916 resultados para musculoskeletal risks


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Though there is much interest in mobilities and performing mobilities as a characteristic of modern, urban, social life today, this is not always matched by attention to immobilities, as the flipside of mobility in modern life. In this paper, I investigate public space performances designed to draw attention to precisely this counterpoint to current discourses of mobilities – performances about the socially produced immobilities many people with disabilities find a more fundamental feature of day-to-day life, the fight for mobility, and the freedom found when accommodations for alternative mobilities are made available. Although public policy is increasingly aligned with a social model of disability, which sees disability as socially constructed through systems, institutions and infrastructure deliberately designed to exclude specific bodies – stairs, curbs, queues and so forth – and although governments in the US, UK, and to a lesser degree Australia, New Zealand and other Commonwealth nations aim to address these inequalities, the experience of immobility is still every-present for many people. This often comes not just from pain, or from impairment, or event from lack of accommodations for alternative mobilities, but from fellow social performers’ antipathy to, appropriation of, or destruction of accommodations designed to facilitate access for a range of different bodies in public space, and thus the public sphere. The archetypal instance of this tension between the mobile, and those needing accommodations to allow mobility, is, of course, the antipathy many able bodied people feel towards the provision of disabled parking spaces. A cursory search online shows thousands of accounts of antagonism, vitriol, and even violence prompted by disputes which began when a disabled person asked an able person to exit a designated disabled parking space. For many, it seems, expecting them to pass by such parks so others can experience the mobility they take for granted is too much. In this paper, I examine a number of protest performances in public space in which activist present actions – for example, placing wheelchairs in every regular parking space in a precinct – to give bystanders, passersby and spectators, as well as antagonistic fellow social performers, a sense of what socially produced immobility feels like. I examine responses to such protest performances, and what they say about the potential social, political and ethical impacts of such protests, in terms of their potential to produce new attitudes to mobility, alternative mobility, and access to alternative modes of mobility.


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This dissertation considers the problem of trust in the context of food consumption. The research perspectives refer to institutional conditions for consumer trust, personal practices of food consumption, and strategies consumers employ for controlling the safety of their food. The main concern of the study is to investigate consumer trust as an adequate response to food risks, i.e. a strategy helping the consumer to make safe choices in an uncertain food situation. "Risky" perspective serves as a frame of reference for understanding and explaining trust relations. The original aim of the study was to reveal the meanings applied to the concepts of trust, safety and risks in the perspective of market choices, the assessments of food risks and the ways of handling them. Supplementary research tasks presumed descriptions of institutional conditions for consumer trust, including descriptions of the food market, and the presentation of food consumption patterns in St. Petersburg. The main empirical material is based on qualitative interviews with consumers and interviews and group discussions with professional experts (market actors, representatives of inspection bodies and consumer organizations). Secondary material is used for describing institutional conditions for consumer trust and the market situation. The results suggest that the idea of consumer trust is associated with the reputation of suppliers, stable quality and taste of their products, and reliable food information. Being a subjectively constructed state connected to the act of acceptance, consumer trust results in positive buying decisions and stable preferences in the food market. The consumers' strategies that aim at safe food choices refer to repetitive interactions with reliable market actors that free them from constant consideration in the marketplace. Trust in food is highly mediated by trust in institutions involved in the food system. The analysis reveals a clear pattern of disbelief in the efficiency of institutional food control. The study analyses this as a reflection of "total distrust" that appears to be a dominant mood in many contexts of modern Russia. However, the interviewees emphasize the state's decisive role in suppressing risks in the food market. Also, the findings are discussed with reference to the consumers' possibilities of personal control over food risks. Three main responses to a risky food situation are identified: the reflexive approach, the traditional approach, and the fatalistic approach.


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Yhteenveto: Kemikaalien teollisesta käsittelystä vesieliöille aiheutuvien riskien arviointi mallin avulla.


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Since the 1970s alcohol and drug use by pregnant women has become a target of political, professional and personal concern. The present study focuses on prenatal substance use and the regulation of risks by examining different kinds of societal responses to prenatal alcohol and drug use. The study analyses face-to-face encounters between professionals and service users at a specialised maternity clinic for pregnant women with substance abuse problems, medical and political discourses on the compulsory treatment of pregnant women as a means of FAS prevention and official recommendations on alcohol intake during pregnancy. Moreover, the study addresses the women s perspective by asking how women who have used illicit drugs during pregnancy perceive and rank the dangers linked to drug use. The study consists of five empirical sub-studies and a summary article. Sub-study I was written in collaboration with Dorte Hecksher and Sub-study IV with Riikka Perälä. Theoretically the study builds on the one hand, on the socio-cultural approach to the selection and perception of risks and on the other on governmentality studies which focus on the use of power in contemporary Western societies. The study is based on an ethnographic approach and makes use of the principles of multi-sited ethnography. The empirical sub-studies are based on three different types of qualitative data: ethnographic field notes from a maternity clinic from a period of 7 months, documentary material (medical journals, political documents, health education materials, government reports) and 3) interviews from maternity clinics with clients and members of staff. The study demonstrates that the logic of the regulation of prenatal alcohol use in Finland is characterised by the rise of the foetus , a process in which the urgency of protecting the foetus has gradually gained a more prominent role in the discourses on alcohol-related foetal damage. An increasing unwillingness to accept any kinds of risks when foetal health is at stake is manifested in the public debate on the compulsory treatment of pregnant women with alcohol problems and in the health authorities decision to advise pregnant women to refrain from alcohol use during pregnancy (Sub-studies I and II). Secondly, the study suggests that maternity care professionals have an ambivalent role in their mundane encounters with their pregnant clients: on the one hand professionals focus on the well-being of the foetus, but on the other, they need to take into account the women s needs and agency. The professionals daily encounters with their clients are thus characterised by hybridisation: the simultaneous use of technologies of domination and technologies of agency (Sub-studies III and IV). Finally, the study draws attention to the women s understanding of the risks of illicit drug during pregnancy, and shows that the women s understanding of risk differs from the bio-medical view. The study suggests that when drug-using pregnant women seek professional help they can feel that their moral worth is threatened by professionals negative attitudes which can make service-use challenging.


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Estudo piloto para a avaliação da aplicabilidade de instrumento de pesquisa nas versões impressa e eletrônica sobre riscos e agravos à saúde do trabalhador. Objetiva avaliar comparativamente a aplicação do instrumento sobre riscos e danos no formato eletrônico e formato impresso em trabalhadores de enfermagem. O local do estudo foi o Centro de Material e Esterilização (CME) e a população os profissionais da unidade. Os participantes foram divididos através de sorteio em dois grupos de vinte e oito trabalhadores nomeados grupo impresso e grupo eletrônico. O primeiro grupo respondeu o questionário em formato impresso e o segundo o mesmo questionário no formato eletrônico através de uma home page. Os dados foram analisados através da estatística descritiva simples. Após a aplicação do questionário nos dois formatos, obteve-se resposta de 27 trabalhadores, sendo 20 (71,4%) do grupo impresso e 7 (36,4%) do grupo eletrônico. A aplicação do questionário revelou que no formato eletrônico não há possibilidade de item sem resposta e a análise dos dados pode ser imediata; é uma metodologia limpa e possui menor custo direto de aplicação. Entretanto houve uma taxa de resposta menor que no questionário no formato impresso. Na forma impressa, os pontos negativos foram o custo direto de aplicação mais elevado, possibilidade maior de erros, maior tempo gasto para a coleta e criação de banco de dados. Como pontos positivos tem-se a possibilidade de aplicação a trabalhadores sem experiência em informática, consequentemente apresenta maior taxa de respostas. Ambos os grupos observaram que o questionário possui boas instruções e fácil compreensão, além de curto tempo para resposta. Os trabalhadores observaram a existência de riscos físicos, ergonômicos, químicos, biológicos e de acidentes. As varizes, problemas osteomusculares e problemas oculares foram os mais relatados pelos profissionais como agravos à saúde relacionada ao trabalho. Concluiu-se que este grupo de trabalhadores ainda não está preparado para a realização de pesquisas no formato eletrônico e que a forma impressa ainda tem melhor aceitabilidade. A diferença de respostas nos grupos deveu-se a características pessoais dos respondentes e não a forma de coleta de dados. Ambas as metodologias identificaram fatores de riscos e agravos à saúde dos trabalhadores. Conclui-se que deve ser indicada a aplicação do questionário eletrônico em trabalhadores capacitados no uso da tecnologia computacional. Quanto à evidência da análise dos dados coletados, sugere-se a melhoria da planta física; contratação de profissionais capacitados; treinamento em equipe relacionado aos riscos e medidas de proteção a saúde do trabalhador.


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Assessment and management of risk is needed for sustainable use of genetically modified aquatic organisms (aquatic GMOs). A computer software package for safely conducting research with genetically modified fish and shellfish is described. By answering a series of questions about the organism and the accessible aquatic ecosystem, a researcher or oversight authority can either identify specific risks or conclude that there is a specific reason for safety of the experiment. Risk assessment protocols with examples involving transgenic coho salmon, triploid grass carp and hybrid tilapia are described. In case a specific risk is identified, the user is led to consider risk management measures, involving culture methods, facilities design and operations management, to minimize the risk. Key features of the software are its user-friendly organization; easy access to explanatory text, literature citations and glossary; and automated completion of a worksheet. Documented completion of the Performance Standards can facilitate approval of a well designed experiment by oversight authorities.


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Transfers and introductions of marine species have occurred and are occurring on a worldwide basis, largely in response to perceived needs of expanding aquaculture industries. Greatest interest is in salmon (cage rearing and ocean ranching), shrimp, and bivalve mollusks, although other organisms are being considered. Such movements of animals carry an associated risk of moving pathogens into areas where they did not occur previously, possibly resulting in infections in native species. Many case histories of the effects of introduced pathogens and parasites now exist-enough to suggest that national and international action is necessary. Viral pathogens of shrimp and salmon, as well as protozoan parasites of mollusks and nematode parasites of eels, have entered complex "transfer networks" developed by humans, and have been transported globally with their hosts in several well-documented instances. Examining the records of transfers and introductions of marine species, incomplete as they are, permits the statement of emerging principles-foremost of which is that severe disease outbreaks can result from inadequately controlled or uncontrolled movements of marine animals.


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Objetivou-se nesse estudo identificar os fatores de risco psicossocial que o enfermeiro residente encontra-se exposto em unidades especializadas; descrever as repercussões dos fatores de risco psicossocial para a saúde do enfermeiro residente em unidades especializadas e analisar as formas de enfrentamento adotadas pelo enfermeiro residente diante dos riscos psicossociais em unidades especializadas. Pesquisa qualitativa do tipo exploratória descritiva, cujo campo foi um hospital universitário situado no município do Rio de Janeiro. A partir dos critérios de seleção adotados participaram do estudo 20 enfermeiros residentes do 1 e 2 anos, lotados em unidades especializadas (CTI adulto, UTI neonatal, CTI cardíaco, UI clínica, Unidade Coronariana e Unidade de Doenças Infecto Parasitárias). O estudo obedeceu aos aspectos éticos em conformidade com a Resolução 466/12 sendo aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa (067/2012). Utilizou-se a técnica de entrevista semiestruturada mediante um instrumento contendo em sua primeira parte as características dos sujeitos e na segunda um roteiro com questões abertas que possibilitaram ao residente falar sobre os riscos no ambiente laboral, o modo como era afetado e os mecanismos de enfrentamento adotados. Ao término das entrevistas, realizadas no segundo semestre de 2012 e registradas em meio digital, aplicou-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo, sendo os resultados discutidos a luz da Psicodinâmica do Trabalho. Os resultados evidenciaram que o enfermeiro residente de unidades especializadas encontra-se exposto a inúmeros fatores de risco psicossocial e entre eles: a sobrecarga física e psíquica do trabalho, a ambiguidade de papéis, o relacionamento interpessoal conflituoso, a pouca autonomia, o baixo controle em relação ao processo de trabalho e a precariedade das condições de trabalho. Tais fatores, além de afetarem o processo de formação do residente, acarretam prejuízos a sua saúde física e mental; identificados a partir de queixas como: cansaço, estresse, desgaste, padrão de sono ruim, problemas gastrintestinais, dermatológicos e osteomusculares. Diante do sofrimento no trabalho, o enfermeiro residente elabora estratégias de manejo centradas na emoção (autocontrole, aceitação das responsabilidades, fuga, confronto e resignação) e no problema (negociação, tentativa de solução, suporte social, reavaliação positiva). Concluiu-se que o enfermeiro residente encontra-se exposto a inúmeros fatores de risco psicossocial em unidades especializadas que afetam a sua saúde física e mental. No intuito de concluir a residência e preservar a saúde, o residente elabora estratégias de manejo, que apesar de essenciais não eliminam o sofrimento no trabalho e os problemas vivenciados no dia a dia. Cabe ao órgão formador identificar, monitorar e combater os riscos referidos pelo residente no intuito de promover a capacitação, a satisfação e o bem estar no trabalho, ao se considerar a responsabilidade social pela formação, saúde e inserção do futuro profissional no mercado de trabalho.