982 resultados para niche.


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The concept of the haematopoietic stem cell (HSC) niche was formulated by Schofield in the 1970s, as a region within the bone marrow containing functional cell types that can maintain HSC potency throughout life. Since then, ongoing research has identified numerous cell types and a plethora of signals that not only maintain HSCs, but also dictate their behaviour with respect to homeostatic requirements and exogenous stresses. It has been proposed that there are endosteal and vascular niches within the bone marrow, which are thought to regulate different HSC populations. However, recent data depicts a more complicated picture, with functional crosstalk between cells in these two regions. In this review, recent research into the endosteal/vascular cell types and signals regulating HSC behaviour are considered, together with the possibility of a single subcompartmentalised niche.


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Using the Loyalty Triangle framework developed by Lewis and Shoemaker (1999) and focus group methodology, the study examined how a niche brand restaurant best achieved long-term loyalty. Results indicate that customers are loyal to a niche brand because of the unique characteristics inherent to the brand. Customers have higher perceptions of such qualities as the presentation of service, consistency of product, and the benefits offered by the loyalty program than characteristics that are shared across all brands. Niche brand restaurants can be more effective in developing these qualities to promote customer loyalty.


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1. The niche variation hypothesis predicts that among-individual variation in niche use will increase in the presence of intraspecific competition and decrease in the presence of interspecific competition. We sought to determine whether the local isotopic niche breadth of fish inhabiting a wetland was best explained by competition for resources and the niche variation hypothesis, by dispersal of individuals from locations with different prey resources or by a combination of the two. We analysed stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen as indices of feeding niche and compared metrics of within-site spread to characterise site-level isotopic niche breadth. We then evaluated the explanatory power of competing models of the direct and indirect effects of several environmental variables spanning gradients of disturbance, competition strength and food availability on among-individual variation of the eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki). 2. The Dispersal model posits that only the direct effect of disturbance (i.e. changes in water level known to induce fish movement) influences among-individual variation in isotopic niche. The Partitioning model allows for only direct effects of local food availability on among-individual variation. The Combined model allows for both hypotheses by including the direct effects of disturbance and food availability. 3. A linear regression of the Combined model described more variance than models limited to the variables of either the Dispersal or Partitioning models. Of the independent variables considered, the food availability variable (per cent edible periphyton) explained the most variation in isotopic niche breadth, followed closely by the disturbance variable (days since last drying event). 4. Structural equation modelling provided further evidence that the Combined model was best supported by the data, with the Partitioning and the Dispersal models only modestly less informative. Again, the per cent edible periphyton was the variable with the largest direct effect on niche variability, with other food availability variables and the disturbance variable only slightly less important. Indirect effects of heterospecific and conspecific competitor densities were also important, through their effects on prey density. 5. Our results support the Combined hypotheses, although partitioning mechanisms appear to explain the most diet variation among individuals in the eastern mosquitofish. The results also support some predictions of the niche variation hypothesis, although both conspecific and interspecific competition appeared to increase isotopic niche breadth in contrast to predictions that interspecific competition would decrease it. We think this resulted from high diet overlap of co-occurring species, most of which consume similar macroinvertebrates.


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Funded by Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate Wenner-Gren Foundation Swedish Research Council The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Stiftelsen Anna-Greta Holger Crafoords Fund The Crafoord Foundation


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Funded by Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate Wenner-Gren Foundation Swedish Research Council The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Stiftelsen Anna-Greta Holger Crafoords Fund The Crafoord Foundation


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The authors would like to express their gratitude to organizations and people that supported this research. Piotr Omenzetter’s work within the Lloyd’s Register Foundation Centre for Safety and Reliability Engineering at the University of Aberdeen is supported by Lloyd’s Register Foundation. The Foundation helps to protect life and property by supporting engineering-related education, public engagement and the application of research. Ben Ryder of Aurecon and Graeme Cummings of HEB Construction assisted in obtaining access to the bridge and information for modelling. Luke Williams and Graham Bougen, undergraduate research students, assisted with testing.


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Funded by Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate Wenner-Gren Foundation Swedish Research Council The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Stiftelsen Anna-Greta Holger Crafoords Fund The Crafoord Foundation


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This data contains realized ecological niche estimates of phytoplankton taxa within the mixed layer of the open ocean. The estimates are based on data from the MARine Ecosystem DATa (MAREDAT) initiative, and cover five phytoplankton functional types: coccolithophores (40 species), diatoms (87 species), diazotrophs (two genera), Phaeocystis (two species) and picophytoplankton (two genera). Considered as major niche dimensions were temperature (°C), mixed layer depth (MLD; m), nitrate concentration (µmoles/L), mean photosynthetically active radiation in the mixed layer (MLPAR; µmoles/m**2/s), salinity, and the excess of phosphate versus nitrate relative to the Redfield ratio (P*; µmoles/L). For each niche dimension at a time, conditions at presence locations of the taxa were contrasted with conditions in 12 000 randomly sampled points from the open ocean using MaxEnt models. We used the quartiles of the response curves of these models to parameterize realized niche centers and niche breadths: the median (q50) of the response curves was considered to be the niche center and the distance between the lower quartile (q25) and the upper quartile (q75) was used as a rough estimate of niche breadth. We only reported meaningful niche estimates, i.e., estimates based on MaxEnt models that perform significantly better than random, as indicated by an area under the curve (AUC) score significantly larger than 0.5.


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Niche construction is the process by which organisms construct important components of their local environment in ways that introduce novel selection pressures. Lactase persistence is one of the clearest examples of niche construction in humans. Lactase is the enzyme responsible for the digestion of the milk sugar lactose and its production decreases after the weaning phase in most mammals, including most humans. Some humans, however, continue to produce lactase throughout adulthood, a trait known as lactase persistence. In European populations, a single mutation (−13910*T) explains the distribution of the phenotype, whereas several mutations are associated with it in Africa and the Middle East. Current estimates for the age of lactase persistence-associated alleles bracket those for the origins of animal domestication and the culturally transmitted practice of dairying. We report new data on the distribution of −13910*T and summarize genetic studies on the diversity of lactase persistence worldwide. We review relevant archaeological data and describe three simulation studies that have shed light on the evolution of this trait in Europe. These studies illustrate how genetic and archaeological information can be integrated to bring new insights to the origins and spread of lactase persistence. Finally, we discuss possible improvements to these models.


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[EN] The integration of satellite telemetry, remotely sensed environmental data, and habitat/environmental modelling has provided for a growing understanding of spatial and temporal ecology of species of conservation concern. The Republic of Cape Verde comprises the only substantial rookery for the loggerhead turtle Caretta caretta in the eastern Atlantic. A size related dichotomy in adult foraging patterns has previously been revealed for adult sea turtles from this population with a proportion of adults foraging neritically, whilst the majority forage oceanically. Here we describe observed habitat use and employ ecological niche modelling to identify suitable foraging habitats for animals utilising these two distinct behavioural strategies. We also investigate how these predicted habitat niches may alter under the influence of climate change induced oceanic temperature rises.


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Chez l’humain, les lymphocytes B mémoires IgG+ et IgA+ sont des cellules clés de l’immunité humorale. Ces cellules mémoires sont maintenues à long-terme dans notre organisme. Elles représentent une défense rapide et efficace contre toutes les infections que nous avons déjà vaincues pendant notre vie. Ces cellules mémoires qui rencontrent à nouveau leur antigène se différencient rapidement en plasmocytes à courte vie, et permettent la sécrétion massive d’immunoglobuline (Ig). La contrepartie mémoire de ces cellules sont les plasmocytes à longue vie qui sont présents dans les niches de la moelle osseuse et y sécrètent en permanence des anticorps protecteurs qui circulent dans le sang. Ces cellules sécrétrices peuvent avoir une durée de vie allant de dizaines d’années à la vie entière de l’individu. Les patients qui reçoivent des traitements de chimiothérapie ou de radiothérapie sont privés de ces cellules mémoires détruites par ces traitements au même titre que les cellules cancéreuses. Ces patients deviennent vulnérables aux infections et leur survie dépend de la régénération rapide de leur système hématopoïétique. Notre équipe a déjà mis au point une méthode pour préparer de grandes quantités des cellules mémoires capables de sécréter des IgG et des IgA. Les présents travaux visent à générer des plasmocytes fonctionnels et capables de survivre à long terme in vitro. La stratégie expérimentale visait à établir des conditions permettant de se rapprocher de l’environnement de la moelle osseuse. Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié les paramètres permettant la différenciation des lymphocytes B mémoires en plasmocytes. Étant donné l’importance du potentiel redox dans l’environnement de la moelle osseuse, nous avons d’abord tenté d’en contrôler l’impact avec un antioxydant, le N-acétyle cystéine (NAC). Nos résultats ont démontré que le NAC avait un effet significatif et diminuait la phosphorylation de la protéine STAT3 en raison d’une inhibition des kinases JAK2 et JAK3. Étonnamment, cet antioxydant retardait la différenciation de nos lymphocytes B qui étaient stimulés avec une forte interaction CD40-CD154. Par la suite, la comparaison des interactions CD40-CD154 et CD27-CD70 a permis de conclure qu’il était essentiel de réduire à son minimum l’interaction CD40-CD154 et qu’il fallait ajouter les cytokines IL-6 et IL-10. Les cellules CD31+CD38+CD138+ générées présentaient un phénotype similaire à celui des plasmocytes de la moelle osseuse. Malheureusement la fréquence de ces cellules était faible et leur viabilité insuffisante. Afin d’augmenter la survie de ces cellules le dernier volet de nos travaux visait à se rapprocher des niches de la moelle osseuse. Notre but a été atteint en ajoutant des cellules mésenchymateuses issues de la moelle osseuse en présence de 8% de dioxygène (O2). Les cellules CD31+CD38+CD138+ générées ont une excellente viabilité et représentent plus de 50% des cellules totales en culture. De plus, le modèle de culture est maintenant établi dans un milieu exempt de sérum et de protéines animales. Dans l’ensemble, nos résultats permettent de proposer la production ex vivo de plasmocytes autologues avec une perspective thérapeutique pour réduire les risques d’infections des patients devenues immunodéficients, suite à un traitement de radiothérapie ou de chimiothérapie.


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Increasing abundance of non-commercial sprats and decreasing biomass and landings of commercial anchovies and sardines justify the need to study the feeding ecology and trophic niche overlap of these planktivorous species in the Gulf of Lions. Their diet has been investigated on the basis of stomach content and stable isotope analyses in 2011 and 2012 according to different depths and regions in the study area. The main prey were Corycaeidae copepods, Clauso/Paracalanus, Euterpina acutifrons and Microsetella, for sprats and small copepods, such as Microsetella, Oncaea and Corycaeidae, for anchovies and sardines. This is the first time that the diet of sprats is described in the Gulf of Lions. Sprats fed on a larger size spectrum of prey and seem to be more generalist feeders compared to anchovies and sardines. Ontogenetic changes as well as spatial and temporal variations of the diet occurred in the three species. Stable isotope analysis revealed mobility of sardines and sprats among feeding areas while anchovies exhibited preferred feeding areas. Sprats showed a higher relative condition assessed by C/N ratios than sardines and anchovies. Our results showed an overlap of the trophic niches for the three species, indicating a potential trophic competition in the Gulf of Lions.