529 resultados para neutralization


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The 10-20 qkeV Ar16+ and Ar17+ ions produced by SECRAL enter on metallic surface of Zr. In this interaction, the multi-electron excitation possibly occurred in the neutralization of the highly charged Ar16+ ions, which produced vacancy in the K shell. Electron of the high n state de-excited to K vacancy gives off X-ray. The experimental results show that X-ray intensities for the Ar hollow atom decrease with increase of incidence energy, and L beta X-ray intensities of target atom Zr increase with increasing incidence energy. K alpha X-ray yield per ion for Ar17+ was five orders of magnitude greater than that for Ar16+


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Al K-shell X-ray yields are measured with highly charged Arq+ ions (q = 12-16) bombarding against aluminium. The energy range of the Ar ions is from 180 to 380 keV. K-shell ionization cross sections of aluminium are also obtained from the yields data. The experimental data is explained within the framework of 2p pi-2p sigma s rotational coupling. When Ar ions with 2p-shell vacancies are incident on aluminium, the vacancies begin to reduce. Meanwhile, collisions against Al atoms lead to the production of new 2p-shell vacancies of Ar ions. These Ar 2p-shell vacancies will transfer to the 1s orbit of an Al atom via 2p pi-2p sigma s rotational coupling leading to the emission of a K-shell X-ray of aluminiun. A model is constructed based on the base of the above physical scenario. The calculation results of the model are in agreement with the experimental results.


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By use of optical spectrum technology, the spectra of X-ray induced by highly charged Ar-40(q+) ions interacting with Au surface have been studied. The results show that the argon K alpha X-ray were emitted from the hollow atoms formed below the surface. There is a process of multi-electron exciting in neutralization of the Ar16+ ion, with electronic configuration 1s(2) in its ground state below the solid surface. The yield of the projectile K alpha X-ray is related to its initial electronic configuration, and the yield of the target X-ray is related to the projectile kinetic energy.


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This paper studies the X-ray spectra produced by the interaction of highly charged ions of Arq+ (q = 16, 17, 18) with metallic surface of Be, Al, Ni, Mo and Au respectively. The experimental results show that the K alpha X-ray emerges from under the surface of solid in the interaction of ions with targets. The multi-electron excitation occurred in the process neutralization of the Ar16+ in electronic configuration of 1s(2) in metallic surfaces, which produces vacancy in the K shell. Electron from high n state transition to K vacancy gives off X-ray. We find that there is no obvious relation between the shape of X-ray spectra and the different targets. The X-ray yield of incident ions are associated with initial electronic configuration. The X-ray yield of target is related to the kinetic energy of the incident ions.


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Helicon plasma source is known as efficient generator of uniform and high density plasma. A helicon plasma source was developed for investigation of plasma neutralization and plasma lens in the Institute of Modern Physics in China. In this paper, the characteristics of helicon plasma have been studied by using Langmuir four-probe and a high argon plasma density up to 3.9x10(13) cm(-3) have been achieved with the Nagoya type III antenna at the conditions of the magnetic intensity of 200 G, working gas pressure of 2.8x10(-3) Pa, and rf power of 1200 W with a frequency of 27.12 MHz. In the experiment, the important phenomena have been found: for a given magnetic induction intensity, the plasma density became greater with the increase in rf power and tended to saturation, and the helicon mode appeared at the rf power between 200 and 400 W.


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A new strategy for preparing ammonium-type ionic liquid (IL) by acid/base neutralization reaction was proposed. The method contributed to preparing hydroxide-based ammonium IL and resulting task specific ionic liquid (TSIL) with high purity using a low-costly and environment-friendly synthetic. route. Halide contamination in the prepared ILs could be markedly decreased than those prepared by well-established anion metathesis method. Moreover, some novel TSILs composed of cations and anions with big steric hindrances could be prepared by this method. Physicochemical properties of the bifunctional TSILs, i.e., density, water content, decomposition temperature, and munal solubility, were also studied in this article.


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Sodium polyacrylate was synthesized with acrylic acid as the monomer, and sodium bisulfate and ammonium persulfate as the initiator, by means of aqueous solution polymerization. The factors influencing the properties of moisture absorption, such as monomer concentration, dosage of initiator, and reaction temperature were systematically investigated. The experimental results indicate that the moisture-absorbing property of this polymer was better than other traditional material, such as silica gel, and molecular sieve. The best reaction condition and formula are based on the orthogonal experiment design. The optimum moisture absorbency of sodium polyacrylate reaches 1.01 g/g. The mathematical correlation of this polymer with various factors and moisture absorbency is obtained based on the multiple regression analysis. The moisture content intuitive analysis table shows that neutralization degree has the most significant influence on moisture absorbency, followed by monomer concentration and reaction temperature, while other factors have less influence.


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Self-assembling of novel biodegradable ABC-type triblock copolymer poly(ethylene glycol)-poly(L-lactide)-poly(L-glutamic acid) (PEG-PLLA-PLGA) is studied. In aqueous media, it self-assembles into a spherical micelle with the hydrophobic PLLA segment in the core and the two hydrophilic segments PEG and PLGA in the shell. With the lengths of PEG and PLLA blocks fixed, the diameter of the micelles depends on the length of the PLGA block and on the volume ratio of H2O/dimethylformamide (DMF) in the media. When the PLGA block is long enough, morphology of the self-assembly is pH-dependent. It assembles into the spherical micelle in aqueous media at pH 4.5 and into the connected rod at or below pH 3.2. The critical micelle concentration (cmc) of the copolymer changes accordingly with decreasing solution pH. Both aggregation states can convert to each other at the proper pH value. This reversibility is ascribed to the dissociation and neutralization of the COOH groups in the LGA residues. When the PLGA block is short compared to the PEG or PLLA block, it assembles only into the spherical micelle at various pH values.


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Artemia has evolved a unique developmental pattern of encysted embryos to cope with various environmental threats. Cell divisions totally cease during the preemergence developmental stage from gastrula to prenauplius. The molecular mechanism of this, however, remains unknown. Our study focuses on the involvement of p90 ribosomal S6 kinase (RSK), a family of serine/threonine kinase-mediating signal transduction downstream of mitogen-activated protein kinase cascades, in the termination of cell cycle arrest during the post-embryonic development of Artemia-encysted gastrula. With immunochemistry, morphology, and cell cycle analysis, the identified Artemia RSK was established to be specifically activated during the post-embryonic and early larval developmental stages when arrested cells of encysted embryos resumed mitoses. In vivo knockdown of RSK activity by RNA interference, kinase inhibition, and antibody neutralization consistently induced defective larvae with distinct gaps between the exoskeleton and internal tissues. In these abnormal individuals, mitoses were detected to be largely inhibited in the affected regions. These results display the requirement of RSK activity during Artemia development and suggest its role in termination of cell cycle (G(2)/M phase) arrest and promotion of mitogenesis. Our findings may, thus, provide insights into the regulation of cell division during Artemia post-embryonic development and reveal further aspects of RSK functions.


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Agaro-oligosaccharides were hydrolytically obtained from agar using hydrochloric acid, citric acid, and cationic exchange resin (solid acid). The FT-IR and NMR data showed that the hydrolysate has the structure of agaro-oligomers. Orthogonal matrix method was applied to optimize the preparation conditions based on alpha-naphthylamine end-labeled HPLC analysis method. The optimal way for oligosaccharides with different degree of polymerization (DP) was achieved by using solid acid degradation, which could give high yield and avoid solution neutralization process. Agaro-oligosaccharides with high purity were consequently obtained by activated carbon column isolation. Furthermore, the antioxidant and alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activity of three fractions were also investigated. The result indicated that 8% ethanol-eluted fraction showed highest activity against alpha-glucosidase with IC50 of 8.84 mg/mL, while 25% ethanol-eluted fraction possessed excellent antioxidant ability.


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Ammonia synthesis over ruthenium catalysts supported on different carbon materials using Ba or K compounds as promoters has been investigated. Ba(NO3)(2), KOH, and KNO3 are used as the promoter or promoter precursor, and activated carbon (AC), activated carbon fiber (ACF). and carbon molecular sieve (CMS) are used as the support. The activity measurement for ammonia synthesis was carried out in a flow micro-reactor under mild conditions: 350-450 degreesC and 3.0 MPa. Results show that KOH promoter was more effective than KNO3. and that Ba(NO3)(2) was the most effective promoter among the three. The roles of promoters can be divided into the electronic modification of ruthenium, the neutralization of surface functional groups on the carbon support and the ruthenium precursor. The catalyst with AC as the support gave the highest ammonia concentration in the effluent among the supports used, while the catalyst with ACF as the support showed the highest turnover-frequency (TOF) value. It seems that the larger particles of Ru on the carbon supports are more active for ammonia synthesis in terms of TOF value. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: Eosinophils are observed in several liver diseases, but their contribution in the pathogenesis of these disorders remains poorly investigated. Concanavalin A (Con A)-induced hepatitis is an experimental model of immune-mediated liver injury in which natural killer T (NKT) cells play a critical role through the production of interleukin (IL)-4 and the expression of Fas ligand (FasL). Because activated NKT cells also produce IL-5, a critical cytokine for eosinophil maturation and function, the role of IL-5 was investigated in this model. METHODS: IL-5-deficient mice, eosinophil depletion in wild-type (WT) mice, and NKT cell transfer from WT- or IL-5-deficient mice into NKT cell-deficient mice were used to assess the role of IL-5 and eosinophils. RESULTS: Liver eosinophil infiltrate and IL-5 production were observed after Con A challenge. Liver injury was dramatically reduced in IL-5-deficient or eosinophil-depleted mice. In addition, residual hepatitis observed in Fas-deficient mice was abolished after IL-5 neutralization. Finally, we showed that NKT cells constituted a critical source of IL-5. Indeed, transfer of WT NKT cells to mice lacking NKT cells restored liver injury, whereas transfer of IL-5-deficient NKT cells did not. CONCLUSIONS: These observations highlight the pathologic role of IL-5 and eosinophils in experimental immune-mediated hepatitis.


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The Kawah Ijen volcano-with a record of phreatic eruptions-has its 1000 m wide crater filled with a lake that has existed for at least one century. At present, the lake waters are hot (T ≈ 37°C), strongly mineralized (TDS = 105 g/L) and extremely acidic (pH ≈ 0.4). By its volume, the Javanese lake is probably the largest accumulation in the world of such acidic waters. Mineralogy of the suspended solids within the lake waters suggests that concentrations of Si, Ca, Ti, and Ba are controlled by precipitation of silica, gypsum, anatase, and barite. Lake sediment is composed of chemical precipitates with composition similar to the suspended solids. Thermodynamic calculations predict that the lake waters have reached equilibrium with respect to α-cristobalite, barite, gypsum, anglesite, celestite, and amorphous silica, in agreement with the analytical observations. Significant concentrations of ferric iron suggest that the current lake waters are fairly oxidized. Sulfides are absent in the water column but are always present in the native S spherules that form porous aggregates which float on the lake. The presence of native S provides direct evidence of more reduced conditions at the lake floor where H2S is probably being injected into the lake. With progressive addition of H2S to the acid waters, native S, pyrite, and enargite are theoretically predicted to be saturated. Reactions between upward streaming H2S-bearing gases discharged by subaqueous fumaroles, and metals dissolved in the acidic waters could initiate precipitation of these sulfides. A model of direct absorption of hot magmatic gases into cool water accounts for the extreme acidity of the crater lake. Results show that strongly acidic, sulfate-rich solutions are formed under oxidizing conditions at high gas/water ratios. Reactions between the acidic fluids and the Ijen andesite were modeled to account for elevated cation concentrations in lake water. Current concentrations of conservative rockforming elements are produced by dissolution of approximately 60 g of andesite per kg of acid solution. Complete neutralization of the acid lake waters by reaction with the wallrock produces a theoretical alteration assemblage equivalent to that observed in volcano-hosted, acid-sulfate epithermal ore deposits. © 1994.


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Bacterial lipopolysaccharide (endotoxin) is a frequent contaminant of biological specimens and is also known to be a potent inducer of beta-chemokines and other soluble factors that inhibit HIV-1 infection in vitro. Though lipopolysaccharide (LPS) has been shown to stimulate the production of soluble HIV-1 inhibitors in cultures of monocyte-derived macrophages, the ability of LPS to induce similar inhibitors in other cell types is poorly characterized. Here we show that LPS exhibits potent anti-HIV activity in phytohemagglutinin-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) but has no detectable anti-HIV-1 activity in TZM-bl cells. The anti-HIV-1 activity of LPS in PBMCs was strongly associated with the production of beta-chemokines from CD14-positive monocytes. Culture supernatants from LPS-stimulated PBMCs exhibited potent anti-HIV-1 activity when added to TZM-bl cells but, in this case, the antiviral activity appeared to be related to IFN-gamma rather than to beta-chemokines. These observations indicate that LPS stimulates PBMCs to produce a complex array of soluble HIV-1 inhibitors, including beta-chemokines and IFN-gamma, that differentially inhibit HIV-1 depending on the target cell type. The results also highlight the need to use endotoxin-free specimens to avoid artifacts when assessing HIV-1-specific neutralizing antibodies in PBMC-based assays.


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BACKGROUND: A candidate vaccine consisting of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) subunit gp120 protein was found previously to be nonprotective in an efficacy trial (Vax004) despite strong antibody responses against the vaccine antigens. Here we assessed the magnitude and breadth of neutralizing antibody responses in Vax004. METHODS: Neutralizing antibodies were measured against highly sensitive (tier 1) and moderately sensitive (tier 2) strains of HIV-1 subtype B in 2 independent assays. Vaccine recipients were stratified by sex, race, and high versus low behavioral risk of HIV-1 acquisition. RESULTS: Most vaccine recipients mounted potent neutralizing antibody responses against HIV-1(MN) and other tier 1 viruses. Occasional weak neutralizing activity was detected against tier 2 viruses. The response against tier 1 and tier 2 viruses was significantly stronger in women than in men. Race and behavioral risk of HIV-1 acquisition had no significant effect on the response. Prior vaccination had little effect on the neutralizing antibody response that arose after infection. CONCLUSIONS: Weak overall neutralizing antibody responses against tier 2 viruses is consistent with a lack of protection in this trial. The magnitude and breadth of neutralization reported here should be useful for identifying improved vaccines.