974 resultados para new associations


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Por meio de observações sub e supra-aquáticas foram registradas associações alimentares do tipo nuclear-seguidor entre três espécies de peixes characiformes - Chalceus epakros, Hemiodus semitaeniatus e Hemiodus unimaculatus - e uma espécie de raia de água doce - Potamotrygon orbignyi - nas bacias dos rios Teles Pires e Xingu, no Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Os peixes teleósteos foram observados seguindo as raias quando estas revolviam o substrato à procura de invertebrados, formando discretas nuvens de sedimento. Essas situações atraíram os peixes que se aproximaram das raias para se alimentar de pequenas presas e outros tipos de alimentos expostos desta forma. Esse é um típico exemplo de relação comensal onde um participante é beneficiado enquanto o outro não é prejudicado e representa o segundo registro na literatura de associação alimentar do tipo nuclear-seguidor entre raias potamotrigonídeas e peixes teleósteos, demonstrando o potencial de estudos naturalísticos para a descoberta de novas interações envolvendo espécies de peixes de água doce.


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Objective: The ageing process is accompanied by a variety of cellular modifications, and telomere shortening is a common finding. Large epidemiological studies have reported an association between shorter telomere length in peripheral leukocytes and several inflammatory diseases of the elderly including diabetes, atherosclerosis and, recently, periodontitis. The primary aim of this study was to critically discuss available evidence regarding the potential mechanisms relating shorter telomeres to periodontitis. Design: A narrative literature review was performed to report evidence relating shorter telomeres to the ageing process and inflammation. Then, we searched MEDLINE (1950 to May 2012) and ISI WEB OF SCIENCE (1950 to May 2012) databases for the combination of the terms 'telomere' and 'periodontitis'. Results: Although these associations suggest a possible role of telomere attrition in the onset or evolution of chronic inflammatory diseases, only two studies addressed the relationship between telomere length and periodontitis. Conclusion: We suggest that the chronic inflammatory burden observed in people with chronic periodontitis could represent the driver of telomere shortening. However, further evidence is needed to confirm whether inflammation is the cause or the consequence of the shorter leukocyte telomere length observed in people with periodontitis. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Context. Convergent point (CP) search methods are important tools for studying the kinematic properties of open clusters and young associations whose members share the same spatial motion. Aims. We present a new CP search strategy based on proper motion data. We test the new algorithm on synthetic data and compare it with previous versions of the CP search method. As an illustration and validation of the new method we also present an application to the Hyades open cluster and a comparison with independent results. Methods. The new algorithm rests on the idea of representing the stellar proper motions by great circles over the celestial sphere and visualizing their intersections as the CP of the moving group. The new strategy combines a maximum-likelihood analysis for simultaneously determining the CP and selecting the most likely group members and a minimization procedure that returns a refined CP position and its uncertainties. The method allows one to correct for internal motions within the group and takes into account that the stars in the group lie at different distances. Results. Based on Monte Carlo simulations, we find that the new CP search method in many cases returns a more precise solution than its previous versions. The new method is able to find and eliminate more field stars in the sample and is not biased towards distant stars. The CP solution for the Hyades open cluster is in excellent agreement with previous determinations.


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A reassessment of the taxonomic status of Amblyomma cajennense based on the morphological analyses of ticks from the whole distribution area of the species resulted in the redescription of A. cajennense, the validation of 2 species which had been reduced to synonymy in the past, Amblyomma mixtum and Amblyomma sculptum, and the description and definition of 3 new species, Amblyomma tonelliae n. sp., Amblyomma interandinum n. sp., and Amblyomma patinoi n. sp. This study provides descriptions and redescriptions, scanning electron microscopic and stereomicroscopic images, updated synonymies, information on geographical distributions, and host associations for each of the 6 species. Amblyomma cajennense s.s. is found in the Amazonian region of South America, A. interandinum is reported from the northern part of the Inter-Andean valley of Peru, A. mixtum is present from Texas (U.S.A.) to western Ecuador, A. patinoi occurs in the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia, A. tonelliae is associated with the dry areas of the Chaco region which spans from central-northern Argentina to Bolivia and Paraguay, whereas A. sculptum is distributed from the humid areas of northern Argentina, to the contiguous regions of Bolivia and Paraguay and the coastal and central-western states of Brazil.


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In this PhD thesis, a multidisciplinary study has been carried out on metagranitoids and paragneisses from the Eastern Rhodope Massif, northern Greece, to decipher the pre-Alpine magmatic and geodynamic evolution of the Rhodope Massif and to correlate the eastern part with the western/central parts of the orogen. The Rhodope Massif, which occupies the major part of NE Greece and S Bulgaria, represents the easternmost part of the Internal Hellenides. It is regarded as a nappe stack of high-grade units, which is classically subdivided into an upper unit and a lower unit, separated by a SSE-NNW trending thrust plane, the Nestos thrust. Recent research in the central Greek Rhodope Massif revealed that the two units correspond to two distinct terranes of different age, the Permo-Carboniferous Thracia Terrane, which was overthrusted by the Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous Rhodope Terrane. These terranes are separated by the Nestos suture, a composite zone comprising metapelites, metabasites, metagranitoids and marbles, which record high-pressure and even ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism in places. Similar characteristic rock associations were investigated during this study along several well-constrained cross sections in vincity to the Ada, Sidiro and Kimi villages in the Greek Eastern Rhodope Massif. Field evidence revealed that the contact zone of the two terranes in the Eastern Rhodope Massif is characterized by a mélange of metapelites, migmatitic amphibolites/eclogites, strongly sheared orthogneisses and marbles. The systematical occurrence of this characteristic rock association between the terranes implies that the Nestos suture is a continuous belt throughout the Greek Rhodope Massif. In this study, a new UHP locality could be established and for the first time in the Greek Rhodope, metamorphic microdiamonds were identified in situ in their host zircons using Laser-Raman spectroscopy. The presence of the diamonds as well as element distribution patterns of the zircons, obtained by TOF-SIMS, indicate metamorphic conditions of T > 1000 °C and P > 4 GPa. The high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure rocks of the mélange zone are considered to have formed during the subduction of the Nestos Ocean in Jurassic times at ~150 Ma. Melting of metapelitic rocks at UHP conditions facilitated the exhumation to lower crustal levels. To identify major crust forming events, basement granitoids were dated by LA-SF-ICPMS and SHRIMP-II U-Pb analyses of zircons. The geochronological results revealed that the Eastern Rhodope Massif consists of two crustal units, a structurally lower Permo-Carboniferous unit corresponding to the Thracia Terrane and a structurally upper Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous unit corresponding to the Rhodope Terrane, like it was documented for the Central Rhodope Massif. Inherited zircons in the orthogneisses from the Thracia Terrane of the Eastern Rhodope Massif indicate the presence of a pre-existing Neoproterozoic and Ordovician-Silurian basement in this region. Triassic magmatism is witnessed by the zircons of few orthogneisses from the easternmost Rhodope Massif and is interpreted to be related to rifting processes. Whole-rock major and trace element analyses indicate that the metagranitoids from both terranes originated in a subduction-related magmatic-arc environment. The Sr-Nd isotope data for both terranes of the Eastern and Central Rhodope Massif suggest a mixed crust-mantle source with variable contributions of older crustal material as already indicated by the presence of inherited zircons. Geochemical and isotopic similarity of the basement of the Thracia Terrane and the Pelagonian Zone implies that the Thracia Terrane is a fragment of a formerly unique Permo-Carboniferous basement, separated by rifting and opening of the Meliata-Maliac ocean system in Triassic times. A branch of the Meliata-Maliac ocean system, the Nestos Ocean, subducted northwards in Late Jurassic times leading to the formation of the Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous Rhodope magmatic arc on remnants of the Thracia Terrane as suggested by inherited Permo-Carboniferous zircons. The ~150 Ma zircon ages of the orthogneisses from the Rhodope Terrane indicate that subduction-related magmatism and HP/UHP metamorphism occurred during the same subduction phase. Subduction ceased due to the closure of the Nestos Ocean in the Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous. The post-Jurassic evolution of the Rhodope Massif is characterized by the exhumation of the Rhodope core complex in the course of extensional tectonics associated with late granite intrusions in Eocene to Miocene times.


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Saccular intracranial aneurysms are balloon-like dilations of the intracranial arterial wall; their hemorrhage commonly results in severe neurologic impairment and death. We report a second genome-wide association study with discovery and replication cohorts from Europe and Japan comprising 5,891 cases and 14,181 controls with approximately 832,000 genotyped and imputed SNPs across discovery cohorts. We identified three new loci showing strong evidence for association with intracranial aneurysms in the combined dataset, including intervals near RBBP8 on 18q11.2 (odds ratio (OR) = 1.22, P = 1.1 x 10(-12)), STARD13-KL on 13q13.1 (OR = 1.20, P = 2.5 x 10(-9)) and a gene-rich region on 10q24.32 (OR = 1.29, P = 1.2 x 10(-9)). We also confirmed prior associations near SOX17 (8q11.23-q12.1; OR = 1.28, P = 1.3 x 10(-12)) and CDKN2A-CDKN2B (9p21.3; OR = 1.31, P = 1.5 x 10(-22)). It is noteworthy that several putative risk genes play a role in cell-cycle progression, potentially affecting the proliferation and senescence of progenitor-cell populations that are responsible for vascular formation and repair.


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Although reactive hyperemia index (RHI) predicts future coronary events, associations with intravascular ultrasound (IVUS)-assessed coronary plaque structure have not been reported. This study therefore investigated associations between RHI and IVUS-assessed coronary plaques. In 362 patients RHI was measured by noninvasive peripheral arterial tonometry and coronary plaque components (fibrous, fibrofatty, necrotic core, and dense calcium) were identified by IVUS in 594 vessel segments of the left anterior descending, circumflex, and/or right coronary arteries. RHI values <1.67 were considered abnormal. Analysis of variance was used to detect independent associations between RHI and plaque composition. Patients with an abnormal RHI had greater plaque burden (41% vs 39% in patients with normal RHI, p = 0.047). Compared to patients with normal RHI, plaque of patients with abnormal RHI had more necrotic core (21% vs 17%, p <0.001) and dense calcium (19% vs 15%, p <0.001) and less fibrous (49% vs 54%, p <0.001) and fibrofatty (11% vs 14%, p = 0.002) tissue. After adjustment for age, gender, cardiovascular risk factors, and drug therapy, abnormal RHI remained significantly associated with fibrous (F ratio 14.79, p <0.001), fibrofatty (F ratio 5.66, p = 0.018), necrotic core (F ratio 14.47, p <0.001), and dense calcium (F ratio 10.80, p = 0.001) volumes. In conclusion, coronary artery plaques of patients with abnormal RHI had a larger proportion of necrotic core and dense calcium. The association of an abnormal RHI with a plaque structure that is more prone to rupture may explain why these patients exhibit a greater risk of coronary events.


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Genome-wide association studies and candidate gene studies in ulcerative colitis have identified 18 susceptibility loci. We conducted a meta-analysis of six ulcerative colitis genome-wide association study datasets, comprising 6,687 cases and 19,718 controls, and followed up the top association signals in 9,628 cases and 12,917 controls. We identified 29 additional risk loci (P < 5 × 10(-8)), increasing the number of ulcerative colitis-associated loci to 47. After annotating associated regions using GRAIL, expression quantitative trait loci data and correlations with non-synonymous SNPs, we identified many candidate genes that provide potentially important insights into disease pathogenesis, including IL1R2, IL8RA-IL8RB, IL7R, IL12B, DAP, PRDM1, JAK2, IRF5, GNA12 and LSP1. The total number of confirmed inflammatory bowel disease risk loci is now 99, including a minimum of 28 shared association signals between Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.


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There is increasing evidence that strain variation in Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) might influence the outcome of tuberculosis infection and disease. To assess genotype-phenotype associations, phylogenetically robust molecular markers and appropriate genotyping tools are required. Most current genotyping methods for MTBC are based on mobile or repetitive DNA elements. Because these elements are prone to convergent evolution, the corresponding genotyping techniques are suboptimal for phylogenetic studies and strain classification. By contrast, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) are ideal markers for classifying MTBC into phylogenetic lineages, as they exhibit very low degrees of homoplasy. In this study, we developed two complementary SNP-based genotyping methods to classify strains into the six main human-associated lineages of MTBC, the "Beijing" sublineage, and the clade comprising Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium caprae. Phylogenetically informative SNPs were obtained from 22 MTBC whole-genome sequences. The first assay, referred to as MOL-PCR, is a ligation-dependent PCR with signal detection by fluorescent microspheres and a Luminex flow cytometer, which simultaneously interrogates eight SNPs. The second assay is based on six individual TaqMan real-time PCR assays for singleplex SNP-typing. We compared MOL-PCR and TaqMan results in two panels of clinical MTBC isolates. Both methods agreed fully when assigning 36 well-characterized strains into the main phylogenetic lineages. The sensitivity in allele-calling was 98.6% and 98.8% for MOL-PCR and TaqMan, respectively. Typing of an additional panel of 78 unknown clinical isolates revealed 99.2% and 100% sensitivity in allele-calling, respectively, and 100% agreement in lineage assignment between both methods. While MOL-PCR and TaqMan are both highly sensitive and specific, MOL-PCR is ideal for classification of isolates with no previous information, whereas TaqMan is faster for confirmation. Furthermore, both methods are rapid, flexible and comparably inexpensive.


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BACKGROUND: Associations between periodontitis and cardiovascular diseases have been recognized. MATERIAL AND METHODS: New literature since the last European Workshop on Periodontology has been reviewed. RESULTS: The lack of reliable epidemiological data on disease prevalence makes an assessment of the associations and risks between periodontitis and cardiovascular diseases difficult. Two recent meta-analysis reports have identified associations between periodontitis and cardiovascular diseases (odds ratios: 1.1-2.2). Different surrogate markers for both disease entities, including serum biomarkers, have been investigated. Brachial artery flow-mediated dilatation, and carotid intima media thickness have in some studies been linked to periodontitis. Studies are needed to confirm early results of improvements of such surrogate markers following periodontal therapy. While intensive periodontal therapy may enhance inflammatory responses and impair vascular functions, studies are needed to assess the outcome of periodontal therapies in subjects with confirmed cardiovascular conditions. Tooth eradication may also reduce the systemic inflammatory burden of individuals with severe periodontitis. The role of confounders remain unclear. CONCLUSIONS: Periodontitis may contribute to cardiovascular disease and stroke in susceptible subjects. Properly powered longitudinal case-control and intervention trials are needed to identify how periodontitis and periodontal interventions may have an impact on cardiovascular diseases.


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Many plant species have been introduced from their native ranges to new continents, but few have become naturalized or, ultimately, invasive. It has been predicted that species that do not require the presence of compatible mates and the services of pollinators for reproduction will be favored in establishment after long-distance dispersal. We tested whether this hypothesis, generally referred to as Baker's law, holds for South African species of Iridaceae ( iris family) that have been introduced in other regions for horticultural purposes. Fruit and seed production of flowers from which pollinators had been experimentally excluded was assessed for 10 pairs of species from nine different genera or subgenera. Each species pair comprised one naturalized and one nonnaturalized species, all of which are used in international horticulture. On average, species of Iridaceae that have become naturalized outside their native ranges showed a higher capacity for autonomous fruit and seed production than congeneric species that have not become naturalized. This was especially true for the naturalized species that are considered to be invasive weeds. These results provide strong evidence for the role of autonomous seed production in increasing potential invasiveness in plants.


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BACKGROUND: Distinct Crohn's disease (CD) phenotypes correlate with antibody reactivity to microbial antigens. We examined the association between antibody response to 2 new flagellins called A4-Fla2 and Fla-X, anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies (ASCA), anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (p-ANCA), anti-pancreas antibodies (PAB), NOD2 mutations (R702W, G908R, and L1007fsinsC), and clinical CD phenotypes (according to Vienna criteria). METHODS: All the above-mentioned antibodies as well as NOD2 mutations were determined in 252 CD patients, 53 with ulcerative colitis (UC), and 43 healthy controls (HC) and correlated with clinical data. RESULTS: A seroreactivity for A4-Fla2/Fla-X/ASCA/p-ANCA/PAB (in percent) was found in 59/57/62/12/22 of CD patients, 6/6/4/51/0 of UC patients, and 0/2/5/0/0 of healthy controls. CD behavior: 37% B1, 36% B2, and 27% B3. In multivariate logistic regression, antibodies to A4-Fla2, Fla-X, and ASCA were significantly associated with stricturing phenotype (P = 0.027, P = 0.041, P < 0.001), negative associations were found with inflammatory phenotype (P = 0.001, P = 0.005, P < 0.001). Antibodies to A4-Fla2, Fla-X, ASCA, and NOD2 mutations were significantly associated with small bowel disease (P = 0.013, P = 0.01, P < 0.001, P = 0.04), whereas ASCA was correlated with fistulizing disease (P = 0.007), and small bowel surgery (P = 0.009). Multiple antibody responses against microbial antigens were associated with stricturing (P < 0.001), fistulizing disease (P = 0.002), and small bowel surgery (P = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: Anti-flagellin antibodies and ASCA are strongly associated with complicated CD phenotypes. CD patients with serum reactivity against multiple microbes have the greatest frequency of strictures, perforations, and small bowel surgery. Further prospective longitudinal studies are needed to show that antibody-based risk stratification improves the clinical outcome of CD patients.


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OBJECTIVE: Hierarchical modeling has been proposed as a solution to the multiple exposure problem. We estimate associations between metabolic syndrome and different components of antiretroviral therapy using both conventional and hierarchical models. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: We use discrete time survival analysis to estimate the association between metabolic syndrome and cumulative exposure to 16 antiretrovirals from four drug classes. We fit a hierarchical model where the drug class provides a prior model of the association between metabolic syndrome and exposure to each antiretroviral. RESULTS: One thousand two hundred and eighteen patients were followed for a median of 27 months, with 242 cases of metabolic syndrome (20%) at a rate of 7.5 cases per 100 patient years. Metabolic syndrome was more likely to develop in patients exposed to stavudine, but was less likely to develop in those exposed to atazanavir. The estimate for exposure to atazanavir increased from hazard ratio of 0.06 per 6 months' use in the conventional model to 0.37 in the hierarchical model (or from 0.57 to 0.81 when using spline-based covariate adjustment). CONCLUSION: These results are consistent with trials that show the disadvantage of stavudine and advantage of atazanavir relative to other drugs in their respective classes. The hierarchical model gave more plausible results than the equivalent conventional model.


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INTRODUCTION: Task stressors typically refer to characteristics such as not having enough time or resources, ambiguous demands, or the like. We suggest the perceived lack of legitimacy as an additional feature of tasks as a source of stress. Tasks are “illegitimate” to the extent that it is perceived as improper to expect employees to execute them – not because of difficulties in executing them, but because of their content for a given person, time, and situation; they are illegitimate because a) they are not conforming to a specific occupational role, as in “non-nursing activities” (called unreasonable) or b) there is no legitimate need for them to exist (called unnecessary; Semmer et al., 2007). These features make illegitimate tasks a unique task-related stressor. The concept of illegitimate tasks grew from the “Stress-as-Offense-to-Self” theory (SOS; Semmer et al, 2007); it is conceptually related to role stress (Kahn et al., 1964; Beehr & Glazer, 2005) and the organizational justice tradition (Cropanzano et al., 2001; Greenberg, 2010). SOS argues that a threat to one’s self-image is at the core of many stressful experiences. Violating role expectations, illegitimate tasks can be regarded as a special case of role conflict. As roles shape identities, this violation is postulated to constitute a threat to one’s professional identity. Being assigned a task considered illegitimate is likely to be considered unfair. Lack of fairness, in turn, contains a message about one’s social standing, and thus, the self. However, the aspects discussed have not received much attention in the role stress or the justice/fairness tradition. OBJECTIVE: Illegitimate tasks are a rather recent concept that has to be established as a construct in its own right by showing that it is associated with well-being/strain while controlling for other stressors, most notably role conflict and lack of justice. The aim of the presentation is to present the evidence accumulated so far. METHODS AND RESULTS: We present several studies employing different designs, using different control variables, and testing associations with different criteria. Study 1 demonstrates associations of illegitimate tasks with self-esteem, feelings of resentment against one’s organization, and burnout, controlling for distributive justice, role conflict, and social stressors (i.e. tensions). Study 2 yielded comparable results, using the same outcome variables but controlling for distributive as well as procedural / interactional justice. Study 3 demonstrated associations between illegitimate tasks and feelings of stress, sleeping problems, and emotional exhaustion, controlling for demands, control, and social support among medical doctors. Study 4 showed that feeling appreciated by one’s superior acted as a mediator between illegitimate tasks and job satisfaction and resentments towards the military in Swiss military officers. Study 5 demonstrated an association of illegitimate tasks with counterproductive work behavior (Semmer et al. 2010). Studies 1 to 5 were cross-sectional. In Study 6, illegitimate demands predicted irritability and resentments towards one’s organization longitudinally. Study 7 also was longitudinal, focusing on intra-individual variation in multilevel modeling; occasion-specific illegitimate tasks predicted cortisol among those who judged their health as comparatively poor. Studies 1-3 and 6 used SEM, and measurement models that used unreasonable and unnecessary tasks as indicators (isolated parceling) yielded a good fit. IMPLICATIONS & CONCLUSIONS: These studies demonstrate that illegitimate tasks are a stressor in its own right that is worth studying. It illuminates the social meaning of job design, emphasizing the implications of tasks for the (professional) self, and thus combining aspects that are traditionally treated as separate, that is, social aspects and task characteristics. Practical implications are that supervisors and managers should be alerted to the social messages that may be contained in task assignments (cf. Semmer & Beehr, in press).