719 resultados para nie-Marksowski materializm historyczny


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Neste trabalho estudamos o problema da segregação de impurezas substitucionais em sistemas nanoestruturados metálicos formados pela justaposição de camadas (multicamadas). Utilizamos o modelo de ligações fortes (tight-binding) com um orbital por sítio para calcular a estrutura eletrônica desses sistemas, considerando a rede cristalina cubica simples em duas direções de crescimento: (001) e (011). Devido à perda de simetria do sistema, escrevemos o hamiltoniano em termos de um vetor de onda k, paralelo ao plano, e um ındice l que denota um plano arbitrario do sistema. Primeiramente, calculamos a estrutura eletrônica do sistema considerando-o formado por átomos do tipo A e, posteriormente, investigamos as modificações nessa estrutura eletrônica ao introduzirmos uma impureza do tipo B em um plano arbitrário do sistema. Calculamos o potencial introduzido por esta impureza levando-se em conta a neutralidade de carga através da regra de soma de Friedel. Calculamos a variação da energia eletrônica total ΔEl como função da posição da impureza. Como substrato, consideramos sistemas com ocupações iguais a 0.94 e 0.54 elétrons por banda, o que dentro do modelo nos permite chamá-los de Nie Cr. As impurezas sao tambem metais de transição - Mn, Fee Co. Em todos os casos investigados, foi verificado que a variação de energia eletrônica total apresenta um comportamento oscilatorio em função da posição da impureza no sistema, desde o plano superficial, até vários planos interiores do sistema. Como resultado, verificamos a ocorrencia de planos mais favoráveis à localização da impureza. Ao considerarmos um número relativamente grande de planos, um caso em particular foi destacado pelo aparecimento de um batimentono comportamento oscilatório de ΔEl. Estudamos também o comportamento da variação da energia total, quando camadas (filmes) são crescidas sobre o substrato e uma impureza do mesmo tipo das camadas é colocada no substrato. Levamos em conta a diferença de tamanho entre os átomos do substrato e os átomos dos filmes. Analisamos ainda a influência da temperatura sobre o comportamento oscilatório da energia total, considerando a expansão de Sommerfeld.


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Esta dissertação tem o objetivo de analisar a importância da solidão em Assim falou aratustra. Entretanto, para isso, abordamos a questão do método genealógico como crítica aos valores morais, em A genealogia da moral. Também estudamos o problema da moralidade e da consciência a partir da crítica genealógica de Nietzsche, com o intuito de analisar as relações entre solidão e imoralismo. Outrossim, analisamos como a solidão é o estilo do caráter, com o qual alguém se torna o que se é, representada por Zaratustra. A solidão é, portanto, o estilo de Zaratustra como aquele que afirma a transitoriedade e a contraditoriedade na luta de forças. Tal é o estilo daquele que assume a vida como vontade de potência, ou seja, vontade de assimilação, de expansão e apropriação do que é estranho. Entretanto, a vontade é entendida como movimento de expansão das forças. Ela não é apenas um desejo, mas é a propensão das forças em constante batalha. Tal movimento, que é a vontade, ora produz o niilismo, que nega a existência, ora demanda na afirmação da vida. Nesse caso, Zaratustra é a personagem que dá estilo ao seu caráter porque afirma a vida como vontade de potência, como um jogo entre composições de forças posicionais, perspectivas.


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Chromosomal homologies were established between human and two Chinese langurs (Semnopithecus francoisi, 2n=44, and S. phayrei, 2n=44) by chromosome painting with chromosome-specific DNA probes of all human chromosomes except the Y. Both langur species showed identical hybridization patterns in addition to similar G-banding patterns. In total, 23 human chromosome-specific probes detected 30 homologous chromosome segments in a haploid langur genome. Except for human chromosomes 1, 2, 6, 16 and 19 probes, which each gave signals on two non-homologous langur chromosomes respectively, all other probes each hybridized to a single chromosome. The results indicate a high degree of conservation of chromosomal synteny between human and these two Chinese langurs. The human chromosome 2 probe painted the entire euchromatic regions of langur chromosomes 14 and 19. Human chromosome 1 probe hybridized to three regions on langur autosomes, one region on langur chromosome 4 and two regions on langur chromosome 5. Human 19 probe hybridized on the same pattern to one region on chromosome 4 and to two regions on langur chromosome 5, where it alternated with the human chromosome 1 probe. Human 6 and 16 probes both hybridized to one region on each of the two langur autosomes 15 and 18. Only two langur chromosomes (12 and 21) were each labelled by probes specific for two whole human chromosomes (14 and 15 and 21 and 22 respectively). Comparison of the hybridization patterns of human painting probes on these two langurs with the data on other Old World primates suggests that reciprocal and Robertsonian translocations as will as inversions could have occurred since the divergance of human and the langurs from a common ancestor. This comparison also indicates that Asian colobines are karyotypically more closely related to each other that to African colobines.


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A complete comparative chromosome map of the white-browed gibbon (Hylobates hoolock, 2n = 38), white-cheeked gibbon (Hylobates leucogenys, 2n = 52), and human has been established by hybridising H. leucogenys chromosome-specific paints and human 24-colour paints onto H. hoolock metaphase chromosomes. In the 18 H. hoolock autosomes, we identified 62 conserved segments that showed DNA homology to regions of the 25 H. leucogenys autosomes, Numerous interchromosomal rearrangements differentiate the karyotypes of H. leucogenys and H. hoolock. Only H. hoolock chromosome 10 showed homology to one entire autosome of H. leucogenys. The hybridisation of human 24-colour paints not only confirmed most of the chromosome correspondences between human and H. hoolock established previously but also helped to correct five erroneous assignments and revealed three new segments. Our results demonstrate that the karyotypes of the extant gibbons have arisen mainly through extensive translocation events and that the karyotype of H. hoolock more closely resembles the ancestral karyotype of Hylobates, rather than the karyotype of H. leucogenys. Copyright (C) 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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With complete sets of chromosome-specific painting probes derived from flow-sorted chromosomes of human and grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis), the whole genome homologies between human and representatives of tree squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis, Callosciurus erythraeus), flying squirrels (Petaurista albiventer) and chipmunks (Tamias sibiricus) have been defined by cross-species chromosome painting. The results show that, unlike the highly rearranged karyotypes of mouse and rat, the karyotypes of squirrels are highly conserved. Two methods have been used to reconstruct the genome phylogeny of squirrels with the laboratory rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) as the out-group: ( 1) phylogenetic analysis by parsimony using chromosomal characters identified by comparative cytogenetic approaches; ( 2) mapping the genome rearrangements onto recently published sequence-based molecular trees. Our chromosome painting results, in combination with molecular data, show that flying squirrels are phylogenetically close to New World tree squirrels. Chromosome painting and G-banding comparisons place chipmunks ( Tamias sibiricus), with a derived karyotype, outside the clade comprising tree and flying squirrels. The superorder Glires (order Rodentia + order Lagomorpha) is firmly supported by two conserved syntenic associations between human chromosomes 1 and 10p homologues, and between 9 and 11 homologues.


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We have made a complete set of painting probes for the domestic horse by degenerate oligonucleotide-primed PCR amplification of flow-sorted horse chromosomes. The horse probes, together with a full set of those available for human, were hybridized onto metaphase chromosomes of human, horse and mule. Based on the hybridization results, we have generated genome-wide comparative chromosome maps involving the domestic horse, donkey and human. These maps define the overall distribution and boundaries of evolutionarily conserved chromosomal segments in the three genomes. Our results shed further light on the karyotypic relationships among these species and, in particular, the chromosomal rearrangements that underlie hybrid sterility and the occasional fertility of mules.


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Chromosomal homologies have been established between the Chinese muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi, MRE, 2n = 46) and five ovine species: wild goat (Capra aegagrus, CAE, 2n = 60), argall (Ovis ammon, OAM, 2n = 56), snow sheep (Ovis nivicola, ONI, 2n = 52), red goral (Naemorhedus cranbrooki, NCR, 2n = 56) and Sumatra serow (Capricornis sumatraensis, CSU, 2n = 48) by chromosome painting with a set of chromosome-specific probes of the Chinese muntjac. In total, twenty-two Chinese muntjac autosomal painting probes detected thirty-five homologous segments in the genome of each species. The chromosome X probe hybridized to the whole X chromosomes of all ovine species while the chromosome Y probe gave no signal. Our results demonstrate that almost all homologous segments defined by comparative painting show a high degree of conservation in G-banding patterns and that each speciation event is accompanied by specific chromosomal rearrangements. The combined analysis of our results and previous cytogenetic and molecular systematic results enables us to map the chromosomal rearrangements onto a phylogenetic tree, thus providing new insights into the karyotypic evolution of these species.


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Multidirectional comparative chromosome painting was used to investigate the karyotypic relationships among representative species from three Feliformia families of the order Carnivora ( Viverridae, Hyaenidae and Felidae). Complete sets of painting probes derived from flow-sorted chromosomes of the domestic dog, American mink, and human were hybridized onto metaphases of the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta, 2n = 40) and masked palm civet (Paguma larvata, 2n = 44). Extensive chromosomal conservation is evident in these two species when compared with the cat karyotype, and only a few events of chromosome fusion, fission and inversion differentiate the karyotypes of these Feliformia species. The comparative chromosome painting data have enabled the integration of the hyena and palm civet chromosomes into the previously established comparative map among the domestic cat, domestic dog, American mink and human and improved our understanding on the karyotype phylogeny of Feliformia species. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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The Vespertilionidae is the largest family in the order Chiroptera and has a worldwide distribution in the temperate and tropical regions. In order to further clarify the karyotype relationships at the lower taxonomic level in Vespertilionidae, genome-wid


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The muntjacs (Muntiacus, Cervidae) are famous for their rapid and radical karyotypic diversification via repeated tandem chromosome fusions, constituting a paradigm for the studies of karyotypic evolution. Of the five muntjac species with defined karyotyp


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A set of Chinese muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi) chromosome-specific paints has been hybridized onto the metaphases of sika deer (Cervus nippon, CNI, 2n = 66), red deer (Cervus elaphus, CEL, 2n = 62) and tufted deer (Elaphodus cephalophus, ECE, 2n = 47). Thir