973 resultados para mutual information


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In this paper, we investigate the capacity of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless communication systems over spatially correlated Rayleigh distributed flat fading channels with complex Gaussian additive noise. Specifically, we derive the probability density function of the mutual information between transmitted and received complex signals of MIMO systems. Using this density we derive the closed-form ergodic capacity (mean), delay-limited capacity, capacity variance and outage capacity formulas for spatially correlated channels and then evaluate these formulas numerically. Numerical results show how the channel correlation degrades the capacity of MIMO communication systems. We also show that the density of mutual information of correlated/uncorrelated MIMO systems can be approximated by a Gaussian density with derived mean and variance, even for a finite number of inputs and outputs.


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A spectrally efficient cooperative protocol for uplink wireless transmission in a centralised communication system is proposed, where each of the N users play the relaying and source roles simultaneously by using superposition (SP) modulation. The probability density function of the mutual information between SP-modulated transmitted and received signals of the cooperative uplink channels is derived. Using the high-signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) approximation of this density function, the outage probability formula of the system as well as its easily computable tight upper and lower bounds are obtained and these formulas are evaluated numerically. Numerical results show that the proposed strategy can achieve around 3 dB performance gain over comparable schemes. Furthermore, the multiplexing and diversity tradeoff formula is derived to illustrate the optimal performance of the proposed protocol, which also confirms that the SP relaying transmission does not cause any loss of data rate. Moreover, performance characterisation in terms of ergodic and outage capacities are studied and numerical results show that the proposed scheme can achieve significantly larger outage capacity than direct transmission, which is similar to other cooperative schemes. The superiority of the proposed strategy is demonstrated by the fact that it can maintain almost the same ergodic capacity as the direct transmission, whereas the ergodic capacity of other cooperative schemes would be much worse.


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For the first time in this paper the authors present results showing the effect of out of plane speaker head pose variation on a lip biometric based speaker verification system. Using appearance DCT based features, they adopt a Mutual Information analysis technique to highlight the class discriminant DCT components most robust to changes in out of plane pose. Experiments are conducted using the initial phase of a new multi view Audio-Visual database designed for research and development of pose-invariant speech and speaker recognition. They show that verification performance can be improved by substituting higher order horizontal DCT components for vertical, particularly in the case of a train/test pose angle mismatch.


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Inferring gene regulatory networks from large-scale expression data is an important problem that received much attention in recent years. These networks have the potential to gain insights into causal molecular interactions of biological processes. Hence, from a methodological point of view, reliable estimation methods based on observational data are needed to approach this problem practically.

In this paper, we introduce a novel gene regulatory network inference (GRNI) algorithm, called C3NET. We compare C3NET with four well known methods, ARACNE, CLR, MRNET and RN, conducting in-depth numerical ensemble simulations and demonstrate also for biological expression data from E. coli that C3NET performs consistently better than the best known GRNI methods in the literature. In addition, it has also a low computational complexity. Since C3NET is based on estimates of mutual information values in conjunction with a maximization step, our numerical investigations demonstrate that our inference algorithm exploits causal structural information in the data efficiently.

For systems biology to succeed in the long run, it is of crucial importance to establish methods that extract large-scale gene networks from high-throughput data that reflect the underlying causal interactions among genes or gene products. Our method can contribute to this endeavor by demonstrating that an inference algorithm with a neat design permits not only a more intuitive and possibly biological interpretation of its working mechanism but can also result in superior results.


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Polar codes are one of the most recent advancements in coding theory and they have attracted significant interest. While they are provably capacity achieving over various channels, they have seen limited practical applications. Unfortunately, the successive nature of successive cancellation based decoders hinders fine-grained adaptation of the decoding complexity to design constraints and operating conditions. In this paper, we propose a systematic method for enabling complexity-performance trade-offs by constructing polar codes based on an optimization problem which minimizes the complexity under a suitably defined mutual information based performance constraint. Moreover, a low-complexity greedy algorithm is proposed in order to solve the optimization problem efficiently for very large code lengths.


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Research in emotion analysis of text suggest that emotion lexicon based features are superior to corpus based n-gram features. However the static nature of the general purpose emotion lexicons make them less suited to social media analysis, where the need to adopt to changes in vocabulary usage and context is crucial. In this paper we propose a set of methods to extract a word-emotion lexicon automatically from an emotion labelled corpus of tweets. Our results confirm that the features derived from these lexicons outperform the standard Bag-of-words features when applied to an emotion classification task. Furthermore, a comparative analysis with both manually crafted lexicons and a state-of-the-art lexicon generated using Point-Wise Mutual Information, show that the lexicons generated from the proposed methods lead to significantly better classi- fication performance.


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Esta tese descreve uma framework de trabalho assente no paradigma multi-camada para analisar, modelar, projectar e optimizar sistemas de comunicação. Nela se explora uma nova perspectiva acerca da camada física que nasce das relações entre a teoria de informação, estimação, métodos probabilísticos, teoria da comunicação e codificação. Esta framework conduz a métodos de projecto para a próxima geração de sistemas de comunicação de alto débito. Além disso, a tese explora várias técnicas de camada de acesso com base na relação entre atraso e débito para o projeto de redes sem fio tolerantes a atrasos. Alguns resultados fundamentais sobre a interação entre a teoria da informação e teoria da estimação conduzem a propostas de um paradigma alternativo para a análise, projecto e optimização de sistemas de comunicação. Com base em estudos sobre a relação entre a informação recíproca e MMSE, a abordagem descrita na tese permite ultrapassar, de forma inovadora, as dificuldades inerentes à optimização das taxas de transmissão de informação confiáveis em sistemas de comunicação, e permite a exploração da atribuição óptima de potência e estruturas óptimas de pre-codificação para diferentes modelos de canal: com fios, sem fios e ópticos. A tese aborda também o problema do atraso, numa tentativa de responder a questões levantadas pela enorme procura de débitos elevados em sistemas de comunicação. Isso é feito através da proposta de novos modelos para sistemas com codificação de rede (network coding) em camadas acima da sua camada física. Em particular, aborda-se a utilização de sistemas de codificação em rede para canais que variam no tempo e são sensíveis a atrasos. Isso foi demonstrado através da proposta de um novo modelo e esquema adaptativo, cujos algoritmos foram aplicados a sistemas sem fios com desvanecimento (fading) complexo, de que são exemplos os sistemas de comunicação via satélite. A tese aborda ainda o uso de sistemas de codificação de rede em cenários de transferência (handover) exigentes. Isso é feito através da proposta de novos modelos de transmissão WiFi IEEE 801.11 MAC, que são comparados com codificação de rede, e que se demonstram possibilitar transferência sem descontinuidades. Pode assim dizer-se que esta tese, através de trabalho de análise e de propostas suportadas por simulações, defende que na concepção de sistemas de comunicação se devem considerar estratégias de transmissão e codificação que sejam não só próximas da capacidade dos canais, mas também tolerantes a atrasos, e que tais estratégias têm de ser concebidas tendo em vista características do canal e a camada física.


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The modulation of neural activity in visual cortex is thought to be a key mechanism of visual attention. The investigation of attentional modulation in high-level visual areas, however, is hampered by the lack of clear tuning or contrast response functions. In the present functional magnetic resonance imaging study we therefore systematically assessed how small voxel-wise biases in object preference across hundreds of voxels in the lateral occipital complex were affected when attention was directed to objects. We found that the strength of attentional modulation depended on a voxel's object preference in the absence of attention, a pattern indicative of an amplificatory mechanism. Our results show that such attentional modulation effectively increased the mutual information between voxel responses and object identity. Further, these local modulatory effects led to improved information-based object readout at the level of multi-voxel activation patterns and to an increased reproducibility of these patterns across repeated presentations. We conclude that attentional modulation enhances object coding in local and distributed object representations of the lateral occipital complex.


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This paper analyses forest fires in the perspective of dynamical systems. Forest fires exhibit complex correlations in size, space and time, revealing features often present in complex systems, such as the absence of a characteristic length-scale, or the emergence of long range correlations and persistent memory. This study addresses a public domain forest fires catalogue, containing information of events for Portugal, during the period from 1980 up to 2012. The data is analysed in an annual basis, modelling the occurrences as sequences of Dirac impulses with amplitude proportional to the burnt area. First, we consider mutual information to correlate annual patterns. We use visualization trees, generated by hierarchical clustering algorithms, in order to compare and to extract relationships among the data. Second, we adopt the Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) visualization tool. MDS generates maps where each object corresponds to a point. Objects that are perceived to be similar to each other are placed on the map forming clusters. The results are analysed in order to extract relationships among the data and to identify forest fire patterns.


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This paper analyses forest fires in the perspective of dynamical systems. Forest fires exhibit complex correlations in size, space and time, revealing features often present in complex systems, such as the absence of a characteristic length-scale, or the emergence of long range correlations and persistent memory. This study addresses a public domain forest fires catalogue, containing information of events for Portugal, during the period from 1980 up to 2012. The data is analysed in an annual basis, modelling the occurrences as sequences of Dirac impulses with amplitude proportional to the burnt area. First, we consider mutual information to correlate annual patterns. We use visualization trees, generated by hierarchical clustering algorithms, in order to compare and to extract relationships among the data. Second, we adopt the Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) visualization tool. MDS generates maps where each object corresponds to a point. Objects that are perceived to be similar to each other are placed on the map forming clusters. The results are analysed in order to extract relationships among the data and to identify forest fire patterns.


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Le Mali est devenu un milieu attractif pour les essais cliniques. Cependant, le cadre de réglementation pour leur surveillance y est très limité. Le pays manque de l’expertise, de l’infrastructure et des ressources nécessaires pour mettre en œuvre pleinement la régulation. Ceci représente un risque pour la sécurité des sujets de recherche et l’intégrité des résultats scientifiques. Il ne permet pas non plus de s’aligner sur les normes internationales en vigueur, telles que la déclaration d’Helsinki, les directives éthiques internationales du Conseil des organisations internationales des sciences médicales (CIOMS) ou les réglementations de pays industrialisés comme les États-Unis, le Canada ou l’Union Européenne. Pour améliorer la situation, la présente étude vise à comprendre les enjeux de la régulation des essais cliniques au Mali afin de suggérer des pistes de solutions et des recommandations. L’étude a été réalisée à l’aide de méthodes qualitatives, soit l’examen de documents officiels et des entrevues semi-dirigées avec les principaux acteurs impliqués dans les essais cliniques. La théorie néo-institutionnelle a servi de toile de fond à l’analyse des données. L’approche néo-institutionnelle consiste à expliquer l’influence de l’environnement sur les organisations. Selon cette approche, l’environnement s’assimile à des champs organisationnels incluant les connexions locales ou non, les liens horizontaux et verticaux, les influences culturelles et politiques ainsi que les échanges techniques. Les résultats présentés dans un premier article montrent l’existence de nombreux enjeux reflétant la carence du système de régulation au Mali. La coexistence de quatre scénarios d’approbation des essais cliniques illustre bien l’inconsistance des mécanismes. Tout comme l’absence d’inspection, l’inconsistance des mécanismes traduit également l’intervention limitée des pouvoirs publics dans la surveillance réglementaire. Ces enjeux résultent d’une double influence subie par les autorités réglementaires et les comités d’éthique. Ceux-ci sont, d’une part, influencés par l’environnement institutionnel sous pressions réglementaires, cognitives et normatives. D’autre part, les pouvoirs publics subissent l’influence des chercheurs qui opèrent comme des entrepreneurs institutionnels en occupant un rôle central dans le champ de la régulation. Dans un second article, l’étude propose une analyse détaillée des facteurs influençant la régulation des essais cliniques. Ces facteurs sont synthétisés en cinq groupes répartis entre deux sphères d’influence. L’analyse montre combien ces facteurs influencent négativement la régulation, notamment : 1) la structuration inachevée du champ de régulation due à un faible degré d’interactions, une absence de structure de coordination, d’informations mutuelles et de conscience dans la constitution des interdépendances; et 2) les positions relatives des acteurs impliqués dans la construction du champ de régulation se manifestant par une faible autorité des pouvoirs publics et l’ascendance des groupes de recherche. Enfin, dans un troisième article nous proposons quelques mécanismes qui, s’ils sont mis en œuvre, pourraient améliorer la régulation des essais cliniques au Mali. Ces mécanismes sont présentés, en référence au cadre théorique, sous trois types de vecteurs d’influence, notamment réglementaires, normatifs et cognitifs-culturels. En guise de conclusion, l’étude envoie un signal fort pour la nécessité d’une régulation appropriée des essais cliniques au Mali. Elle montre que la plupart des problèmes de fond en matière de régulation relèvent d’un besoin de restructuration du champ organisationnel et de renforcement de la position des pouvoirs publics.


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The thesis report results obtained from a detailed analysis of the fluctuations of the rheological parameters viz. shear and normal stresses, simulated by means of the Stokesian Dynamics method, of a macroscopically homogeneous sheared suspension of neutrally buoyant non-Brownian suspension of identical spheres in the Couette gap between two parallel walls in the limit of vanishingly small Reynolds numbers using the tools of non-linear dynamics and chaos theory for a range of particle concentration and Couette gaps. The thesis used the tools of nonlinear dynamics and chaos theory viz. average mutual information, space-time separation plots, visual recurrence analysis, principal component analysis, false nearest-neighbor technique, correlation integrals, computation of Lyapunov exponents for a range of area fraction of particles and for different Couette gaps. The thesis observed that one stress component can be predicted using another stress component at the same area fraction. This implies a type of synchronization of one stress component with another stress component. This finding suggests us to further analysis of the synchronization of stress components with another stress component at the same or different area fraction of particles. The different model equations of stress components for different area fraction of particles hints at the possible existence a general formula for stress fluctuations with area fraction of particle as a parameter


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The registration of pre-operative volumetric datasets to intra- operative two-dimensional images provides an improved way of verifying patient position and medical instrument loca- tion. In applications from orthopedics to neurosurgery, it has a great value in maintaining up-to-date information about changes due to intervention. We propose a mutual information- based registration algorithm to establish the proper align- ment. For optimization purposes, we compare the perfor- mance of the non-gradient Powell method and two slightly di erent versions of a stochastic gradient ascent strategy: one using a sparsely sampled histogramming approach and the other Parzen windowing to carry out probability density approximation. Our main contribution lies in adopting the stochastic ap- proximation scheme successfully applied in 3D-3D registra- tion problems to the 2D-3D scenario, which obviates the need for the generation of full DRRs at each iteration of pose op- timization. This facilitates a considerable savings in compu- tation expense. We also introduce a new probability density estimator for image intensities via sparse histogramming, de- rive gradient estimates for the density measures required by the maximization procedure and introduce the framework for a multiresolution strategy to the problem. Registration results are presented on uoroscopy and CT datasets of a plastic pelvis and a real skull, and on a high-resolution CT- derived simulated dataset of a real skull, a plastic skull, a plastic pelvis and a plastic lumbar spine segment.


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One of the key aspects in 3D-image registration is the computation of the joint intensity histogram. We propose a new approach to compute this histogram using uniformly distributed random lines to sample stochastically the overlapping volume between two 3D-images. The intensity values are captured from the lines at evenly spaced positions, taking an initial random offset different for each line. This method provides us with an accurate, robust and fast mutual information-based registration. The interpolation effects are drastically reduced, due to the stochastic nature of the line generation, and the alignment process is also accelerated. The results obtained show a better performance of the introduced method than the classic computation of the joint histogram


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We agree with Duckrow and Albano [Phys. Rev. E 67, 063901 (2003)] and Quian Quiroga et al. [Phys. Rev. E 67, 063902 (2003)] that mutual information (MI) is a useful measure of dependence for electroencephalogram (EEG) data, but we show that the improvement seen in the performance of MI on extracting dependence trends from EEG is more dependent on the type of MI estimator rather than any embedding technique used. In an independent study we conducted in search for an optimal MI estimator, and in particular for EEG applications, we examined the performance of a number of MI estimators on the data set used by Quian Quiroga et al. in their original study, where the performance of different dependence measures on real data was investigated [Phys. Rev. E 65, 041903 (2002)]. We show that for EEG applications the best performance among the investigated estimators is achieved by k-nearest neighbors, which supports the conjecture by Quian Quiroga et al. in Phys. Rev. E 67, 063902 (2003) that the nearest neighbor estimator is the most precise method for estimating MI.