152 resultados para negation


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Defence mechanisms (DM) were investigated in infertile couples (n = 60) waiting for their first infertility consultation, making use of the Defense Mechanisms Inventory (DMI). When compared with results of fertile couples (n = 60), infertile men and women showed a significant trend to avoid the use of defence mechanisms that enable the expression of aggressive impulses as well as a tendency to overuse defence mechanisms that enable the rationalization and negation of frustrating sutations. Such data seem to indicate the presence of defensive inflexibility in couples affected by reproductive stress, while in common couples defensive flexibility is to be expected.


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Abstract Imprecise manipulation of source code (semi-parsing) is useful for tasks such as robust parsing, error recovery, lexical analysis, and rapid development of parsers for data extraction. An island grammar precisely defines only a subset of a language syntax (islands), while the rest of the syntax (water) is defined imprecisely. Usually water is defined as the negation of islands. Albeit simple, such a definition of water is naive and impedes composition of islands. When developing an island grammar, sooner or later a language engineer has to create water tailored to each individual island. Such an approach is fragile, because water can change with any change of a grammar. It is time-consuming, because water is defined manually by an engineer and not automatically. Finally, an island surrounded by water cannot be reused because water has to be defined for every grammar individually. In this paper we propose a new technique of island parsing —- bounded seas. Bounded seas are composable, robust, reusable and easy to use because island-specific water is created automatically. Our work focuses on applications of island parsing to data extraction from source code. We have integrated bounded seas into a parser combinator framework as a demonstration of their composability and reusability.


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"Verzeichnis der bis 1922 erschienenen veröffentlichungen Philipp August Beckers": p. [ix]-xxiii.


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A collection of miscellaneous pamphlets on the romance languages.


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Title within colored ornamental borders.


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Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur konstruktionen av ett nationellt identitetsideal sker inom den diskursiva praktik som artiklar och användarkommentarer tillsammans skapar på de invandrings- och mediekritiska nyhetsplattformarna Avpixlat och Nyheter Idag. Vårt huvudsakliga fokus har varit genus och kultursyn, eftersom dessa aspekter utgör en grundläggande del av identitetskonstruktionen. Kathryn Woodward (1997) menar att all identitetskonstruktion sker genom simultana processer av inkludering och exkludering. Genom att exkludera ‘de Andra’ från ett föreställt ‘vi’ erbjuds möjligheten att avgränsa vad ‘vi’ inte är och på så sätt undvika att uttryckligen fastslå vad ‘vi’ är. På detta sätt kan inre motsättningar eller självmotsägelser döljas och ignoreras. Detta blir särskilt aktuellt då den rådande flyktingkrisen medför att människor tvingas lämna sina hemländer för att på obestämd tid befinna sig inom andra nationella gemenskaper. Vilket i sin tur aktualiserar frågan kring medborgarskap samt vem som betraktas som svensk och inte. Vi kommer därför att använda oss av teorier kring hur nationalism och nationell identitet skapas, vilken roll genus fyller i denna process samt hur vi kan förstå den kultursyn som uttrycks av artiklar och i användarkommentarerna. I analysen har vi använt oss av en kritisk diskursanalys enligt Faircloughs modell. Han menar att språket är simultant konstruerat och konstruerande, men även att språket innehåller möjligheter att skapa omedvetna maktstrukturer i den språkliga praktiken, vilka kan dölja ideologiska förtecken samt rådande maktförhållanden. Metoden avser därför att avtäcka dessa strukturer. Detta sker genom analys av texter på tre nivåer: text, diskursiv praktik samt social praktik.Utifrån vår analys menar vi därför att användarkommentarerna använder sig av en kultursyn från globaliseringsparadigmet clash of civilizations i kombination med ett orientalistiskt synsätt, för att konstruera ett imaginärt nationellt identitetsideal. Genom att producera de binära oppositionerna 'vi svenskar' och 'de Andra' möjliggörs en identifikation i negation till 'de Andras' tillskrivna och oönskade egenskaper. Genus fyller vidare en tveeggad roll i denna konstruktion. Å ena sidan gestaltas kvinnor enbart som objekt för kvinnosyn: 'vår' jämställdhet och 'våra' goda jämställda män i konstrast mot 'Andras' förlegade och förtryckande kvinnosyn. 'Deras' kvinnosyn riskerar även att gå ut över 'våra' kvinnor och placera dem under samma förtryck som 'Andra' kvinnor upplever. Å andra sidan möjliggörs genuskonstruktionen av mannen som nationens beskyddare, där kvinnor 'är' nationen medan män 'gör' nationen. Mannen framställs här som det aktiva subjektet, vars ansvar är att beskydda nationen från såväl inre som yttre hot. Vidare menar vi att det finns ett tydligt maskulinitetsideal, där jämställdhet utgör den främsta markören för 'svenska män’ samtidigt som artiklar och användarkommentarer etablerar en negation av ‘de ojämställda Andra’, där män från ‘Andra’ kulturer anses representera en patriarkal och förtryckande struktur. 


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Este trabalho consiste em um estudo comparativo entre os escritos de John Wesley (1703-1791) e Ellen G. White (1827-1915) procurando definir os conceitos de santificação de cada autor. São descritos os fatores que levaram a elaboração desta percepção tanto em John Wesley como em Ellen G. White e verificadas as congruências entre os autores estudados como o conceito de amadurecimento contínuo, a negação de impecabilidade, a necessidade de dependência constante em Deus e obediência à Sua lei entre outros. São verificadas também as divergências entre ambos os autores, como os conceitos wesleyanos de santificação instantânea, a segunda obra da graça, e os conceitos whiteanos de perfeição de caráter e esferas de perfeição. Neste trabalho, também são destacadas algumas contribuições e implicações para a teologia na atualidade como os conceitos da finitude humana, o pecado e a natureza humana, a práxis e suas motivações religiosas e a colaboração divino/humana no desenvolvimento.


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Os ideais de liberdade exigiram do povo negro diferenciadas práticas para romper com o sistema escravista. Eram as rebeliões em navios, os atos de infanticídio, os justiçamentos dos feitores, as revoltas, além de participações em movimentos libertários e formações de quilombos. Dentre estas formas de organização, o quilombo foi fenômeno essencial nos mais de 300 anos de escravismo no Brasil. Em cada região existiam quilombos, pois para a população negra, cativa ou não, esse era o melhor meio de alcançar a liberdade, um meio coletivo para enfrentar o sistema. O Quilombo do Urubu representou a insistência em garantir a condição humana que o regime escravista negava, sobretudo às mulheres, aos homens e às crianças negras. Essa era uma força que saía de suas entranhas como grito de liberdade, configurada nas fugas em busca de um lugar que lhes assegurasse aproximação de uma vida digna e que pudessem orgulhar-sedo seu porte físico e da sua cultura. Todo esse desprendimento, além de uma força física, exigia um completo conhecimento histórico e espiritual, resguardado pela religiosidade que fortalecia seus espíritos para lutar contra toda negação de humanidade do século XIX no subúrbio da capital baiana. A líder Zeferina, inconformada com a exclusão social de seu povo negro, e entusiasmada pelo poder de herança de ancestralidade, pelo conhecimento de raiz da cultura matrilinear angolana, pelo profundo conhecimento histórico de resistência da rainha Nzinga Mbandi e pela tradição de quilombolas e guerreiras, viveu e lutou pelo sonho de liberdade. Hoje, a chama desse poder é mantida acesa na caminhada de celebração do 20 de novembro pela comunidade de Pirajá e arredores, enquanto referencial de resistência negra na luta contra as exclusões sociais vigentes.(AU)


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O tema desta tese é a concepção de Deus e de religião no pensamento de Jacques Lacan. Partindo de um estudo dos principais conceitos da psicanálise lacaniana, articulados em torno dos registros do imaginário, do simbólico e do real, a tese aborda as diferentes expressões da dimensão da falta que caracteriza a condição do ser humano e as articula com sua incidência sobre o desenvolvimento das concepções de Deus e de religião em Lacan. Constata que Lacan trabalha com duas concepções distintas de Deus: Uma relacionada com os registros do imaginário e do simbólico, onde Deus se caracteriza como aquele que se constitui pelo sacrifício do desejo do sujeito oferecido a ele como forma de negar a falta é o Deus que goza do sujeito. A outra está relacionada ao registro do real. É o Deus que se manifesta no sintoma, que porta um enigma e uma falta, suscitando o desejo no sujeito. Lacan o identifica como o Deus de Moisés. Essas diferentes concepções de Deus permitem uma crítica à concepção lacaniana de religião, bem como, a identificação de pontos de proximidade entre esta e a psicanálise.


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Received wisdom has it that positive polarity items such as someone are incompatible with negation (?*Someone didn't come). Yet negative contexts are attested with such items not only in their specific indefinite reading (e.g. There's someone who didn't come), but also in their non-specific reading (It isn't the case that someone came). It is the non-specific reading of indefinite quelqu'un as subject of a negative verb phrase which is analysed by the present paper. On the basis of a corpus of attested cases, it demonstrates that polemic contrast is the crucial condition of the considered interpretation. As quelqu'un is included within a presupposed proposition that is rejected as a whole by negation, negative contexts can accommodate an item which does not normally yield the interpretations negation does. Interpretation is thus presented as process of mutual adjustment between contextual readings allowed for by items, readings which can be modalised by discursive values.


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This book untangles the old grammatical paradox allowing for several negations within the same negative clause through his work of the scope of negations. The scope of each negation over the same predicate is what allows for concordant values. The frequent co-occurrence of negative items, cases of double negation and the expletive negative, as compared to constituent negation, help to demonstrate this. Analysis of these phenomena is based on a large body of data of different varieties of French considered in the light of historical, typological, and psycholinguistic tendencies. While extensive reference is made to current analysis, independence is maintained from any particular model. Starting from syntactic generalisations, the work provides an innovative solution to a classic interpretative issue.


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The organization of linguistic meaning is animated by the duality between the sense of signs and the reference to the experience of speakers. How the presuppositions communicated by speakers emanate from the conventional value of signs and their cotextual dependencies is explored in this monograph on the scope and focus of negation. Negation can have scope over the predicate of the sequence in which it is used. The body of data brought together show that a variety of configurations preclude command of the predicate by the negative scoping over it, and that scope is a semantic rather than structural relation. Scope defines the domain in which an item can be focused by negation. Negative focus is dependent on the evocation of an alternative value, which may be generated by lexical antonymy, syntactic determination or contextual corrections. The study of focus and scope of negation on the basis of attested examples from different varieties of French demonstrates how the independently motivated semantic principles of relation to predicate and reference to an alternative value account for the observed effects.


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What is the role of pragmatics in the evolution of grammatical paradigms? It is to maintain marked candidates that may come to be the default expression. This perspective is validated by the Jespersen cycle, where the standard expression of sentential negation is renewed as pragmatically marked negatives achieve default status. How status changes are effected, however, remains to be documented. This is what is achieved in this paper that looks at the evolution of preverbal negative non in Old and Middle French. The negative, which categorically marks pragmatic activation (Dryer 1996) with finite verbs in Old French, loses this value when used with non-finite verbs in Middle French. This process is accompanied by competing semantic reanalyses of the distribution of infinitives negated in this way, and by the co-occurrence with a greater lexical variety of verbs. The absence of pragmatic contribution should lead the marker to take on the role of default, which is already fulfilled by a well-established ne ... pas, pushing non to decline. Hard empirical evidence is thus provided that validates the assumed role of pragmatics in the Jespersen cycle, supporting the general view of pragmatics as supporting alternative candidates that may or may not achieve default status in the evolution of a grammatical paradigm.


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Requirements awareness should help optimize requirements satisfaction when factors that were uncertain at design time are resolved at runtime. We use the notion of claims to model assumptions that cannot be verified with confidence at design time. By monitoring claims at runtime, their veracity can be tested. If falsified, the effect of claim negation can be propagated to the system's goal model and an alternative means of goal realization selected automatically, allowing the dynamic adaptation of the system to the prevailing environmental context. © 2011 IEEE.


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Existing political theory, particularly which deals with justice and/or rights, has long assumed citizenship as a core concept. Noncitizenship, if it is considered at all, is generally defined merely as the negation or deprivation of citizenship. As such, it is difficult to examine successfully the status of noncitizens, obligations towards them, and the nature of their role in political systems. This article addresses this critical gap by defining the theoretical problem that noncitizenship presents and demonstrating why it is an urgent concern. It surveys the contributions to the special issue for which the article is an introduction, drawing on cross-cutting themes and debates to highlight the importance of theorising noncitizenship due to both the problematic gap that exists in the theoretical literature, and the real world problems created as a result of noncitizenship which are not currently successfully addressed. Finally, the article discusses key future directions for the theorisation of noncitizenship.