantitative and qualitative aspects. In decision making of managers and the engineering aspects of design are almost always taken into account only the quantitative aspects. However, the waters of the runoff have the highest concentrations of pollutants at the beginning of precipitation. Thus, if the plot pollution removed, the remaining portion can be used for other purposes. This work has aimed to present the variation of water quality of two drainage basins in the city of Natal / RN-Brazil to support the implementation of drainage to consider the qualitative aspect, and identify potential for the use of water. The basins (M and C) are analyzed closed-type, are in the urban area, are predominantly residential occupation and its waters are used for detention ponds and infiltration. The samples were divided into three phases, the first two direct to final points in a basin and the third in traps distributed over the surface drainage. The parameters had been analyzed were pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, Color, Turbidity, COD, Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, total phosphorus, orthophosphate, Sediments solids, total solids, chloride, sulfate, alkalinity, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, Heavy Metals (Chromium, Cadmium, Lead, Zinc and Copper), Eschichia coli and total coliforms. The parameters studied showed high initial pollution load, events and located in different proportions, except nitrite, heavy metals and biological indicators. The size of the surface drainage and topographic its features influence the quality of water. However, the form of sampling is crucial in the qualitative study in the basin. The samplers developed at work, were generated economic and representative results. The urban rainwater presents organic faecal indicators. The runoff of water from both basins shows no risk of salinity and sodicity for use in irrigation, should be noted the content of chloride in the choice of method of irrigation


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The Serido is a region of northeastern Brazil highlighted by its problems related to water scarcity because of its semi-arid region, large rates of evaporation and rainfall irregular and scarce. Thus, the underground dams, become a strategically important resource with a simple and inexpensive technique for storage of water. They act in a positive way in the development of inland cities that suffer from drought, because in addition to exercise a great improvement in the social role of these families, can enjoy the type of soil (silt) and provides water for both irrigation and for human consumption throughout the year. Is therefore essential to its monitoring and studies to assess its effectiveness in accordance with its purposes, along with their wells Amazons, as can occur in conditions of physical degradation, chemical and microbiological appropriate, according to the Ordinance No 518/04 Ministry of Health, however, the proposed work aims to analyze the underground dams in the municipality of Sierra Negra North-RN (semi-arid region) as to their uses and their influences on the quality and quantity of water in periods of drought and rain. Analyzing monthly these parameters: determination of pH, conductivity, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, sulfate, RAS (sodium adsorption ratio), turbidity, total iron, nitrite, nitrate, total dissolved solids (STD), bicarbonate (HCO3), fecal coliform and pesticides compared to the standards allowed by the Ordinance in force for quality for human consumption. While at the risk of salinity and sodicity on the model proposed by the United Salinity Laboratory (USSL). Although efficient, it was found that results varied annually on water quality which may influence their specific uses, whether or irrigation water supply in the city


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The groundwater quality has been compromised as a result of the intensification of human activities over the years. Groundwater contamination by nitrate is one of the effects of this degradation, a socio-environmental problem that affects many regions of the world and particular the city of Natal (RN). Developing techniques for nitrate removal in water is intended to eliminate or reduce the concentration of this compound, and those that involve biological processes have produced economic and environmental advantages. This study proposes a technology for biological removal of nitrate in water supply for humans, using the endocarp s coconut as a carbon source and bacteria support. The experiments were performed in pilot scale anoxic, testing different areas of the substrate surface. Results showed high rates nitrate removal during the monitoring period, noting the occurrence of denitrification after the beginning of system operation. The best performance was achieved in the treatment system containing substrate surface area increased, indicating that the decrease in the endocarp size contributed to increased bacterial activity, improving the ability to remove nitrate. About the quality analyzed aspects of water, it was found that the proposed technology has the potential water use for human consumption


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study aimed to analyze the phytoremediation potential of Eichhornia crassipes in natural environments, optimize the extraction process of crude protein from plant tissue and, obtain and characterize this process in order to determine its viability of use instead of the protein sources of animal and/or human feed. For this, it has been determined in Apodi/Mossoró river water the concentration of ammonium ions, nitrite, nitrate, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, nickel, cobalt, sodium, aluminum, cádmium, lead, and total chromium; It was determined in plant tissue of aquatic macrophytes of Eichhornia crassipes species present in Apodi/Mossoró River the moisture content, ash, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, nickel, cobalt, sodium, aluminum, cadmium, lead, total chromium, total nitrogen and crude protein. It was also determined the translocation factor and bioaccumulation of all the quantified elements; It was developed and optimized the extraction procedure of crude protein based on the isoelectric method and a factorial design 24 with repetition; It was extracted and characterized the extract obtained by determining the moisture content, ash, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, nickel, cobalt, sodium, cadmium, total nitrogen and crude protein. And finally, it was also characterized the protein extract using Thermogravimetric Analysis (TG), Derived Thermogravimetric (DTG), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) and jelly-like electrophoresis of polyacrylamide (SDS -PAGE) to assess the their molecular weights/mass. Thus, from the results obtained for the translocation and bioaccumulation factors was found that the same can be used as phytoremediation agent in natural environments of all quantified elements. It was also found that the developed method of extraction and protein precipitation was satisfactory for the purpose of the work, which gave the best conditions of extraction and precipitation of proteins as: pH extraction equal to 13.0, extraction temperature equals 60 ° C, reaction time equals to 30 minutes, and pH precipitation equals to 4.0. As for the extract obtained, the total nitrogen and crude protein were quantified higher than those found in the plant, increasing the crude protein content approximately 116.88% in relation to the quantified contente in the vegetal tissue of macrophyte. The levels of nickel and cadmium were the unique that were found below the detection limit of used the equipment. The electrophoretic analysis allowed us to observe that the protein extract obtained is composed of low polypeptide chains by the molecular and phytochelatins, with 6 and 15 kDa bands. Analysis of TG, DTG, DSC and FT-IR showed similarities in protein content of the obtained extracts based on different collection points and 9 parts of the plant under study, as well as commercial soy protein and casein. Finally, based on all these findings, it was concluded that the obtained extract in this work can be used instead of the protein sources of animal feed should, before that, test its digestibility. As human supplementation, it is necessary to conduct more tests associated with the optimization process in the sense of removing undesirable components and constant monitoring of the water body and the raw material used


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of five P(2)O(5) rates and four K(2)O rates in two inter row plant spacings on the quality of short-duration pigeonpea seeds, in Selviria, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. For determining the treatments effects, a completely randomized block design was used, in a 2x5x4 factorial with four replicates, with the following treatments: 30 and 50 cm plant inter row spacings, 0, 40, 80, 120 and 160 kg ha(-1) of P(2)O(5) and 0, 30, 60 and 90 kg ha(-1) of K(2)O. Evaluations of first germination count, germination speed, germination, accelerated aging and seedlings field emergence were conducted. The fertilization of P(2)O(5) was positive, tip to the 120 kg ha, I-ate. The fertilization of K(2)O was positive for first count, accelerated aging, and seedlings field emergence.


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The present work had as objective to evaluate the effect of five phosphorus doses and four potassium doses in two inter-row plant spacings at two sowing times in the production and quality of pigeon pea seeds, in Selviria, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. For the determination of treatment effect, a completely randomized block design was used, in a 2x2x5x4 factorial, with four replications. The treatments were 0, 40, 80, 120 and 160 kg ha(-1) of P(2)O(5); 0, 30, 60 and 90 kg ha(-1) of K(2)O; inter-row plant spacings were 0.50 and 0.30 m; and sowing times were December 2003 and February 2004. The first sowing generated greater productivity, whereas the second sowing produced better seed quality. The 0.50 m spacing generated heavier seeds, while the 0.30 m spacing made for seeds of greater quality. Phosphorus, in general, influences positively in the production and quality of the seeds.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: Estudar as relações entre a excreção urinária de cálcio, sódio e potássio e a associação sódio/potássio urinários em crianças com hipercalciúria idiopática em dieta habitual, antes e depois da administração de citrato de potássio na dose de 1mEq/kg/dia. MÉTODOS: Foram estudadas prospectivamente 26 crianças: 19 (73%) meninos e sete (27%) meninas com idade entre dois e 13 anos, portadores de hipercalciúria idiopática recém-diagnosticada por dosagem de cálcio em urina de 24 horas >4mg/kg/dia. O citrato de potássio foi administrado na dose de 1mEq/kg/dia. Foram realizadas dosagens séricas e em urina de 24 horas de cálcio (Ca), potássio(K), sódio (Na) e creatinina (Cr), antes e 15 dias depois da administração diária do citrato de potássio. Para comparar os resultados de cálcio/creatinina (Ca/Cr), potássio/creatinina (K/Cr) e sódio/potássio (Na/K) urinários nos dois momentos, aplicou-se o teste não-paramétrico de Wilcoxon. Para a análise das associações entre Ca/Cr e K/Cr e entre Ca/Cr e Na/Cr foi utilizado o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson. Considerou-se significante p<0,05. RESULTADOS: Após o uso de citrato de potássio, ocorreu significativa redução da calciúria e da relação Na/K urinários, bem como elevação na caliúria. Não houve modificação da excreção urinária de sódio. CONCLUSÕES: em dieta habitual, o citrato de potássio eleva a caliúria e diminui a calciúria em criança hipercalciúricas, sendo um eficaz recurso terapêutico.


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Por ser de grande importância o conhecimento de valores séricos referenciais do mineralograma e do proteinograma, a sua utilização na medicina veterinária, e a escassez de trabalhos brasileiros relacionados à espécie caprina, este estudo objetivou determinar e comparar os níveis séricos de cálcio, fósforo, sódio, potássio e proteínas (proteína total, albumina, globulina e a relação albumina/globulina) em caprinos fêmeas da raça Parda Alpina, em três idades diferentes. Foram utilizadas 30 fêmeas caprinas da raça Parda Alpina criadas em regime intensivo, sendo separadas em três grupos: Grupo 1 - 10 fêmeas jovens com idade de quatro meses; Grupo 2 - 10 fêmeas adultas jovens com idade de 18 meses; Grupo 3 - 10 fêmeas adultas lactantes com idade de 24 a 60 meses. Os animais foram avaliados por meio de exames clínico e coproparasitológico. Foram encontrados os seguintes valores médios de cálcio, fósforo, sódio e potássio no grupo G1: 10,10± 1,70, 10,13± 2,04, 151± 3,30 e 5,16± 0,41; no grupo G2: 10,36± 0,94, 7,49± 1,34, 145,9± 3,35 e 4,56± 0,48; e para o grupo G3: 9,47± 1,45, 5,90± 1,21, 153,3± 5,17 e 4,20± 0,55. Para as variáveis proteína total sérica, albumina, globulina e relação albumina/globulina foram encontrados os seguintes valores médios, para o grupo G1: 6,29± 0,94, 3,5± 10,41, 2,78± 0,95 e 1,40± 0,48; para o grupo G2: 7,27± 0,73, 4,92± 1,06, 3,06± 0,56, 1,43± 0,44; e para o grupo G3: 7,14± 0,84, 3,70± 0,20, 3,44± 0,79 e 1,14± 0,30. A análise estatística dos dados demonstra que existe influência da faixa etária nas variáveis fósforo, sódio, potássio, proteína total e albumina.


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O experimento foi realizado com objetivo de avaliar os efeitos do estresse calórico e da suplementação de cloreto de potássio (KCl) sobre o desempenho e algumas características fisiológicas de frangos de corte. Quarenta aves, no período de 42 a 49 dias, foram submetidas ao estresse calórico (16 horas a 25 ± 1ºC; duas horas com temperatura crescente; quatro horas a 35 ± 1ºC; e duas horas com temperatura decrescente até a termoneutralidade e com umidade relativa de 63,5 ± 5%), recebendo os seguintes tratamentos: 0,50 e 1,00% KCl na ração; 0,25 e 0,50% KCl na água de bebida. A ração à base de milho e farelo de soja, com 20% de proteína bruta e 3200 kcal EM/kg, foi fornecida ad libitum. A suplementação de KCl na ração ou na água de beber não influiu no ganho de peso, nos consumos de ração e água, na conversão alimentar, na mortalidade, na relação água/ração, no teor de matéria seca das excretas e nas características hematológicas. O estresse calórico aumentou a temperatura retal, o hematócrito, a hemoglobina, o heterófilo e a relação heterófilo/linfócito e reduziu as hemácias, o linfócito, o sódio e o potássio sérico. A suplementação de KCl na água regulou o número de eritrócitos e a hemoglobina em frangos estressados pelo calor. A relação heterófilo:linfócito e a temperatura retal podem ser usadas como índices de estresse.


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A aplicação de silicato de potássio pode aumentar a disponibilidade de fósforo no solo, além de influenciar no crescimento da aveia branca. Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar o efeito da aplicação de doses de silicato de potássio no solo no desenvolvimento da aveia branca e na disponibilidade de fósforo. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 2 x 4, com seis repetições. Os tratamentos foram 20 e 200 mg dm-3 de P2O5 combinados com 0, 150, 300 e 450 mg dm-3 de Si, aplicados por ocasião da semeadura. Após a colheita, determinaram-se a matéria seca de folhas + colmos, das panículas e o total da parte aérea. A palha das panículas foi separada para avaliação dos teores de P e Si nas folhas + colmos, grãos e palha das panículas. As concentrações de Si e P no solo foram avaliadas após colheita das plantas. A aplicação de silicato aumenta os teores de Si no solo e influencia na maior disponibilidade de fósforo. A matéria seca de folhas + colmos é incrementada pelo silicato quando os teores iniciais de P são baixos. Mesmo com a dose elevada de P, a aplicação de silicato aumenta a disponibilidade de P no solo e a absorção pelas plantas. Os teores de Si na palha das panículas, folhas + colmos e grãos são influenciados pela maior disponibilidade do elemento no solo.